* Create ledcWrite_demo_ESP32_RGB.ino
adding the public domain example ledcWrite_demo_ESP32.ino to this repo. Added RGB to the name for people searching, added some comments, and renames things to make a bit more sense.
* Update ledcWrite_demo_ESP32_RGB.ino
renamed to ledcWrite_RGB.ino and added a couple more comments based on https://github.com/espressif/arduino-esp32/issues/689
* Rename libraries/ESP32/examples/AnalogOut/ledcWrite_demo_ESP32_RGB/ledcWrite_demo_ESP32_RGB.ino to libraries/ESP32/examples/AnalogOut/ledcWrite_RGB/ledcWrite_RGB.ino
Added a verbose print method for ease.
Test Case:
Putting ESP32 to sleep will give a different reason on wake than the first
time power up.
* Create hall_effect_esp32.ino
A simple example to access the hall effect sensor in the esp32
* Create hall_effect.ino
* Update hall_effect.ino
Simple sketch to access the internal hall effect detector on the esp32
* Delete hall_effect_esp32.ino
* Create HallSensor.ino
* Update HallSensor.ino
* Update HallSensor.ino
* Delete hall_effect.ino
Implement semaphore and mutex to safeguard the ISR.
This is the proper way to handle hardware Interrupts with FreeRTOS. The
more regular approach may/will lead to exceptions
* Added LEDC Fade exmaple
* Renamed LEDCFade example to LEDCSoftwareFade
Added valueMax parameter for ledcAnalogWrite
* Remove usage of LED_BUILTIN constant to solve CI errors