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ESP8266WiFiGeneric.cpp - WiFi library for esp8266
Copyright (c) 2014 Ivan Grokhotkov. All rights reserved.
This file is part of the esp8266 core for Arduino environment.
This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
Lesser General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
Reworked on 28 Dec 2015 by Markus Sattler
#include "WiFi.h"
#include "WiFiGeneric.h"
extern "C" {
#include <stdint.h>
#include <stdbool.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <inttypes.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <esp_err.h>
#include <esp_wifi.h>
#include <esp_event.h>
#include "lwip/ip_addr.h"
#include "lwip/opt.h"
#include "lwip/err.h"
#include "lwip/dns.h"
#include "dhcpserver/dhcpserver_options.h"
#include "esp_ipc.h"
} //extern "C"
#include "esp32-hal.h"
#include <vector>
#include "sdkconfig.h"
* Private (exposable) methods
* */
static esp_netif_t* esp_netifs[ESP_IF_MAX] = {NULL, NULL, NULL};
esp_interface_t get_esp_netif_interface(esp_netif_t* esp_netif){
for(int i=0; i<ESP_IF_MAX; i++){
if(esp_netifs[i] != NULL && esp_netifs[i] == esp_netif){
return (esp_interface_t)i;
return ESP_IF_MAX;
void add_esp_interface_netif(esp_interface_t interface, esp_netif_t* esp_netif){
if(interface < ESP_IF_MAX){
esp_netifs[interface] = esp_netif;
esp_netif_t* get_esp_interface_netif(esp_interface_t interface){
if(interface < ESP_IF_MAX){
return esp_netifs[interface];
return NULL;
esp_err_t set_esp_interface_hostname(esp_interface_t interface, const char * hostname){
if(interface < ESP_IF_MAX){
return esp_netif_set_hostname(esp_netifs[interface], hostname);
return ESP_FAIL;
esp_err_t set_esp_interface_ip(esp_interface_t interface, IPAddress local_ip=IPAddress(), IPAddress gateway=IPAddress(), IPAddress subnet=IPAddress()){
esp_netif_t *esp_netif = esp_netifs[interface];
esp_netif_dhcp_status_t status = ESP_NETIF_DHCP_INIT;
esp_netif_ip_info_t info;
info.ip.addr = static_cast<uint32_t>(local_ip); = static_cast<uint32_t>(gateway);
info.netmask.addr = static_cast<uint32_t>(subnet);
log_v("Configuring %s static IP: " IPSTR ", MASK: " IPSTR ", GW: " IPSTR,
interface == ESP_IF_WIFI_STA ? "Station" :
interface == ESP_IF_WIFI_AP ? "SoftAP" : "Ethernet",
IP2STR(&info.ip), IP2STR(&info.netmask), IP2STR(&;
esp_err_t err = ESP_OK;
if(interface != ESP_IF_WIFI_AP){
err = esp_netif_dhcpc_get_status(esp_netif, &status);
log_e("DHCPC Get Status Failed! 0x%04x", err);
return err;
err = esp_netif_dhcpc_stop(esp_netif);
log_e("DHCPC Stop Failed! 0x%04x", err);
return err;
err = esp_netif_set_ip_info(esp_netif, &info);
log_e("Netif Set IP Failed! 0x%04x", err);
return err;
if(info.ip.addr == 0){
err = esp_netif_dhcpc_start(esp_netif);
log_e("DHCPC Start Failed! 0x%04x", err);
return err;
} else {
err = esp_netif_dhcps_get_status(esp_netif, &status);
log_e("DHCPS Get Status Failed! 0x%04x", err);
return err;
err = esp_netif_dhcps_stop(esp_netif);
log_e("DHCPS Stop Failed! 0x%04x", err);
return err;
err = esp_netif_set_ip_info(esp_netif, &info);
log_e("Netif Set IP Failed! 0x%04x", err);
return err;
dhcps_lease_t lease;
lease.enable = true;
lease.start_ip.addr = static_cast<uint32_t>(local_ip) + (1 << 24);
lease.end_ip.addr = static_cast<uint32_t>(local_ip) + (11 << 24);
err = tcpip_adapter_dhcps_option(
(void*)&lease, sizeof(dhcps_lease_t)
log_e("DHCPS Set Lease Failed! 0x%04x", err);
return err;
err = esp_netif_dhcps_start(esp_netif);
log_e("DHCPS Start Failed! 0x%04x", err);
return err;
return err;
esp_err_t set_esp_interface_dns(esp_interface_t interface, IPAddress main_dns=IPAddress(), IPAddress backup_dns=IPAddress(), IPAddress fallback_dns=IPAddress()){
esp_netif_t *esp_netif = esp_netifs[interface];
esp_netif_dns_info_t dns;
dns.ip.type = ESP_IPADDR_TYPE_V4;
dns.ip.u_addr.ip4.addr = static_cast<uint32_t>(main_dns);
if(dns.ip.u_addr.ip4.addr && esp_netif_set_dns_info(esp_netif, ESP_NETIF_DNS_MAIN, &dns) != ESP_OK){
log_e("Set Main DNS Failed!");
return ESP_FAIL;
if(interface != ESP_IF_WIFI_AP){
dns.ip.u_addr.ip4.addr = static_cast<uint32_t>(backup_dns);
if(dns.ip.u_addr.ip4.addr && esp_netif_set_dns_info(esp_netif, ESP_NETIF_DNS_BACKUP, &dns) != ESP_OK){
log_e("Set Backup DNS Failed!");
return ESP_FAIL;
dns.ip.u_addr.ip4.addr = static_cast<uint32_t>(fallback_dns);
if(dns.ip.u_addr.ip4.addr && esp_netif_set_dns_info(esp_netif, ESP_NETIF_DNS_FALLBACK, &dns) != ESP_OK){
log_e("Set Fallback DNS Failed!");
return ESP_FAIL;
return ESP_OK;
static const char * auth_mode_str(int authmode)
switch (authmode) {
return ("OPEN");
return ("WEP");
return ("PSK");
return ("WPA2_PSK");
return ("WPA_WPA2_PSK");
return ("WPA2_ENTERPRISE");
return ("UNKNOWN");
static char default_hostname[32] = {0,};
static const char * get_esp_netif_hostname(){
if(default_hostname[0] == 0){
uint8_t eth_mac[6];
esp_wifi_get_mac((wifi_interface_t)WIFI_IF_STA, eth_mac);
snprintf(default_hostname, 32, "%s%02X%02X%02X", CONFIG_IDF_TARGET "-", eth_mac[3], eth_mac[4], eth_mac[5]);
return (const char *)default_hostname;
static void set_esp_netif_hostname(const char * name){
snprintf(default_hostname, 32, "%s", name);
static xQueueHandle _arduino_event_queue;
static TaskHandle_t _arduino_event_task_handle = NULL;
static EventGroupHandle_t _arduino_event_group = NULL;
static void _arduino_event_task(void * arg){
arduino_event_t *data = NULL;
for (;;) {
if(xQueueReceive(_arduino_event_queue, &data, portMAX_DELAY) == pdTRUE){
data = NULL;
_arduino_event_task_handle = NULL;
esp_err_t postArduinoEvent(arduino_event_t *data)
if(data == NULL){
return ESP_FAIL;
arduino_event_t * event = (arduino_event_t*)malloc(sizeof(arduino_event_t));
if(event == NULL){
log_e("Arduino Event Malloc Failed!");
return ESP_FAIL;
memcpy(event, data, sizeof(arduino_event_t));
if (xQueueSend(_arduino_event_queue, &event, portMAX_DELAY) != pdPASS) {
log_e("Arduino Event Send Failed!");
return ESP_FAIL;
return ESP_OK;
static void _arduino_event_cb(void* arg, esp_event_base_t event_base, int32_t event_id, void* event_data) {
arduino_event_t arduino_event;
arduino_event.event_id = ARDUINO_EVENT_MAX;
* */
if (event_base == WIFI_EVENT && event_id == WIFI_EVENT_STA_START) {
log_v("STA Started");
arduino_event.event_id = ARDUINO_EVENT_WIFI_STA_START;
} else if (event_base == WIFI_EVENT && event_id == WIFI_EVENT_STA_STOP) {
log_v("STA Stopped");
arduino_event.event_id = ARDUINO_EVENT_WIFI_STA_STOP;
} else if (event_base == WIFI_EVENT && event_id == WIFI_EVENT_STA_AUTHMODE_CHANGE) {
wifi_event_sta_authmode_change_t * event = (wifi_event_sta_authmode_change_t*)event_data;
log_v("STA Auth Mode Changed: From: %s, To: %s", auth_mode_str(event->old_mode), auth_mode_str(event->new_mode));
memcpy(&arduino_event.event_info.wifi_sta_authmode_change, event_data, sizeof(wifi_event_sta_authmode_change_t));
} else if (event_base == WIFI_EVENT && event_id == WIFI_EVENT_STA_CONNECTED) {
wifi_event_sta_connected_t * event = (wifi_event_sta_connected_t*)event_data;
log_v("STA Connected: SSID: %s, BSSID: " MACSTR ", Channel: %u, Auth: %s", event->ssid, MAC2STR(event->bssid), event->channel, auth_mode_str(event->authmode));
arduino_event.event_id = ARDUINO_EVENT_WIFI_STA_CONNECTED;
memcpy(&arduino_event.event_info.wifi_sta_connected, event_data, sizeof(wifi_event_sta_connected_t));
} else if (event_base == WIFI_EVENT && event_id == WIFI_EVENT_STA_DISCONNECTED) {
wifi_event_sta_disconnected_t * event = (wifi_event_sta_disconnected_t*)event_data;
log_v("STA Disconnected: SSID: %s, BSSID: " MACSTR ", Reason: %u", event->ssid, MAC2STR(event->bssid), event->reason);
memcpy(&arduino_event.event_info.wifi_sta_disconnected, event_data, sizeof(wifi_event_sta_disconnected_t));
} else if (event_base == IP_EVENT && event_id == IP_EVENT_STA_GOT_IP) {
ip_event_got_ip_t* event = (ip_event_got_ip_t*) event_data;
log_v("STA Got %sIP:" IPSTR, event->ip_changed?"New ":"Same ", IP2STR(&event->ip_info.ip));
arduino_event.event_id = ARDUINO_EVENT_WIFI_STA_GOT_IP;
memcpy(&arduino_event.event_info.got_ip, event_data, sizeof(ip_event_got_ip_t));
} else if (event_base == IP_EVENT && event_id == IP_EVENT_STA_LOST_IP) {
log_v("STA IP Lost");
arduino_event.event_id = ARDUINO_EVENT_WIFI_STA_LOST_IP;
* */
} else if (event_base == WIFI_EVENT && event_id == WIFI_EVENT_SCAN_DONE) {
wifi_event_sta_scan_done_t * event = (wifi_event_sta_scan_done_t*)event_data;
log_v("SCAN Done: ID: %u, Status: %u, Results: %u", event->scan_id, event->status, event->number);
arduino_event.event_id = ARDUINO_EVENT_WIFI_SCAN_DONE;
memcpy(&arduino_event.event_info.wifi_scan_done, event_data, sizeof(wifi_event_sta_scan_done_t));
* AP
* */
} else if (event_base == WIFI_EVENT && event_id == WIFI_EVENT_AP_START) {
log_v("AP Started");
arduino_event.event_id = ARDUINO_EVENT_WIFI_AP_START;
} else if (event_base == WIFI_EVENT && event_id == WIFI_EVENT_AP_STOP) {
log_v("AP Stopped");
arduino_event.event_id = ARDUINO_EVENT_WIFI_AP_STOP;
} else if (event_base == WIFI_EVENT && event_id == WIFI_EVENT_AP_PROBEREQRECVED) {
wifi_event_ap_probe_req_rx_t * event = (wifi_event_ap_probe_req_rx_t*)event_data;
log_v("AP Probe Request: RSSI: %d, MAC: " MACSTR, event->rssi, MAC2STR(event->mac));
memcpy(&arduino_event.event_info.wifi_ap_probereqrecved, event_data, sizeof(wifi_event_ap_probe_req_rx_t));
} else if (event_base == WIFI_EVENT && event_id == WIFI_EVENT_AP_STACONNECTED) {
wifi_event_ap_staconnected_t* event = (wifi_event_ap_staconnected_t*) event_data;
log_v("AP Station Connected: MAC: " MACSTR ", AID: %d", MAC2STR(event->mac), event->aid);
arduino_event.event_id = ARDUINO_EVENT_WIFI_AP_STACONNECTED;
memcpy(&arduino_event.event_info.wifi_ap_staconnected, event_data, sizeof(wifi_event_ap_staconnected_t));
} else if (event_base == WIFI_EVENT && event_id == WIFI_EVENT_AP_STADISCONNECTED) {
wifi_event_ap_stadisconnected_t* event = (wifi_event_ap_stadisconnected_t*) event_data;
log_v("AP Station Disconnected: MAC: " MACSTR ", AID: %d", MAC2STR(event->mac), event->aid);
memcpy(&arduino_event.event_info.wifi_ap_stadisconnected, event_data, sizeof(wifi_event_ap_stadisconnected_t));
} else if (event_base == IP_EVENT && event_id == IP_EVENT_AP_STAIPASSIGNED) {
ip_event_ap_staipassigned_t * event = (ip_event_ap_staipassigned_t*)event_data;
log_v("AP Station IP Assigned:" IPSTR, IP2STR(&event->ip));
memcpy(&arduino_event.event_info.wifi_ap_staipassigned, event_data, sizeof(ip_event_ap_staipassigned_t));
* */
} else if (event_base == ETH_EVENT && event_id == ETHERNET_EVENT_CONNECTED) {
log_v("Ethernet Link Up");
esp_eth_handle_t eth_handle = *(esp_eth_handle_t *)event_data;
arduino_event.event_id = ARDUINO_EVENT_ETH_CONNECTED;
memcpy(&arduino_event.event_info.eth_connected, event_data, sizeof(esp_eth_handle_t));
} else if (event_base == ETH_EVENT && event_id == ETHERNET_EVENT_DISCONNECTED) {
log_v("Ethernet Link Down");
arduino_event.event_id = ARDUINO_EVENT_ETH_DISCONNECTED;
} else if (event_base == ETH_EVENT && event_id == ETHERNET_EVENT_START) {
log_v("Ethernet Started");
arduino_event.event_id = ARDUINO_EVENT_ETH_START;
} else if (event_base == ETH_EVENT && event_id == ETHERNET_EVENT_STOP) {
log_v("Ethernet Stopped");
arduino_event.event_id = ARDUINO_EVENT_ETH_STOP;
} else if (event_base == IP_EVENT && event_id == IP_EVENT_ETH_GOT_IP) {
ip_event_got_ip_t* event = (ip_event_got_ip_t*) event_data;
log_v("Ethernet got %sip:" IPSTR, event->ip_changed?"new":"", IP2STR(&event->ip_info.ip));
arduino_event.event_id = ARDUINO_EVENT_ETH_GOT_IP;
memcpy(&arduino_event.event_info.got_ip, event_data, sizeof(ip_event_got_ip_t));
* IPv6
* */
} else if (event_base == IP_EVENT && event_id == IP_EVENT_GOT_IP6) {
ip_event_got_ip6_t * event = (ip_event_got_ip6_t*)event_data;
esp_interface_t iface = get_esp_netif_interface(event->esp_netif);
log_v("IF[%d] Got IPv6: IP Index: %d, Zone: %d, " IPV6STR, iface, event->ip_index, event->, IPV62STR(event->ip6_info.ip));
memcpy(&arduino_event.event_info.got_ip6, event_data, sizeof(ip_event_got_ip6_t));
if(iface == ESP_IF_WIFI_STA){
arduino_event.event_id = ARDUINO_EVENT_WIFI_STA_GOT_IP6;
} else if(iface == ESP_IF_WIFI_AP){
arduino_event.event_id = ARDUINO_EVENT_WIFI_AP_GOT_IP6;
} else if(iface == ESP_IF_ETH){
arduino_event.event_id = ARDUINO_EVENT_ETH_GOT_IP6;
* */
} else if (event_base == WIFI_EVENT && event_id == WIFI_EVENT_STA_WPS_ER_SUCCESS) {
arduino_event.event_id = ARDUINO_EVENT_WPS_ER_SUCCESS;
} else if (event_base == WIFI_EVENT && event_id == WIFI_EVENT_STA_WPS_ER_FAILED) {
wifi_event_sta_wps_fail_reason_t * event = (wifi_event_sta_wps_fail_reason_t*)event_data;
arduino_event.event_id = ARDUINO_EVENT_WPS_ER_FAILED;
memcpy(&arduino_event.event_info.wps_fail_reason, event_data, sizeof(wifi_event_sta_wps_fail_reason_t));
} else if (event_base == WIFI_EVENT && event_id == WIFI_EVENT_STA_WPS_ER_TIMEOUT) {
arduino_event.event_id = ARDUINO_EVENT_WPS_ER_TIMEOUT;
} else if (event_base == WIFI_EVENT && event_id == WIFI_EVENT_STA_WPS_ER_PIN) {
wifi_event_sta_wps_er_pin_t * event = (wifi_event_sta_wps_er_pin_t*)event_data;
arduino_event.event_id = ARDUINO_EVENT_WPS_ER_PIN;
memcpy(&arduino_event.event_info.wps_er_pin, event_data, sizeof(wifi_event_sta_wps_er_pin_t));
} else if (event_base == WIFI_EVENT && event_id == WIFI_EVENT_STA_WPS_ER_PBC_OVERLAP) {
arduino_event.event_id = ARDUINO_EVENT_WPS_ER_PBC_OVERLAP;
* */
} else if (event_base == WIFI_EVENT && event_id == WIFI_EVENT_FTM_REPORT) {
wifi_event_ftm_report_t * event = (wifi_event_ftm_report_t*)event_data;
arduino_event.event_id = ARDUINO_EVENT_WIFI_FTM_REPORT;
memcpy(&arduino_event.event_info.wifi_ftm_report, event_data, sizeof(wifi_event_ftm_report_t));
* */
} else if (event_base == SC_EVENT && event_id == SC_EVENT_SCAN_DONE) {
log_v("SC Scan Done");
arduino_event.event_id = ARDUINO_EVENT_SC_SCAN_DONE;
} else if (event_base == SC_EVENT && event_id == SC_EVENT_FOUND_CHANNEL) {
log_v("SC Found Channel");
arduino_event.event_id = ARDUINO_EVENT_SC_FOUND_CHANNEL;
} else if (event_base == SC_EVENT && event_id == SC_EVENT_GOT_SSID_PSWD) {
smartconfig_event_got_ssid_pswd_t *event = (smartconfig_event_got_ssid_pswd_t *)event_data;
log_v("SC: SSID: %s, Password: %s", (const char *)event->ssid, (const char *)event->password);
arduino_event.event_id = ARDUINO_EVENT_SC_GOT_SSID_PSWD;
memcpy(&arduino_event.event_info.sc_got_ssid_pswd, event_data, sizeof(smartconfig_event_got_ssid_pswd_t));
} else if (event_base == SC_EVENT && event_id == SC_EVENT_SEND_ACK_DONE) {
log_v("SC Send Ack Done");
arduino_event.event_id = ARDUINO_EVENT_SC_SEND_ACK_DONE;
* Provisioning
* */
} else if (event_base == WIFI_PROV_EVENT && event_id == WIFI_PROV_INIT) {
log_v("Provisioning Initialized!");
arduino_event.event_id = ARDUINO_EVENT_PROV_INIT;
} else if (event_base == WIFI_PROV_EVENT && event_id == WIFI_PROV_DEINIT) {
log_v("Provisioning Uninitialized!");
arduino_event.event_id = ARDUINO_EVENT_PROV_DEINIT;
} else if (event_base == WIFI_PROV_EVENT && event_id == WIFI_PROV_START) {
log_v("Provisioning Start!");
arduino_event.event_id = ARDUINO_EVENT_PROV_START;
} else if (event_base == WIFI_PROV_EVENT && event_id == WIFI_PROV_END) {
log_v("Provisioning End!");
arduino_event.event_id = ARDUINO_EVENT_PROV_END;
} else if (event_base == WIFI_PROV_EVENT && event_id == WIFI_PROV_CRED_RECV) {
wifi_sta_config_t *event = (wifi_sta_config_t *)event_data;
log_v("Provisioned Credentials: SSID: %s, Password: %s", (const char *) event->ssid, (const char *) event->password);
arduino_event.event_id = ARDUINO_EVENT_PROV_CRED_RECV;
memcpy(&arduino_event.event_info.prov_cred_recv, event_data, sizeof(wifi_sta_config_t));
} else if (event_base == WIFI_PROV_EVENT && event_id == WIFI_PROV_CRED_FAIL) {
wifi_prov_sta_fail_reason_t *reason = (wifi_prov_sta_fail_reason_t *)event_data;
log_e("Provisioning Failed: Reason : %s", (*reason == WIFI_PROV_STA_AUTH_ERROR)?"Authentication Failed":"AP Not Found");
arduino_event.event_id = ARDUINO_EVENT_PROV_CRED_FAIL;
memcpy(&arduino_event.event_info.prov_fail_reason, event_data, sizeof(wifi_prov_sta_fail_reason_t));
