// Copyright 2015-2020 Espressif Systems (Shanghai) PTE LTD // // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. // You may obtain a copy of the License at // // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. #include "USB.h" #if CONFIG_TINYUSB_CDC_ENABLED #include "USBCDC.h" #include "esp32-hal-tinyusb.h" ESP_EVENT_DEFINE_BASE(ARDUINO_USB_CDC_EVENTS); esp_err_t arduino_usb_event_post(esp_event_base_t event_base, int32_t event_id, void *event_data, size_t event_data_size, TickType_t ticks_to_wait); esp_err_t arduino_usb_event_handler_register_with(esp_event_base_t event_base, int32_t event_id, esp_event_handler_t event_handler, void *event_handler_arg); #define MAX_USB_CDC_DEVICES 2 USBCDC * devices[MAX_USB_CDC_DEVICES] = {NULL, NULL}; static uint16_t load_cdc_descriptor(uint8_t * dst, uint8_t * itf) { uint8_t str_index = tinyusb_add_string_descriptor("TinyUSB CDC"); uint8_t descriptor[TUD_CDC_DESC_LEN] = { // Interface number, string index, EP notification address and size, EP data address (out, in) and size. TUD_CDC_DESCRIPTOR(*itf, str_index, 0x85, 64, 0x03, 0x84, 64) }; *itf+=2; memcpy(dst, descriptor, TUD_CDC_DESC_LEN); return TUD_CDC_DESC_LEN; } // Invoked when line state DTR & RTS are changed via SET_CONTROL_LINE_STATE void tud_cdc_line_state_cb(uint8_t itf, bool dtr, bool rts) { if(itf < MAX_USB_CDC_DEVICES && devices[itf] != NULL){ devices[itf]->_onLineState(dtr, rts); } } // Invoked when line coding is change via SET_LINE_CODING void tud_cdc_line_coding_cb(uint8_t itf, cdc_line_coding_t const* p_line_coding) { if(itf < MAX_USB_CDC_DEVICES && devices[itf] != NULL){ devices[itf]->_onLineCoding(p_line_coding->bit_rate, p_line_coding->stop_bits, p_line_coding->parity, p_line_coding->data_bits); } } // Invoked when received new data void tud_cdc_rx_cb(uint8_t itf) { if(itf < MAX_USB_CDC_DEVICES && devices[itf] != NULL){ devices[itf]->_onRX(); } } // Invoked when received send break void tud_cdc_send_break_cb(uint8_t itf, uint16_t duration_ms){ //isr_log_v("itf: %u, duration_ms: %u", itf, duration_ms); } // Invoked when space becomes available in TX buffer void tud_cdc_tx_complete_cb(uint8_t itf){ if(itf < MAX_USB_CDC_DEVICES && devices[itf] != NULL && devices[itf]->tx_sem != NULL){ xSemaphoreGive(devices[itf]->tx_sem); devices[itf]->_onTX(); } } static size_t tinyusb_cdc_write(uint8_t itf, const uint8_t *buffer, size_t size){ if(itf >= MAX_USB_CDC_DEVICES || devices[itf] == NULL || devices[itf]->tx_sem == NULL){ return 0; } if(!tud_cdc_n_connected(itf)){ return 0; } size_t tosend = size, sofar = 0; while(tosend){ uint32_t space = tud_cdc_n_write_available(itf); if(!space){ //make sure that we do not get previous semaphore xSemaphoreTake(devices[itf]->tx_sem, 0); //wait for tx_complete if(xSemaphoreTake(devices[itf]->tx_sem, 200 / portTICK_PERIOD_MS) == pdTRUE){ space = tud_cdc_n_write_available(itf); } if(!space){ return sofar; } } if(tosend < space){ space = tosend; } uint32_t sent = tud_cdc_n_write(itf, buffer + sofar, space); if(!sent){ return sofar; } sofar += sent; tosend -= sent; tud_cdc_n_write_flush(itf); //xSemaphoreTake(devices[itf]->tx_sem, portMAX_DELAY); } return sofar; } static void ARDUINO_ISR_ATTR