fixed the connected() function so that it only checks errno if recv returns a value of -1.
"in the even of an error, errno is set to indicate the error" --manpage
This fixes the ESP32 Webserver when dealing with a modern webserver with a slow SD card.
This event name was missing in the list:
d5e2bb12ca/tools/sdk/include/esp32/esp_event_legacy.h (L43)
E.g., it was giving
[D][WiFiGeneric.cpp:337] _eventCallback(): Event: 24 - ETH_GOT_IP
When it should have been
[D][WiFiGeneric.cpp:337] _eventCallback(): Event: 24 - ETH_DISCONNECTED
* Added timeout to WiFiScan class to prevent haning at stucking at WIFI_SCAN_RUNNING when scan fails internally
* fixed tabs and returns, connected scanTimeout to max_scan_per_channel timeout
* Corrected tabs two
* Added static vars scanTimeout und scanStarted to WiFiScan.h protected section
* Fixed missing ; in line 64
* Add generic IP calculations
calculateNetworkID(IPAddress ip, IPAddress subnet) => Calculate the network id using the ip and subnet (e.g.
calculateBroadcast(IPAddress ip, IPAddress subnet) => Calculate the broadcast ip using the ip and subnet (e.g.
calculateSubnetCIDR(IPAddress subnetMask) => Calculate the subnet CIDR using the subnet (e.g. 24)
broadcastIP() => Retrieve the network id (e.g.
networkID() => Retrieve the broadcast IP (e.g.
subnetCIDR() => Retrieve the subnet CIDR (e.g. 24)
broadcastIP() => Retrieve the network id (e.g.
networkID() => Retrieve the broadcast IP (e.g.
subnetCIDR() => Retrieve the subnet CIDR (e.g. 24)
softAPBroadcastIP() => Retrieve the network id (e.g.
softAPNetwrokID() => Retrieve the broadcast IP (e.g.
softAPSubnetCIDR() => Retrieve the subnet CIDR (e.g. 24)
* add opportunity for more than one retry to _uploadReadByte
* an alternative timeout-based method to making _uploadReadByte more resilient
* move timing variables in the correct scope
* implement and use client.getTimeout instead of hard-coded timeout in _uploadReadByte
* add missing return
* some refactoring to address respecting the timeout in a potentially deadlocked connection
* fix spelling in comment
* address review comments; move impl to cpp file for getTimeout, and remove local variable for currentMillis
* remove redundant cast
* need to check for timeout outside the inner while as well
* update WebUpdate example to print something in unexpected callback condition
* update log_e messages per review comments
Currently WiFiClient::write is unable to send messages over 25Kb, because of the hard-coded retry limit of 10, that is getting decremented on every successful send. Since we cannot send more than 2*MTU bytes in one go, and have only 10 retries, write() is limited to approximately 25Kb. Technically it is not a bug, as it correctly returns the number of sent bytes and the caller can set up futher retries. But not all libs are aware of this behavior, for example, WebServer is not.
I suggest improving current behavior by resetting retry counter every time we had a successful write, so the limit of 10 retries will apply to Failed writes only, and will not apply to Successful writes. This will allow to write() blobs of arbitrary sizes.
* Clean warnings when all warning enabled
Not used variables / functions due to debug log
Dual define with different values :
#define B110 6
#define B1000000 64
#define B110 3
#define B1000000 23
Local variable returned in WiFiclient Secure
* change due to deprecated function
* Update with proper variable and label
* Update esp32-hal-i2c.c
* Apply changes requested
* Fix warnings due to #define conflict thanks @atanisoft
* Pass client parameter into two new begin() functions. Set other begin() functions deprecated. Updated library version to 1.2
* Added working HTTPS example on a public url with a certificate
* Remove two unnecessary tests in ::disconnect()
* Add a scoping block to BasicHttpsClient.ino to assure HTTPClient is destroyed before WiFiClientSecure
* Added check to handle mixup of old and present api properly
* Correct HTTPClient::setTimeout() to convert milliseconds to seconds. Correct WiFiClient::setTimeout() to call Stream::setTimeout() with seconds converted back to milliseconds. Remove inproper checks for _insecure.
* Added small comment because it looked like the Travis build did not finish
* TX Flow Control and Code cleanup
* Use semaphore instead of delay
TX functionality is done.
* Use single buffer and empty queue on exit
* Fix compile issues because of LwIP code relocation
* Add temporary header to fix Azure not compiling
* Fix AsyncUDP early init
* AsyncUDP Multicast fixes
* Add source mac address and rework multicast
* Allow redefinition of default pins for Serials 1 and 2
* Update IDF to 3276a13
* Update to 2.5.0
* Fix sketches
* Fix log level in BluetoothSetial
If you receive a package with a data length of zero, parsePacket returns 0, but rx_buffer will exist. So if another parsePacket with no read access returns to zeros, there is still data that can be read. This example would not work:
Also I added a check if rx_buffer exit when you try to flush it.