} else if (event_base == WIFI_PROV_EVENT && event_id == WIFI_PROV_CRED_SUCCESS) {
log_v("Provisioning Success!");
arduino_event.event_id = ARDUINO_EVENT_PROV_CRED_SUCCESS;
if(arduino_event.event_id < ARDUINO_EVENT_MAX){
Update IDF to aaf1239 (#1539) * fix sdmmc config * Fix warnings in EEPROM from @Curclamas * remove leftover TAG in EEPROM * Initial add of @stickbreaker i2c * Add log_n * fix warnings when log is off * i2c code clean up and reorganization * add flags to interrupt allocator * fix sdmmc config * Fix warnings in EEPROM from @Curclamas * remove leftover TAG in EEPROM * fix errors with latest IDF * fix debug optimization (#1365) incorrect optimization for debugging tick markers. * Fix some missing BT header * Change BTSerial log calls * Update BLE lib * Arduino-ESP32 release management scripted (#1515) * Calculate an absolute path for a custom partitions table (#1452) * * Arduino-ESP32 release management scripted (ready-to-merge) * * secure env for espressif/arduino-esp32 * * build tests enabled * gitter webhook enabled * * gitter room link fixed * better comment * * filepaths fixed * BT Serial adjustments * * don't run sketch builds & tests for tagged builds * Return false from WiFi.hostByName() if hostname is not resolved * Free BT Memory when BT is not used * WIFI_MODE_NULL is not supported anymore * Select some key examples to build with PlatformIO to save some time * Update BLE lib * Fixed BLE lib * Major WiFi overhaul - auto reconnect on connection loss now works - moved to event groups - some code clean up and procedure optimizations - new methods to get a more elaborate system ststus * Add cmake tests to travis * Add initial AsyncUDP * Add NetBIOS lib and fix CMake includes * Add Initial WebServer * Fix WebServer and examples * travis not quiting on build fail * Try different travis build * Update IDF to aaf1239 * Fix WPS Example * fix script permission and add some fail tests to sketch builder * Add missing space in WiFiClient::write(Stream &stream)
2018-06-27 09:01:06 +02:00
static bool _start_network_event_task(){
_arduino_event_group = xEventGroupCreate();
Update IDF to aaf1239 (#1539) * fix sdmmc config * Fix warnings in EEPROM from @Curclamas * remove leftover TAG in EEPROM * Initial add of @stickbreaker i2c * Add log_n * fix warnings when log is off * i2c code clean up and reorganization * add flags to interrupt allocator * fix sdmmc config * Fix warnings in EEPROM from @Curclamas * remove leftover TAG in EEPROM * fix errors with latest IDF * fix debug optimization (#1365) incorrect optimization for debugging tick markers. * Fix some missing BT header * Change BTSerial log calls * Update BLE lib * Arduino-ESP32 release management scripted (#1515) * Calculate an absolute path for a custom partitions table (#1452) * * Arduino-ESP32 release management scripted (ready-to-merge) * * secure env for espressif/arduino-esp32 * * build tests enabled * gitter webhook enabled * * gitter room link fixed * better comment * * filepaths fixed * BT Serial adjustments * * don't run sketch builds & tests for tagged builds * Return false from WiFi.hostByName() if hostname is not resolved * Free BT Memory when BT is not used * WIFI_MODE_NULL is not supported anymore * Select some key examples to build with PlatformIO to save some time * Update BLE lib * Fixed BLE lib * Major WiFi overhaul - auto reconnect on connection loss now works - moved to event groups - some code clean up and procedure optimizations - new methods to get a more elaborate system ststus * Add cmake tests to travis * Add initial AsyncUDP * Add NetBIOS lib and fix CMake includes * Add Initial WebServer * Fix WebServer and examples * travis not quiting on build fail * Try different travis build * Update IDF to aaf1239 * Fix WPS Example * fix script permission and add some fail tests to sketch builder * Add missing space in WiFiClient::write(Stream &stream)
2018-06-27 09:01:06 +02:00
log_e("Network Event Group Create Failed!");
return false;
xEventGroupSetBits(_arduino_event_group, WIFI_DNS_IDLE_BIT);
Update IDF to aaf1239 (#1539) * fix sdmmc config * Fix warnings in EEPROM from @Curclamas * remove leftover TAG in EEPROM * Initial add of @stickbreaker i2c * Add log_n * fix warnings when log is off * i2c code clean up and reorganization * add flags to interrupt allocator * fix sdmmc config * Fix warnings in EEPROM from @Curclamas * remove leftover TAG in EEPROM * fix errors with latest IDF * fix debug optimization (#1365) incorrect optimization for debugging tick markers. * Fix some missing BT header * Change BTSerial log calls * Update BLE lib * Arduino-ESP32 release management scripted (#1515) * Calculate an absolute path for a custom partitions table (#1452) * * Arduino-ESP32 release management scripted (ready-to-merge) * * secure env for espressif/arduino-esp32 * * build tests enabled * gitter webhook enabled * * gitter room link fixed * better comment * * filepaths fixed * BT Serial adjustments * * don't run sketch builds & tests for tagged builds * Return false from WiFi.hostByName() if hostname is not resolved * Free BT Memory when BT is not used * WIFI_MODE_NULL is not supported anymore * Select some key examples to build with PlatformIO to save some time * Update BLE lib * Fixed BLE lib * Major WiFi overhaul - auto reconnect on connection loss now works - moved to event groups - some code clean up and procedure optimizations - new methods to get a more elaborate system ststus * Add cmake tests to travis * Add initial AsyncUDP * Add NetBIOS lib and fix CMake includes * Add Initial WebServer * Fix WebServer and examples * travis not quiting on build fail * Try different travis build * Update IDF to aaf1239 * Fix WPS Example * fix script permission and add some fail tests to sketch builder * Add missing space in WiFiClient::write(Stream &stream)
2018-06-27 09:01:06 +02:00
_arduino_event_queue = xQueueCreate(32, sizeof(arduino_event_t*));
log_e("Network Event Queue Create Failed!");
Update IDF to aaf1239 (#1539) * fix sdmmc config * Fix warnings in EEPROM from @Curclamas * remove leftover TAG in EEPROM * Initial add of @stickbreaker i2c * Add log_n * fix warnings when log is off * i2c code clean up and reorganization * add flags to interrupt allocator * fix sdmmc config * Fix warnings in EEPROM from @Curclamas * remove leftover TAG in EEPROM * fix errors with latest IDF * fix debug optimization (#1365) incorrect optimization for debugging tick markers. * Fix some missing BT header * Change BTSerial log calls * Update BLE lib * Arduino-ESP32 release management scripted (#1515) * Calculate an absolute path for a custom partitions table (#1452) * * Arduino-ESP32 release management scripted (ready-to-merge) * * secure env for espressif/arduino-esp32 * * build tests enabled * gitter webhook enabled * * gitter room link fixed * better comment * * filepaths fixed * BT Serial adjustments * * don't run sketch builds & tests for tagged builds * Return false from WiFi.hostByName() if hostname is not resolved * Free BT Memory when BT is not used * WIFI_MODE_NULL is not supported anymore * Select some key examples to build with PlatformIO to save some time * Update BLE lib * Fixed BLE lib * Major WiFi overhaul - auto reconnect on connection loss now works - moved to event groups - some code clean up and procedure optimizations - new methods to get a more elaborate system ststus * Add cmake tests to travis * Add initial AsyncUDP * Add NetBIOS lib and fix CMake includes * Add Initial WebServer * Fix WebServer and examples * travis not quiting on build fail * Try different travis build * Update IDF to aaf1239 * Fix WPS Example * fix script permission and add some fail tests to sketch builder * Add missing space in WiFiClient::write(Stream &stream)
2018-06-27 09:01:06 +02:00
return false;
esp_err_t err = esp_event_loop_create_default();
if (err != ESP_OK && err != ESP_ERR_INVALID_STATE) {
log_e("esp_event_loop_create_default failed!");
return err;
xTaskCreateUniversal(_arduino_event_task, "arduino_events", 4096, NULL, ESP_TASKD_EVENT_PRIO - 1, &_arduino_event_task_handle, ARDUINO_EVENT_RUNNING_CORE);
log_e("Network Event Task Start Failed!");
Update IDF to aaf1239 (#1539) * fix sdmmc config * Fix warnings in EEPROM from @Curclamas * remove leftover TAG in EEPROM * Initial add of @stickbreaker i2c * Add log_n * fix warnings when log is off * i2c code clean up and reorganization * add flags to interrupt allocator * fix sdmmc config * Fix warnings in EEPROM from @Curclamas * remove leftover TAG in EEPROM * fix errors with latest IDF * fix debug optimization (#1365) incorrect optimization for debugging tick markers. * Fix some missing BT header * Change BTSerial log calls * Update BLE lib * Arduino-ESP32 release management scripted (#1515) * Calculate an absolute path for a custom partitions table (#1452) * * Arduino-ESP32 release management scripted (ready-to-merge) * * secure env for espressif/arduino-esp32 * * build tests enabled * gitter webhook enabled * * gitter room link fixed * better comment * * filepaths fixed * BT Serial adjustments * * don't run sketch builds & tests for tagged builds * Return false from WiFi.hostByName() if hostname is not resolved * Free BT Memory when BT is not used * WIFI_MODE_NULL is not supported anymore * Select some key examples to build with PlatformIO to save some time * Update BLE lib * Fixed BLE lib * Major WiFi overhaul - auto reconnect on connection loss now works - moved to event groups - some code clean up and procedure optimizations - new methods to get a more elaborate system ststus * Add cmake tests to travis * Add initial AsyncUDP * Add NetBIOS lib and fix CMake includes * Add Initial WebServer * Fix WebServer and examples * travis not quiting on build fail * Try different travis build * Update IDF to aaf1239 * Fix WPS Example * fix script permission and add some fail tests to sketch builder * Add missing space in WiFiClient::write(Stream &stream)
2018-06-27 09:01:06 +02:00
return false;
if(esp_event_handler_instance_register(WIFI_EVENT, ESP_EVENT_ANY_ID, &_arduino_event_cb, NULL, NULL)){
log_e("event_handler_instance_register for WIFI_EVENT Failed!");
return false;
if(esp_event_handler_instance_register(IP_EVENT, ESP_EVENT_ANY_ID, &_arduino_event_cb, NULL, NULL)){
log_e("event_handler_instance_register for IP_EVENT Failed!");
return false;
if(esp_event_handler_instance_register(SC_EVENT, ESP_EVENT_ANY_ID, &_arduino_event_cb, NULL, NULL)){
log_e("event_handler_instance_register for SC_EVENT Failed!");
return false;
if(esp_event_handler_instance_register(ETH_EVENT, ESP_EVENT_ANY_ID, &_arduino_event_cb, NULL, NULL)){
log_e("event_handler_instance_register for ETH_EVENT Failed!");
return false;
if(esp_event_handler_instance_register(WIFI_PROV_EVENT, ESP_EVENT_ANY_ID, &_arduino_event_cb, NULL, NULL)){
log_e("event_handler_instance_register for WIFI_PROV_EVENT Failed!");
return false;
return true;
bool tcpipInit(){
static bool initialized = false;
initialized = true;
uint8_t mac[8];
if(esp_efuse_mac_get_default(mac) == ESP_OK){
initialized = esp_netif_init() == ESP_OK;
initialized = _start_network_event_task();
} else {
log_e("esp_netif_init failed!");
return initialized;
* */
Update IDF to aaf1239 (#1539) * fix sdmmc config * Fix warnings in EEPROM from @Curclamas * remove leftover TAG in EEPROM * Initial add of @stickbreaker i2c * Add log_n * fix warnings when log is off * i2c code clean up and reorganization * add flags to interrupt allocator * fix sdmmc config * Fix warnings in EEPROM from @Curclamas * remove leftover TAG in EEPROM * fix errors with latest IDF * fix debug optimization (#1365) incorrect optimization for debugging tick markers. * Fix some missing BT header * Change BTSerial log calls * Update BLE lib * Arduino-ESP32 release management scripted (#1515) * Calculate an absolute path for a custom partitions table (#1452) * * Arduino-ESP32 release management scripted (ready-to-merge) * * secure env for espressif/arduino-esp32 * * build tests enabled * gitter webhook enabled * * gitter room link fixed * better comment * * filepaths fixed * BT Serial adjustments * * don't run sketch builds & tests for tagged builds * Return false from WiFi.hostByName() if hostname is not resolved * Free BT Memory when BT is not used * WIFI_MODE_NULL is not supported anymore * Select some key examples to build with PlatformIO to save some time * Update BLE lib * Fixed BLE lib * Major WiFi overhaul - auto reconnect on connection loss now works - moved to event groups - some code clean up and procedure optimizations - new methods to get a more elaborate system ststus * Add cmake tests to travis * Add initial AsyncUDP * Add NetBIOS lib and fix CMake includes * Add Initial WebServer * Fix WebServer and examples * travis not quiting on build fail * Try different travis build * Update IDF to aaf1239 * Fix WPS Example * fix script permission and add some fail tests to sketch builder * Add missing space in WiFiClient::write(Stream &stream)
2018-06-27 09:01:06 +02:00
static bool lowLevelInitDone = false;
bool wifiLowLevelInit(bool persistent){
lowLevelInitDone = true;
lowLevelInitDone = false;
return lowLevelInitDone;
if(esp_netifs[ESP_IF_WIFI_AP] == NULL){
esp_netifs[ESP_IF_WIFI_AP] = esp_netif_create_default_wifi_ap();
if(esp_netifs[ESP_IF_WIFI_STA] == NULL){
esp_netifs[ESP_IF_WIFI_STA] = esp_netif_create_default_wifi_sta();
wifi_init_config_t cfg = WIFI_INIT_CONFIG_DEFAULT();
esp_err_t err = esp_wifi_init(&cfg);
log_e("esp_wifi_init %d", err);
lowLevelInitDone = false;
return lowLevelInitDone;
lowLevelInitDone = esp_wifi_set_storage(WIFI_STORAGE_RAM) == ESP_OK;
return lowLevelInitDone;
static bool wifiLowLevelDeinit(){
lowLevelInitDone = esp_wifi_deinit() == ESP_OK;
return true;
static bool _esp_wifi_started = false;
static bool espWiFiStart(){
return true;
_esp_wifi_started = true;
esp_err_t err = esp_wifi_start();
if (err != ESP_OK) {
_esp_wifi_started = false;
log_e("esp_wifi_start %d", err);
return _esp_wifi_started;
return _esp_wifi_started;
static bool espWiFiStop(){
esp_err_t err;
return true;
Update IDF to aaf1239 (#1539) * fix sdmmc config * Fix warnings in EEPROM from @Curclamas * remove leftover TAG in EEPROM * Initial add of @stickbreaker i2c * Add log_n * fix warnings when log is off * i2c code clean up and reorganization * add flags to interrupt allocator * fix sdmmc config * Fix warnings in EEPROM from @Curclamas * remove leftover TAG in EEPROM * fix errors with latest IDF * fix debug optimization (#1365) incorrect optimization for debugging tick markers. * Fix some missing BT header * Change BTSerial log calls * Update BLE lib * Arduino-ESP32 release management scripted (#1515) * Calculate an absolute path for a custom partitions table (#1452) * * Arduino-ESP32 release management scripted (ready-to-merge) * * secure env for espressif/arduino-esp32 * * build tests enabled * gitter webhook enabled * * gitter room link fixed * better comment * * filepaths fixed * BT Serial adjustments * * don't run sketch builds & tests for tagged builds * Return false from WiFi.hostByName() if hostname is not resolved * Free BT Memory when BT is not used * WIFI_MODE_NULL is not supported anymore * Select some key examples to build with PlatformIO to save some time * Update BLE lib * Fixed BLE lib * Major WiFi overhaul - auto reconnect on connection loss now works - moved to event groups - some code clean up and procedure optimizations - new methods to get a more elaborate system ststus * Add cmake tests to travis * Add initial AsyncUDP * Add NetBIOS lib and fix CMake includes * Add Initial WebServer * Fix WebServer and examples * travis not quiting on build fail * Try different travis build * Update IDF to aaf1239 * Fix WPS Example * fix script permission and add some fail tests to sketch builder * Add missing space in WiFiClient::write(Stream &stream)
2018-06-27 09:01:06 +02:00
_esp_wifi_started = false;
err = esp_wifi_stop();
