# coding=utf-8 ''' Flash ===== The :class:`Flash` provides access to public methods to use flash of your device. .. note:: In android you need CAMERA, FLASHLIGHT permissions to access flash. .. versionadded:: 1.2.5 This can be used to activate the flash of your camera on Android and iOS. Simple Examples --------------- To turn on flash:: >>> from plyer import flash >>> flash.on() To turn off flash:: >>> flash.off() To release flash:: >>> flash.release() Supported Platforms ------------------- Android, iOS ''' class Flash: """ Flash facade. """ def on(self): """ Activate the flash """ self._on() def off(self): """ Deactiavte the flash """ self._off() def release(self): """ Release any access to the Flash / Camera. Call this when you're done using the Flash. This will release the Camera, and stop any process. Next call to `_on` will reactivate it. """ self._release() # private def _on(self): raise NotImplementedError() def _off(self): raise NotImplementedError() def _release(self): pass