import time import RNS import LXMF from kivy.metrics import dp,sp from kivy.core.clipboard import Clipboard from kivymd.uix.card import MDCard from import MDDropdownMenu # from kivymd.uix.behaviors import RoundedRectangularElevationBehavior, FakeRectangularElevationBehavior from kivymd.uix.behaviors import CommonElevationBehavior from import StringProperty, BooleanProperty from kivy.uix.gridlayout import GridLayout from kivy.uix.boxlayout import BoxLayout from kivy.clock import Clock from kivy.utils import escape_markup from kivymd.uix.button import MDRectangleFlatButton, MDRectangleFlatIconButton from kivymd.uix.dialog import MDDialog if RNS.vendor.platformutils.get_platform() == "android": from ui.helpers import multilingual_markup else: from .helpers import multilingual_markup import os import plyer import subprocess import shlex if RNS.vendor.platformutils.get_platform() == "android": from sideband.sense import Telemeter, Commands from ui.helpers import ts_format, file_ts_format, mdc from ui.helpers import color_received, color_delivered, color_propagated, color_paper, color_failed, color_unknown, intensity_msgs_dark, intensity_msgs_light else: from sbapp.sideband.sense import Telemeter, Commands from .helpers import ts_format, file_ts_format, mdc from .helpers import color_received, color_delivered, color_propagated, color_paper, color_failed, color_unknown, intensity_msgs_dark, intensity_msgs_light from kivy.lang.builder import Builder class ListLXMessageCard(MDCard): # class ListLXMessageCard(MDCard, FakeRectangularElevationBehavior): text = StringProperty() heading = StringProperty() class Messages(): def __init__(self, app, context_dest): = app self.context_dest = context_dest self.source_dest = context_dest self.is_trusted = self.screen ="messages_screen") self.ids = self.screen.ids self.new_messages = [] self.added_item_hashes = [] self.added_messages = 0 self.latest_message_timestamp = None self.earliest_message_timestamp = time.time() self.loading_earlier_messages = False self.list = None self.widgets = [] self.send_error_dialog = None self.load_more_button = None self.update() def reload(self): if self.list != None: self.list.clear_widgets() self.new_messages = [] self.added_item_hashes = [] self.added_messages = 0 self.latest_message_timestamp = None self.widgets = [] self.update() def load_more(self, dt): for new_message in, before=self.earliest_message_timestamp,limit=5): self.new_messages.append(new_message) if len(self.new_messages) > 0: self.loading_earlier_messages = True self.list.remove_widget(self.load_more_button) def update(self, limit=8): for new_message in, after=self.latest_message_timestamp,limit=limit): self.new_messages.append(new_message) self.db_message_count = if self.load_more_button == None: self.load_more_button = MDRectangleFlatIconButton( icon="message-text-clock-outline", text="Load earlier messages", font_size=dp(18), theme_text_color="Custom", size_hint=[1.0, None], ) def lmcb(sender): Clock.schedule_once(self.load_more, 0.15) self.load_more_button.bind(on_release=lmcb) if self.list == None: layout = GridLayout(cols=1, spacing=dp(16), padding=dp(16), size_hint_y=None) layout.bind(minimum_height=layout.setter('height')) self.list = layout c_ts = time.time() if len(self.new_messages) > 0: self.update_widget() if (len(self.added_item_hashes) < self.db_message_count) and not self.load_more_button in self.list.children: self.list.add_widget(self.load_more_button, len(self.list.children)) if["dark_ui"]: intensity_msgs = intensity_msgs_dark else: intensity_msgs = intensity_msgs_light for w in self.widgets: m = w.m if["dark_ui"]: w.line_color = (1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.25) else: w.line_color = (1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.5) if m["state"] == LXMF.LXMessage.SENDING or m["state"] == LXMF.LXMessage.OUTBOUND: msg =["hash"]) if msg["state"] == LXMF.LXMessage.DELIVERED: w.md_bg_color = msg_color = mdc(color_delivered, intensity_msgs) txstr = time.strftime(ts_format, time.localtime(msg["sent"])) titlestr = "" if msg["title"]: titlestr = "[b]Title[/b] "+msg["title"].decode("utf-8")+"\n" w.heading = titlestr+"[b]Sent[/b] "+txstr+"\n[b]State[/b] Delivered" m["state"] = msg["state"] if msg["method"] == LXMF.LXMessage.PAPER: w.md_bg_color = msg_color = mdc(color_paper, intensity_msgs) txstr = time.strftime(ts_format, time.localtime(msg["sent"])) titlestr = "" if msg["title"]: titlestr = "[b]Title[/b] "+msg["title"].decode("utf-8")+"\n" w.heading = titlestr+"[b]Sent[/b] "+txstr+"\n[b]State[/b] Paper Message" m["state"] = msg["state"] if msg["method"] == LXMF.LXMessage.PROPAGATED and msg["state"] == LXMF.LXMessage.SENT: w.md_bg_color = msg_color = mdc(color_propagated, intensity_msgs) txstr = time.strftime(ts_format, time.localtime(msg["sent"])) titlestr = "" if msg["title"]: titlestr = "[b]Title[/b] "+msg["title"].decode("utf-8")+"\n" w.heading = titlestr+"[b]Sent[/b] "+txstr+"\n[b]State[/b] On Propagation Net" m["state"] = msg["state"] if msg["state"] == LXMF.LXMessage.FAILED: w.md_bg_color = msg_color = mdc(color_failed, intensity_msgs) txstr = time.strftime(ts_format, time.localtime(msg["sent"])) titlestr = "" if msg["title"]: titlestr = "[b]Title[/b] "+msg["title"].decode("utf-8")+"\n" w.heading = titlestr+"[b]Sent[/b] "+txstr+"\n[b]State[/b] Failed" m["state"] = msg["state"] w.dmenu.items.append(w.dmenu.retry_item) def update_widget(self): if["dark_ui"]: intensity_msgs = intensity_msgs_dark mt_color = [1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.8] else: intensity_msgs = intensity_msgs_light mt_color = [1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.95] self.ids.message_text.font_name = if self.loading_earlier_messages: self.new_messages.reverse() for m in self.new_messages: if not m["hash"] in self.added_item_hashes: if not self.is_trusted: message_input = str( escape_markup(m["content"].decode("utf-8")) ).encode("utf-8") else: message_input = m["content"] message_markup = multilingual_markup(message_input) txstr = time.strftime(ts_format, time.localtime(m["sent"])) rxstr = time.strftime(ts_format, time.localtime(m["received"])) titlestr = "" extra_content = "" extra_telemetry = {} telemeter = None force_markup = False signature_valid = False if "lxm" in m and m["lxm"] != None and m["lxm"].signature_validated: signature_valid = True if "extras" in m and m["extras"] != None and "packed_telemetry" in m["extras"]: try: telemeter = Telemeter.from_packed(m["extras"]["packed_telemetry"]) except Exception as e: pass if "lxm" in m and m["lxm"] != None and m["lxm"].fields != None and LXMF.FIELD_COMMANDS in m["lxm"].fields: try: commands = m["lxm"].fields[LXMF.FIELD_COMMANDS] for command in commands: if Commands.ECHO in command: extra_content = "[font=RobotoMono-Regular]> echo "+command[Commands.ECHO].decode("utf-8")+"[/font]\n" if Commands.PING in command: extra_content = "[font=RobotoMono-Regular]> ping[/font]\n" if Commands.SIGNAL_REPORT in command: extra_content = "[font=RobotoMono-Regular]> sig[/font]\n" extra_content = extra_content[:-1] force_markup = True except Exception as e: RNS.log("Error while generating command display: "+str(e), RNS.LOG_ERROR) if telemeter == None and "lxm" in m and m["lxm"] and m["lxm"].fields != None and LXMF.FIELD_TELEMETRY in m["lxm"].fields: try: packed_telemetry = m["lxm"].fields[LXMF.FIELD_TELEMETRY] telemeter = Telemeter.from_packed(packed_telemetry) except Exception as e: pass rcvd_d_str = "" trcvd ="received") if telemeter else None if trcvd and "distance" in trcvd: d = trcvd["distance"] if "euclidian" in d: edst = d["euclidian"] if edst != None: rcvd_d_str = "\n[b]Distance[/b] "+RNS.prettydistance(edst) elif "geodesic" in d: gdst = d["geodesic"] if gdst != None: rcvd_d_str = "\n[b]Distance[/b] "+RNS.prettydistance(gdst) + " (geodesic)" phy_stats_str = "" if "extras" in m and m["extras"] != None: phy_stats = m["extras"] if "q" in phy_stats: try: lq = round(float(phy_stats["q"]), 1) phy_stats_str += "[b]Link Quality[/b] "+str(lq)+"% " extra_telemetry["quality"] = lq except: pass if "rssi" in phy_stats: try: lr = round(float(phy_stats["rssi"]), 1) phy_stats_str += "[b]RSSI[/b] "+str(lr)+"dBm " extra_telemetry["rssi"] = lr except: pass if "snr" in phy_stats: try: ls = round(float(phy_stats["snr"]), 1) phy_stats_str += "[b]SNR[/b] "+str(ls)+"dB " extra_telemetry["snr"] = ls except: pass if m["title"]: titlestr = "[b]Title[/b] "+m["title"].decode("utf-8")+"\n" if m["source"] == if m["state"] == LXMF.LXMessage.DELIVERED: msg_color = mdc(color_delivered, intensity_msgs) heading_str = titlestr+"[b]Sent[/b] "+txstr+"\n[b]State[/b] Delivered" elif m["method"] == LXMF.LXMessage.PROPAGATED and m["state"] == LXMF.LXMessage.SENT: msg_color = mdc(color_propagated, intensity_msgs) heading_str = titlestr+"[b]Sent[/b] "+txstr+"\n[b]State[/b] On Propagation Net" elif m["method"] == LXMF.LXMessage.PAPER: msg_color = mdc(color_paper, intensity_msgs) heading_str = titlestr+"[b]Created[/b] "+txstr+"\n[b]State[/b] Paper Message" elif m["state"] == LXMF.LXMessage.FAILED: msg_color = mdc(color_failed, intensity_msgs) heading_str = titlestr+"[b]Sent[/b] "+txstr+"\n[b]State[/b] Failed" elif m["state"] == LXMF.LXMessage.OUTBOUND or m["state"] == LXMF.LXMessage.SENDING: msg_color = mdc(color_unknown, intensity_msgs) heading_str = titlestr+"[b]Sent[/b] "+txstr+"\n[b]State[/b] Sending " else: msg_color = mdc(color_unknown, intensity_msgs) heading_str = titlestr+"[b]Sent[/b] "+txstr+"\n[b]State[/b] Unknown" else: msg_color = mdc(color_received, intensity_msgs) heading_str = titlestr if phy_stats_str != "" and["advanced_stats"]: heading_str += phy_stats_str+"\n" heading_str += "[b]Sent[/b] "+txstr heading_str += "\n[b]Received[/b] "+rxstr if rcvd_d_str != "": heading_str += rcvd_d_str pre_content = "" if not signature_valid: identity_known = False if RNS.Identity.recall(m["hash"]) != None: identity_known = True if identity_known == True: pre_content += "[b]Warning![/b] The signature for this message could not be validated. [b]This message is likely to be fake[/b].\n\n" force_markup = True item = ListLXMessageCard( text=pre_content+message_markup.decode("utf-8")+extra_content, heading=heading_str, md_bg_color=msg_color, ) if not RNS.vendor.platformutils.is_android(): item.radius = dp(5) item.sb_uid = m["hash"] item.m = m item.ids.heading_text.theme_text_color = "Custom" item.ids.heading_text.text_color = mt_color item.ids.content_text.theme_text_color = "Custom" item.ids.content_text.text_color = mt_color item.ids.msg_submenu.theme_text_color = "Custom" item.ids.msg_submenu.text_color = mt_color def gen_del(mhash, item): def x(): yes_button = MDRectangleFlatButton(text="Yes",font_size=dp(18), theme_text_color="Custom",, no_button = MDRectangleFlatButton(text="No",font_size=dp(18)) dialog = MDDialog( title="Delete message?", buttons=[ yes_button, no_button ], # elevation=0, ) def dl_yes(s): dialog.dismiss() def cb(dt): self.reload() Clock.schedule_once(cb, 0.2) def dl_no(s): dialog.dismiss() yes_button.bind(on_release=dl_yes) no_button.bind(on_release=dl_no) item.dmenu.dismiss() return x def gen_retry(mhash, mcontent, item): def x(): = mcontent.decode("utf-8") item.dmenu.dismiss() def cb(dt): self.reload() Clock.schedule_once(cb, 0.2) return x def gen_copy(msg, item): def x(): Clipboard.copy(msg) item.dmenu.dismiss() return x def gen_copy_telemetry(telemeter, extra_telemetry, item): def x(): try: telemeter if extra_telemetry and len(extra_telemetry) != 0: physical_link = extra_telemetry telemeter.synthesize("physical_link") if "rssi" in physical_link: telemeter.sensors["physical_link"].rssi = physical_link["rssi"] if "snr" in physical_link: telemeter.sensors["physical_link"].snr = physical_link["snr"] if "quality" in physical_link: telemeter.sensors["physical_link"].q = physical_link["quality"] telemeter.sensors["physical_link"].update_data() tlm = telemeter.read_all() Clipboard.copy(str(tlm)) item.dmenu.dismiss() except Exception as e: RNS.log("An error occurred while decoding telemetry. The contained exception was: "+str(e), RNS.LOG_ERROR) Clipboard.copy("Could not decode telemetry") return x def gen_copy_lxm_uri(lxm, item): def x(): Clipboard.copy(lxm.as_uri()) item.dmenu.dismiss() return x def gen_save_qr(lxm, item): if RNS.vendor.platformutils.is_android(): def x(): qr_image = lxm.as_qr() hash_str = RNS.hexrep(lxm.hash[-2:], delimit=False) filename = "Paper_Message_"+time.strftime(file_ts_format, time.localtime(m["sent"]))+"_"+hash_str+".png" # filename = "Paper_Message.png", filename) item.dmenu.dismiss() return x else: def x(): try: qr_image = lxm.as_qr() hash_str = RNS.hexrep(lxm.hash[-2:], delimit=False) filename = "Paper_Message_"+time.strftime(file_ts_format, time.localtime(m["sent"]))+"_"+hash_str+".png" if RNS.vendor.platformutils.is_darwin(): save_path = str(plyer.storagepath.get_downloads_dir()+filename).replace("file://", "") else: save_path = plyer.storagepath.get_downloads_dir()+"/"+filename item.dmenu.dismiss() ok_button = MDRectangleFlatButton(text="OK",font_size=dp(18)) dialog = MDDialog( title="QR Code Saved", text="The paper message has been saved to: "+save_path+"", buttons=[ ok_button ], # elevation=0, ) def dl_ok(s): dialog.dismiss() ok_button.bind(on_release=dl_ok) except Exception as e: item.dmenu.dismiss() ok_button = MDRectangleFlatButton(text="OK",font_size=dp(18)) dialog = MDDialog( title="Error", text="Could not save the paper message QR-code to:\n\n"+save_path+"\n\n"+str(e), buttons=[ ok_button ], # elevation=0, ) def dl_ok(s): dialog.dismiss() ok_button.bind(on_release=dl_ok) return x def gen_print_qr(lxm, item): if RNS.vendor.platformutils.is_android(): def x(): item.dmenu.dismiss() return x else: def x(): try: qr_image = lxm.as_qr() qr_tmp_path ="/"+str(RNS.hexrep(lxm.hash, delimit=False)) print_command =["print_command"]+" "+qr_tmp_path return_code =, stdout=subprocess.DEVNULL, stderr=subprocess.DEVNULL) os.unlink(qr_tmp_path) item.dmenu.dismiss() except Exception as e: item.dmenu.dismiss() ok_button = MDRectangleFlatButton(text="OK",font_size=dp(18)) dialog = MDDialog( title="Error", text="Could not print the paper message QR-code.\n\n"+str(e), buttons=[ ok_button ], # elevation=0, ) def dl_ok(s): dialog.dismiss() ok_button.bind(on_release=dl_ok) return x retry_item = { "viewclass": "OneLineListItem", "text": "Retry", "height": dp(40), "on_release": gen_retry(m["hash"], m["content"], item) } if m["method"] == LXMF.LXMessage.PAPER: if RNS.vendor.platformutils.is_android(): qr_save_text = "Share QR Code" dm_items = [ { "viewclass": "OneLineListItem", "text": "Share QR Code", "height": dp(40), "on_release": gen_save_qr(m["lxm"], item) }, { "viewclass": "OneLineListItem", "text": "Copy LXM URI", "height": dp(40), "on_release": gen_copy_lxm_uri(m["lxm"], item) }, { "viewclass": "OneLineListItem", "text": "Copy message text", "height": dp(40), "on_release": gen_copy(m["content"].decode("utf-8"), item) }, { "text": "Delete", "viewclass": "OneLineListItem", "height": dp(40), "on_release": gen_del(m["hash"], item) } ] else: dm_items = [ { "viewclass": "OneLineListItem", "text": "Print QR Code", "height": dp(40), "on_release": gen_print_qr(m["lxm"], item) }, { "viewclass": "OneLineListItem", "text": "Save QR Code", "height": dp(40), "on_release": gen_save_qr(m["lxm"], item) }, { "viewclass": "OneLineListItem", "text": "Copy LXM URI", "height": dp(40), "on_release": gen_copy_lxm_uri(m["lxm"], item) }, { "viewclass": "OneLineListItem", "text": "Copy message text", "height": dp(40), "on_release": gen_copy(m["content"].decode("utf-8"), item) }, { "text": "Delete", "viewclass": "OneLineListItem", "height": dp(40), "on_release": gen_del(m["hash"], item) } ] else: if m["state"] == LXMF.LXMessage.FAILED: dm_items = [ retry_item, { "viewclass": "OneLineListItem", "text": "Copy", "height": dp(40), "on_release": gen_copy(m["content"].decode("utf-8"), item) }, { "text": "Delete", "viewclass": "OneLineListItem", "height": dp(40), "on_release": gen_del(m["hash"], item) } ] else: if telemeter != None: dm_items = [ { "viewclass": "OneLineListItem", "text": "Copy", "height": dp(40), "on_release": gen_copy(m["content"].decode("utf-8"), item) }, { "viewclass": "OneLineListItem", "text": "Copy telemetry", "height": dp(40), "on_release": gen_copy_telemetry(telemeter, extra_telemetry, item) }, { "text": "Delete", "viewclass": "OneLineListItem", "height": dp(40), "on_release": gen_del(m["hash"], item) } ] else: dm_items = [ { "viewclass": "OneLineListItem", "text": "Copy", "height": dp(40), "on_release": gen_copy(m["content"].decode("utf-8"), item) }, { "text": "Delete", "viewclass": "OneLineListItem", "height": dp(40), "on_release": gen_del(m["hash"], item) } ] item.dmenu = MDDropdownMenu( caller=item.ids.msg_submenu, items=dm_items, position="auto", width=dp(256), elevation=0, radius=dp(3), ) item.dmenu.retry_item = retry_item def callback_factory(ref): def x(sender): return x # Bind menu open item.ids.msg_submenu.bind(on_release=callback_factory(item)) if self.loading_earlier_messages: insert_pos = len(self.list.children) else: insert_pos = 0 self.added_item_hashes.append(m["hash"]) self.widgets.append(item) self.list.add_widget(item, insert_pos) if self.latest_message_timestamp == None or m["received"] > self.latest_message_timestamp: self.latest_message_timestamp = m["received"] if self.earliest_message_timestamp == None or m["received"] < self.earliest_message_timestamp: self.earliest_message_timestamp = m["received"] self.added_messages += len(self.new_messages) self.new_messages = [] def get_widget(self): return self.list def close_send_error_dialog(self, sender=None): if self.send_error_dialog: self.send_error_dialog.dismiss() messages_screen_kv = """ MDScreen: name: "messages_screen" BoxLayout: orientation: "vertical" MDTopAppBar: id: messages_toolbar anchor_title: "left" title: "Messages" elevation: 0 left_action_items: [['menu', lambda x:"open")],] right_action_items: [ ['map-marker-path', lambda x:], ['map-search', lambda x:], ['lan-connect', lambda x:], ['close', lambda x:], ] ScrollView: id: messages_scrollview do_scroll_x: False do_scroll_y: True BoxLayout: id: no_keys_part orientation: "vertical" padding: [dp(16), dp(0), dp(16), dp(16)] spacing: dp(24) size_hint_y: None height: self.minimum_height + dp(64) MDLabel: id: nokeys_text text: "" MDRectangleFlatIconButton: icon: "key-wireless" text: "Query Network For Keys" on_release: BoxLayout: id: message_input_part padding: [dp(16), dp(0), dp(16), dp(16)] spacing: dp(24) size_hint_y: None height: self.minimum_height MDTextField: id: message_text keyboard_suggestions: True multiline: True hint_text: "Write message" mode: "rectangle" max_height: dp(100) MDRectangleFlatIconButton: id: message_send_button icon: "transfer-up" text: "Send" padding: [dp(10), dp(13), dp(10), dp(14)] icon_size: dp(24) font_size: dp(16) on_release: """ Builder.load_string(""" : style: "outlined" padding: dp(8) radius: dp(4) size_hint: 1.0, None height: content_text.height + heading_text.height + dp(32) pos_hint: {"center_x": .5, "center_y": .5} MDRelativeLayout: size_hint: 1.0, None theme_text_color: "ContrastParentBackground" MDIconButton: id: msg_submenu icon: "dots-vertical" # theme_text_color: 'Custom' # text_color: rgba(255,255,255,216) pos: root.width - (self.width + root.padding[0] + dp(4)), root.height - (self.height + root.padding[0] + dp(4)) MDLabel: id: heading_text markup: True text: root.heading adaptive_size: True # theme_text_color: 'Custom' # text_color: rgba(255,255,255,100) pos: 0, root.height - (self.height + root.padding[0] + dp(8)) MDLabel: id: content_text text: root.text markup: True size_hint_y: None text_size: self.width, None height: self.texture_size[1] IconLeftWidget: icon: root.icon """)