IDF release/v3.3 71df1f742
esp-face: master 420fc7e esp32-camera: master 0107093
This commit is contained in:
@ -35,7 +35,7 @@ compiler.S.flags=-c -g3 -x assembler-with-cpp -MMD -mlongcalls
compiler.c.elf.flags=-nostdlib "-L{compiler.sdk.path}/lib" "-L{compiler.sdk.path}/ld" -T esp32_out.ld -T esp32.project.ld -T esp32.rom.ld -T esp32.peripherals.ld -T esp32.rom.libgcc.ld -T esp32.rom.spiram_incompatible_fns.ld -u ld_include_panic_highint_hdl -u call_user_start_cpu0 -Wl,--gc-sections -Wl,-static -Wl,--undefined=uxTopUsedPriority -u __cxa_guard_dummy -u __cxx_fatal_exception
compiler.c.elf.libs=-lgcc -lespcoredump -lesp_event -lheap -lpe -lmesh -lm -lesp_http_client -lfb_gfx -lface_detection -lesp_adc_cal -ldetection_cat_face -lmbedtls -lunity -lspiffs -lod -lapp_trace -llog -lesp_websocket_client -lexpat -lwpa2 -lxtensa-debug-module -lnet80211 -lhal -lvfs -lwps -lmqtt -lasio -lbt -lwpa_supplicant -lpp -lmdns -llwip -lnvs_flash -lc -lbootloader_support -lnewlib -lsdmmc -lapp_update -lethernet -lefuse -lprotobuf-c -ldetection -lfreemodbus -lcore -lface_recognition -lfd -lcoap -ljsmn -lesp_https_ota -ltcp_transport -lbtdm_app -lesp_ringbuf -ldriver -lwifi_provisioning -llibsodium -lopenssl -lfatfs -lnghttp -lespnow -lprotocomm -lspi_flash -lc_nano -lulp -lesp_http_server -lesp32-camera -lsmartconfig -lsmartconfig_ack -lesp-tls -lcoexist -lmicro-ecc -lesp_https_server -lwpa -ltcpip_adapter -lwear_levelling -lfreertos -lsoc -ljson -lesp32 -lpthread -lcxx -lfr -ldl -lphy -limage_util -lrtc -lconsole -lstdc++
compiler.c.elf.libs=-lgcc -lesp_http_client -lcxx -lwps -lsoc -lesp_event -lc -lprotobuf-c -lunity -lesp_ringbuf -lasio -lnewlib -lfreemodbus -lbtdm_app -ltcpip_adapter -llog -lxtensa-debug-module -lsmartconfig -lspi_flash -lmesh -lwpa -lheap -lbootloader_support -lapp_update -llwip -ldetection_cat_face -lopenssl -ldriver -lesp_https_ota -lfr -lconsole -llibsodium -lmqtt -ljson -lwear_levelling -lface_recognition -lfatfs -lspiffs -ldl -lrtc -ljsmn -lesp_http_server -lfreertos -lespcoredump -lesp_websocket_client -lod -lprotocomm -lwpa2 -lesp_adc_cal -lnghttp -lc_nano -lpp -lpe -lethernet -lbt -ldetection -lulp -lcoap -lfd -lespnow -lmdns -lmicro-ecc -lcore -lmbedtls -lcoexist -lface_detection -lesp32 -ltcp_transport -lphy -lsmartconfig_ack -lhal -lnvs_flash -lfb_gfx -lvfs -lesp32-camera -lm -lsdmmc -lapp_trace -lefuse -lnet80211 -lesp-tls -lwifi_provisioning -lwpa_supplicant -lesp_https_server -limage_util -lpthread -lexpat -lstdc++
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load Diff
@ -171,7 +171,7 @@ env.Append(
"-lgcc", "-lespcoredump", "-lesp_event", "-lheap", "-lpe", "-lmesh", "-lm", "-lesp_http_client", "-lfb_gfx", "-lface_detection", "-lesp_adc_cal", "-ldetection_cat_face", "-lmbedtls", "-lunity", "-lspiffs", "-lod", "-lapp_trace", "-llog", "-lesp_websocket_client", "-lexpat", "-lwpa2", "-lxtensa-debug-module", "-lnet80211", "-lhal", "-lvfs", "-lwps", "-lmqtt", "-lasio", "-lbt", "-lwpa_supplicant", "-lpp", "-lmdns", "-llwip", "-lnvs_flash", "-lc", "-lbootloader_support", "-lnewlib", "-lsdmmc", "-lapp_update", "-lethernet", "-lefuse", "-lprotobuf-c", "-ldetection", "-lfreemodbus", "-lcore", "-lface_recognition", "-lfd", "-lcoap", "-ljsmn", "-lesp_https_ota", "-ltcp_transport", "-lbtdm_app", "-lesp_ringbuf", "-ldriver", "-lwifi_provisioning", "-llibsodium", "-lopenssl", "-lfatfs", "-lnghttp", "-lespnow", "-lprotocomm", "-lspi_flash", "-lc_nano", "-lulp", "-lesp_http_server", "-lesp32-camera", "-lsmartconfig", "-lsmartconfig_ack", "-lesp-tls", "-lcoexist", "-lmicro-ecc", "-lesp_https_server", "-lwpa", "-ltcpip_adapter", "-lwear_levelling", "-lfreertos", "-lsoc", "-ljson", "-lesp32", "-lpthread", "-lcxx", "-lfr", "-ldl", "-lphy", "-limage_util", "-lrtc", "-lconsole", "-lstdc++"