2019-01-23 15:33:41 +08:00
log_e("Could not stop WiFi! %d", err);
Update IDF to aaf1239 (#1539) * fix sdmmc config * Fix warnings in EEPROM from @Curclamas * remove leftover TAG in EEPROM * Initial add of @stickbreaker i2c * Add log_n * fix warnings when log is off * i2c code clean up and reorganization * add flags to interrupt allocator * fix sdmmc config * Fix warnings in EEPROM from @Curclamas * remove leftover TAG in EEPROM * fix errors with latest IDF * fix debug optimization (#1365) incorrect optimization for debugging tick markers. * Fix some missing BT header * Change BTSerial log calls * Update BLE lib * Arduino-ESP32 release management scripted (#1515) * Calculate an absolute path for a custom partitions table (#1452) * * Arduino-ESP32 release management scripted (ready-to-merge) * * secure env for espressif/arduino-esp32 * * build tests enabled * gitter webhook enabled * * gitter room link fixed * better comment * * filepaths fixed * BT Serial adjustments * * don't run sketch builds & tests for tagged builds * Return false from WiFi.hostByName() if hostname is not resolved * Free BT Memory when BT is not used * WIFI_MODE_NULL is not supported anymore * Select some key examples to build with PlatformIO to save some time * Update BLE lib * Fixed BLE lib * Major WiFi overhaul - auto reconnect on connection loss now works - moved to event groups - some code clean up and procedure optimizations - new methods to get a more elaborate system ststus * Add cmake tests to travis * Add initial AsyncUDP * Add NetBIOS lib and fix CMake includes * Add Initial WebServer * Fix WebServer and examples * travis not quiting on build fail * Try different travis build * Update IDF to aaf1239 * Fix WPS Example * fix script permission and add some fail tests to sketch builder * Add missing space in WiFiClient::write(Stream &stream)
2018-06-27 09:01:06 +02:00
_esp_wifi_started = true;
return false;
return wifiLowLevelDeinit();
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// ------------------------------------------------- Generic WiFi function -----------------------------------------------
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
typedef struct WiFiEventCbList {
static wifi_event_id_t current_id;
wifi_event_id_t id;
WiFiEventCb cb;
WiFiEventFuncCb fcb;
WiFiEventSysCb scb;
arduino_event_id_t event;
WiFiEventCbList() : id(current_id++), cb(NULL), fcb(NULL), scb(NULL), event(ARDUINO_EVENT_WIFI_READY) {}
} WiFiEventCbList_t;
wifi_event_id_t WiFiEventCbList::current_id = 1;
// arduino dont like std::vectors move static here
static std::vector<WiFiEventCbList_t> cbEventList;
bool WiFiGenericClass::_persistent = true;
bool WiFiGenericClass::_long_range = false;
wifi_mode_t WiFiGenericClass::_forceSleepLastMode = WIFI_MODE_NULL;
wifi_ps_type_t WiFiGenericClass::_sleepEnabled = WIFI_PS_NONE;
wifi_ps_type_t WiFiGenericClass::_sleepEnabled = WIFI_PS_MIN_MODEM;
const char * WiFiGenericClass::getHostname()
return get_esp_netif_hostname();
bool WiFiGenericClass::setHostname(const char * hostname)
return true;
Update IDF to aaf1239 (#1539) * fix sdmmc config * Fix warnings in EEPROM from @Curclamas * remove leftover TAG in EEPROM * Initial add of @stickbreaker i2c * Add log_n * fix warnings when log is off * i2c code clean up and reorganization * add flags to interrupt allocator * fix sdmmc config * Fix warnings in EEPROM from @Curclamas * remove leftover TAG in EEPROM * fix errors with latest IDF * fix debug optimization (#1365) incorrect optimization for debugging tick markers. * Fix some missing BT header * Change BTSerial log calls * Update BLE lib * Arduino-ESP32 release management scripted (#1515) * Calculate an absolute path for a custom partitions table (#1452) * * Arduino-ESP32 release management scripted (ready-to-merge) * * secure env for espressif/arduino-esp32 * * build tests enabled * gitter webhook enabled * * gitter room link fixed * better comment * * filepaths fixed * BT Serial adjustments * * don't run sketch builds & tests for tagged builds * Return false from WiFi.hostByName() if hostname is not resolved * Free BT Memory when BT is not used * WIFI_MODE_NULL is not supported anymore * Select some key examples to build with PlatformIO to save some time * Update BLE lib * Fixed BLE lib * Major WiFi overhaul - auto reconnect on connection loss now works - moved to event groups - some code clean up and procedure optimizations - new methods to get a more elaborate system ststus * Add cmake tests to travis * Add initial AsyncUDP * Add NetBIOS lib and fix CMake includes * Add Initial WebServer * Fix WebServer and examples * travis not quiting on build fail * Try different travis build * Update IDF to aaf1239 * Fix WPS Example * fix script permission and add some fail tests to sketch builder * Add missing space in WiFiClient::write(Stream &stream)
2018-06-27 09:01:06 +02:00
int WiFiGenericClass::setStatusBits(int bits){
Update IDF to aaf1239 (#1539) * fix sdmmc config * Fix warnings in EEPROM from @Curclamas * remove leftover TAG in EEPROM * Initial add of @stickbreaker i2c * Add log_n * fix warnings when log is off * i2c code clean up and reorganization * add flags to interrupt allocator * fix sdmmc config * Fix warnings in EEPROM from @Curclamas * remove leftover TAG in EEPROM * fix errors with latest IDF * fix debug optimization (#1365) incorrect optimization for debugging tick markers. * Fix some missing BT header * Change BTSerial log calls * Update BLE lib * Arduino-ESP32 release management scripted (#1515) * Calculate an absolute path for a custom partitions table (#1452) * * Arduino-ESP32 release management scripted (ready-to-merge) * * secure env for espressif/arduino-esp32 * * build tests enabled * gitter webhook enabled * * gitter room link fixed * better comment * * filepaths fixed * BT Serial adjustments * * don't run sketch builds & tests for tagged builds * Return false from WiFi.hostByName() if hostname is not resolved * Free BT Memory when BT is not used * WIFI_MODE_NULL is not supported anymore * Select some key examples to build with PlatformIO to save some time * Update BLE lib * Fixed BLE lib * Major WiFi overhaul - auto reconnect on connection loss now works - moved to event groups - some code clean up and procedure optimizations - new methods to get a more elaborate system ststus * Add cmake tests to travis * Add initial AsyncUDP * Add NetBIOS lib and fix CMake includes * Add Initial WebServer * Fix WebServer and examples * travis not quiting on build fail * Try different travis build * Update IDF to aaf1239 * Fix WPS Example * fix script permission and add some fail tests to sketch builder * Add missing space in WiFiClient::write(Stream &stream)
2018-06-27 09:01:06 +02:00
return 0;
return xEventGroupSetBits(_arduino_event_group, bits);
Update IDF to aaf1239 (#1539) * fix sdmmc config * Fix warnings in EEPROM from @Curclamas * remove leftover TAG in EEPROM * Initial add of @stickbreaker i2c * Add log_n * fix warnings when log is off * i2c code clean up and reorganization * add flags to interrupt allocator * fix sdmmc config * Fix warnings in EEPROM from @Curclamas * remove leftover TAG in EEPROM * fix errors with latest IDF * fix debug optimization (#1365) incorrect optimization for debugging tick markers. * Fix some missing BT header * Change BTSerial log calls * Update BLE lib * Arduino-ESP32 release management scripted (#1515) * Calculate an absolute path for a custom partitions table (#1452) * * Arduino-ESP32 release management scripted (ready-to-merge) * * secure env for espressif/arduino-esp32 * * build tests enabled * gitter webhook enabled * * gitter room link fixed * better comment * * filepaths fixed * BT Serial adjustments * * don't run sketch builds & tests for tagged builds * Return false from WiFi.hostByName() if hostname is not resolved * Free BT Memory when BT is not used * WIFI_MODE_NULL is not supported anymore * Select some key examples to build with PlatformIO to save some time * Update BLE lib * Fixed BLE lib * Major WiFi overhaul - auto reconnect on connection loss now works - moved to event groups - some code clean up and procedure optimizations - new methods to get a more elaborate system ststus * Add cmake tests to travis * Add initial AsyncUDP * Add NetBIOS lib and fix CMake includes * Add Initial WebServer * Fix WebServer and examples * travis not quiting on build fail * Try different travis build * Update IDF to aaf1239 * Fix WPS Example * fix script permission and add some fail tests to sketch builder * Add missing space in WiFiClient::write(Stream &stream)
2018-06-27 09:01:06 +02:00
int WiFiGenericClass::clearStatusBits(int bits){
Update IDF to aaf1239 (#1539) * fix sdmmc config * Fix warnings in EEPROM from @Curclamas * remove leftover TAG in EEPROM * Initial add of @stickbreaker i2c * Add log_n * fix warnings when log is off * i2c code clean up and reorganization * add flags to interrupt allocator * fix sdmmc config * Fix warnings in EEPROM from @Curclamas * remove leftover TAG in EEPROM * fix errors with latest IDF * fix debug optimization (#1365) incorrect optimization for debugging tick markers. * Fix some missing BT header * Change BTSerial log calls * Update BLE lib * Arduino-ESP32 release management scripted (#1515) * Calculate an absolute path for a custom partitions table (#1452) * * Arduino-ESP32 release management scripted (ready-to-merge) * * secure env for espressif/arduino-esp32 * * build tests enabled * gitter webhook enabled * * gitter room link fixed * better comment * * filepaths fixed * BT Serial adjustments * * don't run sketch builds & tests for tagged builds * Return false from WiFi.hostByName() if hostname is not resolved * Free BT Memory when BT is not used * WIFI_MODE_NULL is not supported anymore * Select some key examples to build with PlatformIO to save some time * Update BLE lib * Fixed BLE lib * Major WiFi overhaul - auto reconnect on connection loss now works - moved to event groups - some code clean up and procedure optimizations - new methods to get a more elaborate system ststus * Add cmake tests to travis * Add initial AsyncUDP * Add NetBIOS lib and fix CMake includes * Add Initial WebServer * Fix WebServer and examples * travis not quiting on build fail * Try different travis build * Update IDF to aaf1239 * Fix WPS Example * fix script permission and add some fail tests to sketch builder * Add missing space in WiFiClient::write(Stream &stream)
2018-06-27 09:01:06 +02:00
return 0;
return xEventGroupClearBits(_arduino_event_group, bits);
Update IDF to aaf1239 (#1539) * fix sdmmc config * Fix warnings in EEPROM from @Curclamas * remove leftover TAG in EEPROM * Initial add of @stickbreaker i2c * Add log_n * fix warnings when log is off * i2c code clean up and reorganization * add flags to interrupt allocator * fix sdmmc config * Fix warnings in EEPROM from @Curclamas * remove leftover TAG in EEPROM * fix errors with latest IDF * fix debug optimization (#1365) incorrect optimization for debugging tick markers. * Fix some missing BT header * Change BTSerial log calls * Update BLE lib * Arduino-ESP32 release management scripted (#1515) * Calculate an absolute path for a custom partitions table (#1452) * * Arduino-ESP32 release management scripted (ready-to-merge) * * secure env for espressif/arduino-esp32 * * build tests enabled * gitter webhook enabled * * gitter room link fixed * better comment * * filepaths fixed * BT Serial adjustments * * don't run sketch builds & tests for tagged builds * Return false from WiFi.hostByName() if hostname is not resolved * Free BT Memory when BT is not used * WIFI_MODE_NULL is not supported anymore * Select some key examples to build with PlatformIO to save some time * Update BLE lib * Fixed BLE lib * Major WiFi overhaul - auto reconnect on connection loss now works - moved to event groups - some code clean up and procedure optimizations - new methods to get a more elaborate system ststus * Add cmake tests to travis * Add initial AsyncUDP * Add NetBIOS lib and fix CMake includes * Add Initial WebServer * Fix WebServer and examples * travis not quiting on build fail * Try different travis build * Update IDF to aaf1239 * Fix WPS Example * fix script permission and add some fail tests to sketch builder * Add missing space in WiFiClient::write(Stream &stream)
2018-06-27 09:01:06 +02:00
int WiFiGenericClass::getStatusBits(){
Update IDF to aaf1239 (#1539) * fix sdmmc config * Fix warnings in EEPROM from @Curclamas * remove leftover TAG in EEPROM * Initial add of @stickbreaker i2c * Add log_n * fix warnings when log is off * i2c code clean up and reorganization * add flags to interrupt allocator * fix sdmmc config * Fix warnings in EEPROM from @Curclamas * remove leftover TAG in EEPROM * fix errors with latest IDF * fix debug optimization (#1365) incorrect optimization for debugging tick markers. * Fix some missing BT header * Change BTSerial log calls * Update BLE lib * Arduino-ESP32 release management scripted (#1515) * Calculate an absolute path for a custom partitions table (#1452) * * Arduino-ESP32 release management scripted (ready-to-merge) * * secure env for espressif/arduino-esp32 * * build tests enabled * gitter webhook enabled * * gitter room link fixed * better comment * * filepaths fixed * BT Serial adjustments * * don't run sketch builds & tests for tagged builds * Return false from WiFi.hostByName() if hostname is not resolved * Free BT Memory when BT is not used * WIFI_MODE_NULL is not supported anymore * Select some key examples to build with PlatformIO to save some time * Update BLE lib * Fixed BLE lib * Major WiFi overhaul - auto reconnect on connection loss now works - moved to event groups - some code clean up and procedure optimizations - new methods to get a more elaborate system ststus * Add cmake tests to travis * Add initial AsyncUDP * Add NetBIOS lib and fix CMake includes * Add Initial WebServer * Fix WebServer and examples * travis not quiting on build fail * Try different travis build * Update IDF to aaf1239 * Fix WPS Example * fix script permission and add some fail tests to sketch builder * Add missing space in WiFiClient::write(Stream &stream)
2018-06-27 09:01:06 +02:00
return 0;
return xEventGroupGetBits(_arduino_event_group);
Update IDF to aaf1239 (#1539) * fix sdmmc config * Fix warnings in EEPROM from @Curclamas * remove leftover TAG in EEPROM * Initial add of @stickbreaker i2c * Add log_n * fix warnings when log is off * i2c code clean up and reorganization * add flags to interrupt allocator * fix sdmmc config * Fix warnings in EEPROM from @Curclamas * remove leftover TAG in EEPROM * fix errors with latest IDF * fix debug optimization (#1365) incorrect optimization for debugging tick markers. * Fix some missing BT header * Change BTSerial log calls * Update BLE lib * Arduino-ESP32 release management scripted (#1515) * Calculate an absolute path for a custom partitions table (#1452) * * Arduino-ESP32 release management scripted (ready-to-merge) * * secure env for espressif/arduino-esp32 * * build tests enabled * gitter webhook enabled * * gitter room link fixed * better comment * * filepaths fixed * BT Serial adjustments * * don't run sketch builds & tests for tagged builds * Return false from WiFi.hostByName() if hostname is not resolved * Free BT Memory when BT is not used * WIFI_MODE_NULL is not supported anymore * Select some key examples to build with PlatformIO to save some time * Update BLE lib * Fixed BLE lib * Major WiFi overhaul - auto reconnect on connection loss now works - moved to event groups - some code clean up and procedure optimizations - new methods to get a more elaborate system ststus * Add cmake tests to travis * Add initial AsyncUDP * Add NetBIOS lib and fix CMake includes * Add Initial WebServer * Fix WebServer and examples * travis not quiting on build fail * Try different travis build * Update IDF to aaf1239 * Fix WPS Example * fix script permission and add some fail tests to sketch builder * Add missing space in WiFiClient::write(Stream &stream)
