<BaseButton> canvas: Clear Color: group: "bg-color" rgba: self._md_bg_color \ if not self.disabled else \ self._md_bg_color_disabled RoundedRectangle: size: self.size pos: self.pos source: self.source if hasattr(self, "source") else "" radius: [root._radius, ] Color: group: "outline-color" rgba: root._line_color \ if not root.disabled else \ (root._line_color_disabled or self._disabled_color) Line: width: root.line_width rounded_rectangle: ( \ self.x, self.y, self.width, self.height, \ root._radius, root._radius, root._radius, root._radius, \ self.height \ ) size_hint: None, None anchor_x: root.halign anchor_y: root.valign _round_rad: [self._radius] * 4 <ButtonContentsText> lbl_txt: lbl_txt width: max( \ root._min_width, \ root.padding[0] + lbl_txt.texture_size[0] + root.padding[2] \ ) size_hint_min_x: max( \ root._min_width, \ root.padding[0] + lbl_txt.texture_size[0] + root.padding[2] \ ) height: max( \ root._min_height, \ root.padding[1] + lbl_txt.texture_size[1] + root.padding[3] \ ) size_hint_min_y: max( \ root._min_height, \ root.padding[1] + lbl_txt.texture_size[1] + root.padding[3] \ ) MDLabel: id: lbl_txt text: root.text font_size: root.font_size font_style: root.font_style halign: 'center' valign: 'middle' adaptive_size: True -text_size: None, None theme_text_color: root._theme_text_color text_color: root._text_color markup: True disabled: root.disabled opposite_colors: root.opposite_colors font_name: root.font_name if root.font_name else self.font_name <ButtonContentsIcon> lbl_ic: lbl_ic size: "48dp", "48dp" padding: "12dp" if root.icon in md_icons else (0, 0, 0, 0) # Backwards compatibility. theme_icon_color: root.theme_icon_color or root.theme_text_color MDIcon: id: lbl_ic icon: root.icon font_size: root.icon_size if root.icon_size else self.font_size font_name: root.font_name if root.font_name else self.font_name opposite_colors: root.opposite_colors text_color: # FIXME: ValueError: None is not allowed for MDIcon.text_color. # This is only a temporary fix and does not fix the cause of the error. (root._icon_color if root._icon_color else root.theme_cls.text_color) \ if not root.disabled else \ root.theme_cls.disabled_hint_text_color \ if not root.disabled_color else \ root.disabled_color # Fix https://github.com/kivymd/KivyMD/issues/1448 # TODO: Perhaps this change may affect other widgets. # You need to create tests. # on_icon: # if self.icon not in md_icons.keys(): self.size_hint = (1, 1) theme_text_color: root._theme_icon_color <ButtonContentsIconText> lbl_txt: lbl_txt lbl_ic: lbl_ic width: max( \ root._min_width, \ root.padding[0] \ + lbl_ic.texture_size[0] \ + box.spacing \ + lbl_txt.texture_size[0] \ + root.padding[2] \ ) size_hint_min_x: max( \ root._min_width, \ root.padding[0] \ + lbl_ic.texture_size[0] \ + box.spacing \ + lbl_txt.texture_size[0] \ + root.padding[2] \ ) height: max( \ root._min_height, \ root.padding[1] \ + max(lbl_ic.texture_size[1], lbl_txt.texture_size[1]) \ + root.padding[3] \ ) size_hint_min_y: max( \ root._min_height, \ root.padding[1] \ + max(lbl_ic.texture_size[1], lbl_txt.texture_size[1]) \ + root.padding[3] \ ) MDBoxLayout: id: box adaptive_size: True padding: 0 spacing: "8dp" MDIcon: id: lbl_ic size_hint_x: None pos_hint: {"center_y": .5} icon: root.icon opposite_colors: root.opposite_colors font_size: root.icon_size \ if root.icon_size else \ (18 / 14 * lbl_txt.font_size) text_color: root._icon_color \ if not root.disabled else \ root.theme_cls.disabled_hint_text_color theme_text_color: root._theme_icon_color MDLabel: id: lbl_txt adaptive_size: True -text_size: None, None pos_hint: {"center_y": .5} halign: 'center' valign: 'middle' text: root.text font_size: root.font_size font_style: root.font_style font_name: root.font_name if root.font_name else self.font_name theme_text_color: root._theme_text_color text_color: root._text_color markup: True disabled: root.disabled opposite_colors: root.opposite_colors <MDTextButton> adaptive_size: True color: root.theme_cls.primary_color if not root.color else root.color opacity: 1 <BaseFloatingBottomButton> theme_text_color: "Custom" md_bg_color: self.theme_cls.primary_color canvas.before: Color: rgba: self.theme_cls.primary_color \ if not self._bg_color else \ self._bg_color RoundedRectangle: pos: (self.x - self._canvas_width + dp(1.5)) + self._padding_right / 2, \ self.y - self._padding_right / 2 + dp(1.5) size: self.width + self._canvas_width - dp(3), \ self.height + self._padding_right - dp(3) radius: [self.height / 2] <MDFloatingRootButton> theme_text_color: "Custom" md_bg_color: self.theme_cls.primary_color <MDFloatingLabel> padding_x: "8dp" padding_y: "8dp" adaptive_size: True theme_text_color: "Custom" canvas.before: Color: rgba: self.bg_color RoundedRectangle: size: self.size pos: self.pos radius: self.radius