""" Components/Menu =============== .. seealso:: `Material Design spec, Menus <https://material.io/components/menus>`_ .. rubric:: Menus display a list of choices on temporary surfaces. .. image:: https://github.com/HeaTTheatR/KivyMD-data/raw/master/gallery/kivymddoc/menu-previous.png :align: center Usage ----- .. code-block:: python from kivy.lang import Builder from kivymd.app import MDApp from kivymd.uix.menu import MDDropdownMenu KV = ''' MDScreen: MDRaisedButton: id: button text: "PRESS ME" pos_hint: {"center_x": .5, "center_y": .5} on_release: app.menu.open() ''' class Test(MDApp): def __init__(self, **kwargs): super().__init__(**kwargs) self.screen = Builder.load_string(KV) menu_items = [ { "text": f"Item {i}", "viewclass": "OneLineListItem", "on_release": lambda x=f"Item {i}": self.menu_callback(x), } for i in range(5) ] self.menu = MDDropdownMenu( caller=self.screen.ids.button, items=menu_items, width_mult=4, ) def menu_callback(self, text_item): print(text_item) def build(self): return self.screen Test().run() .. image:: https://github.com/HeaTTheatR/KivyMD-data/raw/master/gallery/kivymddoc/menu-usage.gif :align: center .. Warning:: Do not create the :class:`~MDDropdownMenu` object when you open the menu window. Because on a mobile device this one will be very slow! Wrong ----- .. code-block:: python menu = MDDropdownMenu(caller=self.screen.ids.button, items=menu_items) menu.open() Customization of menu item -------------------------- Menu items are created in the same way as items for the :class:`~kivy.uix.recycleview.RecycleView` class. .. code-block:: python from kivy.lang import Builder from kivy.metrics import dp from kivy.properties import StringProperty from kivymd.app import MDApp from kivymd.uix.boxlayout import MDBoxLayout from kivymd.uix.list import IRightBodyTouch, OneLineAvatarIconListItem from kivymd.uix.menu import MDDropdownMenu KV = ''' <RightContentCls> disabled: True adaptive_size: True pos_hint: {"center_y": .5} MDIconButton: icon: root.icon user_font_size: "16sp" md_bg_color_disabled: 0, 0, 0, 0 MDLabel: text: root.text font_style: "Caption" adaptive_size: True pos_hint: {"center_y": .5} <Item> IconLeftWidget: icon: root.left_icon RightContentCls: id: container icon: root.right_icon text: root.right_text MDScreen: MDRaisedButton: id: button text: "PRESS ME" pos_hint: {"center_x": .5, "center_y": .5} on_release: app.menu.open() ''' class RightContentCls(IRightBodyTouch, MDBoxLayout): icon = StringProperty() text = StringProperty() class Item(OneLineAvatarIconListItem): left_icon = StringProperty() right_icon = StringProperty() right_text = StringProperty() class Test(MDApp): def __init__(self, **kwargs): super().__init__(**kwargs) self.screen = Builder.load_string(KV) menu_items = [ { "text": f"Item {i}", "right_text": f"R+{i}", "right_icon": "apple-keyboard-command", "left_icon": "git", "viewclass": "Item", "height": dp(54), "on_release": lambda x=f"Item {i}": self.menu_callback(x), } for i in range(5) ] self.menu = MDDropdownMenu( caller=self.screen.ids.button, items=menu_items, width_mult=4, ) def menu_callback(self, text_item): print(text_item) def build(self): return self.screen Test().run() .. image:: https://github.com/HeaTTheatR/KivyMD-data/raw/master/gallery/kivymddoc/menu-right.gif :align: center .. Header: Header ------ .. code-block:: python from kivy.lang import Builder from kivy.metrics import dp from kivymd.app import MDApp from kivymd.uix.menu import MDDropdownMenu from kivymd.uix.boxlayout import MDBoxLayout KV = ''' <MenuHeader> orientation: "vertical" adaptive_size: True padding: "4dp" MDBoxLayout: spacing: "12dp" adaptive_size: True MDIconButton: icon: "gesture-tap-button" pos_hint: {"center_y": .5} MDLabel: text: "Actions" adaptive_size: True pos_hint: {"center_y": .5} MDScreen: MDRaisedButton: id: button text: "PRESS ME" pos_hint: {"center_x": .5, "center_y": .5} on_release: app.menu.open() ''' class MenuHeader(MDBoxLayout): '''An instance of the class that will be added to the menu header.''' class Test(MDApp): def __init__(self, **kwargs): super().