Update ESP-IDF da2116f + esp32-camera f8f26ab + BLE b232e7f (#2194)
* ESP-IDF da2116f + esp32-camera f8f26ab +BLE b232e7f * Fix fail compilation due to missing cpp guard
This commit is contained in:
@ -26,9 +26,9 @@
#include <soc/soc.h>
#include <soc/efuse_reg.h>
#include <esp_partition.h>
#include <esp_ota_ops.h>
extern "C" {
#include <esp_image_format.h>
#include "esp_ota_ops.h"
#include "esp_image_format.h"
#include <MD5Builder.h>
@ -1 +1 @@
Subproject commit 11a0aa645326aed0cb681e86060fe28d4623bc68
Subproject commit b232e7f5f0e87f36afbc2f4e03a2c49c48dd47bc
@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ compiler.warning_flags.all=-Wall -Werror=all -Wextra
compiler.cpreprocessor.flags=-DESP_PLATFORM -DMBEDTLS_CONFIG_FILE="mbedtls/esp_config.h" -DHAVE_CONFIG_H "-I{compiler.sdk.path}/include/config" "-I{compiler.sdk.path}/include/app_trace" "-I{compiler.sdk.path}/include/app_update" "-I{compiler.sdk.path}/include/asio" "-I{compiler.sdk.path}/include/bootloader_support" "-I{compiler.sdk.path}/include/bt" "-I{compiler.sdk.path}/include/coap" "-I{compiler.sdk.path}/include/console" "-I{compiler.sdk.path}/include/driver" "-I{compiler.sdk.path}/include/esp-tls" "-I{compiler.sdk.path}/include/esp32" "-I{compiler.sdk.path}/include/esp_adc_cal" "-I{compiler.sdk.path}/include/esp_event" "-I{compiler.sdk.path}/include/esp_http_client" "-I{compiler.sdk.path}/include/esp_http_server" "-I{compiler.sdk.path}/include/esp_https_ota" "-I{compiler.sdk.path}/include/esp_https_server" "-I{compiler.sdk.path}/include/esp_ringbuf" "-I{compiler.sdk.path}/include/ethernet" "-I{compiler.sdk.path}/include/expat" "-I{compiler.sdk.path}/include/fatfs" "-I{compiler.sdk.path}/include/freemodbus" "-I{compiler.sdk.path}/include/freertos" "-I{compiler.sdk.path}/include/heap" "-I{compiler.sdk.path}/include/idf_test" "-I{compiler.sdk.path}/include/jsmn" "-I{compiler.sdk.path}/include/json" "-I{compiler.sdk.path}/include/libsodium" "-I{compiler.sdk.path}/include/log" "-I{compiler.sdk.path}/include/lwip" "-I{compiler.sdk.path}/include/mbedtls" "-I{compiler.sdk.path}/include/mdns" "-I{compiler.sdk.path}/include/micro-ecc" "-I{compiler.sdk.path}/include/mqtt" "-I{compiler.sdk.path}/include/newlib" "-I{compiler.sdk.path}/include/nghttp" "-I{compiler.sdk.path}/include/nvs_flash" "-I{compiler.sdk.path}/include/openssl" "-I{compiler.sdk.path}/include/protobuf-c" "-I{compiler.sdk.path}/include/protocomm" "-I{compiler.sdk.path}/include/pthread" "-I{compiler.sdk.path}/include/sdmmc" "-I{compiler.sdk.path}/include/smartconfig_ack" "-I{compiler.sdk.path}/include/soc" "-I{compiler.sdk.path}/include/spi_flash" "-I{compiler.sdk.path}/include/spiffs" "-I{compiler.sdk.path}/include/tcp_transport" "-I{compiler.sdk.path}/include/tcpip_adapter" "-I{compiler.sdk.path}/include/ulp" "-I{compiler.sdk.path}/include/unity" "-I{compiler.sdk.path}/include/vfs" "-I{compiler.sdk.path}/include/wear_levelling" "-I{compiler.sdk.path}/include/wifi_provisioning" "-I{compiler.sdk.path}/include/wpa_supplicant" "-I{compiler.sdk.path}/include/xtensa-debug-module"
compiler.cpreprocessor.flags=-DESP_PLATFORM -DMBEDTLS_CONFIG_FILE="mbedtls/esp_config.h" -DHAVE_CONFIG_H "-I{compiler.sdk.path}/include/config" "-I{compiler.sdk.path}/include/app_trace" "-I{compiler.sdk.path}/include/app_update" "-I{compiler.sdk.path}/include/asio" "-I{compiler.sdk.path}/include/bootloader_support" "-I{compiler.sdk.path}/include/bt" "-I{compiler.sdk.path}/include/coap" "-I{compiler.sdk.path}/include/console" "-I{compiler.sdk.path}/include/driver" "-I{compiler.sdk.path}/include/esp-tls" "-I{compiler.sdk.path}/include/esp32" "-I{compiler.sdk.path}/include/esp_adc_cal" "-I{compiler.sdk.path}/include/esp_event" "-I{compiler.sdk.path}/include/esp_http_client" "-I{compiler.sdk.path}/include/esp_http_server" "-I{compiler.sdk.path}/include/esp_https_ota" "-I{compiler.sdk.path}/include/esp_https_server" "-I{compiler.sdk.path}/include/esp_ringbuf" "-I{compiler.sdk.path}/include/ethernet" "-I{compiler.sdk.path}/include/expat" "-I{compiler.sdk.path}/include/fatfs" "-I{compiler.sdk.path}/include/freemodbus" "-I{compiler.sdk.path}/