2018-06-27 09:01:06 +02:00
int WiFiGenericClass::waitStatusBits(int bits, uint32_t timeout_ms){
Update IDF to aaf1239 (#1539) * fix sdmmc config * Fix warnings in EEPROM from @Curclamas * remove leftover TAG in EEPROM * Initial add of @stickbreaker i2c * Add log_n * fix warnings when log is off * i2c code clean up and reorganization * add flags to interrupt allocator * fix sdmmc config * Fix warnings in EEPROM from @Curclamas * remove leftover TAG in EEPROM * fix errors with latest IDF * fix debug optimization (#1365) incorrect optimization for debugging tick markers. * Fix some missing BT header * Change BTSerial log calls * Update BLE lib * Arduino-ESP32 release management scripted (#1515) * Calculate an absolute path for a custom partitions table (#1452) * * Arduino-ESP32 release management scripted (ready-to-merge) * * secure env for espressif/arduino-esp32 * * build tests enabled * gitter webhook enabled * * gitter room link fixed * better comment * * filepaths fixed * BT Serial adjustments * * don't run sketch builds & tests for tagged builds * Return false from WiFi.hostByName() if hostname is not resolved * Free BT Memory when BT is not used * WIFI_MODE_NULL is not supported anymore * Select some key examples to build with PlatformIO to save some time * Update BLE lib * Fixed BLE lib * Major WiFi overhaul - auto reconnect on connection loss now works - moved to event groups - some code clean up and procedure optimizations - new methods to get a more elaborate system ststus * Add cmake tests to travis * Add initial AsyncUDP * Add NetBIOS lib and fix CMake includes * Add Initial WebServer * Fix WebServer and examples * travis not quiting on build fail * Try different travis build * Update IDF to aaf1239 * Fix WPS Example * fix script permission and add some fail tests to sketch builder * Add missing space in WiFiClient::write(Stream &stream)
2018-06-27 09:01:06 +02:00
return 0;
return xEventGroupWaitBits(
_arduino_event_group, // The event group being tested.
Update IDF to aaf1239 (#1539) * fix sdmmc config * Fix warnings in EEPROM from @Curclamas * remove leftover TAG in EEPROM * Initial add of @stickbreaker i2c * Add log_n * fix warnings when log is off * i2c code clean up and reorganization * add flags to interrupt allocator * fix sdmmc config * Fix warnings in EEPROM from @Curclamas * remove leftover TAG in EEPROM * fix errors with latest IDF * fix debug optimization (#1365) incorrect optimization for debugging tick markers. * Fix some missing BT header * Change BTSerial log calls * Update BLE lib * Arduino-ESP32 release management scripted (#1515) * Calculate an absolute path for a custom partitions table (#1452) * * Arduino-ESP32 release management scripted (ready-to-merge) * * secure env for espressif/arduino-esp32 * * build tests enabled * gitter webhook enabled * * gitter room link fixed * better comment * * filepaths fixed * BT Serial adjustments * * don't run sketch builds & tests for tagged builds * Return false from WiFi.hostByName() if hostname is not resolved * Free BT Memory when BT is not used * WIFI_MODE_NULL is not supported anymore * Select some key examples to build with PlatformIO to save some time * Update BLE lib * Fixed BLE lib * Major WiFi overhaul - auto reconnect on connection loss now works - moved to event groups - some code clean up and procedure optimizations - new methods to get a more elaborate system ststus * Add cmake tests to travis * Add initial AsyncUDP * Add NetBIOS lib and fix CMake includes * Add Initial WebServer * Fix WebServer and examples * travis not quiting on build fail * Try different travis build * Update IDF to aaf1239 * Fix WPS Example * fix script permission and add some fail tests to sketch builder * Add missing space in WiFiClient::write(Stream &stream)
2018-06-27 09:01:06 +02:00
bits, // The bits within the event group to wait for.
pdFALSE, // BIT_0 and BIT_4 should be cleared before returning.
pdTRUE, // Don't wait for both bits, either bit will do.
timeout_ms / portTICK_PERIOD_MS ) & bits; // Wait a maximum of 100ms for either bit to be set.
* set callback function
* @param cbEvent WiFiEventCb
* @param event optional filter (WIFI_EVENT_MAX is all events)
wifi_event_id_t WiFiGenericClass::onEvent(WiFiEventCb cbEvent, arduino_event_id_t event)
if(!cbEvent) {
return 0;
WiFiEventCbList_t newEventHandler;
newEventHandler.cb = cbEvent;
newEventHandler.fcb = NULL; = NULL;
newEventHandler.event = event;
wifi_event_id_t WiFiGenericClass::onEvent(WiFiEventFuncCb cbEvent, arduino_event_id_t event)
if(!cbEvent) {
return 0;
WiFiEventCbList_t newEventHandler;
newEventHandler.cb = NULL;
newEventHandler.fcb = cbEvent; = NULL;
newEventHandler.event = event;
wifi_event_id_t WiFiGenericClass::onEvent(WiFiEventSysCb cbEvent, arduino_event_id_t event)
if(!cbEvent) {
return 0;
WiFiEventCbList_t newEventHandler;
newEventHandler.cb = NULL;
newEventHandler.fcb = NULL; = cbEvent;
newEventHandler.event = event;
* removes a callback form event handler
* @param cbEvent WiFiEventCb
* @param event optional filter (WIFI_EVENT_MAX is all events)
void WiFiGenericClass::removeEvent(WiFiEventCb cbEvent, arduino_event_id_t event)
if(!cbEvent) {
for(uint32_t i = 0; i < cbEventList.size(); i++) {
WiFiEventCbList_t entry = cbEventList[i];
if(entry.cb == cbEvent && entry.event == event) {
cbEventList.erase(cbEventList.begin() + i);
void WiFiGenericClass::removeEvent(WiFiEventSysCb cbEvent, arduino_event_id_t event)
if(!cbEvent) {
for(uint32_t i = 0; i < cbEventList.size(); i++) {
WiFiEventCbList_t entry = cbEventList[i];
if( == cbEvent && entry.event == event) {
cbEventList.erase(cbEventList.begin() + i);
void WiFiGenericClass::removeEvent(wifi_event_id_t id)
for(uint32_t i = 0; i < cbEventList.size(); i++) {
WiFiEventCbList_t entry = cbEventList[i];
if( == id) {
cbEventList.erase(cbEventList.begin() + i);
* callback for WiFi events
* @param arg
const char * arduino_event_names[] = {
#define reason2str(r) ((r>176)?system_event_reasons[r-176]:system_event_reasons[r-1])
esp_err_t WiFiGenericClass::_eventCallback(arduino_event_t *event)
if(event->event_id < ARDUINO_EVENT_MAX) {
log_d("Arduino Event: %d - %s", event->event_id, arduino_event_names[event->event_id]);
if(event->event_id == ARDUINO_EVENT_WIFI_SCAN_DONE) {
Update IDF to aaf1239 (#1539) * fix sdmmc config * Fix warnings in EEPROM from @Curclamas * remove leftover TAG in EEPROM * Initial add of @stickbreaker i2c * Add log_n * fix warnings when log is off * i2c code clean up and reorganization * add flags to interrupt allocator * fix sdmmc config * Fix warnings in EEPROM from @Curclamas * remove leftover TAG in EEPROM * fix errors with latest IDF * fix debug optimization (#1365) incorrect optimization for debugging tick markers. * Fix some missing BT header * Change BTSerial log calls * Update BLE lib * Arduino-ESP32 release management scripted (#1515) * Calculate an absolute path for a custom partitions table (#1452) * * Arduino-ESP32 release management scripted (ready-to-merge) * * secure env for espressif/arduino-esp32 * * build tests enabled * gitter webhook enabled * * gitter room link fixed * better comment * * filepaths fixed * BT Serial adjustments * * don't run sketch builds & tests for tagged builds * Return false from WiFi.hostByName() if hostname is not resolved * Free BT Memory when BT is not used * WIFI_MODE_NULL is not supported anymore * Select some key examples to build with PlatformIO to save some time * Update BLE lib * Fixed BLE lib * Major WiFi overhaul - auto reconnect on connection loss now works - moved to event groups - some code clean up and procedure optimizations - new methods to get a more elaborate system ststus * Add cmake tests to travis * Add initial AsyncUDP * Add NetBIOS lib and fix CMake includes * Add Initial WebServer * Fix WebServer and examples * travis not quiting on build fail * Try different travis build * Update IDF to aaf1239 * Fix WPS Example * fix script permission and add some fail tests to sketch builder * Add missing space in WiFiClient::write(Stream &stream)
2018-06-27 09:01:06 +02:00
} else if(event->event_id == ARDUINO_EVENT_WIFI_STA_START) {
Update IDF to aaf1239 (#1539) * fix sdmmc config * Fix warnings in EEPROM from @Curclamas * remove leftover TAG in EEPROM * Initial add of @stickbreaker i2c * Add log_n * fix warnings when log is off * i2c code clean up and reorganization * add flags to interrupt allocator * fix sdmmc config * Fix warnings in EEPROM from @Curclamas * remove leftover TAG in EEPROM * fix errors with latest IDF * fix debug optimization (#1365) incorrect optimization for debugging tick markers. * Fix some missing BT header * Change BTSerial log calls * Update BLE lib * Arduino-ESP32 release management scripted (#1515) * Calculate an absolute path for a custom partitions table (#1452) * * Arduino-ESP32 release management scripted (ready-to-merge) * * secure env for espressif/arduino-esp32 * * build tests enabled * gitter webhook enabled * * gitter room link fixed * better comment * * filepaths fixed * BT Serial adjustments * * don't run sketch builds & tests for tagged builds * Return false from WiFi.hostByName() if hostname is not resolved * Free BT Memory when BT is not used * WIFI_MODE_NULL is not supported anymore * Select some key examples to build with PlatformIO to save some time * Update BLE lib * Fixed BLE lib * Major WiFi overhaul - auto reconnect on connection loss now works - moved to event groups - some code clean up and procedure optimizations - new methods to get a more elaborate system ststus * Add cmake tests to travis * Add initial AsyncUDP * Add NetBIOS lib and fix CMake includes * Add Initial WebServer * Fix WebServer and examples * travis not quiting on build fail * Try different travis build * Update IDF to aaf1239 * Fix WPS Example * fix script permission and add some fail tests to sketch builder * Add missing space in WiFiClient::write(Stream &stream)
2018-06-27 09:01:06 +02:00
if(esp_wifi_set_ps(_sleepEnabled) != ESP_OK){
log_e("esp_wifi_set_ps failed");
} else if(event->event_id == ARDUINO_EVENT_WIFI_STA_STOP) {
Update IDF to aaf1239 (#1539) * fix sdmmc config * Fix warnings in EEPROM from @Curclamas * remove leftover TAG in EEPROM * Initial add of @stickbreaker i2c * Add log_n * fix warnings when log is off * i2c code clean up and reorganization * add flags to interrupt allocator * fix sdmmc config * Fix warnings in EEPROM from @Curclamas * remove leftover TAG in EEPROM * fix errors with latest IDF * fix debug optimization (#1365) incorrect optimization for debugging tick markers. * Fix some missing BT header * Change BTSerial log calls * Update BLE lib * Arduino-ESP32 release management scripted (#1515) * Calculate an absolute path for a custom partitions table (#1452) * * Arduino-ESP32 release management scripted (ready-to-merge) * * secure env for espressif/arduino-esp32 * * build tests enabled * gitter webhook enabled * * gitter room link fixed * better comment * * filepaths fixed * BT Serial adjustments * * don't run sketch builds & tests for tagged builds * Return false from WiFi.hostByName() if hostname is not resolved * Free BT Memory when BT is not used * WIFI_MODE_NULL is not supported anymore * Select some key examples to build with PlatformIO to save some time * Update BLE lib * Fixed BLE lib * Major WiFi overhaul - auto reconnect on connection loss now works - moved to event groups - some code clean up and procedure optimizations - new methods to get a more elaborate system ststus * Add cmake tests to travis * Add initial AsyncUDP * Add NetBIOS lib and fix CMake includes * Add Initial WebServer * Fix WebServer and examples * travis not quiting on build fail * Try different travis build * Update IDF to aaf1239 * Fix WPS Example * fix script permission and add some fail tests to sketch builder * Add missing space in WiFiClient::write(Stream &stream)
2018-06-27 09:01:06 +02:00
} else if(event->event_id == ARDUINO_EVENT_WIFI_STA_CONNECTED) {
Update IDF to aaf1239 (#1539) * fix sdmmc config * Fix warnings in EEPROM from @Curclamas * remove leftover TAG in EEPROM * Initial add of @stickbreaker i2c * Add log_n * fix warnings when log is off * i2c code clean up and reorganization * add flags to interrupt allocator * fix sdmmc config * Fix warnings in EEPROM from @Curclamas * remove leftover TAG in EEPROM * fix errors with latest IDF * fix debug optimization (#1365) incorrect optimization for debugging tick markers. * Fix some missing BT header * Change BTSerial log calls * Update BLE lib * Arduino-ESP32 release management scripted (#1515) * Calculate an absolute path for a custom partitions table (#1452) * * Arduino-ESP32 release management scripted (ready-to-merge) * * secure env for espressif/arduino-esp32 * * build tests enabled * gitter webhook enabled * * gitter room link fixed * better comment * * filepaths fixed * BT Serial adjustments * * don't run sketch builds & tests for tagged builds * Return false from WiFi.hostByName() if hostname is not resolved * Free BT Memory when BT is not used * WIFI_MODE_NULL is not supported anymore * Select some key examples to build with PlatformIO to save some time * Update BLE lib * Fixed BLE lib * Major WiFi overhaul - auto reconnect on connection loss now works - moved to event groups - some code clean up and procedure optimizations - new methods to get a more elaborate system ststus * Add cmake tests to travis * Add initial AsyncUDP * Add NetBIOS lib and fix CMake includes * Add Initial WebServer * Fix WebServer and examples * travis not quiting on build fail * Try different travis build * Update IDF to aaf1239 * Fix WPS Example * fix script permission and add some fail tests to sketch builder * Add missing space in WiFiClient::write(Stream &stream)
2018-06-27 09:01:06 +02:00
} else if(event->event_id == ARDUINO_EVENT_WIFI_STA_DISCONNECTED) {
uint8_t reason = event->event_info.wifi_sta_disconnected.reason;
log_w("Reason: %u - %s", reason, reason2str(reason));
if(reason == WIFI_REASON_NO_AP_FOUND) {
} else if(reason == WIFI_REASON_AUTH_FAIL || reason == WIFI_REASON_ASSOC_FAIL) {
} else if(reason == WIFI_REASON_AUTH_EXPIRE) {
} else {
Update IDF to aaf1239 (#1539) * fix sdmmc config * Fix warnings in EEPROM from @Curclamas * remove leftover TAG in EEPROM * Initial add of @stickbreaker i2c * Add log_n * fix warnings when log is off * i2c code clean up and reorganization * add flags to interrupt allocator * fix sdmmc config * Fix warnings in EEPROM from @Curclamas * remove leftover TAG in EEPROM * fix errors with latest IDF * fix debug optimization (#1365) incorrect optimization for debugging tick markers. * Fix some missing BT header * Change BTSerial log calls * Update BLE lib * Arduino-ESP32 release management scripted (#1515) * Calculate an absolute path for a custom partitions table (#1452) * * Arduino-ESP32 release management scripted (ready-to-merge) * * secure env for espressif/arduino-esp32 * * build tests enabled * gitter webhook enabled * * gitter room link fixed * better comment * * filepaths fixed * BT Serial adjustments * * don't run sketch builds & tests for tagged builds * Return false from WiFi.hostByName() if hostname is not resolved * Free BT Memory when BT is not used * WIFI_MODE_NULL is not supported anymore * Select some key examples to build with PlatformIO to save some time * Update BLE lib * Fixed BLE lib * Major WiFi overhaul - auto reconnect on connection loss now works - moved to event groups - some code clean up and procedure optimizations - new methods to get a more elaborate system ststus * Add cmake tests to travis * Add initial AsyncUDP * Add NetBIOS lib and fix CMake includes * Add Initial WebServer * Fix WebServer and examples * travis not quiting on build fail * Try different travis build * Update IDF to aaf1239 * Fix WPS Example * fix script permission and add some fail tests to sketch builder * Add missing space in WiFiClient::write(Stream &stream)