"-lgcc", "-lesp_http_client", "-lcxx", "-lwps", "-lsoc", "-lesp_event", "-lc", "-lprotobuf-c", "-lunity", "-lesp_ringbuf", "-lasio", "-lnewlib", "-lfreemodbus", "-lbtdm_app", "-ltcpip_adapter", "-llog", "-lxtensa-debug-module", "-lsmartconfig", "-lspi_flash", "-lmesh", "-lwpa", "-lheap", "-lbootloader_support", "-lapp_update", "-llwip", "-ldetection_cat_face", "-lopenssl", "-ldriver", "-lesp_https_ota", "-lfr", "-lconsole", "-llibsodium", "-lmqtt", "-ljson", "-lwear_levelling", "-lface_recognition", "-lfatfs", "-lspiffs", "-ldl", "-lrtc", "-ljsmn", "-lesp_http_server", "-lfreertos", "-lespcoredump", "-lesp_websocket_client", "-lod", "-lprotocomm", "-lwpa2", "-lesp_adc_cal", "-lnghttp", "-lc_nano", "-lpp", "-lpe", "-lethernet", "-lbt", "-ldetection", "-lulp", "-lcoap", "-lfd", "-lespnow", "-lmdns", "-lmicro-ecc", "-lcore", "-lmbedtls", "-lcoexist", "-lface_detection", "-lesp32", "-ltcp_transport", "-lphy", "-lsmartconfig_ack", "-lhal", "-lnvs_flash", "-lfb_gfx", "-lvfs", "-lesp32-camera", "-lm", "-lsdmmc", "-lapp_trace", "-lefuse", "-lnet80211", "-lesp-tls", "-lwifi_provisioning", "-lwpa_supplicant", "-lesp_https_server", "-limage_util", "-lpthread", "-lexpat", "-lstdc++"
Binary file not shown.
Binary file not shown.
Binary file not shown.
Binary file not shown.
Binary file not shown.
Binary file not shown.
Binary file not shown.
Binary file not shown.
@ -110,7 +110,11 @@ esp_err_t esp_flash_encrypt_region(uint32_t src_addr, size_t data_length);
* is enabled but secure boot is not used. This should protect against
* serial re-flashing of an unauthorised code in absence of secure boot.
* @return
* @note To support disabling UART Download Mode on ESP32 V3 only, this function
* doesn't write protect FLASH_CRYPT_CNT but instead sets it to the max value
* (effectively the same result but allows burning the UART_DL_DIS efuse later on,
* as this is otherwise also disabled if FLASH_CRYPT_CNT is write protected.)
void esp_flash_write_protect_crypt_cnt();
@ -454,28 +454,6 @@ esp_err_t esp_bt_sleep_enable(void);
esp_err_t esp_bt_sleep_disable(void);
* @brief to check whether bluetooth controller is sleeping at the instant, if modem sleep is enabled
* Note that this function shall not be invoked before esp_bt_controller_enable()
* This function is supposed to be used ORIG mode of modem sleep
* @return true if in modem sleep state, false otherwise
bool esp_bt_controller_is_sleeping(void);
* @brief request controller to wakeup from sleeping state during sleep mode
* Note that this function shall not be invoked before esp_bt_controller_enable()
* Note that this function is supposed to be used ORIG mode of modem sleep
* Note that after this request, bluetooth controller may again enter sleep as long as the modem sleep is enabled
* Profiling shows that it takes several milliseconds to wakeup from modem sleep after this request.
* Generally it takes longer if 32kHz XTAL is used than the main XTAL, due to the lower frequency of the former as the bluetooth low power clock source.
void esp_bt_controller_wakeup_request(void);
* @brief Manually clear scan duplicate list
@ -287,6 +287,8 @@ typedef enum {
/* Enable/Disable OOB support */
/* Appl encryption key size */
} esp_ble_sm_param_t;
@ -895,7 +897,7 @@ esp_err_t esp_ble_gap_update_conn_params(esp_ble_conn_update_params_t *params);
esp_err_t esp_ble_gap_set_pkt_data_len(esp_bd_addr_t remote_device, uint16_t tx_data_length);
* @brief This function sets the random address for the application
* @brief This function sets the static Random Address and Non-Resolvable Private Address for the application
* @param[in] rand_addr: the random address which should be setting
@ -1243,6 +1245,18 @@ esp_err_t esp_ble_oob_req_reply(esp_bd_addr_t bd_addr, uint8_t *TK, uint8_t len)
esp_err_t esp_ble_gap_disconnect(esp_bd_addr_t remote_device);
* @brief This function is called to authorized a link after Authentication(MITM protection)
* @param[in] bd_addr: BD address of the peer device.
* @param[out] authorize: Authorized the link or not.