include/freertos" "-I{compiler.sdk.path}/include/heap" "-I{compiler.sdk.path}/include/idf_test" "-I{compiler.sdk.path}/include/jsmn" "-I{compiler.sdk.path}/include/json" "-I{compiler.sdk.path}/include/libsodium" "-I{compiler.sdk.path}/include/log" "-I{compiler.sdk.path}/include/lwip" "-I{compiler.sdk.path}/include/mbedtls" "-I{compiler.sdk.path}/include/mdns" "-I{compiler.sdk.path}/include/micro-ecc" "-I{compiler.sdk.path}/include/mqtt" "-I{compiler.sdk.path}/include/newlib" "-I{compiler.sdk.path}/include/nghttp" "-I{compiler.sdk.path}/include/nvs_flash" "-I{compiler.sdk.path}/include/openssl" "-I{compiler.sdk.path}/include/protobuf-c" "-I{compiler.sdk.path}/include/protocomm" "-I{compiler.sdk.path}/include/pthread" "-I{compiler.sdk.path}/include/sdmmc" "-I{compiler.sdk.path}/include/smartconfig_ack" "-I{compiler.sdk.path}/include/soc" "-I{compiler.sdk.path}/include/spi_flash" "-I{compiler.sdk.path}/include/spiffs" "-I{compiler.sdk.path}/include/tcp_transport" "-I{compiler.sdk.path}/include/tcpip_adapter" "-I{compiler.sdk.path}/include/ulp" "-I{compiler.sdk.path}/include/unity" "-I{compiler.sdk.path}/include/vfs" "-I{compiler.sdk.path}/include/wear_levelling" "-I{compiler.sdk.path}/include/wifi_provisioning" "-I{compiler.sdk.path}/include/wpa_supplicant" "-I{compiler.sdk.path}/include/xtensa-debug-module" "-I{compiler.sdk.path}/include/esp32-camera"
compiler.c.flags=-std=gnu99 -Os -g3 -fstack-protector -ffunction-sections -fdata-sections -fstrict-volatile-bitfields -mlongcalls -nostdlib -Wpointer-arith {compiler.warning_flags} -Wno-error=unused-function -Wno-error=unused-but-set-variable -Wno-error=unused-variable -Wno-error=deprecated-declarations -Wno-unused-parameter -Wno-sign-compare -Wno-old-style-declaration -MMD -c
@ -35,7 +35,7 @@ compiler.S.flags=-c -g3 -x assembler-with-cpp -MMD -mlongcalls
compiler.c.elf.flags=-nostdlib "-L{compiler.sdk.path}/lib" "-L{compiler.sdk.path}/ld" -T esp32_out.ld -T esp32.common.ld -T esp32.rom.ld -T esp32.peripherals.ld -T esp32.rom.spiram_incompatible_fns.ld -u ld_include_panic_highint_hdl -u call_user_start_cpu0 -Wl,--gc-sections -Wl,-static -Wl,--undefined=uxTopUsedPriority -u __cxa_guard_dummy -u __cxx_fatal_exception
compiler.c.elf.libs=-lgcc -lopenssl -lbtdm_app -lfatfs -lwps -lcoexist -lwear_levelling -lesp_http_client -lprotobuf-c -lhal -lnewlib -ldriver -lbootloader_support -lpp -lfreemodbus -lmesh -lsmartconfig -ljsmn -lwpa -lethernet -lphy -lapp_trace -lconsole -lulp -lwpa_supplicant -lfreertos -lbt -lmicro-ecc -lcxx -lxtensa-debug-module -ltcp_transport -lmdns -lvfs -lesp_ringbuf -lsoc -lcore -lsdmmc -llibsodium -lcoap -ltcpip_adapter -lprotocomm -lesp_event -lc_nano -lesp-tls -lasio -lrtc -lspi_flash -lwpa2 -lwifi_provisioning -lesp32 -lapp_update -lnghttp -lspiffs -lunity -lesp_https_server -lespnow -lnvs_flash -lesp_adc_cal -llog -lsmartconfig_ack -lexpat -lm -lmqtt -lc -lheap -lmbedtls -llwip -lnet80211 -lesp_http_server -lpthread -ljson -lesp_https_ota -lstdc++
compiler.c.elf.libs=-lgcc -lopenssl -lbtdm_app -lfatfs -lwps -lcoexist -lwear_levelling -lesp_http_client -lprotobuf-c -lhal -lnewlib -ldriver -lbootloader_support -lpp -lfreemodbus -lmesh -lsmartconfig -ljsmn -lwpa -lethernet -lphy -lapp_trace -lconsole -lulp -lwpa_supplicant -lfreertos -lbt -lmicro-ecc -lesp32-camera -lcxx -lxtensa-debug-module -ltcp_transport -lmdns -lvfs -lesp_ringbuf -lsoc -lcore -lsdmmc -llibsodium -lcoap -ltcpip_adapter -lprotocomm -lesp_event -lc_nano -lesp-tls -lasio -lrtc -lspi_flash -lwpa2 -lwifi_provisioning -lesp32 -lapp_update -lnghttp -lspiffs -lunity -lesp_https_server -lespnow -lnvs_flash -lesp_adc_cal -llog -lsmartconfig_ack -lexpat -lm -lmqtt -lc -lheap -lmbedtls -llwip -lnet80211 -lesp_http_server -lpthread -ljson -lesp_https_ota -lstdc++
@ -35,6 +35,9 @@ MAX_PARTITION_LENGTH = 0xC00 # 3K for partition data (96 entries) leaves 1K in
MD5_PARTITION_BEGIN = b"\xEB\xEB" + b"\xFF" * 14 # The first 2 bytes are like magic numbers for MD5 sum
PARTITION_TABLE_SIZE = 0x1000 # Size of partition table
__version__ = '1.2'
APP_TYPE = 0x00
@ -254,8 +257,8 @@ class PartitionDefinition(object):
