2016-10-06 14:21:30 +03:00
#!/usr/bin/env python
# NB: Before sending a PR to change the above line to '#!/usr/bin/env python2', please read https://github.com/themadinventor/esptool/issues/21
# ESP8266 & ESP32 ROM Bootloader Utility
# https://github.com/themadinventor/esptool
# Copyright (C) 2014-2016 Fredrik Ahlberg, Angus Gratton, Espressif Systems (Shanghai) PTE LTD, other contributors as noted.
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
# the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software
# Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
# ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
# FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
# this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin
# Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
import argparse
import hashlib
import inspect
import os
import serial
import struct
import sys
import time
import base64
import zlib
__version__ = " 2.0-dev "
MAX_UINT32 = 0xffffffff
MAX_UINT24 = 0xffffff
def check_supported_function ( func , check_func ) :
Decorator implementation that wraps a check around an ESPLoader
bootloader function to check if it ' s supported.
This is used to capture the multidimensional differences in
functionality between the ESP8266 & ESP32 ROM loaders , and the
software stub that runs on both . Not possible to do this cleanly
via inheritance alone .
def inner ( * args , * * kwargs ) :
obj = args [ 0 ]
if check_func ( obj ) :
return func ( * args , * * kwargs )
else :
2016-12-30 01:28:30 +02:00
raise NotImplementedInROMError ( obj , func )
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return inner
def stub_function_only ( func ) :
""" Attribute for a function only supported in the software stub loader """
return check_supported_function ( func , lambda o : o . IS_STUB )
def stub_and_esp32_function_only ( func ) :
""" Attribute for a function only supported by software stubs or ESP32 ROM """
return check_supported_function ( func , lambda o : o . IS_STUB or o . CHIP_NAME == " ESP32 " )
def esp8266_function_only ( func ) :
""" Attribute for a function only supported on ESP8266 """
return check_supported_function ( func , lambda o : o . CHIP_NAME == " ESP8266 " )
class ESPLoader ( object ) :
""" Base class providing access to ESP ROM & softtware stub bootloaders.
Subclasses provide ESP8266 & ESP32 specific functionality .
Don ' t instantiate this base class directly, either instantiate a subclass or
call ESPLoader . detect_chip ( ) which will interrogate the chip and return the
appropriate subclass instance .
CHIP_NAME = " Espressif device "
IS_STUB = False
DEFAULT_PORT = " /dev/ttyUSB0 "
# Commands supported by ESP8266 ROM bootloader
ESP_MEM_END = 0x06
ESP_SYNC = 0x08
# Some comands supported by ESP32 ROM bootloader (or -8266 w/ stub)
# Some commands supported by stub only
# Maximum block sized for RAM and Flash writes, respectively.
ESP_RAM_BLOCK = 0x1800
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# Default baudrate. The ROM auto-bauds, so we can use more or less whatever we want.
ESP_ROM_BAUD = 115200
# First byte of the application image
# Initial state for the checksum routine
# Flash sector size, minimum unit of erase.
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UART_DATA_REG_ADDR = 0x60000078
# Memory addresses
IROM_MAP_START = 0x40200000
IROM_MAP_END = 0x40300000
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# The number of bytes in the UART response that signify command status
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def __init__ ( self , port = DEFAULT_PORT , baud = ESP_ROM_BAUD , do_connect = True ) :
""" Base constructor for ESPLoader bootloader interaction
Don ' t call this constructor, either instantiate ESP8266ROM
or ESP32ROM , or use ESPLoader . detect_chip ( ) .
This base class has all of the instance methods for bootloader
functionality supported across various chips & stub
loaders . Subclasses replace the functions they don ' t support
with ones which throw NotImplementedInROMError ( ) .
if isinstance ( port , serial . Serial ) :
self . _port = port
else :
self . _port = serial . Serial ( port )
self . _slip_reader = slip_reader ( self . _port )
# setting baud rate in a separate step is a workaround for
# CH341 driver on some Linux versions (this opens at 9600 then
# sets), shouldn't matter for other platforms/drivers. See
# https://github.com/themadinventor/esptool/issues/44#issuecomment-107094446
self . _port . baudrate = baud
if do_connect :
self . connect ( )
def detect_chip ( port = DEFAULT_PORT , baud = ESP_ROM_BAUD ) :
""" Use serial access to detect the chip type.
We use the UART ' s datecode register for this, it ' s mapped at
the same address on ESP8266 & ESP32 so we can use one
memory read and compare to the datecode register for each chip
type .
detect_port = ESPLoader ( port , baud , True )
sys . stdout . write ( ' Detecting chip type... ' )
date_reg = detect_port . read_reg ( ESPLoader . UART_DATA_REG_ADDR )
for cls in [ ESP8266ROM , ESP32ROM ] :
if date_reg == cls . DATE_REG_VALUE :
# don't connect a second time
inst = cls ( detect_port . _port , baud , False )
print ' %s ' % inst . CHIP_NAME
return inst
print ' '
raise FatalError ( " Unexpected UART datecode value 0x %08x . Failed to autodetect chip type. " % date_reg )
""" Read a SLIP packet from the serial port """
def read ( self ) :
r = self . _slip_reader . next ( )
return r
""" Write bytes to the serial port while performing SLIP escaping """
def write ( self , packet ) :
buf = ' \xc0 ' \
+ ( packet . replace ( ' \xdb ' , ' \xdb \xdd ' ) . replace ( ' \xc0 ' , ' \xdb \xdc ' ) ) \
+ ' \xc0 '
self . _port . write ( buf )
""" Calculate checksum of a blob, as it is defined by the ROM """
def checksum ( data , state = ESP_CHECKSUM_MAGIC ) :
for b in data :
state ^ = ord ( b )
return state
""" Send a request and read the response """
def command ( self , op = None , data = " " , chk = 0 ) :
if op is not None :
pkt = struct . pack ( ' <BBHI ' , 0x00 , op , len ( data ) , chk ) + data
self . write ( pkt )
# tries to get a response until that response has the
# same operation as the request or a retries limit has
# exceeded. This is needed for some esp8266s that
# reply with more sync responses than expected.
for retry in xrange ( 100 ) :
p = self . read ( )
if len ( p ) < 8 :
( resp , op_ret , len_ret , val ) = struct . unpack ( ' <BBHI ' , p [ : 8 ] )
if resp != 1 :
data = p [ 8 : ]
if op is None or op_ret == op :
return val , data
raise FatalError ( " Response doesn ' t match request " )
def check_command ( self , op_description , op = None , data = " " , chk = 0 ) :
Execute a command with ' command ' , check the result code and throw an appropriate
FatalError if it fails .
Returns the " result " of a successful command .
val , data = self . command ( op , data , chk )
# things are a bit weird here, bear with us
# the status bytes are the last 2/4 bytes in the data (depending on chip)
if len ( data ) < self . STATUS_BYTES_LENGTH :
raise FatalError ( " Failed to %s . Only got %d byte status response. " % ( op_description , len ( data ) ) )
status_bytes = data [ - self . STATUS_BYTES_LENGTH : ]
# we only care if the first one is non-zero. If it is, the second byte is a reason.
if status_bytes [ 0 ] != ' \0 ' :
raise FatalError . WithResult ( ' Failed to %s ' % op_description , status_bytes )
# if we had more data than just the status bytes, return it as the result
# (this is used by the md5sum command, maybe other commands?)
if len ( data ) > self . STATUS_BYTES_LENGTH :
return data [ : - self . STATUS_BYTES_LENGTH ]
else : # otherwise, just return the 'val' field which comes from the reply header (this is used by read_reg)
return val
def flush_input ( self ) :
self . _port . flushInput ( )
self . _slip_reader = slip_reader ( self . _port )
def sync ( self ) :
""" Perform a connection test """
self . command ( self . ESP_SYNC , ' \x07 \x07 \x12 \x20 ' + 32 * ' \x55 ' )
for i in xrange ( 7 ) :
self . command ( )
def connect ( self ) :
""" Try connecting repeatedly until successful, or giving up """
print ' Connecting... '
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for _ in xrange ( 10 ) :
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# issue reset-to-bootloader:
# RTS = either CH_PD or nRESET (both active low = chip in reset)
# DTR = GPIO0 (active low = boot to flasher)
self . _port . setDTR ( False )
self . _port . setRTS ( True )
time . sleep ( 0.05 )
self . _port . setDTR ( True )
self . _port . setRTS ( False )
time . sleep ( 0.05 )
self . _port . setDTR ( False )
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self . _port . timeout = 0.1
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last_exception = None
for _ in xrange ( 4 ) :
try :
self . flush_input ( )
self . _port . flushOutput ( )
self . sync ( )
self . _port . timeout = 5
except FatalError as e :
last_exception = e
time . sleep ( 0.05 )
raise FatalError ( ' Failed to connect to %s : %s ' % ( self . CHIP_NAME , last_exception ) )
""" Read memory address in target """
def read_reg ( self , addr ) :
# we don't call check_command here because read_reg() function is called
# when detecting chip type, and the way we check for success (STATUS_BYTES_LENGTH) is different
# for different chip types (!)
val , data = self . command ( self . ESP_READ_REG , struct . pack ( ' <I ' , addr ) )
if data [ 0 ] != ' \0 ' :
raise FatalError . WithResult ( " Failed to read register address %08x " % addr , data )
return val
""" Write to memory address in target """
def write_reg ( self , addr , value , mask = 0xFFFFFFFF , delay_us = 0 ) :
return self . check_command ( " write target memory " , self . ESP_WRITE_REG ,
struct . pack ( ' <IIII ' , addr , value , mask , delay_us ) )
""" Start downloading an application image to RAM """
def mem_begin ( self , size , blocks , blocksize , offset ) :
return self . check_command ( " enter RAM download mode " , self . ESP_MEM_BEGIN ,
struct . pack ( ' <IIII ' , size , blocks , blocksize , offset ) )
""" Send a block of an image to RAM """
def mem_block ( self , data , seq ) :
return self . check_command ( " write to target RAM " , self . ESP_MEM_DATA ,
struct . pack ( ' <IIII ' , len ( data ) , seq , 0 , 0 ) + data ,
self . checksum ( data ) )
""" Leave download mode and run the application """
def mem_finish ( self , entrypoint = 0 ) :
return self . check_command ( " leave RAM download mode " , self . ESP_MEM_END ,
struct . pack ( ' <II ' , int ( entrypoint == 0 ) , entrypoint ) )
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""" Start downloading to Flash (performs an erase)
Returns number of blocks ( of size self . FLASH_WRITE_SIZE ) to write .
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def flash_begin ( self , size , offset ) :
old_tmo = self . _port . timeout
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num_blocks = ( size + self . FLASH_WRITE_SIZE - 1 ) / self . FLASH_WRITE_SIZE
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erase_size = self . get_erase_size ( offset , size )
self . _port . timeout = 20
t = time . time ( )
self . check_command ( " enter Flash download mode " , self . ESP_FLASH_BEGIN ,
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struct . pack ( ' <IIII ' , erase_size , num_blocks , self . FLASH_WRITE_SIZE , offset ) )
if size != 0 and not self . IS_STUB :
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print " Took %.2f s to erase flash block " % ( time . time ( ) - t )
self . _port . timeout = old_tmo
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return num_blocks
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""" Write block to flash """
def flash_block ( self , data , seq ) :
self . check_command ( " write to target Flash after seq %d " % seq ,
struct . pack ( ' <IIII ' , len ( data ) , seq , 0 , 0 ) + data ,
self . checksum ( data ) )
""" Leave flash mode and run/reboot """
def flash_finish ( self , reboot = False ) :
pkt = struct . pack ( ' <I ' , int ( not reboot ) )
self . check_command ( " leave Flash mode " , self . ESP_FLASH_END , pkt )
""" Run application code in flash """
def run ( self , reboot = False ) :
# Fake flash begin immediately followed by flash end
self . flash_begin ( 0 , 0 )
self . flash_finish ( reboot )
""" Read SPI flash manufacturer and device id """
def flash_id ( self ) :
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return self . run_spiflash_command ( SPIFLASH_RDID , b " " , 24 )
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def parse_flash_size_arg ( self , arg ) :
try :
return self . FLASH_SIZES [ arg ]
except KeyError :
raise FatalError ( " Flash size ' %s ' is not supported by this chip type. Supported sizes: %s "
% ( arg , " , " . join ( self . FLASH_SIZES . keys ( ) ) ) )
""" Abuse the loader protocol to force flash to be left in write mode """
def flash_unlock_dio ( self ) :
# Enable flash write mode
self . flash_begin ( 0 , 0 )
# Reset the chip rather than call flash_finish(), which would have
# write protected the chip again (why oh why does it do that?!)
self . mem_begin ( 0 , 0 , 0 , 0x40100000 )
self . mem_finish ( 0x40000080 )
def run_stub ( self , stub = None ) :
if stub is None :
if self . IS_STUB :
raise FatalError ( " Not possible for a stub to load another stub (memory likely to overlap.) " )
stub = self . STUB_CODE
# Upload
print " Uploading stub... "
for field in [ ' text ' , ' data ' ] :
if field in stub :
offs = stub [ field + " _start " ]
length = len ( stub [ field ] )
blocks = ( length + self . ESP_RAM_BLOCK - 1 ) / self . ESP_RAM_BLOCK
self . mem_begin ( length , blocks , self . ESP_RAM_BLOCK , offs )
for seq in range ( blocks ) :
from_offs = seq * self . ESP_RAM_BLOCK
to_offs = from_offs + self . ESP_RAM_BLOCK
self . mem_block ( stub [ field ] [ from_offs : to_offs ] , seq )
print " Running stub... "
self . mem_finish ( stub [ ' entry ' ] )
p = self . read ( )
if p != ' OHAI ' :
raise FatalError ( " Failed to start stub. Unexpected response: %s " % p )
print " Stub running... "
return self . STUB_CLASS ( self )
def flash_defl_begin ( self , size , compsize , offset ) :
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""" Start downloading compressed data to Flash (performs an erase)
Returns number of blocks ( size self . FLASH_WRITE_SIZE ) to write .
