import time import RNS import LXMF from kivy.metrics import dp from kivy.core.clipboard import Clipboard from kivymd.uix.card import MDCard from import MDDropdownMenu from kivymd.uix.behaviors import RoundedRectangularElevationBehavior from import StringProperty, BooleanProperty from kivy.uix.gridlayout import GridLayout from kivy.uix.boxlayout import BoxLayout from kivymd.uix.button import MDFlatButton from kivymd.uix.dialog import MDDialog if RNS.vendor.platformutils.get_platform() == "android": from ui.helpers import ts_format, mdc from ui.helpers import color_received, color_delivered, color_propagated, color_failed, color_unknown, intensity_msgs else: from .helpers import ts_format, mdc from .helpers import color_received, color_delivered, color_propagated, color_failed, color_unknown, intensity_msgs class ListLXMessageCard(MDCard, RoundedRectangularElevationBehavior): text = StringProperty() heading = StringProperty() class Messages(): def __init__(self, app, context_dest): = app self.context_dest = context_dest self.messages = [] self.added_item_hashes = [] self.latest_message_timestamp = None self.list = None self.widgets = [] self.send_error_dialog = None self.update() def reload(self): if self.list != None: self.list.clear_widgets() self.messages = [] self.added_item_hashes = [] self.latest_message_timestamp = None self.widgets = [] self.update() def update(self): self.messages =, self.latest_message_timestamp) if self.list == None: layout = GridLayout(cols=1, spacing=16, padding=16, size_hint_y=None) layout.bind(minimum_height=layout.setter('height')) self.list = layout if len(self.messages) > 0: self.update_widget() for w in self.widgets: m = w.m if m["state"] == LXMF.LXMessage.SENDING or m["state"] == LXMF.LXMessage.OUTBOUND: msg =["hash"]) if msg["state"] == LXMF.LXMessage.DELIVERED: w.md_bg_color = msg_color = mdc(color_delivered, intensity_msgs) txstr = time.strftime(ts_format, time.localtime(msg["sent"])) titlestr = "" if msg["title"]: titlestr = "[b]Title[/b] "+msg["title"].decode("utf-8")+"\n" w.heading = titlestr+"[b]Sent[/b] "+txstr+" [b]State[/b] Delivered" m["state"] = msg["state"] if msg["method"] == LXMF.LXMessage.PROPAGATED and msg["state"] == LXMF.LXMessage.SENT: w.md_bg_color = msg_color = mdc(color_propagated, intensity_msgs) txstr = time.strftime(ts_format, time.localtime(msg["sent"])) titlestr = "" if msg["title"]: titlestr = "[b]Title[/b] "+msg["title"].decode("utf-8")+"\n" w.heading = titlestr+"[b]Sent[/b] "+txstr+" [b]State[/b] On Propagation Net" m["state"] = msg["state"] if msg["state"] == LXMF.LXMessage.FAILED: w.md_bg_color = msg_color = mdc(color_failed, intensity_msgs) txstr = time.strftime(ts_format, time.localtime(msg["sent"])) titlestr = "" if msg["title"]: titlestr = "[b]Title[/b] "+msg["title"].decode("utf-8")+"\n" w.heading = titlestr+"[b]Sent[/b] "+txstr+" [b]State[/b] Failed" m["state"] = msg["state"] def update_widget(self): for m in self.messages: if not m["hash"] in self.added_item_hashes: txstr = time.strftime(ts_format, time.localtime(m["sent"])) rxstr = time.strftime(ts_format, time.localtime(m["received"])) titlestr = "" if m["title"]: titlestr = "[b]Title[/b] "+m["title"].decode("utf-8")+"\n" if m["source"] == if m["state"] == LXMF.LXMessage.DELIVERED: msg_color = mdc(color_delivered, intensity_msgs) heading_str = titlestr+"[b]Sent[/b] "+txstr+" [b]State[/b] Delivered" elif m["method"] == LXMF.LXMessage.PROPAGATED and m["state"] == LXMF.LXMessage.SENT: msg_color = mdc(color_propagated, intensity_msgs) heading_str = titlestr+"[b]Sent[/b] "+txstr+" [b]State[/b] On Propagation Net" elif m["state"] == LXMF.LXMessage.FAILED: msg_color = mdc(color_failed, intensity_msgs) heading_str = titlestr+"[b]Sent[/b] "+txstr+" [b]State[/b] Failed" elif m["state"] == LXMF.LXMessage.OUTBOUND or m["state"] == LXMF.LXMessage.SENDING: msg_color = mdc(color_unknown, intensity_msgs) heading_str = titlestr+"[b]Sent[/b] "+txstr+" [b]State[/b] Sending " else: msg_color = mdc(color_unknown, intensity_msgs) heading_str = titlestr+"[b]Sent[/b] "+txstr+" [b]State[/b] Unknown" else: msg_color = mdc("Green", intensity_msgs) heading_str = titlestr+"[b]Sent[/b] "+txstr+"\n[b]Received[/b] "+rxstr item = ListLXMessageCard( text=m["content"].decode("utf-8"), heading=heading_str, md_bg_color=msg_color, ) item.sb_uid = m["hash"] item.m = m def gen_del(mhash, item): def x(): yes_button = MDFlatButton( text="Yes", ) no_button = MDFlatButton( text="No", ) dialog = MDDialog( text="Delete message?", buttons=[ yes_button, no_button ], ) def dl_yes(s): dialog.dismiss() self.reload() def dl_no(s): dialog.dismiss() yes_button.bind(on_release=dl_yes) no_button.bind(on_release=dl_no) item.dmenu.dismiss() return x def gen_copy(msg, item): def x(): Clipboard.copy(msg) RNS.log(str(item)) item.dmenu.dismiss() return x dm_items = [ { "viewclass": "OneLineListItem", "text": "Copy", "height": dp(40), "on_release": gen_copy(m["content"].decode("utf-8"), item) }, { "text": "Delete", "viewclass": "OneLineListItem", "height": dp(40), "on_release": gen_del(m["hash"], item) } ] item.dmenu = MDDropdownMenu( caller=item.ids.msg_submenu, items=dm_items, position="center", width_mult=4, ) def callback_factory(ref): def x(sender): return x # Bind menu open item.ids.msg_submenu.bind(on_release=callback_factory(item)) self.added_item_hashes.append(m["hash"]) self.widgets.append(item) self.list.add_widget(item) if self.latest_message_timestamp == None or m["received"] > self.latest_message_timestamp: self.latest_message_timestamp = m["received"] def get_widget(self): return self.list def close_send_error_dialog(self, sender=None): if self.send_error_dialog: self.send_error_dialog.dismiss()