* @return - ESP_OK : success
* - other : failed
esp_err_t esp_gap_ble_set_authorization(esp_bd_addr_t bd_addr, bool authorize);
#ifdef __cplusplus
@ -278,6 +278,8 @@ typedef enum {
#define ESP_GATT_PERM_WRITE_ENC_MITM (1 << 6) /* bit 6 - 0x0040 */ /* relate to BTA_GATT_PERM_WRITE_ENC_MITM in bta/bta_gatt_api.h */
#define ESP_GATT_PERM_WRITE_SIGNED (1 << 7) /* bit 7 - 0x0080 */ /* relate to BTA_GATT_PERM_WRITE_SIGNED in bta/bta_gatt_api.h */
#define ESP_GATT_PERM_WRITE_SIGNED_MITM (1 << 8) /* bit 8 - 0x0100 */ /* relate to BTA_GATT_PERM_WRITE_SIGNED_MITM in bta/bta_gatt_api.h */
#define ESP_GATT_PERM_READ_AUTHORIZATION (1 << 9) /* bit 9 - 0x0200 */
#define ESP_GATT_PERM_WRITE_AUTHORIZATION (1 << 10) /* bit 10 - 0x0400 */
typedef uint16_t esp_gatt_perm_t;
/* relate to BTA_GATT_CHAR_PROP_BIT_xxx in bta/bta_gatt_api.h */
@ -603,6 +603,29 @@ esp_err_t esp_ble_gattc_read_char (esp_gatt_if_t gattc_if,
uint16_t conn_id,
uint16_t handle,
esp_gatt_auth_req_t auth_req);
* @brief This function is called to read a service's characteristics of
* the given characteristic UUID
* @param[in] gattc_if: Gatt client access interface.
* @param[in] conn_id : connection ID.
* @param[in] start_handle : the attribute start handle.
* @param[in] end_handle : the attribute end handle
* @param[in] uuid : The UUID of attribute which will be read.
* @param[in] auth_req : authenticate request type
* @return
* - ESP_OK: success
* - other: failed
esp_err_t esp_ble_gattc_read_by_type (esp_gatt_if_t gattc_if,
uint16_t conn_id,
uint16_t start_handle,
uint16_t end_handle,
esp_bt_uuid_t *uuid,
esp_gatt_auth_req_t auth_req);
* @brief This function is called to read multiple characteristic or
@ -27,7 +27,10 @@ typedef enum {
ESP_SPP_FAILURE, /*!< Generic failure. */
ESP_SPP_BUSY, /*!< Temporarily can not handle this request. */
ESP_SPP_NO_DATA, /*!< no data. */
ESP_SPP_NO_RESOURCE /*!< No more set pm control block */
ESP_SPP_NO_RESOURCE, /*!< No more resource */
ESP_SPP_NEED_INIT, /*!< SPP module shall init first */
ESP_SPP_NEED_DEINIT, /*!< SPP module shall deinit first */
ESP_SPP_NO_CONNECTION, /*!< connection may have been closed */
} esp_spp_status_t;
/* Security Setting Mask, Suggest to use ESP_SPP_SEC_NONE, ESP_SPP_SEC_AUTHORIZE or ESP_SPP_SEC_AUTHENTICATE only.*/
@ -395,5 +395,5 @@
#define CONFIG_ARDUINO_IDF_COMMIT "b4c075169"
#define CONFIG_ARDUINO_IDF_COMMIT "71df1f742"
#define CONFIG_ARDUINO_IDF_BRANCH "release/v3.3"
@ -228,14 +228,32 @@ int adc1_get_voltage(adc1_channel_t channel) __attribute__((deprecated));
* @brief Enable ADC power
* @deprecated Use adc_power_acquire and adc_power_release instead.
void adc_power_on();
void adc_power_on(void) __attribute__((deprecated));
* @brief Power off SAR ADC
* This function will force power down for ADC
* @deprecated Use adc_power_acquire and adc_power_release instead.
* This function will force power down for ADC.
* This function is deprecated because forcing power ADC power off may
* disrupt operation of other components which may be using the ADC.
void adc_power_off();
void adc_power_off(void) __attribute__((deprecated));
* @brief Increment the usage counter for ADC module.
* ADC will stay powered on while the counter is greater than 0.
* Call adc_power_release when done using the ADC.
void adc_power_acquire(void);
* @brief Decrement the usage counter for ADC module.
* ADC will stay powered on while the counter is greater than 0.
* Call this function when done using the ADC.