# add subtypes for the 16 OTA slot values ("ota_XX, etc.")
for ota_slot in range(16):
SUBTYPES[TYPES["app"]]["ota_%d" % ota_slot] = 0x10 + ota_slot
for ota_slot in range(NUM_PARTITION_SUBTYPE_APP_OTA):
SUBTYPES[TYPES["app"]]["ota_%d" % ota_slot] = MIN_PARTITION_SUBTYPE_APP_OTA + ota_slot
def __init__(self):
self.name = ""
@ -151,6 +151,7 @@ env.Append(
join(FRAMEWORK_DIR, "tools", "sdk", "include", "wifi_provisioning"),
join(FRAMEWORK_DIR, "tools", "sdk", "include", "wpa_supplicant"),
join(FRAMEWORK_DIR, "tools", "sdk", "include", "xtensa-debug-module"),
join(FRAMEWORK_DIR, "tools", "sdk", "include", "esp32-camera"),
join(FRAMEWORK_DIR, "cores", env.BoardConfig().get("build.core"))
@ -160,7 +161,7 @@ env.Append(
"-lgcc", "-lopenssl", "-lbtdm_app", "-lfatfs", "-lwps", "-lcoexist", "-lwear_levelling", "-lesp_http_client", "-lprotobuf-c", "-lhal", "-lnewlib", "-ldriver", "-lbootloader_support", "-lpp", "-lfreemodbus", "-lmesh", "-lsmartconfig", "-ljsmn", "-lwpa", "-lethernet", "-lphy", "-lapp_trace", "-lconsole", "-lulp", "-lwpa_supplicant", "-lfreertos", "-lbt", "-lmicro-ecc", "-lcxx", "-lxtensa-debug-module", "-ltcp_transport", "-lmdns", "-lvfs", "-lesp_ringbuf", "-lsoc", "-lcore", "-lsdmmc", "-llibsodium", "-lcoap", "-ltcpip_adapter", "-lprotocomm", "-lesp_event", "-lc_nano", "-lesp-tls", "-lasio", "-lrtc", "-lspi_flash", "-lwpa2", "-lwifi_provisioning", "-lesp32", "-lapp_update", "-lnghttp", "-lspiffs", "-lunity", "-lesp_https_server", "-lespnow", "-lnvs_flash", "-lesp_adc_cal", "-llog", "-lsmartconfig_ack", "-lexpat", "-lm", "-lmqtt", "-lc", "-lheap", "-lmbedtls", "-llwip", "-lnet80211", "-lesp_http_server", "-lpthread", "-ljson", "-lesp_https_ota", "-lstdc++"
"-lgcc", "-lopenssl", "-lbtdm_app", "-lfatfs", "-lwps", "-lcoexist", "-lwear_levelling", "-lesp_http_client", "-lprotobuf-c", "-lhal", "-lnewlib", "-ldriver", "-lbootloader_support", "-lpp", "-lfreemodbus", "-lmesh", "-lsmartconfig", "-ljsmn", "-lwpa", "-lethernet", "-lphy", "-lapp_trace", "-lconsole", "-lulp", "-lwpa_supplicant", "-lfreertos", "-lbt", "-lmicro-ecc", "-lesp32-camera", "-lcxx", "-lxtensa-debug-module", "-ltcp_transport", "-lmdns", "-lvfs", "-lesp_ringbuf", "-lsoc", "-lcore", "-lsdmmc", "-llibsodium", "-lcoap", "-ltcpip_adapter", "-lprotocomm", "-lesp_event", "-lc_nano", "-lesp-tls", "-lasio", "-lrtc", "-lspi_flash", "-lwpa2", "-lwifi_provisioning", "-lesp32", "-lapp_update", "-lnghttp", "-lspiffs", "-lunity", "-lesp_https_server", "-lespnow", "-lnvs_flash", "-lesp_adc_cal", "-llog", "-lsmartconfig_ack", "-lexpat", "-lm", "-lmqtt", "-lc", "-lheap", "-lmbedtls", "-llwip", "-lnet80211", "-lesp_http_server", "-lpthread", "-ljson", "-lesp_https_ota", "-lstdc++"
Binary file not shown.
Binary file not shown.
Binary file not shown.
Binary file not shown.
Binary file not shown.
Binary file not shown.
Binary file not shown.
Binary file not shown.
@ -20,6 +20,7 @@
#include <stddef.h>
#include "esp_err.h"
#include "esp_partition.h"
#include "esp_image_format.h"
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C"
@ -41,6 +42,14 @@ extern "C"
typedef uint32_t esp_ota_handle_t;
* @brief Return esp_app_desc structure. This structure includes app version.
* Return description for running app.
* @return Pointer to esp_app_desc structure.
const esp_app_desc_t *esp_ota_get_app_description(void);
* @brief Commence an OTA update writing to the specified partition.
@ -170,6 +179,22 @@ const esp_partition_t* esp_ota_get_running_partition(void);
const esp_partition_t* esp_ota_get_next_update_partition(const esp_partition_t *start_from);
* @brief Returns esp_app_desc structure for app partition. This structure includes app version.
* Returns a description for the requested app partition.
* @param[in] partition Pointer to app partition. (only app partition)
* @param[out] app_desc Structure of info about app.
* @return
* - ESP_OK Successful.
* - ESP_ERR_NOT_FOUND app_desc structure is not found. Magic word is incorrect.
* - ESP_ERR_NOT_SUPPORTED Partition is not application.
* - ESP_ERR_INVALID_ARG Arguments is NULL or if partition's offset exceeds partition size.
* - ESP_ERR_INVALID_SIZE Read would go out of bounds of the partition.
* - or one of error codes from lower-level flash driver.
esp_err_t esp_ota_get_partition_description(const esp_partition_t *partition, esp_app_desc_t *app_desc);
#ifdef __cplusplus
@ -14,6 +14,7 @@
#pragma once
#include "esp_flash_data_types.h"
#include "esp_image_format.h"
/// Type of hold a GPIO in low state
typedef enum {
@ -23,21 +24,29 @@ typedef enum {
} esp_comm_gpio_hold_t;
* @brief Calculate crc for the OTA data partition.