2016-10-06 14:21:30 +03:00
old_tmo = self . _port . timeout
2016-12-30 01:28:30 +02:00
num_blocks = ( compsize + self . FLASH_WRITE_SIZE - 1 ) / self . FLASH_WRITE_SIZE
erase_blocks = ( size + self . FLASH_WRITE_SIZE - 1 ) / self . FLASH_WRITE_SIZE
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self . _port . timeout = 20
t = time . time ( )
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print " Compressed %d bytes to %d ... " % ( size , compsize )
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self . check_command ( " enter compressed flash mode " , self . ESP_FLASH_DEFL_BEGIN ,
2016-12-30 01:28:30 +02:00
struct . pack ( ' <IIII ' , erase_blocks * self . FLASH_WRITE_SIZE , num_blocks , self . FLASH_WRITE_SIZE , offset ) )
2016-10-06 14:21:30 +03:00
if size != 0 and not self . IS_STUB :
# (stub erases as it writes, but ROM loaders erase on begin)
print " Took %.2f s to erase flash block " % ( time . time ( ) - t )
self . _port . timeout = old_tmo
2016-12-30 01:28:30 +02:00
return num_blocks
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""" Write block to flash, send compressed """
def flash_defl_block ( self , data , seq ) :
self . check_command ( " write compressed data to flash after seq %d " % seq ,
self . ESP_FLASH_DEFL_DATA , struct . pack ( ' <IIII ' , len ( data ) , seq , 0 , 0 ) + data , self . checksum ( data ) )
""" Leave compressed flash mode and run/reboot """
def flash_defl_finish ( self , reboot = False ) :
pkt = struct . pack ( ' <I ' , int ( not reboot ) )
self . check_command ( " leave compressed flash mode " , self . ESP_FLASH_DEFL_END , pkt )
self . in_bootloader = False
def flash_md5sum ( self , addr , size ) :
# the MD5 command returns additional bytes in the standard
# command reply slot
res = self . check_command ( ' calculate md5sum ' , self . ESP_SPI_FLASH_MD5 , struct . pack ( ' <IIII ' , addr , size , 0 , 0 ) )
if len ( res ) == 32 :
return res # already hex formatted
elif len ( res ) == 16 :
return hexify ( res ) . lower ( )
else :
raise FatalError ( " MD5Sum command returned unexpected result: %r " % res )
def change_baud ( self , baud ) :
print " Changing baud rate to %d " % baud
self . command ( self . ESP_CHANGE_BAUDRATE , struct . pack ( ' <II ' , baud , 0 ) )
print " Changed. "
self . _port . baudrate = baud
time . sleep ( 0.05 ) # get rid of crap sent during baud rate change
self . flush_input ( )
def erase_flash ( self ) :
oldtimeout = self . _port . timeout
# depending on flash chip model the erase may take this long (maybe longer!)
self . _port . timeout = 128
try :
self . check_command ( " erase flash " , self . ESP_ERASE_FLASH )
finally :
self . _port . timeout = oldtimeout
def erase_region ( self , offset , size ) :
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if offset % self . FLASH_SECTOR_SIZE != 0 :
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raise FatalError ( " Offset to erase from must be a multiple of 4096 " )
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if size % self . FLASH_SECTOR_SIZE != 0 :
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raise FatalError ( " Size of data to erase must be a multiple of 4096 " )
self . check_command ( " erase region " , self . ESP_ERASE_REGION , struct . pack ( ' <II ' , offset , size ) )
def read_flash ( self , offset , length , progress_fn = None ) :
# issue a standard bootloader command to trigger the read
self . check_command ( " read flash " , self . ESP_READ_FLASH ,
struct . pack ( ' <IIII ' ,
offset ,
length ,
2016-12-30 01:28:30 +02:00
2016-10-06 14:21:30 +03:00
64 ) )
# now we expect (length / block_size) SLIP frames with the data
data = ' '
while len ( data ) < length :
p = self . read ( )
data + = p
self . write ( struct . pack ( ' <I ' , len ( data ) ) )
if progress_fn and ( len ( data ) % 1024 == 0 or len ( data ) == length ) :
progress_fn ( len ( data ) , length )
if progress_fn :
progress_fn ( len ( data ) , length )
if len ( data ) > length :
raise FatalError ( ' Read more than expected ' )
digest_frame = self . read ( )
if len ( digest_frame ) != 16 :
raise FatalError ( ' Expected digest, got: %s ' % hexify ( digest_frame ) )
expected_digest = hexify ( digest_frame ) . upper ( )
digest = hashlib . md5 ( data ) . hexdigest ( ) . upper ( )
if digest != expected_digest :
raise FatalError ( ' Digest mismatch: expected %s , got %s ' % ( expected_digest , digest ) )
return data
def flash_spi_attach ( self , is_hspi , is_legacy ) :
""" Send SPI attach command to enable the SPI flash pins
ESP8266 ROM does this when you send flash_begin , ESP32 ROM
has it as a SPI command .
# last 3 bytes in ESP_SPI_ATTACH argument are reserved values
arg = struct . pack ( ' <IBBBB ' , 1 if is_hspi else 0 , 1 if is_legacy else 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 )
self . check_command ( " configure SPI flash pins " , ESP32ROM . ESP_SPI_ATTACH , arg )
def flash_set_parameters ( self , size ) :
""" Tell the ESP bootloader the parameters of the chip
Corresponds to the " flashchip " data structure that the ROM
has in RAM .
' size ' is in bytes .
All other flash parameters are currently hardcoded ( on ESP8266
these are mostly ignored by ROM code , on ESP32 I ' m not sure.)
fl_id = 0
total_size = size
block_size = 64 * 1024
sector_size = 4 * 1024
page_size = 256
status_mask = 0xffff
self . check_command ( " set SPI params " , ESP32ROM . ESP_SPI_SET_PARAMS ,
struct . pack ( ' <IIIIII ' , fl_id , total_size , block_size , sector_size , page_size , status_mask ) )
2016-10-28 01:53:02 +03:00
def run_spiflash_command ( self , spiflash_command , data = b " " , read_bits = 0 ) :
""" Run an arbitrary SPI flash command.
This function uses the " USR_COMMAND " functionality in the ESP
SPI hardware , rather than the precanned commands supported by
hardware . So the value of spiflash_command is an actual command
byte , sent over the wire .
After writing command byte , writes ' data ' to MOSI and then
reads back ' read_bits ' of reply on MISO . Result is a number .
# SPI_USR register flags
SPI_USR_COMMAND = ( 1 << 31 )
SPI_USR_MISO = ( 1 << 28 )
SPI_USR_MOSI = ( 1 << 27 )
# SPI registers, base address differs ESP32 vs 8266
base = self . SPI_REG_BASE
SPI_CMD_REG = base + 0x00
SPI_USR_REG = base + 0x1C
SPI_USR1_REG = base + 0x20
SPI_USR2_REG = base + 0x24
SPI_W0_REG = base + self . SPI_W0_OFFS
# following two registers are ESP32 only
# ESP32 has a more sophisticated wayto set up "user" commands
def set_data_lengths ( mosi_bits , miso_bits ) :
SPI_MOSI_DLEN_REG = base + 0x28
SPI_MISO_DLEN_REG = base + 0x2C
if mosi_bits > 0 :
self . write_reg ( SPI_MOSI_DLEN_REG , mosi_bits - 1 )
if miso_bits > 0 :
self . write_reg ( SPI_MISO_DLEN_REG , miso_bits - 1 )
else :
def set_data_lengths ( mosi_bits , miso_bits ) :
mosi_mask = 0 if ( mosi_bits == 0 ) else ( mosi_bits - 1 )
miso_mask = 0 if ( miso_bits == 0 ) else ( miso_bits - 1 )
self . write_reg ( SPI_DATA_LEN_REG ,
( miso_mask << SPI_MISO_BITLEN_S ) | (
mosi_mask << SPI_MOSI_BITLEN_S ) )
# SPI peripheral "command" bitmasks for SPI_CMD_REG
SPI_CMD_USR = ( 1 << 18 )
# shift values
if read_bits > 32 :
raise FatalError ( " Reading more than 32 bits back from a SPI flash operation is unsupported " )
if len ( data ) > 64 :
raise FatalError ( " Writing more than 64 bytes of data with one SPI command is unsupported " )
data_bits = len ( data ) * 8
if read_bits > 0 :
flags | = SPI_USR_MISO
if data_bits > 0 :
flags | = SPI_USR_MOSI
set_data_lengths ( data_bits , read_bits )
self . write_reg ( SPI_USR_REG , flags )
self . write_reg ( SPI_USR2_REG ,
( 7 << SPI_USR2_DLEN_SHIFT ) | spiflash_command )
if data_bits == 0 :
self . write_reg ( SPI_W0_REG , 0 ) # clear data register before we read it
else :
if len ( data ) % 4 != 0 : # pad to 32-bit multiple
data + = b ' \0 ' * ( 4 - ( len ( data ) % 4 ) )
words = struct . unpack ( " I " * ( len ( data ) / 4 ) , data )
next_reg = SPI_W0_REG
for word in words :
self . write_reg ( next_reg , word )
next_reg + = 4
self . write_reg ( SPI_CMD_REG , SPI_CMD_USR )
def wait_done ( ) :
for _ in xrange ( 10 ) :
if ( self . read_reg ( SPI_CMD_REG ) & SPI_CMD_USR ) == 0 :
raise FatalError ( " SPI command did not complete in time " )
wait_done ( )
status = self . read_reg ( SPI_W0_REG )
return status
def read_status ( self , num_bytes = 2 ) :
""" Read up to 24 bits (num_bytes) of SPI flash status register contents
via RDSR , RDSR2 , RDSR3 commands
Not all SPI flash supports all three commands . The upper 1 or 2
bytes may be 0xFF .
status = 0
shift = 0
for cmd in [ SPIFLASH_RDSR , SPIFLASH_RDSR2 , SPIFLASH_RDSR3 ] [ 0 : num_bytes ] :
status + = self . run_spiflash_command ( cmd , read_bits = 8 ) << shift
shift + = 8
return status
def write_status ( self , new_status , num_bytes = 2 , set_non_volatile = False ) :
""" Write up to 24 bits (num_bytes) of new status register
num_bytes can be 1 , 2 or 3.
Not all flash supports the additional commands to write the
second and third byte of the status register . When writing 2
bytes , esptool also sends a 16 - byte WRSR command ( as some
flash types use this instead of WRSR2 . )
If the set_non_volatile flag is set , non - volatile bits will
be set as well as volatile ones ( WREN used instead of WEVSR ) .
enable_cmd = SPIFLASH_WREN if set_non_volatile else SPIFLASH_WEVSR
# try using a 16-bit WRSR (not supported by all chips)
# this may be redundant, but shouldn't hurt
if num_bytes == 2 :
self . run_spiflash_command ( enable_cmd )
self . run_spiflash_command ( SPIFLASH_WRSR , struct . pack ( " <H " , new_status ) )
# also try using individual commands (also not supported by all chips for num_bytes 2 & 3)
for cmd in [ SPIFLASH_WRSR , SPIFLASH_WRSR2 , SPIFLASH_WRSR3 ] [ 0 : num_bytes ] :
self . run_spiflash_command ( enable_cmd )
self . run_spiflash_command ( cmd , struct . pack ( " B " , new_status & 0xFF ) )
new_status >> = 8
self . run_spiflash_command ( SPIFLASH_WRDI )
2016-10-06 14:21:30 +03:00
class ESP8266ROM ( ESPLoader ) :
""" Access class for ESP8266 ROM bootloader
CHIP_NAME = " ESP8266 "
IS_STUB = False
DATE_REG_VALUE = 0x00062000
# OTP ROM addresses
ESP_OTP_MAC0 = 0x3ff00050
ESP_OTP_MAC1 = 0x3ff00054
ESP_OTP_MAC3 = 0x3ff0005c
2016-10-28 01:53:02 +03:00
SPI_REG_BASE = 0x60000200
SPI_W0_OFFS = 0x40
2016-10-06 14:21:30 +03:00
' 512KB ' : 0x00 ,
' 256KB ' : 0x10 ,
' 1MB ' : 0x20 ,
' 2MB ' : 0x30 ,
' 4MB ' : 0x40 ,
' 2MB-c1 ' : 0x50 ,
' 4MB-c1 ' : 0x60 ,
' 4MB-c2 ' : 0x70 }
def flash_spi_attach ( self , is_spi , is_legacy ) :
pass # not implemented in ROM, but OK to silently skip
def flash_set_parameters ( self , size ) :
pass # not implemented in ROM, but OK to silently skip
def chip_id ( self ) :
""" Read Chip ID from OTP ROM - see http://esp8266-re.foogod.com/wiki/System_get_chip_id_ % 28IoT_RTOS_SDK_0.9.9 % 29 """
id0 = self . read_reg ( self . ESP_OTP_MAC0 )
id1 = self . read_reg ( self . ESP_OTP_MAC1 )
return ( id0 >> 24 ) | ( ( id1 & MAX_UINT24 ) << 8 )
def read_mac ( self ) :
""" Read MAC from OTP ROM """
mac0 = self . read_reg ( self . ESP_OTP_MAC0 )
mac1 = self . read_reg ( self . ESP_OTP_MAC1 )
mac3 = self . read_reg ( self . ESP_OTP_MAC3 )
if ( mac3 != 0 ) :
oui = ( ( mac3 >> 16 ) & 0xff , ( mac3 >> 8 ) & 0xff , mac3 & 0xff )
elif ( ( mac1 >> 16 ) & 0xff ) == 0 :
oui = ( 0x18 , 0xfe , 0x34 )
elif ( ( mac1 >> 16 ) & 0xff ) == 1 :
oui = ( 0xac , 0xd0 , 0x74 )
else :
raise FatalError ( " Unknown OUI " )
return oui + ( ( mac1 >> 8 ) & 0xff , mac1 & 0xff , ( mac0 >> 24 ) & 0xff )
def get_erase_size ( self , offset , size ) :
""" Calculate an erase size given a specific size in bytes.
Provides a workaround for the bootloader erase bug . """
sectors_per_block = 16
2016-12-30 01:28:30 +02:00
sector_size = self . FLASH_SECTOR_SIZE
2016-10-06 14:21:30 +03:00
num_sectors = ( size + sector_size - 1 ) / sector_size
start_sector = offset / sector_size
head_sectors = sectors_per_block - ( start_sector % sectors_per_block )
if num_sectors < head_sectors :
head_sectors = num_sectors
if num_sectors < 2 * head_sectors :
return ( num_sectors + 1 ) / 2 * sector_size
else :
return ( num_sectors - head_sectors ) * sector_size
class ESP8266StubLoader ( ESP8266ROM ) :
""" Access class for ESP8266 stub loader, runs on top of ROM.