void adc_power_release(void);
* @brief Initialize ADC pad
@ -37,7 +37,8 @@ extern "C" {
#define CAN_GENERAL_CONFIG_DEFAULT(tx_io_num, rx_io_num, op_mode) {.mode = op_mode, .tx_io = tx_io_num, .rx_io = rx_io_num, \
.clkout_io = CAN_IO_UNUSED, .bus_off_io = CAN_IO_UNUSED, \
.tx_queue_len = 5, .rx_queue_len = 5, \
.alerts_enabled = CAN_ALERT_NONE, .clkout_divider = 0, }
.alerts_enabled = CAN_ALERT_NONE, .clkout_divider = 0, \
.intr_flags = ESP_INTR_FLAG_LEVEL1}
* @brief Initializer macros for timing configuration structure
@ -91,7 +92,7 @@ extern "C" {
#define CAN_ALERT_BUS_OFF 0x1000 /**< Alert(4096): Bus-off condition occurred. CAN controller can no longer influence bus */
#define CAN_ALERT_ALL 0x1FFF /**< Bit mask to enable all alerts during configuration */
#define CAN_ALERT_NONE 0x0000 /**< Bit mask to disable all alerts during configuration */
#define CAN_ALERT_AND_LOG 0x2000 /**< Bit mask to enable alerts to also be logged when they occur */
#define CAN_ALERT_AND_LOG 0x2000 /**< Bit mask to enable alerts to also be logged when they occur. Note that logging from the ISR is disabled if CONFIG_TWAI_ISR_IN_IRAM is enabled. */
* @brief Message flags
@ -151,6 +152,7 @@ typedef struct {
uint32_t rx_queue_len; /**< Number of messages RX queue can hold */
uint32_t alerts_enabled; /**< Bit field of alerts to enable (see documentation) */
uint32_t clkout_divider; /**< CLKOUT divider. Can be 1 or any even number from 2 to 14 (optional, set to 0 if unused) */
int intr_flags; /**< Interrupt flags to set the priority of the driver's ISR. Note that to use the ESP_INTR_FLAG_IRAM, the CONFIG_CAN_ISR_IN_IRAM option should be enabled first. */
} can_general_config_t;
@ -276,9 +276,11 @@ esp_err_t gpio_set_intr_type(gpio_num_t gpio_num, gpio_int_type_t intr_type);
* @brief Enable GPIO module interrupt signal
* @note Please do not use the interrupt of GPIO36 and GPIO39 when using ADC.
* @note Please do not use the interrupt of GPIO36 and GPIO39 when using ADC or Wi-Fi with sleep mode enabled.
* Please refer to the comments of `adc1_get_raw`.
* Please refer to section 3.11 of 'ECO_and_Workarounds_for_Bugs_in_ESP32' for the description of this issue.
* As a workaround, call adc_power_acquire() in the app. This will result in higher power consumption (by ~1mA),
* but will remove the glitches on GPIO36 and GPIO39.
* @param gpio_num GPIO number. If you want to enable an interrupt on e.g. GPIO16, gpio_num should be GPIO_NUM_16 (16);
@ -301,6 +301,23 @@ void esp_efuse_disable_basic_rom_console(void);
esp_err_t esp_efuse_apply_34_encoding(const uint8_t *in_bytes, uint32_t *out_words, size_t in_bytes_len);
/* @brief Disable ROM Download Mode via eFuse
* Permanently disables the ROM Download Mode feature. Once disabled, if the SoC is booted with
* strapping pins set for ROM Download Mode then an error is printed instead.
* @note Not all SoCs support this option. An error will be returned if called on an ESP32
* with a silicon revision lower than 3, as these revisions do not support this option.
* @note If ROM Download Mode is already disabled, this function does nothing and returns success.
* @return
* - ESP_OK If the eFuse was successfully burned, or had already been burned.
* - ESP_ERR_NOT_SUPPORTED (ESP32 only) This SoC is not capable of disabling UART download mode
* - ESP_ERR_INVALID_STATE (ESP32 only) This eFuse is write protected and cannot be written
esp_err_t esp_efuse_disable_rom_download_mode(void);
/* @brief Write random data to efuse key block write registers
* @note Caller is responsible for ensuring efuse
@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ extern "C" {
// md5_digest_table 2e23344575b3d07f01ecb695294e9770
// md5_digest_table 11b691b6fa8546a3862a7a876be5f758
// This file was generated from the file esp_efuse_table.csv. DO NOT CHANGE THIS FILE MANUALLY.
// If you want to change some fields, you need to change esp_efuse_table.csv file
// then run `efuse_common_table` or `efuse_custom_table` command it will generate this file.
@ -36,9 +36,10 @@ extern const esp_efuse_desc_t* ESP_EFUSE_ENCRYPT_CONFIG[];
extern const esp_efuse_desc_t* ESP_EFUSE_DISABLE_DL_ENCRYPT[];
extern const esp_efuse_desc_t* ESP_EFUSE_DISABLE_DL_DECRYPT[];
extern const esp_efuse_desc_t* ESP_EFUSE_DISABLE_DL_CACHE[];
extern const esp_efuse_desc_t* ESP_EFUSE_FLASH_CRYPT_CNT[];
extern const esp_efuse_desc_t* ESP_EFUSE_DISABLE_JTAG[];
extern const esp_efuse_desc_t* ESP_EFUSE_CONSOLE_DEBUG_DISABLE[];
extern const esp_efuse_desc_t* ESP_EFUSE_FLASH_CRYPT_CNT[];
extern const esp_efuse_desc_t* ESP_EFUSE_UART_DOWNLOAD_DIS[];
extern const esp_efuse_desc_t* ESP_EFUSE_WR_DIS_FLASH_CRYPT_CNT[];
extern const esp_efuse_desc_t* ESP_EFUSE_WR_DIS_BLK1[];
extern const esp_efuse_desc_t* ESP_EFUSE_WR_DIS_BLK2[];
@ -135,6 +135,8 @@ typedef struct esp_tls {
fd_set rset; /*!< read file descriptors */
fd_set wset; /*!< write file descriptors */
bool is_tls; /*!< indicates connection type (TLS or NON-TLS) */
} esp_tls_t;
@ -84,21 +84,6 @@ esp_err_t esp_coex_status_bit_set(esp_coex_status_type_t type, uint32_t status);
esp_err_t esp_coex_status_bit_clear(esp_coex_status_type_t type, uint32_t status);
* @brief Enable BLE connection dynamic priority
* @attention If the parameter is true, BLE connection performance will be better but WiFi performance
* will be poorer. And vice versa.
