import markdown import os import sys import shutil packages = { "rns": "rns-0.6.7-py3-none-any.whl", "nomadnet": "nomadnet-0.4.2-py3-none-any.whl", "lxmf": "lxmf-0.3.8-py3-none-any.whl", "rnsh": "rnsh-0.1.2-py3-none-any.whl", } DEFAULT_TITLE = "RNode Bootstrap Console" SOURCES_PATH="./source" BUILD_PATH="./build" PACKAGES_PATH = "../../dist_archive" RNS_SOURCE_PATH = "../../Reticulum" INPUT_ENCODING="utf-8" OUTPUT_ENCODING="utf-8" LXMF_ADDRESS = "8dd57a738226809646089335a6b03695" document_start = """ {PAGE_TITLE}
""" document_end = """""" menu_md = """
[Start]({CONTENT_PATH}index.html) | [Replicate]({CONTENT_PATH}replicate.html) | [Software]({CONTENT_PATH}software.html) | [Learn]({CONTENT_PATH}learn.html) | [Help](help.html) | [Contribute]({CONTENT_PATH}contribute.html)
""" manual_redirect = """ """ help_redirect = """ """ url_maps = [ # { "path": "", "target": "/.md"}, ] def scan_pages(base_path): files = [file for file in os.listdir(base_path) if os.path.isfile(os.path.join(base_path, file)) and file[:1] != "."] directories = [file for file in os.listdir(base_path) if os.path.isdir(os.path.join(base_path, file)) and file[:1] != "."] page_sources = [] for file in files: if file.endswith(".md"): page_sources.append(base_path+"/"+file) for directory in directories: page_sources.extend(scan_pages(base_path+"/"+directory)) return page_sources def get_prop(md, prop): try: pt = "["+prop+"]: <> (" pp = md.find(pt) if pp != -1: ps = pp+len(pt) pe = md.find(")", ps) return md[ps:pe] else: return None except Exception as e: print("Error while extracting topic property: "+str(e)) return None def list_topic(topic): base_path = SOURCES_PATH+"/"+topic files = [file for file in os.listdir(base_path) if os.path.isfile(os.path.join(base_path, file)) and file[:1] != "." and file != ""] topic_entries = [] for file in files: if file.endswith(".md"): fp = base_path+"/"+file f = open(fp, "rb") link_path = fp.replace(SOURCES_PATH, ".").replace(".md", ".html") md = topic_entries.append({ "title": get_prop(md, "title"), "image": get_prop(md, "image"), "date": get_prop(md, "date"), "excerpt": get_prop(md, "excerpt"), "md": md, "file": link_path }) topic_entries.sort(key=lambda e: e["date"], reverse=True) return topic_entries def render_topic(topic_entries): md = "" for topic in topic_entries: md += "" md += "" md += "" md += ""+str(topic["title"])+"" #md += ""+str(topic["date"])+"" md += ""+str(topic["excerpt"])+"" md += "" md += "" return md def generate_html(f, root_path): md = page_title = get_prop(md, "title") if page_title == None: page_title = DEFAULT_TITLE else: page_title += " | "+DEFAULT_TITLE tt = "{TOPIC:" tp = md.find(tt) if tp != -1: ts = tp+len(tt) te = md.find("}", ts) topic = md[ts:te] rt = tt+topic+"}" tl = render_topic(list_topic(topic)) print("Found topic: "+str(topic)+", rt "+str(rt)) md = md.replace(rt, tl) menu_html = markdown.markdown(menu_md.replace("{CONTENT_PATH}", root_path), extensions=["markdown.extensions.fenced_code", "sane_lists"]).replace("

", "") page_html = markdown.markdown(md, extensions=["markdown.extensions.fenced_code"]).replace("{ASSET_PATH}", root_path) page_html = page_html.replace("{LXMF_ADDRESS}", LXMF_ADDRESS) for pkg_name in packages: page_html = page_html.replace("{PKG_"+pkg_name+"}", "pkg/"+pkg_name+".zip") page_html = page_html.replace("{PKG_BASE_"+pkg_name+"}", pkg_name+".zip") page_html = page_html.replace("{PKG_NAME_"+pkg_name+"}", packages[pkg_name]) page_date = get_prop(md, "date") if page_date != None: page_html = page_html.replace("{DATE}", page_date) return document_start.replace("{ASSET_PATH}", root_path).replace("{MENU}", menu_html).replace("{PAGE_TITLE}", page_title) + page_html + document_end source_files = scan_pages(SOURCES_PATH) mf = open(BUILD_PATH+"/m.html", "w") mf.write(manual_redirect) mf.close() mf = open(BUILD_PATH+"/h.html", "w") mf.write(help_redirect) mf.close() def optimise_manual(path): pm = 176 scale_imgs = [ ("_images/board_rnodev2.png", pm), ("_images/board_rnode.png", pm), ("_images/board_heltec32.png", pm), ("_images/board_t3v21.png", pm), ("_images/board_t3v20.png", pm), ("_images/sideband_devices.webp", pm), ("_images/board_tbeam.png", pm), ("_images/nomadnet_3.png", pm), ("_images/radio_is5ac.png", pm), ("_images/radio_rblhg5.png", pm), ("_static/rns_logo_512.png", 256), ] import subprocess import shlex for i,s in scale_imgs: fp = path+"/"+i resize = "convert "+fp+" -resize "+str(s)+" "+fp print(resize), stdout=subprocess.DEVNULL, stderr=subprocess.DEVNULL) remove_files = [ "objects.inv", "Reticulum Manual.pdf", "Reticulum Manual.epub", "_static/styles/", "_static/scripts/", "_static/jquery-3.6.0.js", "_static/jquery.js", "_static/_sphinx_javascript_frameworks_compat.js", "_static/scripts/furo.js.LICENSE.txt", "_static/styles/", ] for file in remove_files: fp = path+"/"+file print("Removing file: "+str(fp)) try: os.unlink(fp) except Exception as e: print("An error occurred while attempting to unlink "+str(fp)+": "+str(e)) remove_dirs = [ "_sources", ] for d in remove_dirs: fp = path+"/"+d print("Removing dir: "+str(fp)) shutil.rmtree(fp) shutil.move(path, BUILD_PATH+"/m") def fetch_reticulum_site(): r_site_path = BUILD_PATH+"/r" if not os.path.isdir(r_site_path): shutil.copytree(PACKAGES_PATH+"/", r_site_path) if os.path.isdir(r_site_path+"/manual"): optimise_manual(r_site_path+"/manual") remove_files = [ "gfx/reticulum_logo_512.png", ] for file in remove_files: fp = r_site_path+"/"+file print("Removing file: "+str(fp)) os.unlink(fp) replace_paths() def replace_paths(): repls = [ ("gfx/reticulum_logo_512.png", "/m/_static/rns_logo_512.png") ] for root, dirs, files in os.walk(BUILD_PATH): for file in files: fpath = root+"/"+file if fpath.endswith(".html"): print("Performing replacements in "+fpath+"") f = open(fpath, "rb") html ="utf-8") f.close() for s,r in repls: html = html.replace(s,r) f = open(fpath, "wb") f.write(html.encode("utf-8")) f.close() # if not os.path.isdir(BUILD_PATH+"/d"): # os.makedirs(BUILD_PATH+"/d") # shutil.move(fpath, BUILD_PATH+"/d/") def remap_names(): for root, dirs, files in os.walk(BUILD_PATH): for file in files: fpath = root+"/"+file spath = fpath.replace(BUILD_PATH, "") if len(spath) > 31: print("Path "+spath+" is too long, remapping...") if not os.path.isdir(BUILD_PATH+"/d"): os.makedirs(BUILD_PATH+"/d") shutil.move(fpath, BUILD_PATH+"/d/") def gz_all(): import gzip for root, dirs, files in os.walk(BUILD_PATH): for file in files: fpath = root+"/"+file print("Gzipping "+fpath+"...") f = open(fpath, "rb") g =".gz", "wb") g.writelines(f) g.close() f.close() os.unlink(fpath) from zipfile import ZipFile for pkg_name in packages: pkg_file = packages[pkg_name] pkg_full_path = PACKAGES_PATH+"/"+pkg_file if os.path.isfile(pkg_full_path): print("Including "+pkg_file) z = ZipFile(BUILD_PATH+"/pkg/"+pkg_name+".zip", "w") z.write(pkg_full_path, pkg_full_path[len(PACKAGES_PATH+"/"):]) z.close() # shutil.copy(pkg_full_path, BUILD_PATH+"/"+pkg_name) else: print("Could not find "+pkg_full_path) exit(1) for um in url_maps: with open(SOURCES_PATH+"/"+um["target"], "rb") as f: of = BUILD_PATH+um["target"].replace(SOURCES_PATH, "").replace(".md", ".html") root_path = "../" html = generate_html(f, root_path) print("Map path : "+str(um["path"])) print("Map target : "+str(um["target"])) print("Mapped root path: "+str(root_path)) if not os.path.isdir(BUILD_PATH+"/"+um["path"]): os.makedirs(BUILD_PATH+"/"+um["path"], exist_ok=True) with open(BUILD_PATH+"/"+um["path"]+"/index.html", "wb") as wf: wf.write(html.encode(OUTPUT_ENCODING)) for mdf in source_files: with open(mdf, "rb") as f: of = BUILD_PATH+mdf.replace(SOURCES_PATH, "").replace(".md", ".html") root_path = "../"*(len(of.replace(BUILD_PATH+"/", "").split("/"))-1) html = generate_html(f, root_path) if not os.path.isdir(os.path.dirname(of)): os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(of), exist_ok=True) with open(of, "wb") as wf: wf.write(html.encode(OUTPUT_ENCODING)) fetch_reticulum_site() if not "--no-gz" in sys.argv: gz_all() if not "--no-remap" in sys.argv: remap_names()