''' Screenshot ========== The :class:`Screenshot` is used for capturing a digital image of what is currently visible on the monitor. The default path for taking screenshot is set in each platform implementation. Simple Examples --------------- To get the file path:: >>> screenshot.file_path '/sdcard/test.jpg' To set the file path:: >>> screenshot.file_path = '/Users/OSXUser/Pictures/screenshot.png' To take screenshot:: >>> from plyer import screenshot >>> screenshot.capture() ''' class Screenshot: ''' Screenshot facade. ''' _file_path = '' def __init__(self, file_path=None): self._file_path = file_path def capture(self): self._capture() @property def file_path(self): return self._file_path @file_path.setter def file_path(self, location): ''' Location of the screenshot. ''' self._file_path = location # private def _capture(self, **kwargs): raise NotImplementedError()