* @param low_interval : true - Increase BLE connection priority to be higher than WiFi's when BLE
* connection interval is less or equal than 50 ms. The default value
* is false.
* false - not increace
* @param high_interval : true - Increase BLE connection priority to be higher than WiFi's when BLE
* connection interval is more than 50 ms. The default value is true.
* false - not increace
* @return : ESP_OK - success, other - failed
esp_err_t esp_coex_ble_conn_dynamic_prio_enable(bool low_interval, bool high_interval);
#ifdef __cplusplus
@ -112,44 +112,73 @@ int coex_wifi_request(uint32_t event, uint32_t latency, uint32_t duration);
int coex_wifi_release(uint32_t event);
* @brief Blue tooth requests coexistence.
* @brief Set WiFi channel to coexistence module.
* @param event : blue tooth event
* @param latency : blue tooth will request coexistence after latency
* @param duration : duration for blue tooth to request coexistence
* @param primary : WiFi primary channel
* @param secondary : WiFi secondary channel
* @return : 0 - success, other - failed
int coex_bt_request(uint32_t event, uint32_t latency, uint32_t duration);
int coex_wifi_channel_set(uint8_t primary, uint8_t secondary);
* @brief Blue tooth release coexistence.
* @brief Clear coexistence status.
* @param event : blue tooth event
* @param type : Coexistence status type
* @param status: Coexistence status
void coex_schm_status_bit_clear(uint32_t type, uint32_t status);
* @brief Set coexistence status.
* @param type : Coexistence status type
* @param status: Coexistence status
void coex_schm_status_bit_set(uint32_t type, uint32_t status);
* @brief Set coexistence scheme interval.
* @param interval : Coexistence scheme interval
* @return : 0 - success, other - failed
int coex_bt_release(uint32_t event);
int coex_schm_interval_set(uint32_t interval);
* @brief Register callback function for blue tooth.
* @brief Get coexistence scheme interval.
* @param cb : callback function
* @return : Coexistence scheme interval
uint32_t coex_schm_interval_get(void);
* @brief Get current coexistence scheme period.
* @return : Coexistence scheme period
uint8_t coex_schm_curr_period_get(void);
* @brief Get current coexistence scheme phase.
* @return : Coexistence scheme phase
void * coex_schm_curr_phase_get(void);
* @brief Set current coexistence scheme phase index.
* @param interval : Coexistence scheme phase index
* @return : 0 - success, other - failed
int coex_register_bt_cb(coex_func_cb_t cb);
int coex_schm_curr_phase_idx_set(int idx);
* @brief Lock before reset base band.
* @brief Get current coexistence scheme phase index.
* @return : lock value
* @return : Coexistence scheme phase index
uint32_t coex_bb_reset_lock(void);
* @brief Unlock after reset base band.
* @param restore : lock value
void coex_bb_reset_unlock(uint32_t restore);
int coex_schm_curr_phase_idx_get(void);
* @brief Register coexistence adapter functions.
@ -106,6 +106,9 @@ typedef struct {
tcpip_adapter_ip6_info_t ip6_info;
} system_event_got_ip6_t;
/** Argument structure of SYSTEM_EVENT_STA_WPS_ER_SUCCESS event */
typedef wifi_event_sta_wps_er_success_t system_event_sta_wps_er_success_t;
typedef struct {
uint8_t mac[6]; /**< MAC address of the station connected to ESP32 soft-AP */
uint8_t aid; /**< the aid that ESP32 soft-AP gives to the station connected to */
@ -133,6 +136,7 @@ typedef union {
system_event_sta_got_ip_t got_ip; /**< ESP32 station got IP, first time got IP or when IP is changed */
system_event_sta_wps_er_pin_t sta_er_pin; /**< ESP32 station WPS enrollee mode PIN code received */
system_event_sta_wps_fail_reason_t sta_er_fail_reason;/**< ESP32 station WPS enrollee mode failed reason code received */
system_event_sta_wps_er_success_t sta_er_success; /*!< ESP32 station WPS enrollee success */
system_event_ap_staconnected_t sta_connected; /**< a station connected to ESP32 soft-AP */
system_event_ap_stadisconnected_t sta_disconnected; /**< a station disconnected to ESP32 soft-AP */
system_event_ap_probe_req_rx_t ap_probereqrecved; /**< ESP32 soft-AP receive probe request packet */
@ -252,7 +252,7 @@ esp_err_t esp_now_mod_peer(const esp_now_peer_info_t *peer);
esp_err_t esp_now_get_peer(const uint8_t *peer_addr, esp_now_peer_info_t *peer);
* @brief Fetch a peer from peer list
* @brief Fetch a peer from peer list. Only return the peer which address is unicast, for the multicast/broadcast address, the function will ignore and try to find the next in the peer list.