2018-06-27 09:01:06 +02:00
if(((reason == WIFI_REASON_AUTH_EXPIRE) ||
Update IDF to aaf1239 (#1539) * fix sdmmc config * Fix warnings in EEPROM from @Curclamas * remove leftover TAG in EEPROM * Initial add of @stickbreaker i2c * Add log_n * fix warnings when log is off * i2c code clean up and reorganization * add flags to interrupt allocator * fix sdmmc config * Fix warnings in EEPROM from @Curclamas * remove leftover TAG in EEPROM * fix errors with latest IDF * fix debug optimization (#1365) incorrect optimization for debugging tick markers. * Fix some missing BT header * Change BTSerial log calls * Update BLE lib * Arduino-ESP32 release management scripted (#1515) * Calculate an absolute path for a custom partitions table (#1452) * * Arduino-ESP32 release management scripted (ready-to-merge) * * secure env for espressif/arduino-esp32 * * build tests enabled * gitter webhook enabled * * gitter room link fixed * better comment * * filepaths fixed * BT Serial adjustments * * don't run sketch builds & tests for tagged builds * Return false from WiFi.hostByName() if hostname is not resolved * Free BT Memory when BT is not used * WIFI_MODE_NULL is not supported anymore * Select some key examples to build with PlatformIO to save some time * Update BLE lib * Fixed BLE lib * Major WiFi overhaul - auto reconnect on connection loss now works - moved to event groups - some code clean up and procedure optimizations - new methods to get a more elaborate system ststus * Add cmake tests to travis * Add initial AsyncUDP * Add NetBIOS lib and fix CMake includes * Add Initial WebServer * Fix WebServer and examples * travis not quiting on build fail * Try different travis build * Update IDF to aaf1239 * Fix WPS Example * fix script permission and add some fail tests to sketch builder * Add missing space in WiFiClient::write(Stream &stream)
2018-06-27 09:01:06 +02:00
} else if(event->event_id == ARDUINO_EVENT_WIFI_STA_GOT_IP) {
uint8_t * ip = (uint8_t *)&(event->event_info.got_ip.ip_info.ip.addr);
uint8_t * mask = (uint8_t *)&(event->event_info.got_ip.ip_info.netmask.addr);
uint8_t * gw = (uint8_t *)&(event->;
log_d("STA IP: %u.%u.%u.%u, MASK: %u.%u.%u.%u, GW: %u.%u.%u.%u",
ip[0], ip[1], ip[2], ip[3],
mask[0], mask[1], mask[2], mask[3],
gw[0], gw[1], gw[2], gw[3]);
Update IDF to aaf1239 (#1539) * fix sdmmc config * Fix warnings in EEPROM from @Curclamas * remove leftover TAG in EEPROM * Initial add of @stickbreaker i2c * Add log_n * fix warnings when log is off * i2c code clean up and reorganization * add flags to interrupt allocator * fix sdmmc config * Fix warnings in EEPROM from @Curclamas * remove leftover TAG in EEPROM * fix errors with latest IDF * fix debug optimization (#1365) incorrect optimization for debugging tick markers. * Fix some missing BT header * Change BTSerial log calls * Update BLE lib * Arduino-ESP32 release management scripted (#1515) * Calculate an absolute path for a custom partitions table (#1452) * * Arduino-ESP32 release management scripted (ready-to-merge) * * secure env for espressif/arduino-esp32 * * build tests enabled * gitter webhook enabled * * gitter room link fixed * better comment * * filepaths fixed * BT Serial adjustments * * don't run sketch builds & tests for tagged builds * Return false from WiFi.hostByName() if hostname is not resolved * Free BT Memory when BT is not used * WIFI_MODE_NULL is not supported anymore * Select some key examples to build with PlatformIO to save some time * Update BLE lib * Fixed BLE lib * Major WiFi overhaul - auto reconnect on connection loss now works - moved to event groups - some code clean up and procedure optimizations - new methods to get a more elaborate system ststus * Add cmake tests to travis * Add initial AsyncUDP * Add NetBIOS lib and fix CMake includes * Add Initial WebServer * Fix WebServer and examples * travis not quiting on build fail * Try different travis build * Update IDF to aaf1239 * Fix WPS Example * fix script permission and add some fail tests to sketch builder * Add missing space in WiFiClient::write(Stream &stream)
2018-06-27 09:01:06 +02:00
} else if(event->event_id == ARDUINO_EVENT_WIFI_STA_LOST_IP) {
Update IDF to aaf1239 (#1539) * fix sdmmc config * Fix warnings in EEPROM from @Curclamas * remove leftover TAG in EEPROM * Initial add of @stickbreaker i2c * Add log_n * fix warnings when log is off * i2c code clean up and reorganization * add flags to interrupt allocator * fix sdmmc config * Fix warnings in EEPROM from @Curclamas * remove leftover TAG in EEPROM * fix errors with latest IDF * fix debug optimization (#1365) incorrect optimization for debugging tick markers. * Fix some missing BT header * Change BTSerial log calls * Update BLE lib * Arduino-ESP32 release management scripted (#1515) * Calculate an absolute path for a custom partitions table (#1452) * * Arduino-ESP32 release management scripted (ready-to-merge) * * secure env for espressif/arduino-esp32 * * build tests enabled * gitter webhook enabled * * gitter room link fixed * better comment * * filepaths fixed * BT Serial adjustments * * don't run sketch builds & tests for tagged builds * Return false from WiFi.hostByName() if hostname is not resolved * Free BT Memory when BT is not used * WIFI_MODE_NULL is not supported anymore * Select some key examples to build with PlatformIO to save some time * Update BLE lib * Fixed BLE lib * Major WiFi overhaul - auto reconnect on connection loss now works - moved to event groups - some code clean up and procedure optimizations - new methods to get a more elaborate system ststus * Add cmake tests to travis * Add initial AsyncUDP * Add NetBIOS lib and fix CMake includes * Add Initial WebServer * Fix WebServer and examples * travis not quiting on build fail * Try different travis build * Update IDF to aaf1239 * Fix WPS Example * fix script permission and add some fail tests to sketch builder * Add missing space in WiFiClient::write(Stream &stream)
2018-06-27 09:01:06 +02:00
} else if(event->event_id == ARDUINO_EVENT_WIFI_AP_START) {
Update IDF to aaf1239 (#1539) * fix sdmmc config * Fix warnings in EEPROM from @Curclamas * remove leftover TAG in EEPROM * Initial add of @stickbreaker i2c * Add log_n * fix warnings when log is off * i2c code clean up and reorganization * add flags to interrupt allocator * fix sdmmc config * Fix warnings in EEPROM from @Curclamas * remove leftover TAG in EEPROM * fix errors with latest IDF * fix debug optimization (#1365) incorrect optimization for debugging tick markers. * Fix some missing BT header * Change BTSerial log calls * Update BLE lib * Arduino-ESP32 release management scripted (#1515) * Calculate an absolute path for a custom partitions table (#1452) * * Arduino-ESP32 release management scripted (ready-to-merge) * * secure env for espressif/arduino-esp32 * * build tests enabled * gitter webhook enabled * * gitter room link fixed * better comment * * filepaths fixed * BT Serial adjustments * * don't run sketch builds & tests for tagged builds * Return false from WiFi.hostByName() if hostname is not resolved * Free BT Memory when BT is not used * WIFI_MODE_NULL is not supported anymore * Select some key examples to build with PlatformIO to save some time * Update BLE lib * Fixed BLE lib * Major WiFi overhaul - auto reconnect on connection loss now works - moved to event groups - some code clean up and procedure optimizations - new methods to get a more elaborate system ststus * Add cmake tests to travis * Add initial AsyncUDP * Add NetBIOS lib and fix CMake includes * Add Initial WebServer * Fix WebServer and examples * travis not quiting on build fail * Try different travis build * Update IDF to aaf1239 * Fix WPS Example * fix script permission and add some fail tests to sketch builder * Add missing space in WiFiClient::write(Stream &stream)
2018-06-27 09:01:06 +02:00
} else if(event->event_id == ARDUINO_EVENT_WIFI_AP_STOP) {
Update IDF to aaf1239 (#1539) * fix sdmmc config * Fix warnings in EEPROM from @Curclamas * remove leftover TAG in EEPROM * Initial add of @stickbreaker i2c * Add log_n * fix warnings when log is off * i2c code clean up and reorganization * add flags to interrupt allocator * fix sdmmc config * Fix warnings in EEPROM from @Curclamas * remove leftover TAG in EEPROM * fix errors with latest IDF * fix debug optimization (#1365) incorrect optimization for debugging tick markers. * Fix some missing BT header * Change BTSerial log calls * Update BLE lib * Arduino-ESP32 release management scripted (#1515) * Calculate an absolute path for a custom partitions table (#1452) * * Arduino-ESP32 release management scripted (ready-to-merge) * * secure env for espressif/arduino-esp32 * * build tests enabled * gitter webhook enabled * * gitter room link fixed * better comment * * filepaths fixed * BT Serial adjustments * * don't run sketch builds & tests for tagged builds * Return false from WiFi.hostByName() if hostname is not resolved * Free BT Memory when BT is not used * WIFI_MODE_NULL is not supported anymore * Select some key examples to build with PlatformIO to save some time * Update BLE lib * Fixed BLE lib * Major WiFi overhaul - auto reconnect on connection loss now works - moved to event groups - some code clean up and procedure optimizations - new methods to get a more elaborate system ststus * Add cmake tests to travis * Add initial AsyncUDP * Add NetBIOS lib and fix CMake includes * Add Initial WebServer * Fix WebServer and examples * travis not quiting on build fail * Try different travis build * Update IDF to aaf1239 * Fix WPS Example * fix script permission and add some fail tests to sketch builder * Add missing space in WiFiClient::write(Stream &stream)
2018-06-27 09:01:06 +02:00
} else if(event->event_id == ARDUINO_EVENT_WIFI_AP_STACONNECTED) {
Update IDF to aaf1239 (#1539) * fix sdmmc config * Fix warnings in EEPROM from @Curclamas * remove leftover TAG in EEPROM * Initial add of @stickbreaker i2c * Add log_n * fix warnings when log is off * i2c code clean up and reorganization * add flags to interrupt allocator * fix sdmmc config * Fix warnings in EEPROM from @Curclamas * remove leftover TAG in EEPROM * fix errors with latest IDF * fix debug optimization (#1365) incorrect optimization for debugging tick markers. * Fix some missing BT header * Change BTSerial log calls * Update BLE lib * Arduino-ESP32 release management scripted (#1515) * Calculate an absolute path for a custom partitions table (#1452) * * Arduino-ESP32 release management scripted (ready-to-merge) * * secure env for espressif/arduino-esp32 * * build tests enabled * gitter webhook enabled * * gitter room link fixed * better comment * * filepaths fixed * BT Serial adjustments * * don't run sketch builds & tests for tagged builds * Return false from WiFi.hostByName() if hostname is not resolved * Free BT Memory when BT is not used * WIFI_MODE_NULL is not supported anymore * Select some key examples to build with PlatformIO to save some time * Update BLE lib * Fixed BLE lib * Major WiFi overhaul - auto reconnect on connection loss now works - moved to event groups - some code clean up and procedure optimizations - new methods to get a more elaborate system ststus * Add cmake tests to travis * Add initial AsyncUDP * Add NetBIOS lib and fix CMake includes * Add Initial WebServer * Fix WebServer and examples * travis not quiting on build fail * Try different travis build * Update IDF to aaf1239 * Fix WPS Example * fix script permission and add some fail tests to sketch builder * Add missing space in WiFiClient::write(Stream &stream)
2018-06-27 09:01:06 +02:00
} else if(event->event_id == ARDUINO_EVENT_WIFI_AP_STADISCONNECTED) {
Update IDF to aaf1239 (#1539) * fix sdmmc config * Fix warnings in EEPROM from @Curclamas * remove leftover TAG in EEPROM * Initial add of @stickbreaker i2c * Add log_n * fix warnings when log is off * i2c code clean up and reorganization * add flags to interrupt allocator * fix sdmmc config * Fix warnings in EEPROM from @Curclamas * remove leftover TAG in EEPROM * fix errors with latest IDF * fix debug optimization (#1365) incorrect optimization for debugging tick markers. * Fix some missing BT header * Change BTSerial log calls * Update BLE lib * Arduino-ESP32 release management scripted (#1515) * Calculate an absolute path for a custom partitions table (#1452) * * Arduino-ESP32 release management scripted (ready-to-merge) * * secure env for espressif/arduino-esp32 * * build tests enabled * gitter webhook enabled * * gitter room link fixed * better comment * * filepaths fixed * BT Serial adjustments * * don't run sketch builds & tests for tagged builds * Return false from WiFi.hostByName() if hostname is not resolved * Free BT Memory when BT is not used * WIFI_MODE_NULL is not supported anymore * Select some key examples to build with PlatformIO to save some time * Update BLE lib * Fixed BLE lib * Major WiFi overhaul - auto reconnect on connection loss now works - moved to event groups - some code clean up and procedure optimizations - new methods to get a more elaborate system ststus * Add cmake tests to travis * Add initial AsyncUDP * Add NetBIOS lib and fix CMake includes * Add Initial WebServer * Fix WebServer and examples * travis not quiting on build fail * Try different travis build * Update IDF to aaf1239 * Fix WPS Example * fix script permission and add some fail tests to sketch builder * Add missing space in WiFiClient::write(Stream &stream)
2018-06-27 09:01:06 +02:00
wifi_sta_list_t clients;
if(esp_wifi_ap_get_sta_list(&clients) != ESP_OK || !clients.num){
} else if(event->event_id == ARDUINO_EVENT_ETH_START) {
Update IDF to aaf1239 (#1539) * fix sdmmc config * Fix warnings in EEPROM from @Curclamas * remove leftover TAG in EEPROM * Initial add of @stickbreaker i2c * Add log_n * fix warnings when log is off * i2c code clean up and reorganization * add flags to interrupt allocator * fix sdmmc config * Fix warnings in EEPROM from @Curclamas * remove leftover TAG in EEPROM * fix errors with latest IDF * fix debug optimization (#1365) incorrect optimization for debugging tick markers. * Fix some missing BT header * Change BTSerial log calls * Update BLE lib * Arduino-ESP32 release management scripted (#1515) * Calculate an absolute path for a custom partitions table (#1452) * * Arduino-ESP32 release management scripted (ready-to-merge) * * secure env for espressif/arduino-esp32 * * build tests enabled * gitter webhook enabled * * gitter room link fixed * better comment * * filepaths fixed * BT Serial adjustments * * don't run sketch builds & tests for tagged builds * Return false from WiFi.hostByName() if hostname is not resolved * Free BT Memory when BT is not used * WIFI_MODE_NULL is not supported anymore * Select some key examples to build with PlatformIO to save some time * Update BLE lib * Fixed BLE lib * Major WiFi overhaul - auto reconnect on connection loss now works - moved to event groups - some code clean up and procedure optimizations - new methods to get a more elaborate system ststus * Add cmake tests to travis * Add initial AsyncUDP * Add NetBIOS lib and fix CMake includes * Add Initial WebServer * Fix WebServer and examples * travis not quiting on build fail * Try different travis build * Update IDF to aaf1239 * Fix WPS Example * fix script permission and add some fail tests to sketch builder * Add missing space in WiFiClient::write(Stream &stream)
2018-06-27 09:01:06 +02:00
} else if(event->event_id == ARDUINO_EVENT_ETH_STOP) {