__init__(**kwargs) self.screen = Builder.load_string(KV) menu_items = [ { "text": f"Item {i}", "viewclass": "OneLineListItem", "height": dp(56), "on_release": lambda x=f"Item {i}": self.menu_callback(x), } for i in range(5) ] self.menu = MDDropdownMenu( header_cls=MenuHeader(), caller=self.screen.ids.button, items=menu_items, width_mult=4, ) def menu_callback(self, text_item): print(text_item) def build(self): return self.screen Test().run() .. image:: https://github.com/HeaTTheatR/KivyMD-data/raw/master/gallery/kivymddoc/menu-header.png :align: center Menu with MDTopAppBar --------------------- The :class:`~MDDropdownMenu` works well with the standard :class:`~kivymd.uix.toolbar.MDTopAppBar`. Since the buttons on the Toolbar are created by the MDTopAppBar component, it is necessary to pass the button as an argument to the callback using `lambda x: app.callback(x)`. .. note:: This example uses drop down menus for both the righthand and lefthand menus (i.e both the 'triple bar' and 'triple dot' menus) to illustrate that it is possible. A better solution for the 'triple bar' menu would probably have been :class:`~kivymd.uix.MDNavigationDrawer`. .. code-block:: python from kivy.lang import Builder from kivy.metrics import dp from kivymd.app import MDApp from kivymd.uix.menu import MDDropdownMenu from kivymd.uix.snackbar import Snackbar KV = ''' MDBoxLayout: orientation: "vertical" MDTopAppBar: title: "MDTopAppBar" left_action_items: [["menu", lambda x: app.callback(x)]] right_action_items: [["dots-vertical", lambda x: app.callback(x)]] MDLabel: text: "Content" halign: "center" ''' class Test(MDApp): def build(self): menu_items = [ { "viewclass": "OneLineListItem", "text": f"Item {i}", "height": dp(56), "on_release": lambda x=f"Item {i}": self.menu_callback(x), } for i in range(5) ] self.menu = MDDropdownMenu( items=menu_items, width_mult=4, ) return Builder.load_string(KV) def callback(self, button): self.menu.caller = button self.menu.open() def menu_callback(self, text_item): self.menu.dismiss() Snackbar(text=text_item).open() Test().run() .. image:: https://github.com/HeaTTheatR/KivyMD-data/raw/master/gallery/kivymddoc/toolbar-menu.gif :align: center .. Position: Position ======== Bottom position --------------- .. seealso:: :attr:`~MDDropdownMenu.position` .. code-block:: python from kivy.lang import Builder from kivy.metrics import dp from kivy.properties import StringProperty from kivymd.uix.list import OneLineIconListItem from kivymd.app import MDApp from kivymd.uix.menu import MDDropdownMenu KV = ''' <IconListItem> IconLeftWidget: icon: root.icon MDScreen MDTextField: id: field pos_hint: {'center_x': .5, 'center_y': .6} size_hint_x: None width: "200dp" hint_text: "Password" on_focus: if self.focus: app.menu.open() ''' class IconListItem(OneLineIconListItem): icon = StringProperty() class Test(MDApp): def __init__(self, **kwargs): super().__init__(**kwargs) self.screen = Builder.load_string(KV) menu_items = [ { "viewclass": "IconListItem", "icon": "git", "height": dp(56), "text": f"Item {i}", "on_release": lambda x=f"Item {i}": self.set_item(x), } for i in range(5)] self.menu = MDDropdownMenu( caller=self.screen.ids.field, items=menu_items, position="bottom", width_mult=4, ) def set_item(self, text__item): self.screen.ids.field.text = text__item self.menu.dismiss() def build(self): return self.screen Test().run() .. image:: https://github.com/HeaTTheatR/KivyMD-data/raw/master/gallery/kivymddoc/menu-position.gif :align: center Center position --------------- .. code-block:: python from kivy.lang import Builder from kivy.metrics import dp from kivy.properties import StringProperty from kivymd.uix.list import OneLineIconListItem from kivymd.app import MDApp from kivymd.uix.menu import MDDropdownMenu KV = ''' <IconListItem> IconLeftWidget: icon: root.icon MDScreen MDDropDownItem: id: drop_item pos_hint: {'center_x': .5, 'center_y': .5} text: 'Item 0' on_release: app.menu.open() ''' class IconListItem(OneLineIconListItem): icon = StringProperty() class Test(MDApp): def __init__(self, **kwargs): super().