2016-10-28 01:53:02 +03:00
FLASH_WRITE_SIZE = 0x4000 # matches MAX_WRITE_BLOCK in stub_loader.c
2016-10-06 14:21:30 +03:00
IS_STUB = True
def __init__ ( self , rom_loader ) :
self . _port = rom_loader . _port
self . flush_input ( ) # resets _slip_reader
2016-12-30 01:28:30 +02:00
def get_erase_size ( self , offset , size ) :
return size # stub doesn't have same size bug as ROM loader
2016-10-06 14:21:30 +03:00
ESP8266ROM . STUB_CLASS = ESP8266StubLoader
class ESP32ROM ( ESPLoader ) :
""" Access class for ESP32 ROM bootloader
IS_STUB = False
DATE_REG_VALUE = 0x15122500
IROM_MAP_START = 0x400d0000
IROM_MAP_END = 0x40400000
DROM_MAP_START = 0x3F400000
DROM_MAP_END = 0x3F700000
# ESP32 uses a 4 byte status reply
2016-10-28 01:53:02 +03:00
SPI_REG_BASE = 0x60002000
EFUSE_REG_BASE = 0x6001a000
2016-10-06 14:21:30 +03:00
2016-10-28 01:53:02 +03:00
SPI_W0_OFFS = 0x80
2016-10-06 14:21:30 +03:00
' 1MB ' : 0x00 ,
' 2MB ' : 0x10 ,
' 4MB ' : 0x20 ,
' 8MB ' : 0x30 ,
' 16MB ' : 0x40
def read_efuse ( self , n ) :
""" Read the nth word of the ESP3x EFUSE region. """
2016-10-28 01:53:02 +03:00
return self . read_reg ( self . EFUSE_REG_BASE + ( 4 * n ) )
2016-10-06 14:21:30 +03:00
def chip_id ( self ) :
word16 = self . read_efuse ( 16 )
word17 = self . read_efuse ( 17 )
return ( ( word17 & MAX_UINT24 ) << 24 ) | ( word16 >> 8 ) & MAX_UINT24
def read_mac ( self ) :
""" Read MAC from EFUSE region """
word16 = self . read_efuse ( 16 )
word17 = self . read_efuse ( 17 )
word18 = self . read_efuse ( 18 )
word19 = self . read_efuse ( 19 )
wifi_mac = ( ( ( word17 >> 16 ) & 0xff ) , ( ( word17 >> 8 ) & 0xff ) , ( ( word17 >> 0 ) & 0xff ) ,
( ( word16 >> 24 ) & 0xff ) , ( ( word16 >> 16 ) & 0xff ) , ( ( word16 >> 8 ) & 0xff ) )
bt_mac = ( ( ( word19 >> 16 ) & 0xff ) , ( ( word19 >> 8 ) & 0xff ) , ( ( word19 >> 0 ) & 0xff ) ,
( ( word18 >> 24 ) & 0xff ) , ( ( word18 >> 16 ) & 0xff ) , ( ( word18 >> 8 ) & 0xff ) )
return ( wifi_mac , bt_mac )
def get_erase_size ( self , offset , size ) :
return size
class ESP32StubLoader ( ESP32ROM ) :
""" Access class for ESP32 stub loader, runs on top of ROM.
2016-10-28 01:53:02 +03:00
FLASH_WRITE_SIZE = 0x4000 # matches MAX_WRITE_BLOCK in stub_loader.c
2016-10-06 14:21:30 +03:00
STATUS_BYTES_LENGTH = 2 # same as ESP8266, different to ESP32 ROM
IS_STUB = True
def __init__ ( self , rom_loader ) :
self . _port = rom_loader . _port
self . flush_input ( ) # resets _slip_reader
class ESPBOOTLOADER ( object ) :
""" These are constants related to software ESP bootloader, working with ' v2 ' image files """
# First byte of the "v2" application image
# First 'segment' value in a "v2" application image, appears to be a constant version value?
def LoadFirmwareImage ( chip , filename ) :
""" Load a firmware image. Can be for ESP8266 or ESP32. ESP8266 images will be examined to determine if they are
original ROM firmware images ( ESPFirmwareImage ) or " v2 " OTA bootloader images .
Returns a BaseFirmwareImage subclass , either ESPFirmwareImage ( v1 ) or OTAFirmwareImage ( v2 ) .
with open ( filename , ' rb ' ) as f :
if chip == ' esp32 ' :
return ESP32FirmwareImage ( f )
else : # Otherwise, ESP8266 so look at magic to determine the image type
magic = ord ( f . read ( 1 ) )
f . seek ( 0 )
if magic == ESPLoader . ESP_IMAGE_MAGIC :
return ESPFirmwareImage ( f )
return OTAFirmwareImage ( f )
else :
raise FatalError ( " Invalid image magic number: %d " % magic )
class ImageSegment ( object ) :
""" Wrapper class for a segment in an ESP image
( very similar to a section in an ELFImage also ) """
def __init__ ( self , addr , data , file_offs = None ) :
self . addr = addr
# pad all ImageSegments to at least 4 bytes length
pad_mod = len ( data ) % 4
if pad_mod != 0 :
data + = " \x00 " * ( 4 - pad_mod )
self . data = data
self . file_offs = file_offs
2016-10-28 01:53:02 +03:00
self . include_in_checksum = True
2016-10-06 14:21:30 +03:00
def copy_with_new_addr ( self , new_addr ) :
""" Return a new ImageSegment with same data, but mapped at
a new address . """
return ImageSegment ( new_addr , self . data , 0 )
def __repr__ ( self ) :
r = " len 0x %05x load 0x %08x " % ( len ( self . data ) , self . addr )
if self . file_offs is not None :
r + = " file_offs 0x %08x " % ( self . file_offs )
return r
class ELFSection ( ImageSegment ) :
""" Wrapper class for a section in an ELF image, has a section
name as well as the common properties of an ImageSegment . """
def __init__ ( self , name , addr , data ) :
super ( ELFSection , self ) . __init__ ( addr , data )
self . name = name
def __repr__ ( self ) :
return " %s %s " % ( self . name , super ( ELFSection , self ) . __repr__ ( ) )
class BaseFirmwareImage ( object ) :
""" Base class with common firmware image functions """
def __init__ ( self ) :
self . segments = [ ]
self . entrypoint = 0
def load_common_header ( self , load_file , expected_magic ) :
( magic , segments , self . flash_mode , self . flash_size_freq , self . entrypoint ) = struct . unpack ( ' <BBBBI ' , load_file . read ( 8 ) )
if magic != expected_magic or segments > 16 :
raise FatalError ( ' Invalid firmware image magic= %d segments= %d ' % ( magic , segments ) )
return segments
def load_segment ( self , f , is_irom_segment = False ) :
""" Load the next segment from the image file """
file_offs = f . tell ( )
( offset , size ) = struct . unpack ( ' <II ' , f . read ( 8 ) )
2016-10-28 01:53:02 +03:00
self . warn_if_unusual_segment ( offset , size , is_irom_segment )
2016-10-06 14:21:30 +03:00
segment_data = f . read ( size )
if len ( segment_data ) < size :
raise FatalError ( ' End of file reading segment 0x %x , length %d (actual length %d ) ' % ( offset , size , len ( segment_data ) ) )
segment = ImageSegment ( offset , segment_data , file_offs )
self . segments . append ( segment )
return segment
2016-10-28 01:53:02 +03:00
def warn_if_unusual_segment ( self , offset , size , is_irom_segment ) :
if not is_irom_segment :
if offset > 0x40200000 or offset < 0x3ffe0000 or size > 65536 :
print ( ' WARNING: Suspicious segment 0x %x , length %d ' % ( offset , size ) )
2016-10-06 14:21:30 +03:00
def save_segment ( self , f , segment , checksum = None ) :
""" Save the next segment to the image file, return next checksum value if provided """
f . write ( struct . pack ( ' <II ' , segment . addr , len ( segment . data ) ) )
f . write ( segment . data )
if checksum is not None :
return ESPLoader . checksum ( segment . data , checksum )
def read_checksum ( self , f ) :
""" Return ESPLoader checksum from end of just-read image """
# Skip the padding. The checksum is stored in the last byte so that the
# file is a multiple of 16 bytes.
align_file_position ( f , 16 )
return ord ( f . read ( 1 ) )
2016-10-28 01:53:02 +03:00
def calculate_checksum ( self ) :
""" Calculate checksum of loaded image, based on segments in
segment array .
checksum = ESPLoader . ESP_CHECKSUM_MAGIC
for seg in self . segments :
if seg . include_in_checksum :
checksum = ESPLoader . checksum ( seg . data , checksum )
return checksum
2016-10-06 14:21:30 +03:00
def append_checksum ( self , f , checksum ) :
""" Append ESPLoader checksum to the just-written image """
align_file_position ( f , 16 )
f . write ( struct . pack ( ' B ' , checksum ) )
def write_common_header ( self , f , segments ) :
f . write ( struct . pack ( ' <BBBBI ' , ESPLoader . ESP_IMAGE_MAGIC , len ( segments ) ,
self . flash_mode , self . flash_size_freq , self . entrypoint ) )
def is_irom_addr ( self , addr ) :
""" Returns True if an address starts in the irom region.
Valid for ESP8266 only .
2016-10-28 01:53:02 +03:00
return ESP8266ROM . IROM_MAP_START < = addr < ESP8266ROM . IROM_MAP_END
2016-10-06 14:21:30 +03:00
def get_irom_segment ( self ) :
irom_segments = [ s for s in self . segments if self . is_irom_addr ( s . addr ) ]
if len ( irom_segments ) > 0 :
if len ( irom_segments ) != 1 :
raise FatalError ( ' Found %d segments that could be irom0. Bad ELF file? ' % len ( irom_segments ) )
return irom_segments [ 0 ]
return None
def get_non_irom_segments ( self ) :
irom_segment = self . get_irom_segment ( )
return [ s for s in self . segments if s != irom_segment ]
class ESPFirmwareImage ( BaseFirmwareImage ) :
""" ' Version 1 ' firmware image, segments loaded directly by the ROM bootloader. """
2016-10-28 01:53:02 +03:00
2016-10-06 14:21:30 +03:00
def __init__ ( self , load_file = None ) :
super ( ESPFirmwareImage , self ) . __init__ ( )
self . flash_mode = 0
self . flash_size_freq = 0
self . version = 1
if load_file is not None :
segments = self . load_common_header ( load_file , ESPLoader . ESP_IMAGE_MAGIC )
for _ in xrange ( segments ) :
self . load_segment ( load_file )
self . checksum = self . read_checksum ( load_file )
def default_output_name ( self , input_file ) :
""" Derive a default output name from the ELF name. """
return input_file + ' - '
def save ( self , basename ) :
""" Save a set of V1 images for flashing. Parameter is a base filename. """
# IROM data goes in its own plain binary file
irom_segment = self . get_irom_segment ( )
if irom_segment is not None :
2016-10-28 01:53:02 +03:00
with open ( " %s 0x %05x .bin " % ( basename , irom_segment . addr - ESP8266ROM . IROM_MAP_START ) , " wb " ) as f :
2016-10-06 14:21:30 +03:00
f . write ( irom_segment . data )
# everything but IROM goes at 0x00000 in an image file
normal_segments = self . get_non_irom_segments ( )
with open ( " %s 0x00000.bin " % basename , ' wb ' ) as f :
self . write_common_header ( f , normal_segments )
checksum = ESPLoader . ESP_CHECKSUM_MAGIC
2016-10-28 01:53:02 +03:00
for segment in normal_segments :
2016-10-06 14:21:30 +03:00
checksum = self . save_segment ( f , segment , checksum )
self . append_checksum ( f , checksum )
class OTAFirmwareImage ( BaseFirmwareImage ) :
""" ' Version 2 ' firmware image, segments loaded by software bootloader stub
( ie Espressif bootloader or rboot )
2016-10-28 01:53:02 +03:00
2016-10-06 14:21:30 +03:00
def __init__ ( self , load_file = None ) :
super ( OTAFirmwareImage , self ) . __init__ ( )
self . version = 2
if load_file is not None :
segments = self . load_common_header ( load_file , ESPBOOTLOADER . IMAGE_V2_MAGIC )
# segment count is not really segment count here, but we expect to see '4'
print ' Warning: V2 header has unexpected " segment " count %d (usually 4) ' % segments
# irom segment comes before the second header
# the file is saved in the image with a zero load address
# in the header, so we need to calculate a load address
irom_segment = self . load_segment ( load_file , True )
2016-10-28 01:53:02 +03:00
# for actual mapped addr, add ESP8266ROM.IROM_MAP_START + flashing_Addr + 8
irom_segment . addr = 0
irom_segment . include_in_checksum = False
2016-10-06 14:21:30 +03:00
first_flash_mode = self . flash_mode
first_flash_size_freq = self . flash_size_freq
first_entrypoint = self . entrypoint
# load the second header
2016-10-28 01:53:02 +03:00
segments = self . load_common_header ( load_file , ESPLoader . ESP_IMAGE_MAGIC )
2016-10-06 14:21:30 +03:00
if first_flash_mode != self . flash_mode :
print ( ' WARNING: Flash mode value in first header (0x %02x ) disagrees with second (0x %02x ). Using second value. '
% ( first_flash_mode , self . flash_mode ) )
if first_flash_size_freq != self . flash_size_freq :
print ( ' WARNING: Flash size/freq value in first header (0x %02x ) disagrees with second (0x %02x ). Using second value. '
% ( first_flash_size_freq , self . flash_size_freq ) )
if first_entrypoint != self . entrypoint :
print ( ' WARNING: Entrypoint address in first header (0x %08x ) disagrees with second header (0x %08x ). Using second value. '
% ( first_entrypoint , self . entrypoint ) )
# load all the usual segments
for _ in xrange ( segments ) :
self . load_segment ( load_file )
self . checksum = self . read_checksum ( load_file )
def default_output_name ( self , input_file ) :
""" Derive a default output name from the ELF name. """
irom_segment = self . get_irom_segment ( )
if irom_segment is not None :
2016-10-28 01:53:02 +03:00
irom_offs = irom_segment . addr - ESP8266ROM . IROM_MAP_START
2016-10-06 14:21:30 +03:00
else :
irom_offs = 0
return " %s -0x %05x .bin " % ( os . path . splitext ( input_file ) [ 0 ] ,
2016-12-30 01:28:30 +02:00
irom_offs & ~ ( ESPLoader . FLASH_SECTOR_SIZE - 1 ) )
2016-10-06 14:21:30 +03:00
def save ( self , filename ) :
with open ( filename , ' wb ' ) as f :
# Save first header for irom0 segment
self . flash_mode , self . flash_size_freq , self . entrypoint ) )
irom_segment = self . get_irom_segment ( )
if irom_segment is not None :
# save irom0 segment, make sure it has load addr 0 in the file
irom_segment = irom_segment . copy_with_new_addr ( 0 )
self . save_segment ( f , irom_segment )
# second header, matches V1 header and contains loadable segments
normal_segments = self . get_non_irom_segments ( )
self . write_common_header ( f , normal_segments )
checksum = ESPLoader . ESP_CHECKSUM_MAGIC
for segment in normal_segments :
checksum = self . save_segment ( f , segment , checksum )
self . append_checksum ( f , checksum )
class ESP32FirmwareImage ( BaseFirmwareImage ) :
""" ESP32 firmware image is very similar to V1 ESP8266 image,
except with an additional 16 byte reserved header at top of image ,
and because of new flash mapping capabilities the flash - mapped regions
can be placed in the normal image ( just @ 64 kB padded offsets ) .