Update IDF to aaf1239 (#1539) * fix sdmmc config * Fix warnings in EEPROM from @Curclamas * remove leftover TAG in EEPROM * Initial add of @stickbreaker i2c * Add log_n * fix warnings when log is off * i2c code clean up and reorganization * add flags to interrupt allocator * fix sdmmc config * Fix warnings in EEPROM from @Curclamas * remove leftover TAG in EEPROM * fix errors with latest IDF * fix debug optimization (#1365) incorrect optimization for debugging tick markers. * Fix some missing BT header * Change BTSerial log calls * Update BLE lib * Arduino-ESP32 release management scripted (#1515) * Calculate an absolute path for a custom partitions table (#1452) * * Arduino-ESP32 release management scripted (ready-to-merge) * * secure env for espressif/arduino-esp32 * * build tests enabled * gitter webhook enabled * * gitter room link fixed * better comment * * filepaths fixed * BT Serial adjustments * * don't run sketch builds & tests for tagged builds * Return false from WiFi.hostByName() if hostname is not resolved * Free BT Memory when BT is not used * WIFI_MODE_NULL is not supported anymore * Select some key examples to build with PlatformIO to save some time * Update BLE lib * Fixed BLE lib * Major WiFi overhaul - auto reconnect on connection loss now works - moved to event groups - some code clean up and procedure optimizations - new methods to get a more elaborate system ststus * Add cmake tests to travis * Add initial AsyncUDP * Add NetBIOS lib and fix CMake includes * Add Initial WebServer * Fix WebServer and examples * travis not quiting on build fail * Try different travis build * Update IDF to aaf1239 * Fix WPS Example * fix script permission and add some fail tests to sketch builder * Add missing space in WiFiClient::write(Stream &stream)
2018-06-27 09:01:06 +02:00
} else if(event->event_id == ARDUINO_EVENT_ETH_CONNECTED) {
Update IDF to aaf1239 (#1539) * fix sdmmc config * Fix warnings in EEPROM from @Curclamas * remove leftover TAG in EEPROM * Initial add of @stickbreaker i2c * Add log_n * fix warnings when log is off * i2c code clean up and reorganization * add flags to interrupt allocator * fix sdmmc config * Fix warnings in EEPROM from @Curclamas * remove leftover TAG in EEPROM * fix errors with latest IDF * fix debug optimization (#1365) incorrect optimization for debugging tick markers. * Fix some missing BT header * Change BTSerial log calls * Update BLE lib * Arduino-ESP32 release management scripted (#1515) * Calculate an absolute path for a custom partitions table (#1452) * * Arduino-ESP32 release management scripted (ready-to-merge) * * secure env for espressif/arduino-esp32 * * build tests enabled * gitter webhook enabled * * gitter room link fixed * better comment * * filepaths fixed * BT Serial adjustments * * don't run sketch builds & tests for tagged builds * Return false from WiFi.hostByName() if hostname is not resolved * Free BT Memory when BT is not used * WIFI_MODE_NULL is not supported anymore * Select some key examples to build with PlatformIO to save some time * Update BLE lib * Fixed BLE lib * Major WiFi overhaul - auto reconnect on connection loss now works - moved to event groups - some code clean up and procedure optimizations - new methods to get a more elaborate system ststus * Add cmake tests to travis * Add initial AsyncUDP * Add NetBIOS lib and fix CMake includes * Add Initial WebServer * Fix WebServer and examples * travis not quiting on build fail * Try different travis build * Update IDF to aaf1239 * Fix WPS Example * fix script permission and add some fail tests to sketch builder * Add missing space in WiFiClient::write(Stream &stream)
2018-06-27 09:01:06 +02:00
} else if(event->event_id == ARDUINO_EVENT_ETH_DISCONNECTED) {
Update IDF to aaf1239 (#1539) * fix sdmmc config * Fix warnings in EEPROM from @Curclamas * remove leftover TAG in EEPROM * Initial add of @stickbreaker i2c * Add log_n * fix warnings when log is off * i2c code clean up and reorganization * add flags to interrupt allocator * fix sdmmc config * Fix warnings in EEPROM from @Curclamas * remove leftover TAG in EEPROM * fix errors with latest IDF * fix debug optimization (#1365) incorrect optimization for debugging tick markers. * Fix some missing BT header * Change BTSerial log calls * Update BLE lib * Arduino-ESP32 release management scripted (#1515) * Calculate an absolute path for a custom partitions table (#1452) * * Arduino-ESP32 release management scripted (ready-to-merge) * * secure env for espressif/arduino-esp32 * * build tests enabled * gitter webhook enabled * * gitter room link fixed * better comment * * filepaths fixed * BT Serial adjustments * * don't run sketch builds & tests for tagged builds * Return false from WiFi.hostByName() if hostname is not resolved * Free BT Memory when BT is not used * WIFI_MODE_NULL is not supported anymore * Select some key examples to build with PlatformIO to save some time * Update BLE lib * Fixed BLE lib * Major WiFi overhaul - auto reconnect on connection loss now works - moved to event groups - some code clean up and procedure optimizations - new methods to get a more elaborate system ststus * Add cmake tests to travis * Add initial AsyncUDP * Add NetBIOS lib and fix CMake includes * Add Initial WebServer * Fix WebServer and examples * travis not quiting on build fail * Try different travis build * Update IDF to aaf1239 * Fix WPS Example * fix script permission and add some fail tests to sketch builder * Add missing space in WiFiClient::write(Stream &stream)
2018-06-27 09:01:06 +02:00
} else if(event->event_id == ARDUINO_EVENT_ETH_GOT_IP) {
uint8_t * ip = (uint8_t *)&(event->event_info.got_ip.ip_info.ip.addr);
uint8_t * mask = (uint8_t *)&(event->event_info.got_ip.ip_info.netmask.addr);
uint8_t * gw = (uint8_t *)&(event->;
log_d("ETH IP: %u.%u.%u.%u, MASK: %u.%u.%u.%u, GW: %u.%u.%u.%u",
ip[0], ip[1], ip[2], ip[3],
mask[0], mask[1], mask[2], mask[3],
gw[0], gw[1], gw[2], gw[3]);
Update IDF to aaf1239 (#1539) * fix sdmmc config * Fix warnings in EEPROM from @Curclamas * remove leftover TAG in EEPROM * Initial add of @stickbreaker i2c * Add log_n * fix warnings when log is off * i2c code clean up and reorganization * add flags to interrupt allocator * fix sdmmc config * Fix warnings in EEPROM from @Curclamas * remove leftover TAG in EEPROM * fix errors with latest IDF * fix debug optimization (#1365) incorrect optimization for debugging tick markers. * Fix some missing BT header * Change BTSerial log calls * Update BLE lib * Arduino-ESP32 release management scripted (#1515) * Calculate an absolute path for a custom partitions table (#1452) * * Arduino-ESP32 release management scripted (ready-to-merge) * * secure env for espressif/arduino-esp32 * * build tests enabled * gitter webhook enabled * * gitter room link fixed * better comment * * filepaths fixed * BT Serial adjustments * * don't run sketch builds & tests for tagged builds * Return false from WiFi.hostByName() if hostname is not resolved * Free BT Memory when BT is not used * WIFI_MODE_NULL is not supported anymore * Select some key examples to build with PlatformIO to save some time * Update BLE lib * Fixed BLE lib * Major WiFi overhaul - auto reconnect on connection loss now works - moved to event groups - some code clean up and procedure optimizations - new methods to get a more elaborate system ststus * Add cmake tests to travis * Add initial AsyncUDP * Add NetBIOS lib and fix CMake includes * Add Initial WebServer * Fix WebServer and examples * travis not quiting on build fail * Try different travis build * Update IDF to aaf1239 * Fix WPS Example * fix script permission and add some fail tests to sketch builder * Add missing space in WiFiClient::write(Stream &stream)
2018-06-27 09:01:06 +02:00
} else if(event->event_id == ARDUINO_EVENT_WIFI_STA_GOT_IP6) {
} else if(event->event_id == ARDUINO_EVENT_WIFI_AP_GOT_IP6) {
} else if(event->event_id == ARDUINO_EVENT_ETH_GOT_IP6) {
} else if(event->event_id == ARDUINO_EVENT_SC_GOT_SSID_PSWD) {
(const char *)event->event_info.sc_got_ssid_pswd.ssid,
(const char *)event->event_info.sc_got_ssid_pswd.password,
((event->event_info.sc_got_ssid_pswd.bssid_set == true)?event->event_info.sc_got_ssid_pswd.bssid:NULL)
} else if(event->event_id == ARDUINO_EVENT_SC_SEND_ACK_DONE) {
WiFiSTAClass::_smartConfigDone = true;
for(uint32_t i = 0; i < cbEventList.size(); i++) {
WiFiEventCbList_t entry = cbEventList[i];
if(entry.cb || entry.fcb || {
if(entry.event == (arduino_event_id_t) event->event_id || entry.event == ARDUINO_EVENT_MAX) {
if(entry.cb) {
entry.cb((arduino_event_id_t) event->event_id);
} else if(entry.fcb) {
entry.fcb((arduino_event_id_t) event->event_id, (arduino_event_info_t) event->event_info);
} else {;
return ESP_OK;
* Return the current channel associated with the network
* @return channel (1-13)
int32_t WiFiGenericClass::channel(void)
Update IDF to aaf1239 (#1539) * fix sdmmc config * Fix warnings in EEPROM from @Curclamas * remove leftover TAG in EEPROM * Initial add of @stickbreaker i2c * Add log_n * fix warnings when log is off * i2c code clean up and reorganization * add flags to interrupt allocator * fix sdmmc config * Fix warnings in EEPROM from @Curclamas * remove leftover TAG in EEPROM * fix errors with latest IDF * fix debug optimization (#1365) incorrect optimization for debugging tick markers. * Fix some missing BT header * Change BTSerial log calls * Update BLE lib * Arduino-ESP32 release management scripted (#1515) * Calculate an absolute path for a custom partitions table (#1452) * * Arduino-ESP32 release management scripted (ready-to-merge) * * secure env for espressif/arduino-esp32 * * build tests enabled * gitter webhook enabled * * gitter room link fixed * better comment * * filepaths fixed * BT Serial adjustments * * don't run sketch builds & tests for tagged builds * Return false from WiFi.hostByName() if hostname is not resolved * Free BT Memory when BT is not used * WIFI_MODE_NULL is not supported anymore * Select some key examples to build with PlatformIO to save some time * Update BLE lib * Fixed BLE lib * Major WiFi overhaul - auto reconnect on connection loss now works - moved to event groups - some code clean up and procedure optimizations - new methods to get a more elaborate system ststus * Add cmake tests to travis * Add initial AsyncUDP * Add NetBIOS lib and fix CMake includes * Add Initial WebServer * Fix WebServer and examples * travis not quiting on build fail * Try different travis build * Update IDF to aaf1239 * Fix WPS Example * fix script permission and add some fail tests to sketch builder * Add missing space in WiFiClient::write(Stream &stream)
2018-06-27 09:01:06 +02:00
uint8_t primaryChan = 0;
wifi_second_chan_t secondChan = WIFI_SECOND_CHAN_NONE;
return primaryChan;
esp_wifi_get_channel(&primaryChan, &secondChan);
return primaryChan;
* store WiFi config in SDK flash area
* @param persistent
void WiFiGenericClass::persistent(bool persistent)
_persistent = persistent;
* enable WiFi long range mode
* @param enable
void WiFiGenericClass::enableLongRange(bool enable)
_long_range = enable;
* set new mode
* @param m WiFiMode_t
bool WiFiGenericClass::mode(wifi_mode_t m)
wifi_mode_t cm = getMode();
if(cm == m) {
return true;
Update IDF to aaf1239 (#1539) * fix sdmmc config * Fix warnings in EEPROM from @Curclamas * remove leftover TAG in EEPROM * Initial add of @stickbreaker i2c * Add log_n * fix warnings when log is off * i2c code clean up and reorganization * add flags to interrupt allocator * fix sdmmc config * Fix warnings in EEPROM from @Curclamas * remove leftover TAG in EEPROM * fix errors with latest IDF * fix debug optimization (#1365) incorrect optimization for debugging tick markers. * Fix some missing BT header * Change BTSerial log calls * Update BLE lib * Arduino-ESP32 release management scripted (#1515) * Calculate an absolute path for a custom partitions table (#1452) * * Arduino-ESP32 release management scripted (ready-to-merge) * * secure env for espressif/arduino-esp32 * * build tests enabled * gitter webhook enabled * * gitter room link fixed * better comment * * filepaths fixed * BT Serial adjustments * * don't run sketch builds & tests for tagged builds * Return false from WiFi.hostByName() if hostname is not resolved * Free BT Memory when BT is not used * WIFI_MODE_NULL is not supported anymore * Select some key examples to build with PlatformIO to save some time * Update BLE lib * Fixed BLE lib * Major WiFi overhaul - auto reconnect on connection loss now works - moved to event groups - some code clean up and procedure optimizations - new methods to get a more elaborate system ststus * Add cmake tests to travis * Add initial AsyncUDP * Add NetBIOS lib and fix CMake includes * Add Initial WebServer * Fix WebServer and examples * travis not quiting on build fail * Try different travis build * Update IDF to aaf1239 * Fix WPS Example * fix script permission and add some fail tests to sketch builder * Add missing space in WiFiClient::write(Stream &stream)
2018-06-27 09:01:06 +02:00
if(!cm && m){
Update IDF to aaf1239 (#1539) * fix sdmmc config * Fix warnings in EEPROM from @Curclamas * remove leftover TAG in EEPROM * Initial add of @stickbreaker i2c * Add log_n * fix warnings when log is off * i2c code clean up and reorganization * add flags to interrupt allocator * fix sdmmc config * Fix warnings in EEPROM from @Curclamas * remove leftover TAG in EEPROM * fix errors with latest IDF * fix debug optimization (#1365) incorrect optimization for debugging tick markers. * Fix some missing BT header * Change BTSerial log calls * Update BLE lib * Arduino-ESP32 release management scripted (#1515) * Calculate an absolute path for a custom partitions table (#1452) * * Arduino-ESP32 release management scripted (ready-to-merge) * * secure env for espressif/arduino-esp32 * * build tests enabled * gitter webhook enabled * * gitter room link fixed * better comment * * filepaths fixed * BT Serial adjustments * * don't run sketch builds & tests for tagged builds * Return false from WiFi.hostByName() if hostname is not resolved * Free BT Memory when BT is not used * WIFI_MODE_NULL is not supported anymore * Select some key examples to build with PlatformIO to save some time * Update BLE lib * Fixed BLE lib * Major WiFi overhaul - auto reconnect on connection loss now works - moved to event groups - some code clean up and procedure optimizations - new methods to get a more elaborate system ststus * Add cmake tests to travis * Add initial AsyncUDP * Add NetBIOS lib and fix CMake includes * Add Initial WebServer * Fix WebServer and examples * travis not quiting on build fail * Try different travis build * Update IDF to aaf1239 * Fix WPS Example * fix script permission and add some fail tests to sketch builder * Add missing space in WiFiClient::write(Stream &stream)
2018-06-27 09:01:06 +02:00
return false;
} else if(cm && !m){
return espWiFiStop();
esp_err_t err;
if(m & WIFI_MODE_STA){
err = set_esp_interface_hostname(ESP_IF_WIFI_STA, get_esp_netif_hostname());
log_e("Could not set hostname! %d", err);
return false;
err = esp_wifi_set_mode(m);
2019-01-23 15:33:41 +08:00
log_e("Could not set mode! %d", err);
return false;
if(m & WIFI_MODE_STA){
err = esp_wifi_set_protocol(WIFI_IF_STA, WIFI_PROTOCOL_LR);
if(err != ESP_OK){
log_e("Could not enable long range on STA! %d", err);
return false;
if(m & WIFI_MODE_AP){
err = esp_wifi_set_protocol(WIFI_IF_AP, WIFI_PROTOCOL_LR);
if(err != ESP_OK){
log_e("Could not enable long range on AP! %d", err);
return false;
return false;