* @param from_head fetch from head of list or not
* @param peer peer information
@ -89,10 +89,8 @@ esp_err_t esp_sleep_disable_wakeup_source(esp_sleep_source_t source);
* @brief Enable wakeup by ULP coprocessor
* @note In revisions 0 and 1 of the ESP32, ULP wakeup source
* can not be used when RTC_PERIPH power domain is forced
* to be powered on (ESP_PD_OPTION_ON) or when ext0 wakeup
* source is used.
* @note ULP wakeup source cannot be used when RTC_PERIPH power domain is forced
* to be powered on (ESP_PD_OPTION_ON) or when ext0 wakeup source is used.
* @return
* - ESP_OK on success
@ -112,8 +110,7 @@ esp_err_t esp_sleep_enable_timer_wakeup(uint64_t time_in_us);
* @brief Enable wakeup by touch sensor
* @note In revisions 0 and 1 of the ESP32, touch wakeup source
* can not be used when RTC_PERIPH power domain is forced
* @note Touch wakeup source cannot be used when RTC_PERIPH power domain is forced
* to be powered on (ESP_PD_OPTION_ON) or when ext0 wakeup
* source is used.
@ -148,8 +145,7 @@ touch_pad_t esp_sleep_get_touchpad_wakeup_status();
* @note This function does not modify pin configuration. The pin is
* configured in esp_sleep_start, immediately before entering sleep mode.
* @note In revisions 0 and 1 of the ESP32, ext0 wakeup source
* can not be used together with touch or ULP wakeup sources.
* @note ext0 wakeup source cannot be used together with touch or ULP wakeup sources.
* @param gpio_num GPIO number used as wakeup source. Only GPIOs which are have RTC
* functionality can be used: 0,2,4,12-15,25-27,32-39.
@ -206,8 +202,7 @@ esp_err_t esp_sleep_enable_ext1_wakeup(uint64_t mask, esp_sleep_ext1_wakeup_mode
* wakeup level, for each GPIO which is used for wakeup.
* Then call this function to enable wakeup feature.
* @note In revisions 0 and 1 of the ESP32, GPIO wakeup source
* can not be used together with touch or ULP wakeup sources.
* @note GPIO wakeup source cannot be used together with touch or ULP wakeup sources.
* @return
* - ESP_OK on success
@ -85,7 +85,7 @@ extern "C" {
#define ESP_ERR_WIFI_NOT_CONNECT (ESP_ERR_WIFI_BASE + 15) /*!< Station still in disconnect status */
#define ESP_ERR_WIFI_POST (ESP_ERR_WIFI_BASE + 18) /*!< Failed to post the event to WiFi task */
#define ESP_ERR_WIFI_INIT_STATE (ESP_ERR_WIFI_BASE + 19) /*!< Invalod WiFi state when init/deinit is called */
#define ESP_ERR_WIFI_INIT_STATE (ESP_ERR_WIFI_BASE + 19) /*!< Invalid WiFi state when init/deinit is called */
#define ESP_ERR_WIFI_STOP_STATE (ESP_ERR_WIFI_BASE + 20) /*!< Returned when WiFi is stopping */
@ -110,6 +110,7 @@ typedef struct {
int wifi_task_core_id; /**< WiFi Task Core ID */
int beacon_max_len; /**< WiFi softAP maximum length of the beacon */
int mgmt_sbuf_num; /**< WiFi management short buffer number, the minimum value is 6, the maximum value is 32 */
uint64_t feature_caps; /**< Enables additional WiFi features and capabilities */
int magic; /**< WiFi init magic number, it should be the last field */
} wifi_init_config_t;
@ -156,6 +157,7 @@ typedef struct {
extern const wpa_crypto_funcs_t g_wifi_default_wpa_crypto_funcs;
extern uint64_t g_wifi_feature_caps;
@ -208,6 +210,7 @@ extern const wpa_crypto_funcs_t g_wifi_default_wpa_crypto_funcs;
.wifi_task_core_id = WIFI_TASK_CORE_ID,\
.beacon_max_len = WIFI_SOFTAP_BEACON_MAX_LEN, \
.mgmt_sbuf_num = WIFI_MGMT_SBUF_NUM, \
.feature_caps = g_wifi_feature_caps, \
@ -304,7 +307,7 @@ esp_err_t esp_wifi_stop(void);
* @brief Restore WiFi stack persistent settings to default values
* This function will reset settings made using the following APIs:
* - esp_wifi_get_auto_connect,
* - esp_wifi_set_bandwidth,
* - esp_wifi_set_protocol,
* - esp_wifi_set_config related
* - esp_wifi_set_mode
@ -904,32 +907,8 @@ esp_err_t esp_wifi_set_vendor_ie_cb(esp_vendor_ie_cb_t cb, void *ctx);
* @attention 3. Mapping Table {Power, max_tx_power} = {{8, 2}, {20, 5}, {28, 7}, {34, 8}, {44, 11},
* {52, 13}, {56, 14}, {60, 15}, {66, 16}, {72, 18}, {78, 20}}.
* @attention 4. Param power unit is 0.25dBm, range is [8, 78] corresponding to 2dBm - 20dBm.