__init__(**kwargs) self.screen = Builder.load_string(KV) menu_items = [ { "viewclass": "IconListItem", "icon": "git", "text": f"Item {i}", "height": dp(56), "on_release": lambda x=f"Item {i}": self.set_item(x), } for i in range(5) ] self.menu = MDDropdownMenu( caller=self.screen.ids.drop_item, items=menu_items, position="center", width_mult=4, ) self.menu.bind() def set_item(self, text_item): self.screen.ids.drop_item.set_item(text_item) self.menu.dismiss() def build(self): return self.screen Test().run() .. image:: https://github.com/HeaTTheatR/KivyMD-data/raw/master/gallery/kivymddoc/menu-position-center.gif :align: center """ __all__ = ("MDDropdownMenu",) import os from typing import Union from kivy.animation import Animation from kivy.clock import Clock from kivy.core.window import Window from kivy.core.window.window_sdl2 import WindowSDL from kivy.lang import Builder from kivy.metrics import dp from kivy.properties import ( ColorProperty, ListProperty, NumericProperty, ObjectProperty, OptionProperty, StringProperty, VariableListProperty, ) from kivy.uix.floatlayout import FloatLayout from kivy.uix.recycleview import RecycleView import kivymd.material_resources as m_res from kivymd import uix_path from kivymd.theming import ThemableBehavior with open( os.path.join(uix_path, "menu", "menu.kv"), encoding="utf-8" ) as kv_file: Builder.load_string(kv_file.read()) class MDMenu(RecycleView): width_mult = NumericProperty(1) """ See :attr:`~MDDropdownMenu.width_mult`. """ drop_cls = ObjectProperty() """ See :class:`~MDDropdownMenu` class. """ class MDDropdownMenu(ThemableBehavior, FloatLayout): """ :Events: `on_release` The method that will be called when you click menu items. """ header_cls = ObjectProperty() """ An instance of the class (`Kivy` or `KivyMD` widget) that will be added to the menu header. .. versionadded:: 0.104.2 See Header_ for more information. .. image:: https://github.com/HeaTTheatR/KivyMD-data/raw/master/gallery/kivymddoc/menu-header-cls.png :align: center :attr:`header_cls` is a :class:`~kivy.properties.ObjectProperty` and defaults to `None`. """ items = ListProperty() """ See :attr:`~kivy.uix.recycleview.RecycleView.data`. .. code-block:: python items = [ { "viewclass": "OneLineListItem", "height": dp(56), "text": f"Item {i}", } for i in range(5) ] self.menu = MDDropdownMenu( items=items, ..., ) .. image:: https://github.com/HeaTTheatR/KivyMD-data/raw/master/gallery/kivymddoc/menu-items.png :align: center :attr:`items` is a :class:`~kivy.properties.ListProperty` and defaults to `[]`. """ width_mult = NumericProperty(1) """ This number multiplied by the standard increment ('56dp' on mobile, '64dp' on desktop), determines the width of the menu items. If the resulting number were to be too big for the application Window, the multiplier will be adjusted for the biggest possible one. .. code-block:: python self.menu = MDDropdownMenu( width_mult=4, ..., ) .. image:: https://github.com/HeaTTheatR/KivyMD-data/raw/master/gallery/kivymddoc/menu-width-mult-4.png :align: center .. code-block:: python self.menu = MDDropdownMenu( width_mult=8, ..., ) .. image:: https://github.com/HeaTTheatR/KivyMD-data/raw/master/gallery/kivymddoc/menu-width-mult-8.png :align: center :attr:`width_mult` is a :class:`~kivy.properties.NumericProperty` and defaults to `1`. """ max_height = NumericProperty() """ The menu will grow no bigger than this number. Set to 0 for no limit. .. code-block:: python self.menu = MDDropdownMenu( max_height=dp(112), ..., ) .. image:: https://github.com/HeaTTheatR/KivyMD-data/raw/master/gallery/kivymddoc/menu-max-height-112.png :align: center .. code-block:: python self.menu = MDDropdownMenu( max_height=dp(224), ..., ) .. image:: https://github.com/HeaTTheatR/KivyMD-data/raw/master/gallery/kivymddoc/menu-max-height-224.png :align: center :attr:`max_height` is a :class:`~kivy.properties.NumericProperty` and defaults to `0`. """ border_margin = NumericProperty("4dp") """ Margin between Window