* @brief Calculate crc for the OTA data select.
* @param[in] ota_data The OTA data partition.
* @param[in] s The OTA data select.
* @return Returns crc value.
uint32_t bootloader_common_ota_select_crc(const esp_ota_select_entry_t *s);
* @brief Verifies the validity of the OTA data partition
* @brief Verifies the validity of the OTA data select
* @param[in] ota_data The OTA data partition.
* @param[in] s The OTA data select.
* @return Returns true on valid, false otherwise.
bool bootloader_common_ota_select_valid(const esp_ota_select_entry_t *s);
* @brief Returns true if OTADATA is not marked as bootable partition.
* @param[in] s The OTA data select.
* @return Returns true if OTADATA invalid, false otherwise.
bool bootloader_common_ota_select_invalid(const esp_ota_select_entry_t *s);
* @brief Check if the GPIO input is a long hold or a short hold.
@ -91,3 +100,27 @@ bool bootloader_common_label_search(const char *list, char *label);
* - ESP_FAIL: An allocation error occurred.
esp_err_t bootloader_common_get_sha256_of_partition(uint32_t address, uint32_t size, int type, uint8_t *out_sha_256);
* @brief Returns the number of active otadata.
* @param[in] two_otadata Pointer on array from two otadata structures.
* @return The number of active otadata (0 or 1).
* - -1: If it does not have active otadata.
int bootloader_common_get_active_otadata(esp_ota_select_entry_t *two_otadata);
* @brief Returns esp_app_desc structure for app partition. This structure includes app version.
* Returns a description for the requested app partition.
* @param[in] partition App partition description.
* @param[out] app_desc Structure of info about app.
* @return
* - ESP_OK: Successful.
* - ESP_ERR_INVALID_ARG: The arguments passed are not valid.
* - ESP_ERR_NOT_FOUND: app_desc structure is not found. Magic word is incorrect.
* - ESP_FAIL: mapping is fail.
esp_err_t bootloader_common_get_partition_description(const esp_partition_pos_t *partition, esp_app_desc_t *app_desc);
@ -89,6 +89,25 @@ typedef struct {
uint32_t data_len;
} esp_image_segment_header_t;
#define ESP_APP_DESC_MAGIC_WORD 0xABCD5432 /*!< The magic word for the esp_app_desc structure that is in DROM. */
* @brief Description about application.
typedef struct {
uint32_t magic_word; /*!< Magic word ESP_APP_DESC_MAGIC_WORD */
uint32_t secure_version; /*!< Secure version */
uint32_t reserv1[2]; /*!< --- */
char version[32]; /*!< Application version */
char project_name[32]; /*!< Project name */
char time[16]; /*!< Compile time */
char date[16]; /*!< Compile date*/
char idf_ver[32]; /*!< Version IDF */
uint8_t app_elf_sha256[32]; /*!< sha256 of elf file */
uint32_t reserv2[20]; /*!< --- */
} esp_app_desc_t;
_Static_assert(sizeof(esp_app_desc_t) == 256, "esp_app_desc_t should be 256 bytes");
/* Structure to hold on-flash image metadata */
@ -405,7 +405,6 @@ esp_err_t esp_bt_mem_release(esp_bt_mode_t mode);
* For ORIG mode:
* Bluetooth modem sleep is enabled in controller start up by default if CONFIG_BTDM_CONTROLLER_MODEM_SLEEP is set and "ORIG mode" is selected. In ORIG modem sleep mode, bluetooth controller will switch off some components and pause to work every now and then, if there is no event to process; and wakeup according to the scheduled interval and resume the work. It can also wakeup earlier upon external request using function "esp_bt_controller_wakeup_request".
* Note that currently there is problem in the combination use of bluetooth modem sleep and Dynamic Frequency Scaling(DFS). So do not enable DFS if bluetooth modem sleep is in use.
* @return
* - ESP_OK : success
@ -63,6 +63,7 @@
@ -76,6 +77,7 @@
#define CONFIG_TCP_MSS 1436
@ -201,6 +203,7 @@
#define CONFIG_OV2640_SUPPORT 1
@ -270,8 +273,10 @@
#define CONFIG_MONITOR_BAUD 115200
@ -73,7 +73,10 @@ struct spi_slave_transaction_t {
size_t length; ///< Total data length, in bits
size_t trans_len; ///< Transaction data length, in bits
const void *tx_buffer; ///< Pointer to transmit buffer, or NULL for no MOSI phase
void *rx_buffer; ///< Pointer to receive buffer, or NULL for no MISO phase
void *rx_buffer; /**< Pointer to receive buffer, or NULL for no MISO phase.
* When the DMA is anabled, must start at WORD boundary (``rx_buffer%4==0``),
* and has length of a multiple of 4 bytes.
void *user; ///< User-defined variable. Can be used to store eg transaction ID.