* @attention 5. Relationship between set value and actual value. As follows:
* +------------+--------------+
* | set value | actual value |
* +============+==============+
* | [8, 19] | 8 |
* +------------+--------------+
* | [20, 27] | 20 |
* +------------+--------------+
* | [28, 33] | 28 |
* +------------+--------------+
* | [34, 43] | 34 |
* +------------+--------------+
* | [44, 51] | 44 |
* +------------+--------------+
* | [52, 55] | 52 |
* +------------+--------------+
* | [56, 59] | 56 |
* +------------+--------------+
* | [60, 65] | 60 |
* +------------+--------------+
* | [66, 71] | 66 |
* +------------+--------------+
* | [72, 77] | 72 |
* +------------+--------------+
* | 78 | 78 |
* +------------+--------------+
* @attention 5. Relationship between set value and actual value. As follows: {set value range, actual value} = {{[8, 19],8}, {[20, 27],20}, {[28, 33],28}, {[34, 43],34}, {[44, 51],44}, {[52, 55],52}, {[56, 59],56}, {[60, 65],60}, {[66, 71],66}, {[72, 77],72}, {78,78}}
* @param power Maximum WiFi transmitting power.
* @return
@ -1144,6 +1123,17 @@ esp_err_t esp_wifi_set_inactive_time(wifi_interface_t ifx, uint16_t sec);
esp_err_t esp_wifi_get_inactive_time(wifi_interface_t ifx, uint16_t *sec);
* @brief Dump WiFi statistics
* @param modules statistic modules to be dumped
* @return
* - ESP_OK: succeed
* - others: failed
esp_err_t esp_wifi_statis_dump(uint32_t modules);
#ifdef __cplusplus
@ -51,7 +51,8 @@ typedef struct {
typedef enum {
WIFI_LOG_ERROR = 0, /*enabled by default*/
WIFI_LOG_ERROR, /*enabled by default*/
WIFI_LOG_WARNING, /*enabled by default*/
WIFI_LOG_INFO, /*enabled by default*/
WIFI_LOG_DEBUG, /*can be set in menuconfig*/
@ -21,7 +21,7 @@
extern "C" {
#define ESP_WIFI_OS_ADAPTER_VERSION 0x00000004
#define ESP_WIFI_OS_ADAPTER_VERSION 0x00000005
#define OSI_FUNCS_TIME_BLOCKING 0xffffffff
@ -127,6 +127,15 @@ typedef struct {
void (* _coex_condition_set)(uint32_t type, bool dissatisfy);
int32_t (* _coex_wifi_request)(uint32_t event, uint32_t latency, uint32_t duration);
int32_t (* _coex_wifi_release)(uint32_t event);
int (* _coex_wifi_channel_set)(uint8_t primary, uint8_t secondary);
void (* _coex_schm_status_bit_clear)(uint32_t type, uint32_t status);
void (* _coex_schm_status_bit_set)(uint32_t type, uint32_t status);
int (* _coex_schm_interval_set)(uint32_t interval);
uint32_t (* _coex_schm_interval_get)(void);
uint8_t (* _coex_schm_curr_period_get)(void);
void * (* _coex_schm_curr_phase_get)(void);
int (* _coex_schm_curr_phase_idx_set)(int idx);
int (* _coex_schm_curr_phase_idx_get)(void);
int32_t _magic;
} wifi_osi_funcs_t;
@ -216,7 +216,7 @@ typedef struct {
wifi_auth_mode_t authmode; /**< Auth mode of ESP32 soft-AP. Do not support AUTH_WEP in soft-AP mode */
uint8_t ssid_hidden; /**< Broadcast SSID or not, default 0, broadcast the SSID */
uint8_t max_connection; /**< Max number of stations allowed to connect in, default 4, max 10 */
uint16_t beacon_interval; /**< Beacon interval, 100 ~ 60000 ms, default 100 ms */
uint16_t beacon_interval; /**< Beacon interval which should be multiples of 100. Unit: TU(time unit, 1 TU = 1024 us). Range: 100 ~ 60000. Default value: 100 */
} wifi_ap_config_t;
/** @brief STA configuration settings for the ESP32 */
@ -502,6 +502,19 @@ typedef enum {
} wifi_ioctl_cmd_t;
#define MAX_SSID_LEN 32
#define MAX_WPS_AP_CRED 3
/** Argument structure for WIFI_EVENT_STA_WPS_ER_SUCCESS event */
typedef struct {
uint8_t ap_cred_cnt; /**< Number of AP credentials received */
struct {
uint8_t ssid[MAX_SSID_LEN]; /**< SSID of AP */
uint8_t passphrase[MAX_PASSPHRASE_LEN]; /**< Passphrase for the AP */
} ap_cred[MAX_WPS_AP_CRED]; /**< All AP credentials received from WPS handshake */
} wifi_event_sta_wps_er_success_t;
* @brief Configuration for STA's HT2040 coexist management
@ -520,6 +533,12 @@ typedef struct {
} data; /**< Configuration of ioctl command */
} wifi_ioctl_config_t;
#define WIFI_STATIS_BUFFER (1<<0)
#define WIFI_STATIS_RXTX (1<<1)
#define WIFI_STATIS_HW (1<<2)
#define WIFI_STATIS_DIAG (1<<3)
#define WIFI_STATIS_ALL (-1)
#ifdef __cplusplus
@ -538,6 +538,13 @@ esp_rom_spiflash_result_t esp_rom_spiflash_wait_idle(esp_rom_spiflash_chip_t *sp
void esp_rom_spiflash_select_qio_pins(uint8_t wp_gpio_num, uint32_t spiconfig);
* @brief Clear WEL bit unconditionally.
