#!/bin/bash export PLATFORMIO_ESP32_PATH="$HOME/.platformio/packages/framework-arduinoespressif32" PLATFORMIO_ESP32_URL="https://github.com/platformio/platform-espressif32.git#feature/arduino-idf-master" XTENSA32_TOOLCHAIN_VERSION="8.4.0+2021r1" XTENSA32S2_TOOLCHAIN_VERSION="8.4.0+2021r1" RISCV_TOOLCHAIN_VERSION="8.4.0+2021r1" ESPTOOLPY_VERSION="~1.30100.0" ESPRESSIF_ORGANIZATION_NAME="espressif" echo "Installing Python Wheel ..." pip install wheel > /dev/null 2>&1 echo "Installing PlatformIO ..." pip install -U https://github.com/platformio/platformio/archive/master.zip > /dev/null 2>&1 echo "Installing Platform ESP32 ..." python -m platformio platform install $PLATFORMIO_ESP32_URL > /dev/null 2>&1 echo "Replacing the package versions ..." replace_script="import json; import os;" replace_script+="fp=open(os.path.expanduser('~/.platformio/platforms/espressif32/platform.json'), 'r+');" replace_script+="data=json.load(fp);" # Use framework sources from the repository replace_script+="data['packages']['framework-arduinoespressif32']['version'] = '*';" replace_script+="del data['packages']['framework-arduinoespressif32']['owner'];" # Use toolchain packages from the "espressif" organization replace_script+="data['packages']['toolchain-xtensa-esp32']['owner']='$ESPRESSIF_ORGANIZATION_NAME';" replace_script+="data['packages']['toolchain-xtensa-esp32s2']['owner']='$ESPRESSIF_ORGANIZATION_NAME';" replace_script+="data['packages']['toolchain-riscv32-esp']['owner']='$ESPRESSIF_ORGANIZATION_NAME';" # Update versions to use the upstream replace_script+="data['packages']['toolchain-xtensa-esp32']['version']='$XTENSA32_TOOLCHAIN_VERSION';" replace_script+="data['packages']['toolchain-xtensa-esp32s2']['version']='$XTENSA32S2_TOOLCHAIN_VERSION';" replace_script+="data['packages']['toolchain-riscv32-esp']['version']='$RISCV_TOOLCHAIN_VERSION';" # esptool.py may require an upstream version (for now platformio is the owner) replace_script+="data['packages']['tool-esptoolpy']['version']='$ESPTOOLPY_VERSION';" # Save results replace_script+="fp.seek(0);fp.truncate();json.dump(data, fp, indent=2);fp.close()" python -c "$replace_script" if [ "$GITHUB_REPOSITORY" == "espressif/arduino-esp32" ]; then echo "Linking Core..." ln -s $GITHUB_WORKSPACE "$PLATFORMIO_ESP32_PATH" else echo "Cloning Core Repository ..." git clone --recursive https://github.com/espressif/arduino-esp32.git "$PLATFORMIO_ESP32_PATH" > /dev/null 2>&1 fi echo "PlatformIO for ESP32 has been installed" echo "" function build_pio_sketch(){ # build_pio_sketch if [ "$#" -lt 3 ]; then echo "ERROR: Illegal number of parameters" echo "USAGE: build_pio_sketch " return 1 fi local board="$1" local options="$2" local sketch="$3" local sketch_dir=$(dirname "$sketch") echo "" echo "Compiling '"$(basename "$sketch")"' ..." python -m platformio ci --board "$board" "$sketch_dir" --project-option="$options" } function count_sketches() # count_sketches { local examples="$1" rm -rf sketches.txt if [ ! -d "$examples" ]; then touch sketches.txt return 0 fi local sketches=$(find $examples -name *.ino) local sketchnum=0 for sketch in $sketches; do local sketchdir=$(dirname $sketch) local sketchdirname=$(basename $sketchdir) local sketchname=$(basename $sketch) if [[ "${sketchdirname}.ino" != "$sketchname" ]]; then continue fi; if [[ -f "$sketchdir/.test.skip" ]]; then continue fi echo $sketch >> sketches.txt sketchnum=$(($sketchnum + 1)) done return $sketchnum } function build_pio_sketches() # build_pio_sketches { if [ "$#" -lt 3 ]; then echo "ERROR: Illegal number of parameters" echo "USAGE: build_pio_sketches [ ]" return 1 fi local board=$1 local options="$2" local examples=$3 local chunk_idex=$4 local chunks_num=$5 if [ "$#" -lt 5 ]; then chunk_idex="0" chunks_num="1" fi if [ "$chunks_num" -le 0 ]; then echo "ERROR: Chunks count must be positive number" return 1 fi if [ "$chunk_idex" -ge "$chunks_num" ]; then echo "ERROR: Chunk index must be less than chunks count" return 1 fi set +e count_sketches "$examples" local sketchcount=$? set -e local sketches=$(cat sketches.txt) rm -rf sketches.txt local chunk_size=$(( $sketchcount / $chunks_num )) local all_chunks=$(( $chunks_num * $chunk_size )) if [ "$all_chunks" -lt "$sketchcount" ]; then chunk_size=$(( $chunk_size + 1 )) fi local start_index=$(( $chunk_idex * $chunk_size )) if [ "$sketchcount" -le "$start_index" ]; then echo "Skipping job" return 0 fi local end_index=$(( $(( $chunk_idex + 1 )) * $chunk_size )) if [ "$end_index" -gt "$sketchcount" ]; then end_index=$sketchcount fi local start_num=$(( $start_index + 1 )) echo "Found $sketchcount Sketches"; echo "Chunk Count : $chunks_num" echo "Chunk Size : $chunk_size" echo "Start Sketch: $start_num" echo "End Sketch : $end_index" local sketchnum=0 for sketch in $sketches; do local sketchdir=$(dirname $sketch) local sketchdirname=$(basename $sketchdir) local sketchname=$(basename $sketch) if [ "${sketchdirname}.ino" != "$sketchname" ] \ || [ -f "$sketchdir/.test.skip" ]; then continue fi sketchnum=$(($sketchnum + 1)) if [ "$sketchnum" -le "$start_index" ] \ || [ "$sketchnum" -gt "$end_index" ]; then continue fi build_pio_sketch "$board" "$options" "$sketch" local result=$? if [ $result -ne 0 ]; then return $result fi done return 0 }