Executable file
Executable file
@ -0,0 +1,179 @@
// Copyright 2015-2016 Espressif Systems (Shanghai) PTE LTD
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
* Example Use
static camera_config_t camera_example_config = {
.pin_pwdn = PIN_PWDN,
.pin_reset = PIN_RESET,
.pin_xclk = PIN_XCLK,
.pin_sscb_sda = PIN_SIOD,
.pin_sscb_scl = PIN_SIOC,
.pin_d7 = PIN_D7,
.pin_d6 = PIN_D6,
.pin_d5 = PIN_D5,
.pin_d4 = PIN_D4,
.pin_d3 = PIN_D3,
.pin_d2 = PIN_D2,
.pin_d1 = PIN_D1,
.pin_d0 = PIN_D0,
.pin_vsync = PIN_VSYNC,
.pin_href = PIN_HREF,
.pin_pclk = PIN_PCLK,
.xclk_freq_hz = 20000000,
.ledc_timer = LEDC_TIMER_0,
.ledc_channel = LEDC_CHANNEL_0,
.pixel_format = PIXFORMAT_JPEG,
.frame_size = FRAMESIZE_SVGA,
.jpeg_quality = 10,
.fb_count = 2
esp_err_t camera_example_init(){
return esp_camera_init(&camera_example_config);
esp_err_t camera_example_capture(){
//capture a frame
camera_fb_t * fb = esp_camera_fb_get();
if (!fb) {
ESP_LOGE(TAG, "Frame buffer could not be acquired");
return ESP_FAIL;
//replace this with your own function
display_image(fb->width, fb->height, fb->pixformat, fb->buf, fb->len);
//return the frame buffer back to be reused
return ESP_OK;
#pragma once
#include "esp_err.h"
#include "driver/ledc.h"
#include "sensor.h"
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
* @brief Configuration structure for camera initialization
typedef struct {
int pin_pwdn; /*!< GPIO pin for camera power down line */
int pin_reset; /*!< GPIO pin for camera reset line */
int pin_xclk; /*!< GPIO pin for camera XCLK line */
int pin_sscb_sda; /*!< GPIO pin for camera SDA line */
int pin_sscb_scl; /*!< GPIO pin for camera SCL line */
int pin_d7; /*!< GPIO pin for camera D7 line */
int pin_d6; /*!< GPIO pin for camera D6 line */
int pin_d5; /*!< GPIO pin for camera D5 line */
int pin_d4; /*!< GPIO pin for camera D4 line */
int pin_d3; /*!< GPIO pin for camera D3 line */
int pin_d2; /*!< GPIO pin for camera D2 line */
int pin_d1; /*!< GPIO pin for camera D1 line */
int pin_d0; /*!< GPIO pin for camera D0 line */
int pin_vsync; /*!< GPIO pin for camera VSYNC line */
int pin_href; /*!< GPIO pin for camera HREF line */
int pin_pclk; /*!< GPIO pin for camera PCLK line */
int xclk_freq_hz; /*!< Frequency of XCLK signal, in Hz. Either 10KHz or 20KHz */
ledc_timer_t ledc_timer; /*!< LEDC timer to be used for generating XCLK */
ledc_channel_t ledc_channel; /*!< LEDC channel to be used for generating XCLK */
pixformat_t pixel_format; /*!< Format of the pixel data: PIXFORMAT_ + YUV422|GRAYSCALE|RGB565|JPEG */
framesize_t frame_size; /*!< Size of the output image: FRAMESIZE_ + QVGA|CIF|VGA|SVGA|XGA|SXGA|UXGA */
int jpeg_quality; /*!< Quality of JPEG output. 0-63 lower means higher quality */
size_t fb_count; /*!< Number of frame buffers to be allocated. If more than one, then each frame will be acquired (double speed) */
} camera_config_t;
* @brief Data structure of camera frame buffer
typedef struct {
uint8_t * buf; /*!< Pointer to the pixel data */
size_t len; /*!< Length of the buffer in bytes */
size_t width; /*!< Width of the buffer in pixels */
size_t height; /*!< Height of the buffer in pixels */
pixformat_t format; /*!< Format of the pixel data */
} camera_fb_t;
#define ESP_ERR_CAMERA_BASE 0x20000
* @brief Initialize the camera driver
* @note call camera_probe before calling this function
* This function detects and configures camera over I2C interface,
* allocates framebuffer and DMA buffers,
* initializes parallel I2S input, and sets up DMA descriptors.
* Currently this function can only be called once and there is
* no way to de-initialize this module.
* @param config Camera configuration parameters
* @return ESP_OK on success
esp_err_t esp_camera_init(const camera_config_t* config);
* @brief Deinitialize the camera driver
* @return
* - ESP_OK on success
* - ESP_ERR_INVALID_STATE if the driver hasn't been initialized yet
esp_err_t esp_camera_deinit();
* @brief Obtain pointer to a frame buffer.
* @return pointer to the frame buffer
camera_fb_t* esp_camera_fb_get();
* @brief Return the frame buffer to be reused again.