2016-10-28 01:53:02 +03:00
2016-10-06 14:21:30 +03:00
def __init__ ( self , load_file = None ) :
super ( ESP32FirmwareImage , self ) . __init__ ( )
self . flash_mode = 0
self . flash_size_freq = 0
self . version = 1
2016-12-30 01:28:30 +02:00
self . encrypt_flag = False
2016-10-06 14:21:30 +03:00
if load_file is not None :
segments = self . load_common_header ( load_file , ESPLoader . ESP_IMAGE_MAGIC )
2016-12-30 01:28:30 +02:00
additional_header = list ( struct . unpack ( " B " * 16 , load_file . read ( 16 ) ) )
self . encrypt_flag = ( additional_header [ 0 ] == 0x01 )
# check remaining 14 bytes are unused
if additional_header [ 2 : ] != [ 0 ] * 14 :
print " WARNING: ESP32 image header contains unknown flags. Possibly this image is from a newer version of esptool.py "
2016-10-06 14:21:30 +03:00
for i in xrange ( segments ) :
self . load_segment ( load_file )
self . checksum = self . read_checksum ( load_file )
def is_flash_addr ( self , addr ) :
return ( ESP32ROM . IROM_MAP_START < = addr < ESP32ROM . IROM_MAP_END ) \
def default_output_name ( self , input_file ) :
""" Derive a default output name from the ELF name. """
return " %s .bin " % ( os . path . splitext ( input_file ) [ 0 ] )
2016-10-28 01:53:02 +03:00
def warn_if_unusual_segment ( self , offset , size , is_irom_segment ) :
pass # TODO: add warnings for ESP32 segment offset/size combinations that are wrong
2016-10-06 14:21:30 +03:00
def save ( self , filename ) :
padding_segments = 0
with open ( filename , ' wb ' ) as f :
self . write_common_header ( f , self . segments )
2016-12-30 01:28:30 +02:00
f . write ( b ' \x01 ' if self . encrypt_flag else b ' \x00 ' )
# remaining 15 bytes of header are unused
f . write ( b ' \x00 ' * 15 )
2016-10-06 14:21:30 +03:00
checksum = ESPLoader . ESP_CHECKSUM_MAGIC
last_addr = None
for segment in sorted ( self . segments , key = lambda s : s . addr ) :
# IROM/DROM segment flash mappings need to align on
# 64kB boundaries.
# TODO: intelligently order segments to reduce wastage
# by squeezing smaller DRAM/IRAM segments into the
# 64kB padding space.
IROM_ALIGN = 65536
# check for multiple ELF sections that live in the same flash mapping region.
# this is usually a sign of a broken linker script, but if you have a legitimate
# use case then let us know (we can merge segments here, but as a rule you probably
# want to merge them in your linker script.)
if last_addr is not None and self . is_flash_addr ( last_addr ) \
and self . is_flash_addr ( segment . addr ) and segment . addr / / IROM_ALIGN == last_addr / / IROM_ALIGN :
raise FatalError ( ( " Segment loaded at 0x %08x lands in same 64KB flash mapping as segment loaded at 0x %08x . " +
" Can ' t generate binary. Suggest changing linker script or ELF to merge sections. " ) %
( segment . addr , last_addr ) )
last_addr = segment . addr
if self . is_flash_addr ( segment . addr ) :
# Actual alignment required for the segment header: positioned so that
# after we write the next 8 byte header, file_offs % IROM_ALIGN == segment.addr % IROM_ALIGN
# (this is because the segment's vaddr may not be IROM_ALIGNed, more likely is aligned
# IROM_ALIGN+0x10 to account for longest possible header.
align_past = ( segment . addr % IROM_ALIGN ) - self . SEG_HEADER_LEN
assert ( align_past + self . SEG_HEADER_LEN ) == ( segment . addr % IROM_ALIGN )
# subtract SEG_HEADER_LEN a second time, as the padding block has a header as well
pad_len = ( IROM_ALIGN - ( f . tell ( ) % IROM_ALIGN ) ) + align_past - self . SEG_HEADER_LEN
if pad_len < 0 :
pad_len + = IROM_ALIGN
if pad_len > 0 :
null = ImageSegment ( 0 , ' \x00 ' * pad_len , f . tell ( ) )
checksum = self . save_segment ( f , null , checksum )
padding_segments + = 1
# verify that after the 8 byte header is added, were are at the correct offset relative to the segment's vaddr
assert ( f . tell ( ) + 8 ) % IROM_ALIGN == segment . addr % IROM_ALIGN
checksum = self . save_segment ( f , segment , checksum )
self . append_checksum ( f , checksum )
# kinda hacky: go back to the initial header and write the new segment count
# that includes padding segments. Luckily(?) this header is not checksummed
f . seek ( 1 )
f . write ( chr ( len ( self . segments ) + padding_segments ) )
class ELFFile ( object ) :
def __init__ ( self , name ) :
# Load sections from the ELF file
self . name = name
with open ( self . name , ' rb ' ) as f :
self . _read_elf_file ( f )
def get_section ( self , section_name ) :
for s in self . sections :
if s . name == section_name :
return s
raise ValueError ( " No section %s in ELF file " % section_name )
def _read_elf_file ( self , f ) :
# read the ELF file header
try :
( ident , _type , machine , _version ,
self . entrypoint , _phoff , shoff , _flags ,
_ehsize , _phentsize , _phnum , _shentsize ,
_shnum , shstrndx ) = struct . unpack ( " <16sHHLLLLLHHHHHH " , f . read ( LEN_FILE_HEADER ) )
except struct . error as e :
raise FatalError ( " Failed to read a valid ELF header from %s : %s " % ( self . name , e ) )
if ident [ 0 ] != ' \x7f ' or ident [ 1 : 4 ] != ' ELF ' :
raise FatalError ( " %s has invalid ELF magic header " % self . name )
if machine != 0x5e :
raise FatalError ( " %s does not appear to be an Xtensa ELF file. e_machine= %04x " % ( self . name , machine ) )
self . _read_sections ( f , shoff , shstrndx )
def _read_sections ( self , f , section_header_offs , shstrndx ) :
f . seek ( section_header_offs )
section_header = f . read ( )
if len ( section_header ) == 0 :
raise FatalError ( " No section header found at offset %04x in ELF file. " % section_header_offs )
if len ( section_header ) % LEN_SEC_HEADER != 0 :
print ' WARNING: Unexpected ELF section header length %04x is not mod- %02x ' % ( len ( section_header ) , LEN_SEC_HEADER )
# walk through the section header and extract all sections
section_header_offsets = range ( 0 , len ( section_header ) , LEN_SEC_HEADER )
def read_section_header ( offs ) :
name_offs , sec_type , _flags , lma , sec_offs , size = struct . unpack_from ( " <LLLLLL " , section_header [ offs : ] )
return ( name_offs , sec_type , lma , size , sec_offs )
all_sections = [ read_section_header ( offs ) for offs in section_header_offsets ]
prog_sections = [ s for s in all_sections if s [ 1 ] == ELFFile . SEC_TYPE_PROGBITS ]
# search for the string table section
if not shstrndx * LEN_SEC_HEADER in section_header_offsets :
raise FatalError ( " ELF file has no STRTAB section at shstrndx %d " % shstrndx )
_ , sec_type , _ , sec_size , sec_offs = read_section_header ( shstrndx * LEN_SEC_HEADER )
if sec_type != ELFFile . SEC_TYPE_STRTAB :
print ' WARNING: ELF file has incorrect STRTAB section type 0x %02x ' % sec_type
f . seek ( sec_offs )
string_table = f . read ( sec_size )
# build the real list of ELFSections by reading the actual section names from the
# string table section, and actual data for each section from the ELF file itself
def lookup_string ( offs ) :
raw = string_table [ offs : ]
return raw [ : raw . index ( ' \x00 ' ) ]
def read_data ( offs , size ) :
f . seek ( offs )
return f . read ( size )
prog_sections = [ ELFSection ( lookup_string ( n_offs ) , lma , read_data ( offs , size ) ) for ( n_offs , _type , lma , size , offs ) in prog_sections
if lma != 0 ]
self . sections = prog_sections
def slip_reader ( port ) :
""" Generator to read SLIP packets from a serial port.
Yields one full SLIP packet at a time , raises exception on timeout or invalid data .
Designed to avoid too many calls to serial . read ( 1 ) , which can bog
down on slow systems .
partial_packet = None
in_escape = False
while True :
waiting = port . inWaiting ( )
read_bytes = port . read ( 1 if waiting == 0 else waiting )
if read_bytes == ' ' :
raise FatalError ( " Timed out waiting for packet %s " % ( " header " if partial_packet is None else " content " ) )
for b in read_bytes :
if partial_packet is None : # waiting for packet header
if b == ' \xc0 ' :
partial_packet = " "
else :
raise FatalError ( ' Invalid head of packet ( %r ) ' % b )
elif in_escape : # part-way through escape sequence
in_escape = False
if b == ' \xdc ' :
partial_packet + = ' \xc0 '
elif b == ' \xdd ' :
partial_packet + = ' \xdb '
else :
raise FatalError ( ' Invalid SLIP escape ( %r %r ) ' % ( ' \xdb ' , b ) )
elif b == ' \xdb ' : # start of escape sequence
in_escape = True
elif b == ' \xc0 ' : # end of packet
yield partial_packet
partial_packet = None
else : # normal byte in packet
partial_packet + = b
def arg_auto_int ( x ) :
return int ( x , 0 )
def div_roundup ( a , b ) :
""" Return a/b rounded up to nearest integer,
equivalent result to int ( math . ceil ( float ( int ( a ) ) / float ( int ( b ) ) ) , only
without possible floating point accuracy errors .
return ( int ( a ) + int ( b ) - 1 ) / int ( b )
def align_file_position ( f , size ) :
""" Align the position in the file to the next block of specified size """
align = ( size - 1 ) - ( f . tell ( ) % size )
f . seek ( align , 1 )
def flash_size_bytes ( size ) :
""" Given a flash size of the type passed in args.flash_size
( ie 512 KB or 1 MB ) then return the size in bytes .
if " MB " in size :
return int ( size [ : size . index ( " MB " ) ] ) * 1024 * 1024
elif " KB " in size :
return int ( size [ : size . index ( " KB " ) ] ) * 1024
else :
raise FatalError ( " Unknown size %s " % size )
def hexify ( s ) :
return ' ' . join ( ' %02X ' % ord ( c ) for c in s )
def unhexify ( hs ) :
s = ' '
for i in range ( 0 , len ( hs ) - 1 , 2 ) :
s + = chr ( int ( hs [ i ] + hs [ i + 1 ] , 16 ) )
return s
class FatalError ( RuntimeError ) :
Wrapper class for runtime errors that aren ' t caused by internal bugs, but by
ESP8266 responses or input content .
def __init__ ( self , message ) :
RuntimeError . __init__ ( self , message )
def WithResult ( message , result ) :
Return a fatal error object that appends the hex values of
' result ' as a string formatted argument .
message + = " (result was %s ) " % " , " . join ( hex ( ord ( x ) ) for x in result )
return FatalError ( message )
class NotImplementedInROMError ( FatalError ) :
Wrapper class for the error thrown when a particular ESP bootloader function
is not implemented in the ROM bootloader .
2016-12-30 01:28:30 +02:00
def __init__ ( self , bootloader , func ) :
FatalError . __init__ ( self , " %s ROM does not support function %s . " % ( bootloader . CHIP_NAME , func . func_name ) )