border and menu. .. code-block:: python self.menu = MDDropdownMenu( border_margin=dp(4), ..., ) .. image:: https://github.com/HeaTTheatR/KivyMD-data/raw/master/gallery/kivymddoc/menu-border-margin-4.png :align: center .. code-block:: python self.menu = MDDropdownMenu( border_margin=dp(24), ..., ) .. image:: https://github.com/HeaTTheatR/KivyMD-data/raw/master/gallery/kivymddoc/menu-border-margin-24.png :align: center :attr:`border_margin` is a :class:`~kivy.properties.NumericProperty` and defaults to `4dp`. """ ver_growth = OptionProperty(None, allownone=True, options=["up", "down"]) """ Where the menu will grow vertically to when opening. Set to `None` to let the widget pick for you. Available options are: `'up'`, `'down'`. .. code-block:: python self.menu = MDDropdownMenu( ver_growth="up", ..., ) .. image:: https://github.com/HeaTTheatR/KivyMD-data/raw/master/gallery/kivymddoc/menu-ver-growth-up.gif :align: center .. code-block:: python self.menu = MDDropdownMenu( ver_growth="down", ..., ) .. image:: https://github.com/HeaTTheatR/KivyMD-data/raw/master/gallery/kivymddoc/menu-ver-growth-down.gif :align: center :attr:`ver_growth` is a :class:`~kivy.properties.OptionProperty` and defaults to `None`. """ hor_growth = OptionProperty(None, allownone=True, options=["left", "right"]) """ Where the menu will grow horizontally to when opening. Set to `None` to let the widget pick for you. Available options are: `'left'`, `'right'`. .. code-block:: python self.menu = MDDropdownMenu( hor_growth="left", ..., ) .. image:: https://github.com/HeaTTheatR/KivyMD-data/raw/master/gallery/kivymddoc/menu-hor-growth-left.gif :align: center .. code-block:: python self.menu = MDDropdownMenu( hor_growth="right", ..., ) .. image:: https://github.com/HeaTTheatR/KivyMD-data/raw/master/gallery/kivymddoc/menu-hor-growth-right.gif :align: center :attr:`hor_growth` is a :class:`~kivy.properties.OptionProperty` and defaults to `None`. """ background_color = ColorProperty(None) """ Color of the background of the menu. .. code-block:: python self.menu = MDDropdownMenu( background_color=self.theme_cls.primary_light, ..., ) .. image:: https://github.com/HeaTTheatR/KivyMD-data/raw/master/gallery/kivymddoc/menu-background-color.png :align: center :attr:`background_color` is a :class:`~kivy.properties.ColorProperty` and defaults to `None`. """ opening_transition = StringProperty("out_cubic") """ Type of animation for opening a menu window. :attr:`opening_transition` is a :class:`~kivy.properties.StringProperty` and defaults to `'out_cubic'`. """ opening_time = NumericProperty(0.2) """ Menu window opening animation time and you can set it to 0 if you don't want animation of menu opening. :attr:`opening_time` is a :class:`~kivy.properties.NumericProperty` and defaults to `0.2`. """ caller = ObjectProperty() """ The widget object that calls the menu window. :attr:`caller` is a :class:`~kivy.properties.ObjectProperty` and defaults to `None`. """ position = OptionProperty( "auto", options=["top", "auto", "center", "bottom"] ) """ Menu window position relative to parent element. Available options are: `'auto'`, `'center'`, `'bottom'`. See Position_ for more information. .. image:: https://github.com/HeaTTheatR/KivyMD-data/raw/master/gallery/kivymddoc/menu-position.png :align: center :attr:`position` is a :class:`~kivy.properties.OptionProperty` and defaults to `'auto'`. """ radius = VariableListProperty([dp(7)]) """ Menu radius. .. code-block:: python self.menu = MDDropdownMenu( radius=[24, 0, 24, 0], ..., ) .. image:: https://github.com/HeaTTheatR/KivyMD-data/raw/master/gallery/kivymddoc/menu-radius.png :align: center :attr:`radius` is a :class:`~kivy.properties.VariableListProperty` and defaults to `'[dp(7)]'`. """ elevation = NumericProperty(4) """ Elevation value of menu dialog. .. versionadded:: 1.0.0 .. code-block:: python self.menu = MDDropdownMenu( elevation=4, ..., ) .. image:: https://github.com/HeaTTheatR/KivyMD-data/raw/master/gallery/kivymddoc/menu-elevation.png :align: center :attr:`elevation` is an :class:`~kivy.properties.NumericProperty` and defaults to `4`. """ _start_coords = [] _calculate_complete = False _calculate_process = False def __init__(self, **kwargs): super().