* @param fb Pointer to the frame buffer
void esp_camera_fb_return(camera_fb_t * fb);
* @brief Get a pointer to the image sensor control structure
* @return pointer to the sensor
sensor_t * esp_camera_sensor_get();
#ifdef __cplusplus
#include "img_converters.h"
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
// Copyright 2015-2016 Espressif Systems (Shanghai) PTE LTD
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
#ifndef _ESP_JPG_DECODE_H_
#define _ESP_JPG_DECODE_H_
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
#include <stddef.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <stdbool.h>
#include "esp_err.h"
typedef enum {
} jpg_scale_t;
typedef size_t (* jpg_reader_cb)(void * arg, size_t index, uint8_t *buf, size_t len);
typedef bool (* jpg_writer_cb)(void * arg, uint16_t x, uint16_t y, uint16_t w, uint16_t h, uint8_t *data);
esp_err_t esp_jpg_decode(size_t len, jpg_scale_t scale, jpg_reader_cb reader, jpg_writer_cb writer, void * arg);
#ifdef __cplusplus
#endif /* _ESP_JPG_DECODE_H_ */
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,126 @@
// Copyright 2015-2016 Espressif Systems (Shanghai) PTE LTD
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
#include <stddef.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <stdbool.h>
#include "esp_camera.h"
typedef size_t (* jpg_out_cb)(void * arg, size_t index, const void* data, size_t len);
* @brief Convert image buffer to JPEG
* @param src Source buffer in RGB565, RGB888, YUYV or GRAYSCALE format
* @param src_len Length in bytes of the source buffer
* @param width Width in pixels of the source image
* @param height Height in pixels of the source image
* @param format Format of the source image
* @param quality JPEG quality of the resulting image
* @param cp Callback to be called to write the bytes of the output JPEG
* @param arg Pointer to be passed to the callback
* @return true on success
bool fmt2jpg_cb(uint8_t *src, size_t src_len, uint16_t width, uint16_t height, pixformat_t format, uint8_t quality, jpg_out_cb cb, void * arg);
* @brief Convert camera frame buffer to JPEG
* @param fb Source camera frame buffer
* @param quality JPEG quality of the resulting image
* @param cp Callback to be called to write the bytes of the output JPEG
* @param arg Pointer to be passed to the callback
* @return true on success
bool frame2jpg_cb(camera_fb_t * fb, uint8_t quality, jpg_out_cb cb, void * arg);
* @brief Convert image buffer to JPEG buffer
* @param src Source buffer in RGB565, RGB888, YUYV or GRAYSCALE format
* @param src_len Length in bytes of the source buffer
* @param width Width in pixels of the source image
* @param height Height in pixels of the source image
* @param format Format of the source image
* @param quality JPEG quality of the resulting image
* @param out Pointer to be populated with the address of the resulting buffer
* @param out_len Pointer to be populated with the length of the output buffer
* @return true on success
bool fmt2jpg(uint8_t *src, size_t src_len, uint16_t width, uint16_t height, pixformat_t format, uint8_t quality, uint8_t ** out, size_t * out_len);
* @brief Convert camera frame buffer to JPEG buffer
* @param fb Source camera frame buffer
* @param quality JPEG quality of the resulting image
* @param out Pointer to be populated with the address of the resulting buffer
* @param out_len Pointer to be populated with the length of the output buffer
* @return true on success
bool frame2jpg(camera_fb_t * fb, uint8_t quality, uint8_t ** out, size_t * out_len);
* @brief Convert image buffer to BMP buffer
* @param src Source buffer in JPEG, RGB565, RGB888, YUYV or GRAYSCALE format
* @param src_len Length in bytes of the source buffer
* @param width Width in pixels of the source image
* @param height Height in pixels of the source image
* @param format Format of the source image
* @param out Pointer to be populated with the address of the resulting buffer
* @param out_len Pointer to be populated with the length of the output buffer
* @return true on success
bool fmt2bmp(uint8_t *src, size_t src_len, uint16_t width, uint16_t height, pixformat_t format, uint8_t ** out, size_t * out_len);
* @brief Convert camera frame buffer to BMP buffer
* @param fb Source camera frame buffer
* @param out Pointer to be populated with the address of the resulting buffer
* @param out_len Pointer to be populated with the length of the output buffer
* @return true on success
bool frame2bmp(camera_fb_t * fb, uint8_t ** out, size_t * out_len);
* @brief Convert image buffer to RGB888 buffer (used for face detection)
* @param src Source buffer in JPEG, RGB565, RGB888, YUYV or GRAYSCALE format
* @param src_len Length in bytes of the source buffer
* @param format Format of the source image
* @param rgb_buf Pointer to the output buffer (width * height * 3)
* @return true on success
bool fmt2rgb888(const uint8_t *src_buf, size_t src_len, pixformat_t format, uint8_t * rgb_buf);
#ifdef __cplusplus
#endif /* _IMG_CONVERTERS_H_ */
Executable file
Executable file
@ -0,0 +1,127 @@
* This file is part of the OpenMV project.
* Copyright (c) 2013/2014 Ibrahim Abdelkader <i.abdalkader@gmail.com>
* This work is licensed under the MIT license, see the file LICENSE for details.
* Sensor abstraction layer.
#ifndef __SENSOR_H__
#define __SENSOR_H__
#include <stdint.h>
#define OV9650_PID (0x96)
#define OV2640_PID (0x26)
#define OV7725_PID (0x77)
typedef enum {
} pixformat_t;
typedef enum {
FRAMESIZE_QQVGA2, // 128x160
FRAMESIZE_QCIF, // 176x144
FRAMESIZE_QVGA, // 320x240
FRAMESIZE_CIF, // 400x296
FRAMESIZE_VGA, // 640x480
FRAMESIZE_SVGA, // 800x600
FRAMESIZE_XGA, // 1024x768
FRAMESIZE_SXGA, // 1280x1024
FRAMESIZE_UXGA, // 1600x1200
} framesize_t;
typedef enum {
} gainceiling_t;
typedef struct {
uint8_t MIDH;
uint8_t MIDL;
uint8_t PID;
uint8_t VER;
} sensor_id_t;
typedef struct {
framesize_t framesize;//0 - 10
uint8_t quality;//0 - 63
int8_t brightness;//-2 - 2
int8_t contrast;//-2 - 2
int8_t saturation;//-2 - 2
uint8_t special_effect;//0 - 6
uint8_t wb_mode;//0 - 4
uint8_t awb;
uint8_t awb_gain;
uint8_t aec;
uint8_t aec2;
int8_t ae_level;//-2 - 2
uint16_t aec_value;//0 - 1200
uint8_t agc;
uint8_t agc_gain;//0 - 30
uint8_t gainceiling;//0 - 6
uint8_t bpc;
uint8_t wpc;
uint8_t raw_gma;
uint8_t lenc;
uint8_t hmirror;
uint8_t vflip;
uint8_t dcw;
uint8_t colorbar;
} camera_status_t;
typedef struct _sensor sensor_t;
typedef struct _sensor {
sensor_id_t id; // Sensor ID.
uint8_t slv_addr; // Sensor I2C slave address.