esp_rom_spiflash_result_t esp_rom_spiflash_write_disable(void);
/** @brief Global esp_rom_spiflash_chip_t structure used by ROM functions
@ -108,6 +108,7 @@ typedef struct {
const char *cert_pem; /*!< SSL server certification, PEM format as string, if the client requires to verify server */
const char *client_cert_pem; /*!< SSL client certification, PEM format as string, if the server requires to verify client */
const char *client_key_pem; /*!< SSL client key, PEM format as string, if the server requires to verify client */
const char *user_agent; /*!< The User Agent string to send with HTTP requests */
esp_http_client_method_t method; /*!< HTTP Method */
int timeout_ms; /*!< Network timeout in milliseconds */
bool disable_auto_redirect; /*!< Disable HTTP automatic redirects */
@ -125,7 +126,11 @@ typedef struct {
* Enum for the HTTP status codes.
typedef enum {
/* 2xx - Success */
HttpStatus_Ok = 200,
/* 3xx - Redirection */
HttpStatus_MultipleChoices = 300,
HttpStatus_MovedPermanently = 301,
HttpStatus_Found = 302,
@ -778,6 +778,11 @@ u32_t lwip_hook_tcp_isn(const struct ip_addr *local_ip, u16_t local_port,
* TCP_OOSEQ_DEBUG: Enable debugging in tcpin.c for OOSEQ.
* ETHARP_TRUST_IP_MAC==1: Incoming IP packets cause the ARP table to be
* updated with the source MAC and IP addresses supplied in the packet.
@ -88,30 +88,37 @@ esp_err_t nvs_flash_deinit_partition(const char* partition_label);
* @brief Erase the default NVS partition
* This function erases all contents of the default NVS partition (one with label "nvs")
* Erases all contents of the default NVS partition (one with label "nvs").
* @note If the partition is initialized, this function first de-initializes it. Afterwards, the partition has to
* be initialized again to be used.
* @return
* - ESP_OK on success
* - ESP_ERR_NOT_FOUND if there is no NVS partition labeled "nvs" in the
* partition table
* - different error in case de-initialization fails (shouldn't happen)
esp_err_t nvs_flash_erase(void);
* @brief Erase specified NVS partition
* This function erases all contents of specified NVS partition
* Erase all content of a specified NVS partition
* @param[in] part_name Name (label) of the partition to be erased
* @note If the partition is initialized, this function first de-initializes it. Afterwards, the partition has to
* be initialized again to be used.
* @param[in] part_name Name (label) of the partition which should be erased
* @return
* - ESP_OK on success
* - ESP_ERR_NOT_FOUND if there is no NVS partition with the specified name
* in the partition table
* - different error in case de-initialization fails (shouldn't happen)
esp_err_t nvs_flash_erase_partition(const char *part_name);
* @brief Initialize the default NVS partition.
@ -147,8 +147,8 @@ typedef struct {
typedef union {
struct {
uint32_t rx_message_counter: 5; /* RMC[4:0] RX Message Counter */
uint32_t reserved27: 27; /* Internal Reserved */
uint32_t rx_message_counter: 7; /* RMC[6:0] RX Message Counter */
uint32_t reserved25: 25; /* Internal Reserved */
uint32_t val;
} can_rx_msg_cnt_reg_t;
@ -1024,13 +1024,14 @@ struct wps_sm {
u8 identity_len;
u8 ownaddr[ETH_ALEN];
u8 bssid[ETH_ALEN];
u8 ssid[32];
u8 ssid_len;
u8 ssid_len[MAX_WPS_AP_CRED];
u8 key_len[MAX_WPS_AP_CRED];
u8 ap_cred_cnt;
struct wps_device_data *dev;
u8 uuid[16];
u8 eapol_version;
char key[64];
u8 key_len;
ETSTimer wps_timeout_timer;
ETSTimer wps_msg_timeout_timer;
ETSTimer wps_scan_timer;
@ -1054,8 +1055,8 @@ struct wps_sm {
#define IEEE80211_CAPINFO_PRIVACY 0x0010
struct wps_sm *wps_sm_get(void);
int wps_ssid_save(u8 *ssid, u8 ssid_len);
int wps_key_save(char *key, u8 key_len);
int wps_ssid_save(u8 *ssid, u8 ssid_len, u8 idx);
int wps_key_save(char *key, u8 key_len, u8 idx);
int wps_station_wps_register_cb(wps_st_cb_t cb);
int wps_station_wps_unregister_cb(void);
int wps_start_pending(void);
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@ -724,6 +724,7 @@ PROVIDE ( r_ld_acl_sniff = 0x4003617c );
PROVIDE ( r_ld_acl_sniff_trans = 0x400360a8 );
PROVIDE ( r_ld_acl_ssr_set = 0x40036274 );
PROVIDE ( r_ld_acl_start = 0x40034ddc );
PROVIDE ( ld_acl_sco_rsvd_check = 0x4002fa94 );
PROVIDE ( r_ld_acl_stop = 0x4003532c );
PROVIDE ( r_ld_acl_test_mode_set = 0x40036f24 );
PROVIDE ( r_ld_acl_timing_accuracy_set = 0x4003673c );
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