2016-10-06 14:21:30 +03:00
# "Operation" commands, executable at command line. One function each
# Each function takes either two args (<ESPLoader instance>, <args>) or a single <args>
# argument.
def load_ram ( esp , args ) :
image = LoadFirmwareImage ( esp , args . filename )
print ' RAM boot... '
for ( offset , size , data ) in image . segments :
print ' Downloading %d bytes at %08x ... ' % ( size , offset ) ,
sys . stdout . flush ( )
esp . mem_begin ( size , div_roundup ( size , esp . ESP_RAM_BLOCK ) , esp . ESP_RAM_BLOCK , offset )
seq = 0
while len ( data ) > 0 :
esp . mem_block ( data [ 0 : esp . ESP_RAM_BLOCK ] , seq )
data = data [ esp . ESP_RAM_BLOCK : ]
seq + = 1
print ' done! '
print ' All segments done, executing at %08x ' % image . entrypoint
esp . mem_finish ( image . entrypoint )
def read_mem ( esp , args ) :
print ' 0x %08x = 0x %08x ' % ( args . address , esp . read_reg ( args . address ) )
def write_mem ( esp , args ) :
esp . write_reg ( args . address , args . value , args . mask , 0 )
print ' Wrote %08x , mask %08x to %08x ' % ( args . value , args . mask , args . address )
def dump_mem ( esp , args ) :
f = file ( args . filename , ' wb ' )
for i in xrange ( args . size / 4 ) :
d = esp . read_reg ( args . address + ( i * 4 ) )
f . write ( struct . pack ( ' <I ' , d ) )
if f . tell ( ) % 1024 == 0 :
print ' \r %d bytes read... ( %d %% ) ' % ( f . tell ( ) ,
f . tell ( ) * 100 / args . size ) ,
sys . stdout . flush ( )
print ' Done! '
def write_flash ( esp , args ) :
""" Write data to flash
flash_mode = { ' qio ' : 0 , ' qout ' : 1 , ' dio ' : 2 , ' dout ' : 3 } [ args . flash_mode ]
flash_size_freq = esp . parse_flash_size_arg ( args . flash_size )
flash_size_freq + = { ' 40m ' : 0 , ' 26m ' : 1 , ' 20m ' : 2 , ' 80m ' : 0xf } [ args . flash_freq ]
flash_info = struct . pack ( ' BB ' , flash_mode , flash_size_freq )
# verify file sizes fit in flash
flash_end = flash_size_bytes ( args . flash_size )
for address , argfile in args . addr_filename :
argfile . seek ( 0 , 2 ) # seek to end
if address + argfile . tell ( ) > flash_end :
2016-10-28 01:53:02 +03:00
raise FatalError ( ( " File %s (length %d ) at offset %d will not fit in %d bytes of flash. " +
" Use --flash-size argument, or change flashing address. " )
2016-10-06 14:21:30 +03:00
% ( argfile . name , argfile . tell ( ) , address , flash_end ) )
argfile . seek ( 0 )
for address , argfile in args . addr_filename :
2016-12-30 01:28:30 +02:00
if args . no_stub :
print ' Erasing flash... '
2016-10-28 01:53:02 +03:00
image = argfile . read ( )
# Update header with flash parameters
if address == 0 and image [ 0 ] == ' \xe9 ' :
image = image [ 0 : 2 ] + flash_info + image [ 4 : ]
calcmd5 = hashlib . md5 ( image ) . hexdigest ( )
uncsize = len ( image )
2016-10-06 14:21:30 +03:00
if args . compress :
2016-10-28 01:53:02 +03:00
uncimage = image
2016-10-06 14:21:30 +03:00
image = zlib . compress ( uncimage , 9 )
2016-12-30 01:28:30 +02:00
blocks = esp . flash_defl_begin ( uncsize , len ( image ) , address )
2016-10-06 14:21:30 +03:00
else :
2016-12-30 01:28:30 +02:00
blocks = esp . flash_begin ( uncsize , address )
2016-10-06 14:21:30 +03:00
argfile . seek ( 0 ) # in case we need it again
seq = 0
written = 0
t = time . time ( )
header_block = None
while len ( image ) > 0 :
print ' \r Writing at 0x %08x ... ( %d %% ) ' % ( address + seq * esp . FLASH_WRITE_SIZE , 100 * ( seq + 1 ) / blocks ) ,
sys . stdout . flush ( )
block = image [ 0 : esp . FLASH_WRITE_SIZE ]
if args . compress :
esp . flash_defl_block ( block , seq )
else :
# Pad the last block
block = block + ' \xff ' * ( esp . FLASH_WRITE_SIZE - len ( block ) )
esp . flash_block ( block , seq )
image = image [ esp . FLASH_WRITE_SIZE : ]
seq + = 1
written + = len ( block )
t = time . time ( ) - t
2016-10-28 01:53:02 +03:00
speed_msg = " "
if args . compress :
if t > 0.0 :
speed_msg = " (effective %.1f kbit/s) " % ( uncsize / t * 8 / 1000 )
print ' \r Wrote %d bytes ( %d compressed) at 0x %08x in %.1f seconds %s ... ' % ( uncsize , written , address , t , speed_msg )
else :
if t > 0.0 :
speed_msg = " ( %.1f kbit/s) " % ( written / t * 8 / 1000 )
print ' \r Wrote %d bytes at 0x %08x in %.1f seconds %s ... ' % ( written , address , t , speed_msg )
2016-12-30 01:28:30 +02:00
try :
res = esp . flash_md5sum ( address , uncsize )
if res != calcmd5 :
print ' File md5: %s ' % calcmd5
print ' Flash md5: %s ' % res
print ' MD5 of 0xFF is %s ' % ( hashlib . md5 ( b ' \xFF ' * uncsize ) . hexdigest ( ) )
raise FatalError ( " MD5 of file does not match data in flash! " )
else :
print ' Hash of data verified. '
except NotImplementedInROMError :
2016-10-06 14:21:30 +03:00
print ' \n Leaving... '
if args . flash_mode == ' dio ' and esp . CHIP_NAME == " ESP8266 " :
esp . flash_unlock_dio ( )
else :
esp . flash_begin ( 0 , 0 )
if args . compress :
esp . flash_defl_finish ( False )
else :
esp . flash_finish ( False )
if args . verify :
print ' Verifying just-written flash... '
verify_flash ( esp , args , header_block )
def image_info ( args ) :
image = LoadFirmwareImage ( args . chip , args . filename )
print ( ' Image version: %d ' % image . version )
print ( ' Entry point: %08x ' % image . entrypoint ) if image . entrypoint != 0 else ' Entry point not set '
print ' %d segments ' % len ( image . segments )
idx = 0
for seg in image . segments :
idx + = 1
print ' Segment %d : %r ' % ( idx , seg )
2016-10-28 01:53:02 +03:00
calc_checksum = image . calculate_checksum ( )
print ' Checksum: %02x ( %s ) ' % ( image . checksum ,
' valid ' if image . checksum == calc_checksum else ' invalid - calculated %02x ' % calc_checksum )
2016-10-06 14:21:30 +03:00
def make_image ( args ) :
image = ESPFirmwareImage ( )
if len ( args . segfile ) == 0 :
raise FatalError ( ' No segments specified ' )
if len ( args . segfile ) != len ( args . segaddr ) :
raise FatalError ( ' Number of specified files does not match number of specified addresses ' )
for ( seg , addr ) in zip ( args . segfile , args . segaddr ) :
data = file ( seg , ' rb ' ) . read ( )
image . segments . append ( ImageSegment ( addr , data ) )
image . entrypoint = args . entrypoint
image . save ( args . output )
def elf2image ( args ) :
e = ELFFile ( args . input )
if args . chip == ' auto ' : # Default to ESP8266 for backwards compatibility
print " Creating image for ESP8266... "
args . chip == ' esp8266 '
2016-12-30 01:28:30 +02:00
if args . chip != ' esp32 ' :
if args . set_encrypt_flag :
raise FatalError ( " --encrypt-flag only applies to ESP32 images " )
2016-10-06 14:21:30 +03:00
if args . chip == ' esp32 ' :
image = ESP32FirmwareImage ( )
elif args . version == ' 1 ' : # ESP8266
image = ESPFirmwareImage ( )
else :
image = OTAFirmwareImage ( )
image . entrypoint = e . entrypoint
image . segments = e . sections # ELFSection is a subclass of ImageSegment
image . flash_mode = { ' qio ' : 0 , ' qout ' : 1 , ' dio ' : 2 , ' dout ' : 3 } [ args . flash_mode ]
2016-10-28 01:53:02 +03:00
image . flash_size_freq = image . ROM_LOADER . FLASH_SIZES [ args . flash_size ]
2016-10-06 14:21:30 +03:00
image . flash_size_freq + = { ' 40m ' : 0 , ' 26m ' : 1 , ' 20m ' : 2 , ' 80m ' : 0xf } [ args . flash_freq ]
2016-12-30 01:28:30 +02:00
image . encrypt_flag = args . set_encrypt_flag
2016-10-06 14:21:30 +03:00
if args . output is None :
args . output = image . default_output_name ( args . input )
image . save ( args . output )
def read_mac ( esp , args ) :
mac = esp . read_mac ( )
2016-12-30 01:28:30 +02:00
def print_mac ( label , mac ) :
print ' %s : %s ' % ( label , ' : ' . join ( map ( lambda x : ' %02x ' % x , mac ) ) )
print ( " %r " % ( mac , ) )
if len ( mac ) == 1 :
print_mac ( " MAC " , mac )
else :
print_mac ( " WiFi MAC " , mac [ 0 ] )
print_mac ( " BT MAC " , mac [ 1 ] )
2016-10-06 14:21:30 +03:00
def chip_id ( esp , args ) :
chipid = esp . chip_id ( )
print ' Chip ID: 0x %08x ' % chipid
def erase_flash ( esp , args ) :
print ' Erasing flash (this may take a while)... '
t = time . time ( )
esp . erase_flash ( )
print ' Chip erase completed successfully in %.1f s ' % ( time . time ( ) - t )
def erase_region ( esp , args ) :
print ' Erasing region (may be slow depending on size)... '
2016-10-28 01:53:02 +03:00
t = time . time ( )
2016-10-06 14:21:30 +03:00
esp . erase_region ( args . address , args . size )
2016-10-28 01:53:02 +03:00
print ' Erase completed successfully in %.1f seconds. ' % ( time . time ( ) - t )
2016-10-06 14:21:30 +03:00
def run ( esp , args ) :
esp . run ( )
def flash_id ( esp , args ) :
flash_id = esp . flash_id ( )
print ' Manufacturer: %02x ' % ( flash_id & 0xff )
print ' Device: %02x %02x ' % ( ( flash_id >> 8 ) & 0xff , ( flash_id >> 16 ) & 0xff )
def read_flash ( esp , args ) :
if args . no_progress :
flash_progress = None
else :
def flash_progress ( progress , length ) :
msg = ' %d ( %d %% ) ' % ( progress , progress * 100.0 / length )
padding = ' \b ' * len ( msg )
if progress == length :
padding = ' \n '
sys . stdout . write ( msg + padding )
sys . stdout . flush ( )
t = time . time ( )
data = esp . read_flash ( args . address , args . size , flash_progress )
t = time . time ( ) - t
print ( ' \r Read %d bytes at 0x %x in %.1f seconds ( %.1f kbit/s)... '
% ( len ( data ) , args . address , t , len ( data ) / t * 8 / 1000 ) )
file ( args . filename , ' wb ' ) . write ( data )
def verify_flash ( esp , args , flash_params = None ) :
differences = False
for address , argfile in args . addr_filename :
image = argfile . read ( )
argfile . seek ( 0 ) # rewind in case we need it again
if address == 0 and image [ 0 ] == ' \xe9 ' and flash_params is not None :
image = image [ 0 : 2 ] + flash_params + image [ 4 : ]
image_size = len ( image )
print ' Verifying 0x %x ( %d ) bytes @ 0x %08x in flash against %s ... ' % ( image_size , image_size , address , argfile . name )