pixformat_t pixformat;
camera_status_t status;
// Sensor function pointers
int (*init_status) (sensor_t *sensor);
int (*reset) (sensor_t *sensor);
int (*set_pixformat) (sensor_t *sensor, pixformat_t pixformat);
int (*set_framesize) (sensor_t *sensor, framesize_t framesize);
int (*set_contrast) (sensor_t *sensor, int level);
int (*set_brightness) (sensor_t *sensor, int level);
int (*set_saturation) (sensor_t *sensor, int level);
int (*set_gainceiling) (sensor_t *sensor, gainceiling_t gainceiling);
int (*set_quality) (sensor_t *sensor, int quality);
int (*set_colorbar) (sensor_t *sensor, int enable);
int (*set_whitebal) (sensor_t *sensor, int enable);
int (*set_gain_ctrl) (sensor_t *sensor, int enable);
int (*set_exposure_ctrl) (sensor_t *sensor, int enable);
int (*set_hmirror) (sensor_t *sensor, int enable);
int (*set_vflip) (sensor_t *sensor, int enable);
int (*set_aec2) (sensor_t *sensor, int enable);
int (*set_awb_gain) (sensor_t *sensor, int enable);
int (*set_agc_gain) (sensor_t *sensor, int gain);
int (*set_aec_value) (sensor_t *sensor, int gain);
int (*set_special_effect) (sensor_t *sensor, int effect);
int (*set_wb_mode) (sensor_t *sensor, int mode);
int (*set_ae_level) (sensor_t *sensor, int level);
int (*set_dcw) (sensor_t *sensor, int enable);
int (*set_bpc) (sensor_t *sensor, int enable);
int (*set_wpc) (sensor_t *sensor, int enable);
int (*set_raw_gma) (sensor_t *sensor, int enable);
int (*set_lenc) (sensor_t *sensor, int enable);
} sensor_t;
// Resolution table (in camera.c)
extern const int resolution[][2];
#endif /* __SENSOR_H__ */
@ -156,6 +156,18 @@ esp_err_t esp_phy_load_cal_data_from_nvs(esp_phy_calibration_data_t* out_cal_dat
esp_err_t esp_phy_store_cal_data_to_nvs(const esp_phy_calibration_data_t* cal_data);
* @brief Erase PHY calibration data which is stored in the NVS
* This is a function which can be used to trigger full calibration as a last-resort remedy
* if partial calibration is used. It can be called in the application based on some conditions
* (e.g. an option provided in some diagnostic mode).
* @return ESP_OK on success
* @return others on fail. Please refer to NVS API return value error number.
esp_err_t esp_phy_erase_cal_data_in_nvs(void);
* @brief Initialize PHY and RF module
@ -214,6 +226,12 @@ esp_err_t esp_modem_sleep_register(modem_sleep_module_t module);
esp_err_t esp_modem_sleep_deregister(modem_sleep_module_t module);
* @brief Get the time stamp when PHY/RF was switched on
* @return return 0 if PHY/RF is never switched on. Otherwise return time in
* microsecond since boot when phy/rf was last switched on
int64_t esp_phy_rf_get_on_ts(void);
#ifdef __cplusplus
@ -46,6 +46,40 @@ typedef struct {
void *storage; /**< storage for FreeRTOS queue */
} wifi_static_queue_t;
* @brief WiFi log level
typedef enum {
WIFI_LOG_ERROR = 0, /*enabled by default*/
WIFI_LOG_WARNING, /*enabled by default*/
WIFI_LOG_INFO, /*enabled by default*/
WIFI_LOG_DEBUG, /*can be set in menuconfig*/
WIFI_LOG_VERBOSE, /*can be set in menuconfig*/
} wifi_log_level_t;
* @brief WiFi log module definition
typedef enum {
WIFI_LOG_MODULE_ALL = 0, /*all log modules */
WIFI_LOG_MODULE_WIFI, /*logs related to WiFi*/
WIFI_LOG_MODULE_COEX, /*logs related to WiFi and BT(or BLE) coexist*/
WIFI_LOG_MODULE_MESH, /*logs related to Mesh*/
} wifi_log_module_t;
* @brief WiFi log submodule definition
#define WIFI_LOG_SUBMODULE_ALL (0) /*all log submodules*/
#define WIFI_LOG_SUBMODULE_INIT (1) /*logs related to initialization*/
#define WIFI_LOG_SUBMODULE_IOCTL (1<<1) /*logs related to API calling*/
#define WIFI_LOG_SUBMODULE_CONN (1<<2) /*logs related to connecting*/
#define WIFI_LOG_SUBMODULE_SCAN (1<<3) /*logs related to scaning*/
* @brief Initialize Wi-Fi Driver
* Alloc resource for WiFi driver, such as WiFi control structure, RX/TX buffer,
@ -224,6 +258,46 @@ void *wifi_calloc( size_t n, size_t size );
esp_err_t esp_wifi_internal_update_mac_time( uint32_t time_delta );
* @brief Set current WiFi log level
* @param level Log level.
* @return
* - ESP_OK: succeed
* - ESP_FAIL: level is invalid
esp_err_t esp_wifi_internal_set_log_level(wifi_log_level_t level);
* @brief Set current log module and submodule
* @param module Log module
* @param submodule Log submodule
* @param enable enable or disable
* If module == 0 && enable == 0, all log modules are disabled.
* If module == 0 && enable == 1, all log modules are enabled.
* If submodule == 0 && enable == 0, all log submodules are disabled.
* If submodule == 0 && enable == 1, all log submodules are enabled.
* @return
* - ESP_OK: succeed
* - ESP_ERR_WIFI_NOT_INIT: WiFi is not initialized by esp_wifi_init
* - ESP_ERR_WIFI_ARG: invalid argument
esp_err_t esp_wifi_internal_set_log_mod(wifi_log_module_t module, uint32_t submodule, bool enable);
* @brief Get current WiFi log info
* @param log_level the return log level.