Update IDF to aaf1239 (#1539) * fix sdmmc config * Fix warnings in EEPROM from @Curclamas * remove leftover TAG in EEPROM * Initial add of @stickbreaker i2c * Add log_n * fix warnings when log is off * i2c code clean up and reorganization * add flags to interrupt allocator * fix sdmmc config * Fix warnings in EEPROM from @Curclamas * remove leftover TAG in EEPROM * fix errors with latest IDF * fix debug optimization (#1365) incorrect optimization for debugging tick markers. * Fix some missing BT header * Change BTSerial log calls * Update BLE lib * Arduino-ESP32 release management scripted (#1515) * Calculate an absolute path for a custom partitions table (#1452) * * Arduino-ESP32 release management scripted (ready-to-merge) * * secure env for espressif/arduino-esp32 * * build tests enabled * gitter webhook enabled * * gitter room link fixed * better comment * * filepaths fixed * BT Serial adjustments * * don't run sketch builds & tests for tagged builds * Return false from WiFi.hostByName() if hostname is not resolved * Free BT Memory when BT is not used * WIFI_MODE_NULL is not supported anymore * Select some key examples to build with PlatformIO to save some time * Update BLE lib * Fixed BLE lib * Major WiFi overhaul - auto reconnect on connection loss now works - moved to event groups - some code clean up and procedure optimizations - new methods to get a more elaborate system ststus * Add cmake tests to travis * Add initial AsyncUDP * Add NetBIOS lib and fix CMake includes * Add Initial WebServer * Fix WebServer and examples * travis not quiting on build fail * Try different travis build * Update IDF to aaf1239 * Fix WPS Example * fix script permission and add some fail tests to sketch builder * Add missing space in WiFiClient::write(Stream &stream)
2018-06-27 09:01:06 +02:00
return true;
* get WiFi mode
* @return WiFiMode
wifi_mode_t WiFiGenericClass::getMode()
if(!lowLevelInitDone || !_esp_wifi_started){
Update IDF to aaf1239 (#1539) * fix sdmmc config * Fix warnings in EEPROM from @Curclamas * remove leftover TAG in EEPROM * Initial add of @stickbreaker i2c * Add log_n * fix warnings when log is off * i2c code clean up and reorganization * add flags to interrupt allocator * fix sdmmc config * Fix warnings in EEPROM from @Curclamas * remove leftover TAG in EEPROM * fix errors with latest IDF * fix debug optimization (#1365) incorrect optimization for debugging tick markers. * Fix some missing BT header * Change BTSerial log calls * Update BLE lib * Arduino-ESP32 release management scripted (#1515) * Calculate an absolute path for a custom partitions table (#1452) * * Arduino-ESP32 release management scripted (ready-to-merge) * * secure env for espressif/arduino-esp32 * * build tests enabled * gitter webhook enabled * * gitter room link fixed * better comment * * filepaths fixed * BT Serial adjustments * * don't run sketch builds & tests for tagged builds * Return false from WiFi.hostByName() if hostname is not resolved * Free BT Memory when BT is not used * WIFI_MODE_NULL is not supported anymore * Select some key examples to build with PlatformIO to save some time * Update BLE lib * Fixed BLE lib * Major WiFi overhaul - auto reconnect on connection loss now works - moved to event groups - some code clean up and procedure optimizations - new methods to get a more elaborate system ststus * Add cmake tests to travis * Add initial AsyncUDP * Add NetBIOS lib and fix CMake includes * Add Initial WebServer * Fix WebServer and examples * travis not quiting on build fail * Try different travis build * Update IDF to aaf1239 * Fix WPS Example * fix script permission and add some fail tests to sketch builder * Add missing space in WiFiClient::write(Stream &stream)
2018-06-27 09:01:06 +02:00
Update IDF to aaf1239 (#1539) * fix sdmmc config * Fix warnings in EEPROM from @Curclamas * remove leftover TAG in EEPROM * Initial add of @stickbreaker i2c * Add log_n * fix warnings when log is off * i2c code clean up and reorganization * add flags to interrupt allocator * fix sdmmc config * Fix warnings in EEPROM from @Curclamas * remove leftover TAG in EEPROM * fix errors with latest IDF * fix debug optimization (#1365) incorrect optimization for debugging tick markers. * Fix some missing BT header * Change BTSerial log calls * Update BLE lib * Arduino-ESP32 release management scripted (#1515) * Calculate an absolute path for a custom partitions table (#1452) * * Arduino-ESP32 release management scripted (ready-to-merge) * * secure env for espressif/arduino-esp32 * * build tests enabled * gitter webhook enabled * * gitter room link fixed * better comment * * filepaths fixed * BT Serial adjustments * * don't run sketch builds & tests for tagged builds * Return false from WiFi.hostByName() if hostname is not resolved * Free BT Memory when BT is not used * WIFI_MODE_NULL is not supported anymore * Select some key examples to build with PlatformIO to save some time * Update BLE lib * Fixed BLE lib * Major WiFi overhaul - auto reconnect on connection loss now works - moved to event groups - some code clean up and procedure optimizations - new methods to get a more elaborate system ststus * Add cmake tests to travis * Add initial AsyncUDP * Add NetBIOS lib and fix CMake includes * Add Initial WebServer * Fix WebServer and examples * travis not quiting on build fail * Try different travis build * Update IDF to aaf1239 * Fix WPS Example * fix script permission and add some fail tests to sketch builder * Add missing space in WiFiClient::write(Stream &stream)
2018-06-27 09:01:06 +02:00
wifi_mode_t mode;
if(esp_wifi_get_mode(&mode) != ESP_OK){
Update IDF to aaf1239 (#1539) * fix sdmmc config * Fix warnings in EEPROM from @Curclamas * remove leftover TAG in EEPROM * Initial add of @stickbreaker i2c * Add log_n * fix warnings when log is off * i2c code clean up and reorganization * add flags to interrupt allocator * fix sdmmc config * Fix warnings in EEPROM from @Curclamas * remove leftover TAG in EEPROM * fix errors with latest IDF * fix debug optimization (#1365) incorrect optimization for debugging tick markers. * Fix some missing BT header * Change BTSerial log calls * Update BLE lib * Arduino-ESP32 release management scripted (#1515) * Calculate an absolute path for a custom partitions table (#1452) * * Arduino-ESP32 release management scripted (ready-to-merge) * * secure env for espressif/arduino-esp32 * * build tests enabled * gitter webhook enabled * * gitter room link fixed * better comment * * filepaths fixed * BT Serial adjustments * * don't run sketch builds & tests for tagged builds * Return false from WiFi.hostByName() if hostname is not resolved * Free BT Memory when BT is not used * WIFI_MODE_NULL is not supported anymore * Select some key examples to build with PlatformIO to save some time * Update BLE lib * Fixed BLE lib * Major WiFi overhaul - auto reconnect on connection loss now works - moved to event groups - some code clean up and procedure optimizations - new methods to get a more elaborate system ststus * Add cmake tests to travis * Add initial AsyncUDP * Add NetBIOS lib and fix CMake includes * Add Initial WebServer * Fix WebServer and examples * travis not quiting on build fail * Try different travis build * Update IDF to aaf1239 * Fix WPS Example * fix script permission and add some fail tests to sketch builder * Add missing space in WiFiClient::write(Stream &stream)
2018-06-27 09:01:06 +02:00
log_w("WiFi not started");
return mode;
* control STA mode
* @param enable bool
* @return ok
bool WiFiGenericClass::enableSTA(bool enable)
wifi_mode_t currentMode = getMode();
bool isEnabled = ((currentMode & WIFI_MODE_STA) != 0);
if(isEnabled != enable) {
if(enable) {
return mode((wifi_mode_t)(currentMode | WIFI_MODE_STA));
Update IDF to aaf1239 (#1539) * fix sdmmc config * Fix warnings in EEPROM from @Curclamas * remove leftover TAG in EEPROM * Initial add of @stickbreaker i2c * Add log_n * fix warnings when log is off * i2c code clean up and reorganization * add flags to interrupt allocator * fix sdmmc config * Fix warnings in EEPROM from @Curclamas * remove leftover TAG in EEPROM * fix errors with latest IDF * fix debug optimization (#1365) incorrect optimization for debugging tick markers. * Fix some missing BT header * Change BTSerial log calls * Update BLE lib * Arduino-ESP32 release management scripted (#1515) * Calculate an absolute path for a custom partitions table (#1452) * * Arduino-ESP32 release management scripted (ready-to-merge) * * secure env for espressif/arduino-esp32 * * build tests enabled * gitter webhook enabled * * gitter room link fixed * better comment * * filepaths fixed * BT Serial adjustments * * don't run sketch builds & tests for tagged builds * Return false from WiFi.hostByName() if hostname is not resolved * Free BT Memory when BT is not used * WIFI_MODE_NULL is not supported anymore * Select some key examples to build with PlatformIO to save some time * Update BLE lib * Fixed BLE lib * Major WiFi overhaul - auto reconnect on connection loss now works - moved to event groups - some code clean up and procedure optimizations - new methods to get a more elaborate system ststus * Add cmake tests to travis * Add initial AsyncUDP * Add NetBIOS lib and fix CMake includes * Add Initial WebServer * Fix WebServer and examples * travis not quiting on build fail * Try different travis build * Update IDF to aaf1239 * Fix WPS Example * fix script permission and add some fail tests to sketch builder * Add missing space in WiFiClient::write(Stream &stream)
2018-06-27 09:01:06 +02:00
return mode((wifi_mode_t)(currentMode & (~WIFI_MODE_STA)));
Update IDF to aaf1239 (#1539) * fix sdmmc config * Fix warnings in EEPROM from @Curclamas * remove leftover TAG in EEPROM * Initial add of @stickbreaker i2c * Add log_n * fix warnings when log is off * i2c code clean up and reorganization * add flags to interrupt allocator * fix sdmmc config * Fix warnings in EEPROM from @Curclamas * remove leftover TAG in EEPROM * fix errors with latest IDF * fix debug optimization (#1365) incorrect optimization for debugging tick markers. * Fix some missing BT header * Change BTSerial log calls * Update BLE lib * Arduino-ESP32 release management scripted (#1515) * Calculate an absolute path for a custom partitions table (#1452) * * Arduino-ESP32 release management scripted (ready-to-merge) * * secure env for espressif/arduino-esp32 * * build tests enabled * gitter webhook enabled * * gitter room link fixed * better comment * * filepaths fixed * BT Serial adjustments * * don't run sketch builds & tests for tagged builds * Return false from WiFi.hostByName() if hostname is not resolved * Free BT Memory when BT is not used * WIFI_MODE_NULL is not supported anymore * Select some key examples to build with PlatformIO to save some time * Update BLE lib * Fixed BLE lib * Major WiFi overhaul - auto reconnect on connection loss now works - moved to event groups - some code clean up and procedure optimizations - new methods to get a more elaborate system ststus * Add cmake tests to travis * Add initial AsyncUDP * Add NetBIOS lib and fix CMake includes * Add Initial WebServer * Fix WebServer and examples * travis not quiting on build fail * Try different travis build * Update IDF to aaf1239 * Fix WPS Example * fix script permission and add some fail tests to sketch builder * Add missing space in WiFiClient::write(Stream &stream)
2018-06-27 09:01:06 +02:00
return true;
* control AP mode
* @param enable bool
* @return ok
bool WiFiGenericClass::enableAP(bool enable)
wifi_mode_t currentMode = getMode();
bool isEnabled = ((currentMode & WIFI_MODE_AP) != 0);
if(isEnabled != enable) {
if(enable) {
return mode((wifi_mode_t)(currentMode | WIFI_MODE_AP));
Update IDF to aaf1239 (#1539) * fix sdmmc config * Fix warnings in EEPROM from @Curclamas * remove leftover TAG in EEPROM * Initial add of @stickbreaker i2c * Add log_n * fix warnings when log is off * i2c code clean up and reorganization * add flags to interrupt allocator * fix sdmmc config * Fix warnings in EEPROM from @Curclamas * remove leftover TAG in EEPROM * fix errors with latest IDF * fix debug optimization (#1365) incorrect optimization for debugging tick markers. * Fix some missing BT header * Change BTSerial log calls * Update BLE lib * Arduino-ESP32 release management scripted (#1515) * Calculate an absolute path for a custom partitions table (#1452) * * Arduino-ESP32 release management scripted (ready-to-merge) * * secure env for espressif/arduino-esp32 * * build tests enabled * gitter webhook enabled * * gitter room link fixed * better comment * * filepaths fixed * BT Serial adjustments * * don't run sketch builds & tests for tagged builds * Return false from WiFi.hostByName() if hostname is not resolved * Free BT Memory when BT is not used * WIFI_MODE_NULL is not supported anymore * Select some key examples to build with PlatformIO to save some time * Update BLE lib * Fixed BLE lib * Major WiFi overhaul - auto reconnect on connection loss now works - moved to event groups - some code clean up and procedure optimizations - new methods to get a more elaborate system ststus * Add cmake tests to travis * Add initial AsyncUDP * Add NetBIOS lib and fix CMake includes * Add Initial WebServer * Fix WebServer and examples * travis not quiting on build fail * Try different travis build * Update IDF to aaf1239 * Fix WPS Example * fix script permission and add some fail tests to sketch builder * Add missing space in WiFiClient::write(Stream &stream)
2018-06-27 09:01:06 +02:00
return mode((wifi_mode_t)(currentMode & (~WIFI_MODE_AP)));
Update IDF to aaf1239 (#1539) * fix sdmmc config * Fix warnings in EEPROM from @Curclamas * remove leftover TAG in EEPROM * Initial add of @stickbreaker i2c * Add log_n * fix warnings when log is off * i2c code clean up and reorganization * add flags to interrupt allocator * fix sdmmc config * Fix warnings in EEPROM from @Curclamas * remove leftover TAG in EEPROM * fix errors with latest IDF * fix debug optimization (#1365) incorrect optimization for debugging tick markers. * Fix some missing BT header * Change BTSerial log calls * Update BLE lib * Arduino-ESP32 release management scripted (#1515) * Calculate an absolute path for a custom partitions table (#1452) * * Arduino-ESP32 release management scripted (ready-to-merge) * * secure env for espressif/arduino-esp32 * * build tests enabled * gitter webhook enabled * * gitter room link fixed * better comment * * filepaths fixed * BT Serial adjustments * * don't run sketch builds & tests for tagged builds * Return false from WiFi.hostByName() if hostname is not resolved * Free BT Memory when BT is not used * WIFI_MODE_NULL is not supported anymore * Select some key examples to build with PlatformIO to save some time * Update BLE lib * Fixed BLE lib * Major WiFi overhaul - auto reconnect on connection loss now works - moved to event groups - some code clean up and procedure optimizations - new methods to get a more elaborate system ststus * Add cmake tests to travis * Add initial AsyncUDP * Add NetBIOS lib and fix CMake includes * Add Initial WebServer * Fix WebServer and examples * travis not quiting on build fail * Try different travis build * Update IDF to aaf1239 * Fix WPS Example * fix script permission and add some fail tests to sketch builder * Add missing space in WiFiClient::write(Stream &stream)
2018-06-27 09:01:06 +02:00
return true;
Update IDF to aaf1239 (#1539) * fix sdmmc config * Fix warnings in EEPROM from @Curclamas * remove leftover TAG in EEPROM * Initial add of @stickbreaker i2c * Add log_n * fix warnings when log is off * i2c code clean up and reorganization * add flags to interrupt allocator * fix sdmmc config * Fix warnings in EEPROM from @Curclamas * remove leftover TAG in EEPROM * fix errors with latest IDF * fix debug optimization (#1365) incorrect optimization for debugging tick markers. * Fix some missing BT header * Change BTSerial log calls * Update BLE lib * Arduino-ESP32 release management scripted (#1515) * Calculate an absolute path for a custom partitions table (#1452) * * Arduino-ESP32 release management scripted (ready-to-merge) * * secure env for espressif/arduino-esp32 * * build tests enabled * gitter webhook enabled * * gitter room link fixed * better comment * * filepaths fixed * BT Serial adjustments * * don't run sketch builds & tests for tagged builds * Return false from WiFi.hostByName() if hostname is not resolved * Free BT Memory when BT is not used * WIFI_MODE_NULL is not supported anymore * Select some key examples to build with PlatformIO to save some time * Update BLE lib * Fixed BLE lib * Major WiFi overhaul - auto reconnect on connection loss now works - moved to event groups - some code clean up and procedure optimizations - new methods to get a more elaborate system ststus * Add cmake tests to travis * Add initial AsyncUDP * Add NetBIOS lib and fix CMake includes * Add Initial WebServer * Fix WebServer and examples * travis not quiting on build fail * Try different travis build * Update IDF to aaf1239 * Fix WPS Example * fix script permission and add some fail tests to sketch builder * Add missing space in WiFiClient::write(Stream &stream)