# Try digest first, only read if there are differences.
digest = esp . flash_md5sum ( address , image_size )
expected_digest = hashlib . md5 ( image ) . hexdigest ( )
if digest == expected_digest :
print ' -- verify OK (digest matched) '
else :
differences = True
if getattr ( args , ' diff ' , ' no ' ) != ' yes ' :
print ' -- verify FAILED (digest mismatch) '
flash = esp . read_flash ( address , image_size )
assert flash != image
diff = [ i for i in xrange ( image_size ) if flash [ i ] != image [ i ] ]
print ' -- verify FAILED: %d differences, first @ 0x %08x ' % ( len ( diff ) , address + diff [ 0 ] )
for d in diff :
print ' %08x %02x %02x ' % ( address + d , ord ( flash [ d ] ) , ord ( image [ d ] ) )
if differences :
raise FatalError ( " Verify failed. " )
2016-10-28 01:53:02 +03:00
def read_flash_status ( esp , args ) :
print ( ' Status value: 0x %04x ' % esp . read_status ( args . bytes ) )
def write_flash_status ( esp , args ) :
fmt = " 0x %% 0 %d x " % ( args . bytes * 2 )
args . value = args . value & ( ( 1 << ( args . bytes * 8 ) ) - 1 )
print ( ( ' Initial flash status: ' + fmt ) % esp . read_status ( args . bytes ) )
print ( ( ' Setting flash status: ' + fmt ) % args . value )
esp . write_status ( args . value , args . bytes , args . non_volatile )
print ( ( ' After flash status: ' + fmt ) % esp . read_status ( args . bytes ) )
2016-10-06 14:21:30 +03:00
def version ( args ) :
print __version__
# End of operations functions
def main ( ) :
parser = argparse . ArgumentParser ( description = ' esptool.py v %s - ESP8266 ROM Bootloader Utility ' % __version__ , prog = ' esptool ' )
parser . add_argument ( ' --chip ' , ' -c ' ,
help = ' Target chip type ' ,
choices = [ ' auto ' , ' esp8266 ' , ' esp31 ' , ' esp32 ' ] ,
default = os . environ . get ( ' ESPTOOL_CHIP ' , ' auto ' ) )
parser . add_argument (
' --port ' , ' -p ' ,
help = ' Serial port device ' ,
default = os . environ . get ( ' ESPTOOL_PORT ' , ESPLoader . DEFAULT_PORT ) )
parser . add_argument (
' --baud ' , ' -b ' ,
help = ' Serial port baud rate used when flashing/reading ' ,
type = arg_auto_int ,
default = os . environ . get ( ' ESPTOOL_BAUD ' , ESPLoader . ESP_ROM_BAUD ) )
parser . add_argument (
' --no-stub ' ,
help = " Disable launching the flasher stub, only talk to ROM bootloader. Some features will not be available. " ,
action = ' store_true ' )
subparsers = parser . add_subparsers (
dest = ' operation ' ,
help = ' Run esptool {command} -h for additional help ' )
parser_load_ram = subparsers . add_parser (
' load_ram ' ,
help = ' Download an image to RAM and execute ' )
parser_load_ram . add_argument ( ' filename ' , help = ' Firmware image ' )
parser_dump_mem = subparsers . add_parser (
' dump_mem ' ,
help = ' Dump arbitrary memory to disk ' )
parser_dump_mem . add_argument ( ' address ' , help = ' Base address ' , type = arg_auto_int )
parser_dump_mem . add_argument ( ' size ' , help = ' Size of region to dump ' , type = arg_auto_int )
parser_dump_mem . add_argument ( ' filename ' , help = ' Name of binary dump ' )
parser_read_mem = subparsers . add_parser (
' read_mem ' ,
help = ' Read arbitrary memory location ' )
parser_read_mem . add_argument ( ' address ' , help = ' Address to read ' , type = arg_auto_int )
parser_write_mem = subparsers . add_parser (
' write_mem ' ,
help = ' Read-modify-write to arbitrary memory location ' )
parser_write_mem . add_argument ( ' address ' , help = ' Address to write ' , type = arg_auto_int )
parser_write_mem . add_argument ( ' value ' , help = ' Value ' , type = arg_auto_int )
parser_write_mem . add_argument ( ' mask ' , help = ' Mask of bits to write ' , type = arg_auto_int )
def add_spi_flash_subparsers ( parent ) :
""" Add common parser arguments for SPI flash properties """
parent . add_argument ( ' --flash_freq ' , ' -ff ' , help = ' SPI Flash frequency ' ,
choices = [ ' 40m ' , ' 26m ' , ' 20m ' , ' 80m ' ] ,
default = os . environ . get ( ' ESPTOOL_FF ' , ' 40m ' ) )
parent . add_argument ( ' --flash_mode ' , ' -fm ' , help = ' SPI Flash mode ' ,
choices = [ ' qio ' , ' qout ' , ' dio ' , ' dout ' ] ,
default = os . environ . get ( ' ESPTOOL_FM ' , ' qio ' ) )
parent . add_argument ( ' --flash_size ' , ' -fs ' , help = ' SPI Flash size in MegaBytes (1MB, 2MB, 4MB, 8MB, 16M) '
' plus ESP8266-only (256KB, 512KB, 2MB-c1, 4MB-c1, 4MB-2) ' ,
action = FlashSizeAction ,
default = os . environ . get ( ' ESPTOOL_FS ' , ' 1MB ' ) )
parent . add_argument ( ' --ucIsHspi ' , ' -ih ' , help = ' Config SPI PORT/PINS (Espressif internal feature) ' , action = ' store_true ' )
parent . add_argument ( ' --ucIsLegacy ' , ' -il ' , help = ' Config SPI LEGACY (Espressif internal feature) ' , action = ' store_true ' )
parser_write_flash = subparsers . add_parser (
' write_flash ' ,
help = ' Write a binary blob to flash ' )
parser_write_flash . add_argument ( ' addr_filename ' , metavar = ' <address> <filename> ' , help = ' Address followed by binary filename, separated by space ' ,
action = AddrFilenamePairAction )
add_spi_flash_subparsers ( parser_write_flash )
parser_write_flash . add_argument ( ' --no-progress ' , ' -p ' , help = ' Suppress progress output ' , action = " store_true " )
parser_write_flash . add_argument ( ' --verify ' , help = ' Verify just-written data (only necessary if very cautious, data is already CRCed ' , action = ' store_true ' )
parser_write_flash . add_argument ( ' --compress ' , ' -z ' , help = ' Compress data in transfer ' , action = " store_true " )
subparsers . add_parser (
' run ' ,
help = ' Run application code in flash ' )
parser_image_info = subparsers . add_parser (
' image_info ' ,
help = ' Dump headers from an application image ' )
parser_image_info . add_argument ( ' filename ' , help = ' Image file to parse ' )
parser_make_image = subparsers . add_parser (
' make_image ' ,
help = ' Create an application image from binary files ' )
parser_make_image . add_argument ( ' output ' , help = ' Output image file ' )
parser_make_image . add_argument ( ' --segfile ' , ' -f ' , action = ' append ' , help = ' Segment input file ' )
parser_make_image . add_argument ( ' --segaddr ' , ' -a ' , action = ' append ' , help = ' Segment base address ' , type = arg_auto_int )
parser_make_image . add_argument ( ' --entrypoint ' , ' -e ' , help = ' Address of entry point ' , type = arg_auto_int , default = 0 )
parser_elf2image = subparsers . add_parser (
' elf2image ' ,
help = ' Create an application image from ELF file ' )
parser_elf2image . add_argument ( ' input ' , help = ' Input ELF file ' )
parser_elf2image . add_argument ( ' --output ' , ' -o ' , help = ' Output filename prefix (for version 1 image), or filename (for version 2 single image) ' , type = str )
parser_elf2image . add_argument ( ' --version ' , ' -e ' , help = ' Output image version ' , choices = [ ' 1 ' , ' 2 ' ] , default = ' 1 ' )
2016-12-30 01:28:30 +02:00
parser_elf2image . add_argument ( ' --set-encrypt-flag ' , help = ' Flag image to be encrypted by bootloader after flashing. ' , action = " store_true " )
2016-10-06 14:21:30 +03:00
add_spi_flash_subparsers ( parser_elf2image )
subparsers . add_parser (
' read_mac ' ,
help = ' Read MAC address from OTP ROM ' )
subparsers . add_parser (
' chip_id ' ,
help = ' Read Chip ID from OTP ROM ' )
subparsers . add_parser (
' flash_id ' ,
help = ' Read SPI flash manufacturer and device ID ' )
2016-10-28 01:53:02 +03:00
parser_read_status = subparsers . add_parser (
' read_flash_status ' ,
help = ' Read SPI flash status register ' )
parser_read_status . add_argument ( ' --bytes ' , help = ' Number of bytes to read (1-3) ' , type = int , choices = [ 1 , 2 , 3 ] , default = 2 )
parser_write_status = subparsers . add_parser (
' write_flash_status ' ,
help = ' Write SPI flash status register ' )
parser_write_status . add_argument ( ' --non-volatile ' , help = ' Write non-volatile bits (use with caution) ' , action = ' store_true ' )
parser_write_status . add_argument ( ' --bytes ' , help = ' Number of status bytes to write (1-3) ' , type = int , choices = [ 1 , 2 , 3 ] , default = 2 )
parser_write_status . add_argument ( ' value ' , help = ' New value ' , type = arg_auto_int )
2016-10-06 14:21:30 +03:00
parser_read_flash = subparsers . add_parser (
' read_flash ' ,
help = ' Read SPI flash content ' )
parser_read_flash . add_argument ( ' address ' , help = ' Start address ' , type = arg_auto_int )
parser_read_flash . add_argument ( ' size ' , help = ' Size of region to dump ' , type = arg_auto_int )
parser_read_flash . add_argument ( ' filename ' , help = ' Name of binary dump ' )
parser_read_flash . add_argument ( ' --no-progress ' , ' -p ' , help = ' Suppress progress output ' , action = " store_true " )
parser_verify_flash = subparsers . add_parser (
' verify_flash ' ,
help = ' Verify a binary blob against flash ' )
parser_verify_flash . add_argument ( ' addr_filename ' , help = ' Address and binary file to verify there, separated by space ' ,
action = AddrFilenamePairAction )
parser_verify_flash . add_argument ( ' --diff ' , ' -d ' , help = ' Show differences ' ,
choices = [ ' no ' , ' yes ' ] , default = ' no ' )
subparsers . add_parser (
' erase_flash ' ,
help = ' Perform Chip Erase on SPI flash ' )
parser_erase_region = subparsers . add_parser (
' erase_region ' ,
help = ' Erase a region of the flash ' )
parser_erase_region . add_argument ( ' address ' , help = ' Start address (must be multiple of 4096) ' , type = arg_auto_int )
parser_erase_region . add_argument ( ' size ' , help = ' Size of region to erase (must be multiple of 4096) ' , type = arg_auto_int )
subparsers . add_parser (
' version ' , help = ' Print esptool version ' )
# internal sanity check - every operation matches a module function of the same name
for operation in subparsers . choices . keys ( ) :