* @param log_mod the return log module and submodule
* @return
* - ESP_OK: succeed
esp_err_t esp_wifi_internal_get_log(wifi_log_level_t *log_level, uint32_t *log_mod);
#ifdef __cplusplus
@ -14,6 +14,9 @@
#pragma once
#include "esp_err.h"
#include <freertos/FreeRTOSConfig.h>
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
@ -24,11 +27,22 @@ extern "C" {
/** pthread configuration structure that influences pthread creation */
typedef struct {
size_t stack_size; ///< the stack size of the pthread
size_t prio; ///< the thread's priority
bool inherit_cfg; ///< inherit this configuration further
size_t stack_size; ///< The stack size of the pthread
size_t prio; ///< The thread's priority
bool inherit_cfg; ///< Inherit this configuration further
const char* thread_name; ///< The thread name.
int pin_to_core; ///< The core id to pin the thread to. Has the same value range as xCoreId argument of xTaskCreatePinnedToCore.
} esp_pthread_cfg_t;
* @brief Creates a default pthread configuration based
* on the values set via menuconfig.
* @return
* A default configuration structure.
esp_pthread_cfg_t esp_pthread_get_default_config();
* @brief Configure parameters for creating pthread
@ -14,6 +14,8 @@
#include <stdint.h>
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
@ -14,6 +14,8 @@
#ifndef _SOC_CAN_STRUCT_H_
#define _SOC_CAN_STRUCT_H_
#include <stdint.h>
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
@ -14,6 +14,8 @@
#include <stdint.h>
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
@ -14,6 +14,8 @@
#include <stdint.h>
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
@ -14,6 +14,8 @@
#include <stdint.h>
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
@ -14,6 +14,8 @@
#include <stdint.h>
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
@ -14,6 +14,8 @@
#ifndef _SOC_I2C_STRUCT_H_
#define _SOC_I2C_STRUCT_H_
#include <stdint.h>
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
@ -14,6 +14,8 @@
#ifndef _SOC_I2S_STRUCT_H_
#define _SOC_I2S_STRUCT_H_
#include <stdint.h>
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
@ -14,6 +14,8 @@
#include <stdint.h>
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
@ -14,6 +14,8 @@
#include <stdint.h>
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
@ -14,6 +14,8 @@
#include <stdint.h>
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
@ -14,6 +14,8 @@
#ifndef _SOC_RMT_STRUCT_H_
#define _SOC_RMT_STRUCT_H_
#include <stdint.h>
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
@ -14,6 +14,8 @@
#include <stdint.h>
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
@ -14,6 +14,8 @@
#include <stdint.h>
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
@ -16,6 +16,8 @@
#include <stdint.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
@ -14,6 +14,8 @@
#include <stdint.h>
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
@ -14,6 +14,8 @@
#ifndef _SOC_SLC_STRUCT_H_
#define _SOC_SLC_STRUCT_H_
#include <stdint.h>
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
@ -286,6 +286,8 @@
#define SOC_DROM_HIGH 0x3F800000
#define SOC_IROM_LOW 0x400D0000
#define SOC_IROM_HIGH 0x40400000
#define SOC_IROM_MASK_LOW 0x40000000
#define SOC_IROM_MASK_HIGH 0x40070000
#define SOC_CACHE_PRO_LOW 0x40070000
#define SOC_CACHE_PRO_HIGH 0x40078000
#define SOC_CACHE_APP_LOW 0x40078000
@ -144,6 +144,11 @@ inline static bool IRAM_ATTR esp_ptr_dma_capable(const void *p)
return (intptr_t)p >= SOC_DMA_LOW && (intptr_t)p < SOC_DMA_HIGH;
inline static bool IRAM_ATTR esp_ptr_word_aligned(const void *p)
return ((intptr_t)p) % 4 == 0;
inline static bool IRAM_ATTR esp_ptr_executable(const void *p)
intptr_t ip = (intptr_t) p;
@ -14,6 +14,8 @@
#ifndef _SOC_SPI_STRUCT_H_
#define _SOC_SPI_STRUCT_H_
#include <stdint.h>
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
@ -14,6 +14,8 @@
#include <stdint.h>
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
@ -14,6 +14,8 @@
#include <stdint.h>
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
@ -14,6 +14,8 @@
#include <stdint.h>
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
@ -14,6 +14,8 @@
#include <stdint.h>
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
@ -898,6 +898,9 @@ esp_err_t ulp_run(uint32_t entry_point);
* i.e. period number 0. ULP program code can use SLEEP instruction to select
* which of the SENS_ULP_CP_SLEEP_CYCx_REG should be used for subsequent wakeups.
* However, please note that SLEEP instruction issued (from ULP program) while the system
* is in deep sleep mode does not have effect, and sleep cycle count 0 is used.
* @param period_index wakeup period setting number (0 - 4)
* @param period_us wakeup period, us
* @note The ULP FSM requires two clock cycles to wakeup before being able to run the program.
@ -285,6 +285,9 @@ SECTIONS
_rodata_start = ABSOLUTE(.);
*(.rodata_desc .rodata_desc.*) /* Should be the first. App version info. DO NOT PUT ANYTHING BEFORE IT! */
*(.rodata_custom_desc .rodata_custom_desc.*) /* Should be the second. Custom app version info. DO NOT PUT ANYTHING BEFORE IT! */
*(EXCLUDE_FILE(*libapp_trace.a *libesp32.a:panic.* *libphy.a *libsoc.a:rtc_clk.* *libgcov.a *libheap.a:multi_heap.* *libheap.a:multi_heap_poisoning.*) .rodata EXCLUDE_FILE(*libapp_trace.a *libesp32.a:panic.* *libphy.a *libsoc.a:rtc_clk.* *libgcov.a *libheap.a:multi_heap.* *libheap.a:multi_heap_poisoning.*) .rodata.*)
*(.irom1.text) /* catch stray ICACHE_RODATA_ATTR */
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Normal file
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Some files were not shown because too many files have changed in this diff Show More
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