__init__(**kwargs) Window.bind(on_resize=self.check_position_caller) Window.bind(on_maximize=self.set_menu_properties) Window.bind(on_restore=self.set_menu_properties) Clock.schedule_once(self.ajust_radius) self.register_event_type("on_dismiss") self.menu = self.ids.md_menu self.target_height = 0 def check_position_caller( self, instance_window: WindowSDL, width: int, height: int ) -> None: """Called when the application root window is resized.""" # FIXME: Menu position is not recalculated when changing the size of # the root application window. self.set_menu_properties(0) def set_menu_properties(self, interval: Union[int, float] = 0) -> None: """Sets the size and position for the menu window.""" if self.caller: self.ids.md_menu.data = self.items # We need to pick a starting point, see how big we need to be, # and where to grow to. self._start_coords = self.caller.to_window( self.caller.center_x, self.caller.center_y ) self.target_width = self.width_mult * m_res.STANDARD_INCREMENT # If we're wider than the Window... if self.target_width > Window.width: # ...reduce our multiplier to max allowed. self.target_width = ( int(Window.width / m_res.STANDARD_INCREMENT) * m_res.STANDARD_INCREMENT ) # Set the target_height of the menu depending on the size of # each MDMenuItem or MDMenuItemIcon. self.target_height = 0 for item in self.ids.md_menu.data: self.target_height += item.get("height", dp(72)) # If we're over max_height... if 0 < self.max_height < self.target_height: self.target_height = self.max_height # Establish vertical growth direction. if self.ver_growth is not None: ver_growth = self.ver_growth else: # If there's enough space below us: if ( self.target_height <= self._start_coords[1] - self.border_margin ): ver_growth = "down" # if there's enough space above us: elif ( self.target_height < Window.height - self._start_coords[1] - self.border_margin ): ver_growth = "up" # Otherwise, let's pick the one with more space and adjust # ourselves. else: # If there"s more space below us: if ( self._start_coords[1] >= Window.height - self._start_coords[1] ): ver_growth = "down" self.target_height = ( self._start_coords[1] - self.border_margin ) # If there's more space above us: else: ver_growth = "up" self.target_height = ( Window.height - self._start_coords[1] - self.border_margin ) if self.hor_growth is not None: hor_growth = self.hor_growth else: # If there's enough space to the right: if ( self.target_width <= Window.width - self._start_coords[0] - self.border_margin ): hor_growth = "right" # if there's enough space to the left: elif ( self.target_width < self._start_coords[0] - self.border_margin ): hor_growth = "left" # Otherwise, let's pick the one with more space and adjust # ourselves. else: # if there"s more space to the right: if ( Window.width - self._start_coords[0] >= self._start_coords[0] ): hor_growth = "right" self.target_width = ( Window.width - self._start_coords[0] - self.border_margin ) # if there"s more space to the left: else: hor_growth = "left" self.target_width = ( self._start_coords[0] - self.border_margin ) if ver_growth == "down": self.tar_y = self._start_coords[1] - self.target_height else: # should always be "up" self.tar_y = self._start_coords[1] if hor_growth == "right": self.tar_x = self._start_coords[0] else: # should always be "left" self.tar_x = self._start_coords[0] - self.target_width self._calculate_complete = True def ajust_radius(self, interval: Union[int, float]) -> None: """ Adjusts the radius of the first and last items in the menu list according to the radius that is set for the menu. """ if self.items: radius_for_firt_item = self.radius[:2] radius_for_last_item = self.radius[2:] firt_data_item = self.items[0] last_data_item = self.items[-1] firt_data_item["radius"] = radius_for_firt_item + [0, 0] last_data_item["radius"] = [0, 0] + radius_for_last_item