assert operation in globals ( ) , " %s should be a module function " % operation
args = parser . parse_args ( )
print ' esptool.py v %s ' % __version__
# operation function can take 1 arg (args), 2 args (esp, arg)
# or be a member function of the ESPLoader class.
operation_func = globals ( ) [ args . operation ]
operation_args , _ , _ , _ = inspect . getargspec ( operation_func )
if operation_args [ 0 ] == ' esp ' : # operation function takes an ESPLoader connection object
initial_baud = min ( ESPLoader . ESP_ROM_BAUD , args . baud ) # don't sync faster than the default baud rate
chip_constructor_fun = {
' auto ' : ESPLoader . detect_chip ,
' esp8266 ' : ESP8266ROM ,
' esp32 ' : ESP32ROM ,
} [ args . chip ]
esp = chip_constructor_fun ( args . port , initial_baud )
if not args . no_stub :
esp = esp . run_stub ( )
if args . baud > initial_baud :
2016-12-30 01:28:30 +02:00
try :
esp . change_baud ( args . baud )
except NotImplementedInROMError :
print " WARNING: ROM doesn ' t support changing baud rate. Keeping initial baud rate %d " % initial_baud
2016-10-06 14:21:30 +03:00
# override common SPI flash parameter stuff as required
if hasattr ( args , " ucIsHspi " ) :
print " Attaching SPI flash... "
esp . flash_spi_attach ( args . ucIsHspi , args . ucIsLegacy )
2016-10-28 01:53:02 +03:00
else :
esp . flash_spi_attach ( 0 , 0 )
2016-10-06 14:21:30 +03:00
if hasattr ( args , " flash_size " ) :
print " Configuring flash size... "
esp . flash_set_parameters ( flash_size_bytes ( args . flash_size ) )
operation_func ( esp , args )
else :
operation_func ( args )
class FlashSizeAction ( argparse . Action ) :
""" Custom flash size parser class to support backwards compatibility with megabit size arguments.
( At next major relase , remove deprecated sizes and this can become a ' normal ' choices = argument again . )
def __init__ ( self , option_strings , dest , nargs = 1 , * * kwargs ) :
super ( FlashSizeAction , self ) . __init__ ( option_strings , dest , nargs , * * kwargs )
def __call__ ( self , parser , namespace , values , option_string = None ) :
try :
value = {
' 2m ' : ' 256KB ' ,
' 4m ' : ' 512KB ' ,
' 8m ' : ' 1MB ' ,
' 16m ' : ' 2MB ' ,
' 32m ' : ' 4MB ' ,
' 16m-c1 ' : ' 2MB-c1 ' ,
' 32m-c1 ' : ' 4MB-c1 ' ,
' 32m-c2 ' : ' 4MB-c2 '
} [ values [ 0 ] ]
print ( " WARNING: Flash size arguments in megabits like ' %s ' are deprecated. " % ( values [ 0 ] ) )
print ( " Please use the equivalent size ' %s ' . " % ( value ) )
print ( " Megabit arguments may be removed in a future release. " )
except KeyError :
value = values [ 0 ]
known_sizes = dict ( ESP8266ROM . FLASH_SIZES )
known_sizes . update ( ESP32ROM . FLASH_SIZES )
if value not in known_sizes :
raise argparse . ArgumentError ( self , ' %s is not a known flash size. Known sizes: %s ' % ( value , " , " . join ( known_sizes . keys ( ) ) ) )
setattr ( namespace , self . dest , value )
class AddrFilenamePairAction ( argparse . Action ) :
""" Custom parser class for the address/filename pairs passed as arguments """
def __init__ ( self , option_strings , dest , nargs = ' + ' , * * kwargs ) :
super ( AddrFilenamePairAction , self ) . __init__ ( option_strings , dest , nargs , * * kwargs )
def __call__ ( self , parser , namespace , values , option_string = None ) :
# validate pair arguments
pairs = [ ]
for i in range ( 0 , len ( values ) , 2 ) :
try :
address = int ( values [ i ] , 0 )
except ValueError as e :
raise argparse . ArgumentError ( self , ' Address " %s " must be a number ' % values [ i ] )
try :
argfile = open ( values [ i + 1 ] , ' rb ' )
except IOError as e :
raise argparse . ArgumentError ( self , e )
except IndexError :
raise argparse . ArgumentError ( self , ' Must be pairs of an address and the binary filename to write there ' )
pairs . append ( ( address , argfile ) )
setattr ( namespace , self . dest , pairs )
# Binary stub code (see flasher_stub dir for source & details)
ESP8266ROM . STUB_CODE = eval ( zlib . decompress ( base64 . b64decode ( b """
2016-12-30 01:28:30 +02:00
eNrNPGtj1Ma1f0VaG2MbQ2YkrTQyplmvzWIINAaCQ1qntTSSIDTJtZdtTSi9v / 3 qvDQj7RpD0rT3g0EzO5rHeb9G / 7 y5qN8tbu4GN0 / fNeb0nYraP3V2 + k4rr6GWGvJndPuebf + a03dWBdC72f4TB8H6yRS64fcc \
Hvbbf4rewC0YGLZdWa / 7 Ia3FrSNonSx6I2CfcfvXrqsj3EYSrKnTeTtIDfan3bNR / eem / tIfPKEl5I + m9QECe9K0hI0K3qR2p1LYGY926EWdnr4r4OX2dHYsUID + KXTe93tO3 + URPLfAqCOBWtI7c96DCmLq5C2M \
2 HxMkGji05trtBwBpgV4XfLWUoaY2twJguSk7YVlahgim7Aw5cud9gwVrjx50XbqbsVoA / 5 Vav0k5g3WcKhGwTDVNbvx38GK8Hrd655aAq2H3Ziwax4HMfTnj83O7mhrh4nLmtDBXi8j2cjzGZ9BLZFp28jbIxUI \
DMC5vcVPZkgWid + eTOTp8d / 4 Bd2b1HSTAhXz + X06qfIeDNsOYrEF9OUhvKV74AHSGgmE4G8B5PEBX6ib3tARIBsBX0F / ELRDTbsHCwQAmyhgfAv9PJ0zLogcOrpoX5kc0IF5zpdAuvC7gd8fxS2l6lhAAQSpy + rs \
jB75lfI5 / PvovtvXIZKLvAkkjWeEM7XvtXImj / fa3soyHdEDrAojml1H5a9h309lBL4KhAwwSB2netIk6ZPfTNi31530BRDsAHlud0Sco2JH9M8Y3S28rG3ZpoCdpMRQVcosWynmMtNDtXAsEDDgHQhhFSGruyx + \
HOW0OylgihIRD0huKjmsEKCMsTygGA7gDV3NOx6lLpBgEE4ZCSM1vu9WRfkxZrzSzmSY4eX1VfuraICj3k / e32CPwDEdSyEHwdTRLuDPwzSurETMwOsMIWCOhgViBdsnodm + GDLS8SH6OLb626pxW4XsZSRAPF1c \
oDZgFVTZ4eERbLdpo25j7n16zayC2QXQVCF7CIZbQ3yJAlPvjpC49t8sCSeWQawtxs + QbdXp6f53609FNwGsk60EpiqTP406DrHBzj68 / c3WIaM / WYndez5QxqqV6Sa + XqQrX86 + 9 BvnfqN9NiSEiXvsV / iUeH0w \
KM + 5 kWuH / yX81TnYJ + 2 QxQXQWAuBXInsJhGLB6lox4TumM8 + Xj5747NEerpgkVAR / EBElw3jGPoaoIQaoKWfADgUU / zStKjYu33c4ynUk4CZrFp + p4LT1SSlgBWsOnkMnB2Kyo7csXQx4omWKK8zTVjNxjj6vqwp \
pJz22N8S1Cu2AQDQAFJHw5V5CosB7J0sCJYp4rWP + IXfeOc3PvTpw6h + Ox + 2 jbDKpBIhXLg + Jhk7JJnCs2qupx1dNKBnUl / Z90GOiqLD + A7JIF3EZKUVvFmkweQZC7Ym + hHGXCVbQyIw6KyB2CKa1KRgLCpGFrxa \
rny1sxNQxW0 / haUORXemezK0EJ2Np3xNegLtnpRmBDFb1h6hgylQItWBWm / k3XhTKOrFL6Bp + pxQRsM9FkTWvPA7WtjYks + VTH8kqxrMBDJD2sNUYyFUjeeBlZJ7sAgIYDJSEDL91YslVmi3XrC8c7t48ZJUZFXU \
8 Lvu + n + AfiCZwYZDZ8W0NLCJCLpJCCnhdYtLnH8hVBSj19NDpuMsmIks + acs4Gnxae2UkF0FxrLqdmUIjOCr5Gh1PBVKYB1BCDqic5YpiP6oI9APIAiDF + r4rwDWjO2FGpbottM8SkcHLLrLQzoB0W77dh2zSVHm \
G4dgGht0NO7x4iKZTLqCYI1akkyE1SrzWAqxuUJCioCe78CbciJ9yULanXHfIZZcLKSj6Tr89iDzdJ1SwRqLmqz0sIUonTk5DXDOf5VwfPxoYDQ6S0QzBdQojI72SECBbAIZxbqM + RHpCb3cCWwvALb5nvgc6AHg \
iYZlxdLJ7vsynpCMfga6oSAu2v38TLAvltzbnpVG3iiQfMFSCqUHEtwmLA2Yr3vazS7jztjOvki2Tk / xxe3bW / Df5h4pvSpiYZTvfZ7q4SDB10f7D8laZGdvnUUIWhgrXU7tTLEuloCb7bubWk0G4YreS5OePXTT \
H / b3tisnWvc2RtvBBsQ2it4vPVc32PIWbBFtKnznpRcZAZh2b4NCK2ppgNlFi3zwulHblm7eAi07tdJZD8QkUuqY0Nw1tEchhe + 2 F8Zr6KY7wR6TmoRz3IYS4XfenfJ2p3o / JuzaQaOEc4wHtlzTP0kHY2zI6sa3 \
HUrbNV7iwMnO4w6rwr1l8pCfrL3TGbJkamGjMmS + vu76jkhxkn2iSHG1jccb3Gd4StAvrLqA + wq2N5xpMirWMGh1gPGsKTBKATo / KsDZjwoIaljFTrr15B5ZAQIMDNd9NcqAww3zorHb6FgckDopc / aUTU1yCWYD \
ZmjQHkDFuL3jB0HYd5bVlH3GRsRKcyVlM7ZgZ9kPHSoQan4MrVMGt1a4LNZpiipb8fvKfv2YY2lEQk / ZHaovpEcmLnmLMtOSQtYiNcN / wAReKEQMJIjl9ONFXjDUCxBueSHSGEKBJhF46tHTA + wZj4oRUAfMa7rg \
R + TmMmDFa61GQTM9XWzu9HYTtW8P / NW8YvQOgwDAXxoaRgIIIApQSbCB0ciy8chfnzVIK5chXhUS + eJ4NoQ0BFKLsec812xvwrFWbqbbrR4OILKuKiYnsZExuhpR5Ao2NtuFwVmU00 + 59 xMosb / TryBEGu60Kfqm \
zQG + jiqjWXNTdW85Kiz99Ug8gnEYizHxkxta9dY3KQtTk / 7 MusP2Btj0TrdBRdJGDwbsyQCaMJYJn / txHQ3voE1opWswzZo / XMlwmrNw + 9 cVOaYaA02w9nj2rUCj7TONvES / fdPnxzxbRiOYnWDn5Gyl2fS40zwQ \
uUBDcomPT0raYcXWEXoy6g4NMfZJgBHMk + dsWxVEtbX + 1 guSJb6eCAKKDsBy2ZLkOhmRJK45MoA2ivpCPKc / 0 DHQfWf7kUL4fILLpfnaQRHpnBUnOGF1V8NUdz1xV9Nw4owNB26FeQqkTSDbcSPmMEywj5i4yxhy \
/ QHb / UIzhN8NfwgKQPM4PPAko7 + HyCcUm6KembFpP + YZE15UR + 1E9 z5tIo / D0UoZswkMIf / 0 ho82iDLGZPTSpJGzW7vZU7JZHdtv47l2QGU / I8qwDVvNFFHuxA9Pk8ccnNSiNmvfQq6Lg6kjKNhyXU9GMF12B + Z / \
xrsbO6 + XH8AXxrSMFiGWnb1AuX0InceHAQzA6NUkDmBfVsSy1XLmgIAA5wPScwZRyBq78oHhQaiwB0CG3W + Gwp9VHE0lB / KMyXksAgopF2RHI9hiyTt2eBVRgWxWDmSDSr0gtQzkF3GyzEdwR7IzfmM8E6O9 + brX \
v4pHePNeZrH2wjQyDqMDCpIyMIvhGGGNPWATmWRFwBe0Yl + WnfwEgQvRiRKlV6D + 0 P2sTm8CIsuN6E / N1MECDSik7K + dZ6xjfEt2WEXYBAKDsBCZuCGHflmJ6iWpZXZCchmaWu3vb4svtOSaYej3tgRRdLEqPRBT \
oBEHpCusrXTiW96YWI3QfounmGR9eXpKoEUd0IA8ouGrjYkYLYk4AAKLOc1C / Oc7srCu2BMfsYhGHFBRzOvEx8Utpr96xsmqxJcqNZu8AuJSkn0QDYTIQ1OVjOEY83vRPLxVFjfIKWElcTMTo5i2biIcEBXj + wAP \
OEEZheMLjjdABjAKb51 / xYqlOCT + AQKsir + VxRZOsTPhSDvEEAASxhLXkx2RXFIwiAjsf2gH4AjWFsMmwBWAGj3e / BEWLDbmxTpOvL33HHgeIjw4IHmNMdXOmpmxPE40o6UmSUkRMQIGipbwW18mu5gUxL3Aw4H / \
DRhlFfyDcZzsy7vo0KwD5 / 0 c4PMGa1yQcC1gQPLbNXANtAr / SCuA2ZCL9Zw8LL / nDGBF2hXZnz2TgkP5dRKJuxce0SxwKtvkrJVFQCnuoMlmPoVELnHTexcO8BOdmfZPoVRYfG9nEI + R3EQzp5PdOM7wZHfdyVT8 \
XXcisgW9Y6TuGNngGHnkFxL4f8IgKoy9dyy + E3LyEiVEDAGG6DXNZdQN4KU3o2mhnhVJWXwBWAOhALTMoV + zbNwR3qehehYmZYgvhTHRPPFhTT5e0HCuxv7jOEiEX00A6jE + / gY8oPKFRPIuyHtv2HjWY3TT0WF7 \
lXkJtfFkwnkBUrUT4KRYNUBMdsazpbMhNkLipabaOcgJ + DNizz4wGS1Neu9LxO6W72gPqZBpdxRsMuNaOqKycQgxuKbKS6FhmscWtGCH7UjQO5Ij8iKq03BeMpWwys / VRKQ4OGc1cJMpmTS7sO4FR1Aq1Hzr7XHK \
LAj3tygFBmxYx / scoQPjtDoBqdeqzXWUD9UeQuHGR6CQd1DY4oCrfQ6GNUQt7ZJB7hP673D0mUvFoFCHc3Dt1ISPC3jSHwB7AQFLK2e16fQJaSIoMTCQ6W5Pv3bl6edydDR0cR4rpT2JJ1m6M5vfBd0mldRVyEUR \
VoPirt9gwrgGuw / 0 VIdlw7CA2Csde4ijvf1PJ3xQGyWl6XIrgYT5lqUZSo6uOzkdEvE1dh9LoDp592b0aCTwoS3zuqazH / dv47HiRzGkMbTpYBzyQhZIm + a0MqccX8CpMeWWzpyxJnGgXO / B2 + XpIh + dLkCzKwp + \
NK21sbgbnS52fQtEk / sI + lJ1tTEpm + t2CXA7b2cSQ2SuRCK7jsUGRLYXn5BurdP / AoO5DKPwWI1h7QVaGhseXTli6yUd9g5mFDtS0bIg2SJDEvOTah5CQLVs5vdlgy + 8 + CCqoCecSFEHYC6craHRcJOryDJGROWU \
lvhStV2xvsH1Tbf + zDktnYzbAbNpIY70e5f6W4E3rrWA9UpzBSchrsA3q + fh1jFsnYrO3sM / l5xp1P + CBS8pzEqt9LYkaS3AICPtPUeTa6DAUZr1FPg8jERxk8oG9Q0r2vcvzhsOVWDi2bCbjQmrlq / ns77btXQe \
zH7E9Ba6khDP0F0cK3RUNXoFzINORMgMWE2hr0v2jT9yqIZ1Wu9Q4sOb7UtNDhgMcUdsT9yeGyCXTSUGOu2yofElRywh7Gajc0rJSAg3T6ZTGTniNGmTjSScLOF9wLNdeO4z7m161L1KfGaMTDGOKF1Sm13OXoAr \
nsl8zfbR / NC9zCY7RrTQKdBeGAmgC5nEpnoDYWFmuU / U4ku2DIZARdRY2xc11 + uzoYP + 682 Y2nOMyUET7veOuc8ufyXFYTgpGFp6MmNcA + RqdEFV4OJ9K4yDIyTKbdAmj + JgA16HxAHWo2FxAITEjA5J4HcOEdRq \
