''' Facades ======= Interface of all the features available. ''' __all__ = ('Accelerometer', 'Audio', 'Barometer', 'Battery', 'Call', 'Camera', 'Compass', 'Email', 'FileChooser', 'GPS', 'Gravity', 'Gyroscope', 'IrBlaster', 'Light', 'Orientation', 'Notification', 'Proximity', 'Sms', 'TTS', 'UniqueID', 'Vibrator', 'Wifi', 'Flash', 'CPU', 'Temperature', 'Humidity', 'SpatialOrientation', 'Brightness', 'Processors', 'StoragePath', 'Keystore', 'Bluetooth', 'Screenshot', 'STT', 'DeviceName') from plyer.facades.accelerometer import Accelerometer from plyer.facades.audio import Audio from plyer.facades.barometer import Barometer from plyer.facades.battery import Battery from plyer.facades.call import Call from plyer.facades.camera import Camera from plyer.facades.compass import Compass from plyer.facades.email import Email from plyer.facades.filechooser import FileChooser from plyer.facades.flash import Flash from plyer.facades.gps import GPS from plyer.facades.gravity import Gravity from plyer.facades.gyroscope import Gyroscope from plyer.facades.irblaster import IrBlaster from plyer.facades.light import Light from plyer.facades.proximity import Proximity from plyer.facades.orientation import Orientation from plyer.facades.notification import Notification from plyer.facades.sms import Sms from plyer.facades.stt import STT from plyer.facades.tts import TTS from plyer.facades.uniqueid import UniqueID from plyer.facades.vibrator import Vibrator from plyer.facades.wifi import Wifi from plyer.facades.temperature import Temperature from plyer.facades.humidity import Humidity from plyer.facades.spatialorientation import SpatialOrientation from plyer.facades.brightness import Brightness from plyer.facades.keystore import Keystore from plyer.facades.storagepath import StoragePath from plyer.facades.bluetooth import Bluetooth from plyer.facades.processors import Processors from plyer.facades.cpu import CPU from plyer.facades.screenshot import Screenshot from plyer.facades.devicename import DeviceName