last_data_item["divider"] = None self.items[0] = firt_data_item self.items[-1] = last_data_item # For all other elements of the list, except for the first and # last, we set the value of the radius to `0`. for i, data_item in enumerate(self.items): if "radius" not in data_item: data_item["radius"] = 0 self.items[i] = data_item def adjust_position(self) -> str: """ Returns value 'auto' for the menu position if the menu position is out of screen. """ target_width = self.target_width target_height = self.target_height caller = self.caller position = self.position if ( caller.x < target_width or caller.x + target_width > Window.width or caller.y + target_height > Window.height or (caller.y < target_height and position == "center") ): position = "auto" if self.hor_growth or self.ver_growth: self.hor_growth = None self.ver_growth = None self.set_menu_properties() return position def open(self) -> None: """Animate the opening of a menu window.""" def open(interval): if not self._calculate_complete: return position = self.adjust_position() if position == "auto": self.menu.pos = self._start_coords anim = Animation( x=self.tar_x, y=self.tar_y - (self.header_cls.height if self.header_cls else 0), width=self.target_width, height=self.target_height, duration=self.opening_time, opacity=1, transition=self.opening_transition, ) anim.start(self.menu) else: if position == "center": self.menu.pos = ( self._start_coords[0] - self.target_width / 2, self._start_coords[1] - self.target_height / 2, ) elif position == "bottom": self.menu.pos = ( self._start_coords[0] - self.target_width / 2, self.caller.pos[1] - self.target_height, ) elif position == "top": self.menu.pos = ( self._start_coords[0] - self.target_width / 2, self.caller.pos[1] + self.caller.height, ) anim = Animation( width=self.target_width, height=self.target_height, duration=self.opening_time, opacity=1, transition=self.opening_transition, ) anim.start(self.menu) Window.add_widget(self) Clock.unschedule(open) self._calculate_process = False self.set_menu_properties() if not self._calculate_process: self._calculate_process = True Clock.schedule_interval(open, 0) def on_header_cls( self, instance_dropdown_menu, instance_user_menu_header ) -> None: """Called when a value is set to the :attr:`header_cls` parameter.""" def add_content_header_cls(interval): self.ids.content_header.clear_widgets() self.ids.content_header.add_widget(instance_user_menu_header) Clock.schedule_once(add_content_header_cls, 1) def on_touch_down(self, touch): if not self.menu.collide_point(*touch.pos): self.dispatch("on_dismiss") return True super().on_touch_down(touch) return True def on_touch_move(self, touch): super().on_touch_move(touch) return True def on_touch_up(self, touch): super().on_touch_up(touch) return True def on_dismiss(self) -> None: """Called when the menu is closed.""" Window.remove_widget(self) self.menu.width = 0 self.menu.height = 0 self.menu.opacity = 0 def dismiss(self, *args) -> None: """Closes the menu.""" self.on_dismiss() if __name__ == "__main__": # To test the correct menu position. from kivy.lang import Builder from kivy.metrics import dp from kivymd.app import MDApp from kivymd.uix.button import MDRaisedButton from kivymd.uix.screen import MDScreen class Test(MDApp): def __init__(self, **kwargs): super().__init__(**kwargs) self.screen = MDScreen() menu_items = [ { "viewclass": "OneLineListItem", "height": dp(56), "text": f"Item {i}", } for i in range(5) ] self.menu = MDDropdownMenu(items=menu_items, width_mult=4) def open_menu(self, caller): self.menu.caller = caller self.menu.open() def on_start(self): pos_hints = [ {"top": 1, "left": 0.1}, {"top": 1, "center_x": 0.5}, {"top": 1, "right": 1}, {"center_y": 0.5, "left": 1}, {"bottom": 1, "left": 1}, {"bottom": 1, "center_x": 0.5}, {"bottom": 1, "right": 1}, {"center_y": 0.5, "right": 1}, {"center_y": 0.5, "center_x": 0.5}, ] for pos_hint in pos_hints: self.screen.add_widget( MDRaisedButton(pos_hint=pos_hint, on_release=self.open_menu) ) def build(self): return self.screen Test().run()