tmd4himzoRUdDelVkNZSZN9 + Rn1sfCVx71cZYWDZnZC + sdH / A00R / i + AYJ + D + dan0Rbuan17ff + fLqhFxqjT3Z2l2mIgZKGGiWcdZykhQts44vixSsF31RdvffScQ51JhJw / OX8HSmsOhshL8Ev0ofg / rRbTPv7m \
BeZ9JVw9kDmnN / d / gF46 / / bpTS8Ohe8s4T2s2Q + MQpwYt7a9NaVUK + ZIQcIPiaXlT92SyiaE81ByY + E0r2YiYFo9Km7j / u84NekTlh / wc / vfxixD7Aso5Bs1XROSP4SScY2nCe8QHNDbT2QdoDm9RTU7nnZm2wCD \
OiqyKEynYUap8XmYRsXmJA6moTm / QLo / nBfptDAPKOpTcQgEeNhkmT4 / oqPk6tAFmicTPS02nQtKJZsTV2pf6JnsfdoeaPIWJpiGm4CaePottOak0RvM92VUuU5pBiWvQVVonkwu8WXGLyZDcMkRThNMu4BdrfJ9 \
AQmLGJQmUXv4czj8 + SEQ / 1 zigZMHSKnQi / O3XvuiPdaULhVorqosknbfo29QvHtrtYAE4F22wGsfld5vAQ3cbzsdl7HRWczDDAjDnCMGqEpdGcWsmeMmJkhH5zHlQfPouROJee5ziM5dIL20UgUQ3t7YctVIRSZ5 \
PTY2RHBHXLg3TABatU07L9KR / LQlQeOYXLAaDdbkAo5Sbq + djxhqXSqCSQMzdymH2fTkoRaOeUA1aZJ39VPbOCCbUJIx4z70oW64k3Q1HpYUNp1ki2I2aFbaD3zVyeleDOkAy1i69JE8AhAXMUE6ctFAoPs6ZjVZ \
Tm + 1 RhGYwWjWJewKp + Jx7q37Kux6952q19iDz / + DHrzDeuR5pZnnX2RLob6py4 + b8nZvjdiVObAptI6rrgW08C3alShaDfSD7OLRzyOffiKfflBeqYDpB6WfUrmGuZHj01POe + dSW2KZGhJGvC7FEkkc9sHy7LA / \
QqVAi4848onYR + J6wtcFUnd1jY1McEFbJtzoagboh7hn4HnpXjS1dQxGWFNKLaCluAkaC1oCBrbL2arOKdwYOqRT1hcKXTYQpyY + i4RbJGUEr5ifRJHAlq807LQVi + bPHN / BEg8ry + dYAkJ5kM6gGhUcvftSmOBT \
41 farp0QXZh42WbsmCBbzQSzFRzQu / 8 RhevLvODoUJmOL7J7sFRICrexgtScZkAxBDqKkzc6x + kuYbplcMDWLgH3l3DI7cvwLddRAkJaGt94RNMsekRCEp7ohOfUVkRigz79Qv8TqeVw9zDiK4fXuuOG + cEZd605 \
Rx75 + 8 Y32GZDT + GCZXwxRWxpdAd1tE24TjGT8xMQySsvU5AKEJbo6jk75E2DKUaLyR27nAbAUyj99 + G22z2HX6MVTtuZ8nbi93H4mPoxm4RA0z8PX192zEOu6ACTCqPoZZzTk5GbOMUmp7NBDJRjqYjRnmassWjC \
iAfE6icWLkp7 / Lt1nIs + XRO5 + 7 WrUpDroaqvccGgUhdE1g1W4IORmfQ0bfm7aNrZ9WqWJSwWHCaUtfy1arb5ZDV743MkzFvObLJxhMZltUrVpv9BVWv + / aqWhUm0rG33OVDuaGciis7RDjpDwZlo2ZSKhjVc / jSE \
gYVHAPEHUoXGw7su13rqD8Xa2Ss0a1H37kLgp2gmYJoCXPNUkD / rCghWaNl + tCTwhCSVXbwSy3X2UMoInCjGUhPWLehBqmvCsKUf / jWpC / IgIiHZnIEXl7viSkcTUnGwFlxFF0u4YXeyVB1u9qEStNgd9XCkPBwp \
3 eKFWKaIHfsWeFt3 / QPfVx1YO1gj0jHh3GEt13DVuXiPHLnMls / F / hHMjAUzP3m5zCtQRHBVXUXW + tDnACWXT1dCEmVZsP7pkJwuQfLiJZzs0ehKnwS6NRYvtJ7WQ4Zp45UiF1kXOdHlgw + ehZfhic9Fc2NJ1Tl6 \
k + 9 hNawQLjowv + 8 MS2ddjjDSU1HRHdhvYP / TtcpRu2J03y9d78F3MoBvJHLzxU9eNVVEPi7PpG9BNiN9Jdgjvm6YWKAmoywEwhgC3QZrqOSLqjXlpd6MuA54PeTIcPmmhK60BDtJpxu8Rlkd8lYk46CQx81VAnsN \
jVXOaResxvN4Fnj8t9IijAay2kXCo6Gs7iyc25w2G5qHLFtJcqueaVj0bMG4ZwaKSPYCvr4xt8LWk3CRby8Q3hJxvHcHhoKlcsMLLisoOsepU6VQvKcaiUhaLnvT + mzCMh1IUemzH8QeSF6xPRBNvSiiZxjo7AwL \
Hh84HjaIYrZXeiZBd5Rt4gm64 + x73qQVzpCCj + B4QIMqeXOIgbcu3JInInsO2Ycp7a0YsEAZqLRvDpAg6lGar1evJTbDxFbAxwNqzit3dJb / G + hsSGFqlYWA4Isd + 1 bjj1oIpW8hPLnSQkgmXExbYOHnasF5QcuD \
3 FtNU1Ofpvo2pqGPRTzU3cc0Ojsh1y9JeCB5pJ0rPvNq / ZgcyEJkcrjSQjwQZCcrjIQrJOT + ExFgqJl3DzHZMi3W97 + iH0AI7CZ4pQI9Y53yrVa0CKrppxPXUnFZn75Ktm5RpP57Say8Xo69AiFm50sSLOu9QBEG \
T45JktBpPIHwuaeDEHDA8yiayhI9Zxg1xrhqCOXroHqb8gz9n3OcG12BqNhWB8G3IgKP7wdkkW0fPjD3uXY78rNx + c5zio3j7bu95yElflFp2 / W8nP11NWK8VH + dzyHb1nn4Oxiqx1w433kC8Uqml9pe8 / x6XV6O \
UC3Pi23Ut8LhZXnCR2w9i + 4 O3FQspJJjBNX0vt + vsamlGd2NsSO6 + wIYJhX / RwQek3vBBTR4vYbmp001gLyxdGrs1G9esJGunStXFK7uzd2mzTfZjs64agTNih + JWl2F1j30wDCX9MmRzh3aE7lhszccYbkq2jP + \
Xfww6yV3f0Wdlrs7QFU0f / gUMCzluXc4M0SAePFfAYS7gy3JUKhQX1GrNXMa / vPSwTtkDjivG74LZv9dLjfky / E7JWVzxAuxUsLl0b9PuZgGNal8rau / 63 CK0mQtL11tr7kalaC + Erx5kmOhEBmP7cG34Z7xHFgG \
TK / kF3j6gRwFg10Y + oGH8Qdiu4Y / 4 mPZW7FjDiVlbPwgzCb8LZQKPhSBtnZxzF9fQKlgj4 / BG6NS2l7uv + RiyC729S + 23 SQ1bX + hWlpXArDJePEyi3ijqvD69J / + QqIDuKjrhcRs8WLFD / FVPyRX / TC + 6 of0qh + y \
wQ / YMGiCFvElmtDna / sA5RGBusRbymd + iCDyxftot5toezcA + ASXcJBac / 0 M2t13ghbqGKek7H2rxb4gDDwjG5tSpn0ktPCWcGwhJU63OUOuCfH9F + Yh5X01oemcVLGlSOIXF5zsL1pUfs / 4 ta / vEcmWcBtU7q2g \
bYf0jzeEQv7AicFTfkecX7NsA7KEXAmknYroAykCFAdCo1wGAFIMXzIzLwxgncTsF + N4ldFyCwuSclWNcd6iDG9tYhlwI5fiRnJ3gQW2BllZbK2Z0 / nFNwwp + IvP91xuVY9LuY6BFTQVyoazG2ymln85 / kuAX6sY \
Y9pkfjwCsWjnvLPstvt2n5E7hjl + LiQKb7mPLmCZmj2iaIHBezMdEOATBPi9v05T1 + I4WTI40XIt / KtA2Rbc4rBeoT3WP9Uwl / Uil3h / uhi5W1Ym9SsdYTgrFk5jdGPzdoUZH6rgzzB4Y9GhxEp + / LzMyyElQuf3 \
y524JyVv / Xk4IKDL21KTaHlkTTfm4CMV6nYASTwgONEVWEGZsGme8tdqiv4XJOBdM / 4 zIygdfmJicHMI72J9wzc4o76ji + UadOmNlV3TfTCAXh7x5fGKbyHRd62eyUV2gJxpOVBMBqCQHD / 2E98 CvbAW / NFBgLIN \
sP + jxy9PT1 / / + O4DbgNvTCXL8JXvdsiXR + ruGiGTG25Wf7ECXRZLJxsP32Zv + GHJ7p4b3i2ZsVgonskFNSwl + ZajVaXbRg4Fh10hjopJSuBXNDa47GO8sc4VPF2UYCqfkYN6kmgbrYUt + WSf8XEnIy2OPF3Iyjia \
JGbva1Eyvlo13n1Xr3uHonjYvLkT3KyKRfHXt4tiDt9E1SqLs6ilHMW / 0 HdSex / Z6O4JJt5nUmPPS2ftJ7ZTg99H0WqySX3t08 / d0xe8W4Uf3yz5CyEm67r5C5LUuAPb7o0NCIc4ECmbGt9LUZA31F8AKadZ6sbP \
4 EXckCQWNuqya6yeEQudkuVuQ15h2 / hS3JYJ3d / XGISBKh4slleTY6piuWKJ1ctmDV017HUfdk9SU4Znzjuo04UAXuyBB8I8ZQjf8zqruFtD8vOftctPP00r7eay23H3iJIll4 / HDPXqUPYN72oNajD7FXnDe7Lu \
Iy34N / iaix6sjTVH / iVq5X / XwjX2 / UbRn8MM5rR6xfd89WC8HvweDdrxoJ0M2umgbQZt22 / rwX50b3zgN3oj / W / 96 LNle + h3 + 9 PXtKPPpKHraOo6Ghu202va2TVt89H24iOtnz / S6n8taFXbfrQ9 / xjvXPv3uXyb \
fhaMFp9x7uHOm2ukwGDnerATPYCi7s235jdu + Y3etL1aqAO / 8 dxv9BDydiBpBvssBm07aNfxCi7R / 0 Eu / r2lwG + VEr9VivxWKfNbpdB17c / 808 p9Q7jjwAw5jyoUx8xpSZdlmzPU + NsLHaet0nFXnhSMWPikv2 / E \
JlmuEgVGbP3zYv5L1xmpPPrX / wFeThnJ \
2016-10-06 14:21:30 +03:00
""" )))
ESP32ROM . STUB_CODE = eval ( zlib . decompress ( base64 . b64decode ( b """
2016-12-30 01:28:30 +02:00
eNqNWnlz1EYW / yrjwdeAs + mWZqSW2Sy2IYMxpBZDmDXUbCWtlgTZSlwwTJVNFr779ru6W5pxav8YI / Xx + vU7fu8Q / z1Yt7frg + PRwfK2MyP / Z / oInhQ + FafLW + UfK + 1 fG / / rlrdOjWjQmOXa / 4 Untbs4p1lcaf + f \
lRroKVogP62EA5U8JT8jHLUzP + 2 SM2t6Vn5MZeHsCR4ceNrZYG78gejx6yGcsVj1lhwCDaCrzQgGpnCNsdp + A6VOiMU28qcLzyMfC7y0TcK3G8iqqoCFdMAgT1 / ullr46fhsBnOde0QE5IcT01Gi5h3hJhvTLYFv \
k / vnGVzGyGXuw8jy1s5E6rIeZNRNSz8FL4UZn + SgUk / EOZZg7k / qNHNQCMvJoIaV + dV4z7 / mUWRw5a47eeMXaLpcNWPaINDuDiHCZKN7k2d9hZ + jcNew5PxMPYHxZ2fn44u8Gg + EbViQYJPIpRoYKL5U0wfgKo / o \
vrZmyZuBSsw0fT85kacX / jKyR / foGqIbVTUFnk + jYvhCV2D / MA / q6S7ObJQtr4CLFEqtQZduufYL2pYW1NtkaQ2pysIz7ALFg / RR0H6ituwUmpln027ZtMNG8IEqNe0acQHXVrzPIlrcVhm4G5 / BP7ix9vRdBSTo \
B2OBnMuukh01STjeI3vGswlt5Dnjs5NzTAlG9GgoBrmljrdsSF4HxLsG / guCIKW + + qWGiMEEXNJPrjc9N6DVwPXBjKdzIXc3Skwib00WgBCgD / jJ0o0iI1XnC68B8LGCeG4KhshG9UzgLZ3fR54jkmOAOzrGslps \
Q3tQjBk5reX5pmaXZlNpE + cKa9ycIWUgKJMSYeLi6F3xFwQbXjPdXEMXo2scZ4xLWTwTaMi7rscce5B75gAtsyceEYpNhIKWY7fwiMICd8hHbYyzG1uLu1hP46c8X6Uv3g4bcNKZx5nG / A2u6J8qlwwDooFQ / Uux \
s0OnA3IKxHZbGBdbvoyyp7u8fOyp1Q3Bu2uicW5TkY851 / 3 zaKdnykF8wn35cN8FBhenFq9JYjYBnDqhBX5nLUuw3SL8BHwQ1WvZsyfsfgcRSWQ9BqW4oeQ / pNL + mL6s05fbgVJ0L0C / R3ei6Mm + BXx + YC / bsRHr \
USYSkG3HuGOesfHCPcpahHC0vAYXNitZd4ciIno8RWgmDy7 + nlhp0ceYuNubu0MgvJT05oKWautjtqkoZTDF9wnsIv9eWFVORq4Z + 40 hqgFE1LM7zMlVW27hyMtcgtOEhVWG6cu / 4 dnxChRXnfg6n1LzKRDrJF0T \
CWyap1Ob5nlx48Gh9r9megpeByteeiZKuewTSD2mT / 0 VrCPCITESZRSiYRKKS7OaYosKJNXxxMELdmF471NCUMUkWdcJYZZ4XfzIKRl6wld2LcRPRdsh3IFg / M1Wy + t3 / gHSnOy5wOObzauAO4KNdi0JBOJk3ez / \
OCbvswjJv8LpI3IJ9Fdm2RbbfdbqbT7LCsPU5whgBbWj7wLOV / u0EeVh / 0 Xs8f2vebgqZ2FszUmCZdctfwMLnROMYsQsYgIVEeLld4i4FBNOiWf0YsoCc0eZmJcroPb03euXy + UpEYuxr6UB2veEwoHPYq49TNXd \
ljpjEMSoDNulqIlCKllTddQU5Dh6yhaesa / laQY + 9 LXjMQep6eTnQ9h8 / 94 E / jmcUhFWDSOj6Zd1JwyYmIPZR + e7HJsQaEFmlu8OmglOqJklN2Tph6C2jMJByyknbsk4lnMuDqik + V + l98iUA7pmSY2Wb0uJjRjD \
qJdefUjiSifxaCf64DY5WnWPKq1hPEfFdMOkIsSylgKF5dqvygBSkA13KrxkaU2OI3pi0C0hzNjx8Xh0dMoen0 / OqyvRaFr03cngoMT85 / npMzidahWS + / qEqQ / rJSlXexUpI7jpJTUnvfq6l + 4 cxDc5Nmb3WEYp \
HIanlkPs7 / fRtkzGxubcET69oH / AKWd8EsYjeYEqtiIeFGnXZ0tXIVi / IBPDpXpKtAoOM1CxUQIXMrkJKRJFM92JZYgp + pU8 / SC0Z8 / HZUZKATt2GozOPSfAc6hg / 6 dBy9jhyqSlqq5pk / aIu78Pf98Fu / 2 NA60W \
7 EzNc0fgLSOrxiAci + fM4yz2EXgsq8VILzYNnXAVzKu2HDubZnMZcIylc0vik7jV6B02l34wuybpWZ2EOrMlPloAkfYVxOQHnpLDV7gOYuDxqtcGgqKtGHaCcJh8JYxWcVSXK8B3tWLw1dnlco1DurrsKPrrUuqJ \
XJZhkgPepT / mo + 4 xcGzGvXo9ry63VASORDQseBznvsCRqUmnNYvZhMOz9HCydI1waEaa0AHXl1Qk6jI9H8Cy6pcpAEh4kLmjfNFDZudSPAsn7A1deUNJIYaQAteWZUWTVTppis806fmbdTyoCkxGUIzZHK2xuyfE \
KrZD2hiM0oeXQHYOEUbd0LX96 + 9 xVdM / vJEyiJdo15 / / LjCnKOjrdF5RZg3z / pRcaL2ChxVnXfoGemYAuzKS9WSzky5WvJgO / yWyrUvKDTrzPQfQ8hv4jCveoHQ45ebS17EXQbah29htbTACH5dYOF7PYxMM + zsQ \
cEDNZqPGWrwDuismAMHecsJv3FPaTd3mxRVYyJ / / 4 cwnT7Jy / kFPCw8ptx4yBQk4BULDwgJyR6duckh2 / jyeR5o9jstuE4DAs4zd5HnBiUgb1CdoEIQ4f4y2 / Y + + feECqqnmGMDmD2VBF4stuLedpYqb5306utyP \
y1WhpUV8BnfpEozP2Socd2F0JXvKqF6rBtQrZgbSJ0tEf / 0 rolb4VqEjcFthKP + GVVaxK98PMpYaQ6dHh3Viu67guoBs976kWePbt9y / MpR3GC4PnIqpDzac1BfyC8Q / bvDJgrYLLbRjaldCSSJlnwY / r7GnBgeU \
9 yj5C12fGS / PuO7MoqsIN1rLYEmkrI1fPqj5RcDKOI / ZqMpH3MhzafdMRyFV0DBAZy / IgZXSJPSuDYJjjsSy3TkcFBRloJdG0dBkaJm3rznFmAloQWZXcpoMxYwpUruNEOLSWhnHBshhbH8jEjKbTrBmvttBkoNL \
9 s85gJJq530k6Jlh / yOC / NTn0UdsOO9RvO066T8DilXFtvD0dhibFuT6zSyJTaIixWGRgLmE9fV + / o4Dzk / o3ZexOkXQ13mbIrjOIWMrfkpKL83JNdYfe0NIOhzD8O4mUrlggiN9esx5VV2TExDWw87RHa3RnDvU \
Olal / Q7faT83t / itJwOXGHMSJF9 / GvOKvw3IFwRASOnHbc05gE / MOep61Hdd2IJZGdZ + 0 o8uCuFGMqc8cUgkeiNfiG5GgdyKU72AcmSaOtifJQXT98GSuh5tto8HWRJhqzAhm9jDPaBSLQ9iqwApgiM33EwEJ7az \
NVeQRhJXy1ZmeIU08VquuHPu62ti3LFSGq7GOxmTfne7mf5VDQT22uwBen4if4W2kWVpg7nUFcxSrORgArEAbMEaxlZXjciuYBOkeqoYRQqQbDf8fSVplTS8tyN0abmfBnUjRdwRFXcA9NLcI7G1nJsHcU04F4EM \
AVpdVKMHMDjEr5Nn7MpFDG / 4 HcPFZgyVvVLSlpOfQ0a5wADUEqUx27Fg5iaqyGQFJBDYMEE + HC + oHRq + epRcf3SbyjFSiA3GFZs1jBs2n1AaDWmI8Sj + AJLzuTBePARCPmpmODuK3x3r6YKjQTF / OHBpKDVqBLcZ \
FbsivGH / aAsAzPbITLpulaQTjsDRqs / AIIcU6lxl4cBXoxge5dZVZperlhosXfeJv8c18dpkHdV7TM0e4MYDOhgEAZbmigWbRbiXg0wG4amFcqgDQKAeOcm5LrboBL / 3 / 0 DlKodhuIVki0idotEfnNKo97QswJ2T \
njGvqMOKpJduN4q4bxI9 / xBthlLwS4zIKp9 / RgtEA64JHoBD7MO3oVeEfjaOwQ7DfI7fKw3Hc + 6 X4fegSv4LBXhg / pV8nbo + + + xmZh9afLN5v3MeujDpFzp1eI + CcGWgBHPjSZIZFIMNTpZycuIY6qqN7y / oGnID \
IzdA2uN4Om34SpKhl4Oj0UFj1 / aXz2u7gv / 1 olWZz2ZFbhTP0P + EkZ4RrIf / H5Oun + a5LqbGz7TX69WXMJirWfbtf + tUt2o = \
2016-10-06 14:21:30 +03:00
""" )))
if __name__ == ' __main__ ' :
try :
main ( )
except FatalError as e :
print ' \n A fatal error occurred: %s ' % e
sys . exit ( 2 )