2018-06-27 09:01:06 +02:00
* control modem sleep when only in STA mode
* @param enable bool
* @return ok
bool WiFiGenericClass::setSleep(bool enabled){
return setSleep(enabled?WIFI_PS_MIN_MODEM:WIFI_PS_NONE);
Update IDF to aaf1239 (#1539) * fix sdmmc config * Fix warnings in EEPROM from @Curclamas * remove leftover TAG in EEPROM * Initial add of @stickbreaker i2c * Add log_n * fix warnings when log is off * i2c code clean up and reorganization * add flags to interrupt allocator * fix sdmmc config * Fix warnings in EEPROM from @Curclamas * remove leftover TAG in EEPROM * fix errors with latest IDF * fix debug optimization (#1365) incorrect optimization for debugging tick markers. * Fix some missing BT header * Change BTSerial log calls * Update BLE lib * Arduino-ESP32 release management scripted (#1515) * Calculate an absolute path for a custom partitions table (#1452) * * Arduino-ESP32 release management scripted (ready-to-merge) * * secure env for espressif/arduino-esp32 * * build tests enabled * gitter webhook enabled * * gitter room link fixed * better comment * * filepaths fixed * BT Serial adjustments * * don't run sketch builds & tests for tagged builds * Return false from WiFi.hostByName() if hostname is not resolved * Free BT Memory when BT is not used * WIFI_MODE_NULL is not supported anymore * Select some key examples to build with PlatformIO to save some time * Update BLE lib * Fixed BLE lib * Major WiFi overhaul - auto reconnect on connection loss now works - moved to event groups - some code clean up and procedure optimizations - new methods to get a more elaborate system ststus * Add cmake tests to travis * Add initial AsyncUDP * Add NetBIOS lib and fix CMake includes * Add Initial WebServer * Fix WebServer and examples * travis not quiting on build fail * Try different travis build * Update IDF to aaf1239 * Fix WPS Example * fix script permission and add some fail tests to sketch builder * Add missing space in WiFiClient::write(Stream &stream)
2018-06-27 09:01:06 +02:00
* control modem sleep when only in STA mode
* @param mode wifi_ps_type_t
* @return ok
bool WiFiGenericClass::setSleep(wifi_ps_type_t sleepType)
if(sleepType != _sleepEnabled){
_sleepEnabled = sleepType;
if((getMode() & WIFI_MODE_STA) != 0){
if(esp_wifi_set_ps(_sleepEnabled) != ESP_OK){
log_e("esp_wifi_set_ps failed!");
return false;
return true;
return false;
Update IDF to aaf1239 (#1539) * fix sdmmc config * Fix warnings in EEPROM from @Curclamas * remove leftover TAG in EEPROM * Initial add of @stickbreaker i2c * Add log_n * fix warnings when log is off * i2c code clean up and reorganization * add flags to interrupt allocator * fix sdmmc config * Fix warnings in EEPROM from @Curclamas * remove leftover TAG in EEPROM * fix errors with latest IDF * fix debug optimization (#1365) incorrect optimization for debugging tick markers. * Fix some missing BT header * Change BTSerial log calls * Update BLE lib * Arduino-ESP32 release management scripted (#1515) * Calculate an absolute path for a custom partitions table (#1452) * * Arduino-ESP32 release management scripted (ready-to-merge) * * secure env for espressif/arduino-esp32 * * build tests enabled * gitter webhook enabled * * gitter room link fixed * better comment * * filepaths fixed * BT Serial adjustments * * don't run sketch builds & tests for tagged builds * Return false from WiFi.hostByName() if hostname is not resolved * Free BT Memory when BT is not used * WIFI_MODE_NULL is not supported anymore * Select some key examples to build with PlatformIO to save some time * Update BLE lib * Fixed BLE lib * Major WiFi overhaul - auto reconnect on connection loss now works - moved to event groups - some code clean up and procedure optimizations - new methods to get a more elaborate system ststus * Add cmake tests to travis * Add initial AsyncUDP * Add NetBIOS lib and fix CMake includes * Add Initial WebServer * Fix WebServer and examples * travis not quiting on build fail * Try different travis build * Update IDF to aaf1239 * Fix WPS Example * fix script permission and add some fail tests to sketch builder * Add missing space in WiFiClient::write(Stream &stream)
2018-06-27 09:01:06 +02:00
* get modem sleep enabled
* @return true if modem sleep is enabled
wifi_ps_type_t WiFiGenericClass::getSleep()
Update IDF to aaf1239 (#1539) * fix sdmmc config * Fix warnings in EEPROM from @Curclamas * remove leftover TAG in EEPROM * Initial add of @stickbreaker i2c * Add log_n * fix warnings when log is off * i2c code clean up and reorganization * add flags to interrupt allocator * fix sdmmc config * Fix warnings in EEPROM from @Curclamas * remove leftover TAG in EEPROM * fix errors with latest IDF * fix debug optimization (#1365) incorrect optimization for debugging tick markers. * Fix some missing BT header * Change BTSerial log calls * Update BLE lib * Arduino-ESP32 release management scripted (#1515) * Calculate an absolute path for a custom partitions table (#1452) * * Arduino-ESP32 release management scripted (ready-to-merge) * * secure env for espressif/arduino-esp32 * * build tests enabled * gitter webhook enabled * * gitter room link fixed * better comment * * filepaths fixed * BT Serial adjustments * * don't run sketch builds & tests for tagged builds * Return false from WiFi.hostByName() if hostname is not resolved * Free BT Memory when BT is not used * WIFI_MODE_NULL is not supported anymore * Select some key examples to build with PlatformIO to save some time * Update BLE lib * Fixed BLE lib * Major WiFi overhaul - auto reconnect on connection loss now works - moved to event groups - some code clean up and procedure optimizations - new methods to get a more elaborate system ststus * Add cmake tests to travis * Add initial AsyncUDP * Add NetBIOS lib and fix CMake includes * Add Initial WebServer * Fix WebServer and examples * travis not quiting on build fail * Try different travis build * Update IDF to aaf1239 * Fix WPS Example * fix script permission and add some fail tests to sketch builder * Add missing space in WiFiClient::write(Stream &stream)
2018-06-27 09:01:06 +02:00
return _sleepEnabled;
Update IDF to aaf1239 (#1539) * fix sdmmc config * Fix warnings in EEPROM from @Curclamas * remove leftover TAG in EEPROM * Initial add of @stickbreaker i2c * Add log_n * fix warnings when log is off * i2c code clean up and reorganization * add flags to interrupt allocator * fix sdmmc config * Fix warnings in EEPROM from @Curclamas * remove leftover TAG in EEPROM * fix errors with latest IDF * fix debug optimization (#1365) incorrect optimization for debugging tick markers. * Fix some missing BT header * Change BTSerial log calls * Update BLE lib * Arduino-ESP32 release management scripted (#1515) * Calculate an absolute path for a custom partitions table (#1452) * * Arduino-ESP32 release management scripted (ready-to-merge) * * secure env for espressif/arduino-esp32 * * build tests enabled * gitter webhook enabled * * gitter room link fixed * better comment * * filepaths fixed * BT Serial adjustments * * don't run sketch builds & tests for tagged builds * Return false from WiFi.hostByName() if hostname is not resolved * Free BT Memory when BT is not used * WIFI_MODE_NULL is not supported anymore * Select some key examples to build with PlatformIO to save some time * Update BLE lib * Fixed BLE lib * Major WiFi overhaul - auto reconnect on connection loss now works - moved to event groups - some code clean up and procedure optimizations - new methods to get a more elaborate system ststus * Add cmake tests to travis * Add initial AsyncUDP * Add NetBIOS lib and fix CMake includes * Add Initial WebServer * Fix WebServer and examples * travis not quiting on build fail * Try different travis build * Update IDF to aaf1239 * Fix WPS Example * fix script permission and add some fail tests to sketch builder * Add missing space in WiFiClient::write(Stream &stream)
2018-06-27 09:01:06 +02:00
* control wifi tx power
* @param power enum maximum wifi tx power
* @return ok
bool WiFiGenericClass::setTxPower(wifi_power_t power){
if((getStatusBits() & (STA_STARTED_BIT | AP_STARTED_BIT)) == 0){
log_w("Neither AP or STA has been started");
return false;
return esp_wifi_set_max_tx_power(power) == ESP_OK;
wifi_power_t WiFiGenericClass::getTxPower(){
int8_t power;
if((getStatusBits() & (STA_STARTED_BIT | AP_STARTED_BIT)) == 0){
log_w("Neither AP or STA has been started");
return WIFI_POWER_19_5dBm;
return WIFI_POWER_19_5dBm;
return (wifi_power_t)power;
* Initiate FTM Session.
* @param frm_count Number of FTM frames requested in terms of 4 or 8 bursts (allowed values - 0(No pref), 16, 24, 32, 64)
* @param burst_period Requested time period between consecutive FTM bursts in 100's of milliseconds (allowed values - 0(No pref), 2 - 255)
* @param channel Primary channel of the FTM Responder
* @param mac MAC address of the FTM Responder
* @return true on success
bool WiFiGenericClass::initiateFTM(uint8_t frm_count, uint16_t burst_period, uint8_t channel, const uint8_t * mac) {
wifi_ftm_initiator_cfg_t ftmi_cfg = {
.resp_mac = {0,0,0,0,0,0},
.channel = channel,
.frm_count = frm_count,
.burst_period = burst_period,
if(mac != NULL){
memcpy(ftmi_cfg.resp_mac, mac, 6);
// Request FTM session with the Responder
if (ESP_OK != esp_wifi_ftm_initiate_session(&ftmi_cfg)) {
log_e("Failed to initiate FTM session");
return false;
return true;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// ------------------------------------------------ Generic Network function ---------------------------------------------
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* DNS callback
* @param name
* @param ipaddr
* @param callback_arg
static void wifi_dns_found_callback(const char *name, const ip_addr_t *ipaddr, void *callback_arg)
if(ipaddr) {
(*reinterpret_cast<IPAddress*>(callback_arg)) = ipaddr->u_addr.ip4.addr;
xEventGroupSetBits(_arduino_event_group, WIFI_DNS_DONE_BIT);
* Resolve the given hostname to an IP address.
* @param aHostname Name to be resolved
* @param aResult IPAddress structure to store the returned IP address
* @return 1 if aIPAddrString was successfully converted to an IP address,
* else error code
int WiFiGenericClass::hostByName(const char* aHostname, IPAddress& aResult)
ip_addr_t addr;
aResult = static_cast<uint32_t>(0);
waitStatusBits(WIFI_DNS_IDLE_BIT, 16000);
err_t err = dns_gethostbyname(aHostname, &addr, &wifi_dns_found_callback, &aResult);
if(err == ERR_OK && addr.u_addr.ip4.addr) {
aResult = addr.u_addr.ip4.addr;
} else if(err == ERR_INPROGRESS) {
waitStatusBits(WIFI_DNS_DONE_BIT, 15000); //real internal timeout in lwip library is 14[s]
Update IDF to aaf1239 (#1539) * fix sdmmc config * Fix warnings in EEPROM from @Curclamas * remove leftover TAG in EEPROM * Initial add of @stickbreaker i2c * Add log_n * fix warnings when log is off * i2c code clean up and reorganization * add flags to interrupt allocator * fix sdmmc config * Fix warnings in EEPROM from @Curclamas * remove leftover TAG in EEPROM * fix errors with latest IDF * fix debug optimization (#1365) incorrect optimization for debugging tick markers. * Fix some missing BT header * Change BTSerial log calls * Update BLE lib * Arduino-ESP32 release management scripted (#1515) * Calculate an absolute path for a custom partitions table (#1452) * * Arduino-ESP32 release management scripted (ready-to-merge) * * secure env for espressif/arduino-esp32 * * build tests enabled * gitter webhook enabled * * gitter room link fixed * better comment * * filepaths fixed * BT Serial adjustments * * don't run sketch builds & tests for tagged builds * Return false from WiFi.hostByName() if hostname is not resolved * Free BT Memory when BT is not used * WIFI_MODE_NULL is not supported anymore * Select some key examples to build with PlatformIO to save some time * Update BLE lib * Fixed BLE lib * Major WiFi overhaul - auto reconnect on connection loss now works - moved to event groups - some code clean up and procedure optimizations - new methods to get a more elaborate system ststus * Add cmake tests to travis * Add initial AsyncUDP * Add NetBIOS lib and fix CMake includes * Add Initial WebServer * Fix WebServer and examples * travis not quiting on build fail * Try different travis build * Update IDF to aaf1239 * Fix WPS Example * fix script permission and add some fail tests to sketch builder * Add missing space in WiFiClient::write(Stream &stream)
2018-06-27 09:01:06 +02:00
if((uint32_t)aResult == 0){
log_e("DNS Failed for %s", aHostname);
Update IDF to aaf1239 (#1539) * fix sdmmc config * Fix warnings in EEPROM from @Curclamas * remove leftover TAG in EEPROM * Initial add of @stickbreaker i2c * Add log_n * fix warnings when log is off * i2c code clean up and reorganization * add flags to interrupt allocator * fix sdmmc config * Fix warnings in EEPROM from @Curclamas * remove leftover TAG in EEPROM * fix errors with latest IDF * fix debug optimization (#1365) incorrect optimization for debugging tick markers. * Fix some missing BT header * Change BTSerial log calls * Update BLE lib * Arduino-ESP32 release management scripted (#1515) * Calculate an absolute path for a custom partitions table (#1452) * * Arduino-ESP32 release management scripted (ready-to-merge) * * secure env for espressif/arduino-esp32 * * build tests enabled * gitter webhook enabled * * gitter room link fixed * better comment * * filepaths fixed * BT Serial adjustments * * don't run sketch builds & tests for tagged builds * Return false from WiFi.hostByName() if hostname is not resolved * Free BT Memory when BT is not used * WIFI_MODE_NULL is not supported anymore * Select some key examples to build with PlatformIO to save some time * Update BLE lib * Fixed BLE lib * Major WiFi overhaul - auto reconnect on connection loss now works - moved to event groups - some code clean up and procedure optimizations - new methods to get a more elaborate system ststus * Add cmake tests to travis * Add initial AsyncUDP * Add NetBIOS lib and fix CMake includes * Add Initial WebServer * Fix WebServer and examples * travis not quiting on build fail * Try different travis build * Update IDF to aaf1239 * Fix WPS Example * fix script permission and add some fail tests to sketch builder * Add missing space in WiFiClient::write(Stream &stream)
2018-06-27 09:01:06 +02:00
return (uint32_t)aResult != 0;
IPAddress WiFiGenericClass::calculateNetworkID(IPAddress ip, IPAddress subnet) {
IPAddress networkID;
for (size_t i = 0; i < 4; i++)
networkID[i] = subnet[i] & ip[i];
return networkID;
IPAddress WiFiGenericClass::calculateBroadcast(IPAddress ip, IPAddress subnet) {
IPAddress broadcastIp;
for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
broadcastIp[i] = ~subnet[i] | ip[i];
return broadcastIp;
uint8_t WiFiGenericClass::calculateSubnetCIDR(IPAddress subnetMask) {
uint8_t CIDR = 0;
for (uint8_t i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
if (subnetMask[i] == 0x80) // 128
CIDR += 1;
else if (subnetMask[i] == 0xC0) // 192
CIDR += 2;
else if (subnetMask[i] == 0xE0) // 224
CIDR += 3;
else if (subnetMask[i] == 0xF0) // 242
CIDR += 4;
else if (subnetMask[i] == 0xF8) // 248
CIDR += 5;
else if (subnetMask[i] == 0xFC) // 252
CIDR += 6;
else if (subnetMask[i] == 0xFE) // 254
CIDR += 7;
else if (subnetMask[i] == 0xFF) // 255
CIDR += 8;
return CIDR;