cdc0_write_char(char c) { tinyusb_cdc_write(0, (const uint8_t *)&c, 1); } static void usb_unplugged_cb(void* arg, esp_event_base_t event_base, int32_t event_id, void* event_data){ ((USBCDC*)arg)->_onUnplugged(); } USBCDC::USBCDC(uint8_t itfn) : itf(itfn), bit_rate(0), stop_bits(0), parity(0), data_bits(0), dtr(false), rts(false), connected(false), reboot_enable(true), rx_queue(NULL), tx_sem(NULL) { tinyusb_enable_interface(USB_INTERFACE_CDC, TUD_CDC_DESC_LEN, load_cdc_descriptor); if(itf < MAX_USB_CDC_DEVICES){ arduino_usb_event_handler_register_with(ARDUINO_USB_EVENTS, ARDUINO_USB_STOPPED_EVENT, usb_unplugged_cb, this); } } USBCDC::~USBCDC(){ end(); } void USBCDC::onEvent(esp_event_handler_t callback){ onEvent(ARDUINO_USB_CDC_ANY_EVENT, callback); } void USBCDC::onEvent(arduino_usb_cdc_event_t event, esp_event_handler_t callback){ arduino_usb_event_handler_register_with(ARDUINO_USB_CDC_EVENTS, event, callback, this); } size_t USBCDC::setRxBufferSize(size_t rx_queue_len){ if(rx_queue){ if(!rx_queue_len){ vQueueDelete(rx_queue); rx_queue = NULL; } return 0; } rx_queue = xQueueCreate(rx_queue_len, sizeof(uint8_t)); if(!rx_queue){ return 0; } return rx_queue_len; } void USBCDC::begin(unsigned long baud) { if(tx_sem == NULL){ tx_sem = xSemaphoreCreateBinary(); xSemaphoreTake(tx_sem, 0); } setRxBufferSize(256);//default if not preset devices[itf] = this; } void USBCDC::end() { connected = false; devices[itf] = NULL; setRxBufferSize(0); if (tx_sem != NULL) { vSemaphoreDelete(tx_sem); tx_sem = NULL; } } void USBCDC::_onUnplugged(void){ if(connected){ connected = false; dtr = false; rts = false; arduino_usb_cdc_event_data_t p = {0}; arduino_usb_event_post(ARDUINO_USB_CDC_EVENTS, ARDUINO_USB_CDC_DISCONNECTED_EVENT, &p, sizeof(arduino_usb_cdc_event_data_t), portMAX_DELAY); } } enum { CDC_LINE_IDLE, CDC_LINE_1, CDC_LINE_2, CDC_LINE_3 }; void USBCDC::_onLineState(bool _dtr, bool _rts){ static uint8_t lineState = CDC_LINE_IDLE; if(dtr == _dtr && rts == _rts){ return; // Skip duplicate events } dtr = _dtr; rts = _rts; if(reboot_enable){ if(!dtr && rts){ if(lineState == CDC_LINE_IDLE){ lineState++; if(connected){ connected = false; arduino_usb_cdc_event_data_t p = {0}; arduino_usb_event_post(ARDUINO_USB_CDC_EVENTS, ARDUINO_USB_CDC_DISCONNECTED_EVENT, &p, sizeof(arduino_usb_cdc_event_data_t), portMAX_DELAY); } } else { lineState = CDC_LINE_IDLE; } } else if(dtr && rts){ if(lineState == CDC_LINE_1){ lineState++; } else { lineState = CDC_LINE_IDLE; } } else if(dtr && !rts){ if(lineState == CDC_LINE_2){ lineState++; } else { lineState = CDC_LINE_IDLE; } } else if(!dtr && !rts){ if(lineState == CDC_LINE_3){ usb_persist_restart(RESTART_BOOTLOADER); } else { lineState = CDC_LINE_IDLE; } } } if(lineState == CDC_LINE_IDLE){ if(dtr && rts && !connected){ connected = true; arduino_usb_cdc_event_data_t p = {0}; arduino_usb_event_post(ARDUINO_USB_CDC_EVENTS, ARDUINO_USB_CDC_CONNECTED_EVENT, &p, sizeof(arduino_usb_cdc_event_data_t), portMAX_DELAY); } else if(!dtr && connected){ connected = false; arduino_usb_cdc_event_data_t p = {0}; arduino_usb_event_post(ARDUINO_USB_CDC_EVENTS, ARDUINO_USB_CDC_DISCONNECTED_EVENT, &p, sizeof(arduino_usb_cdc_event_data_t), portMAX_DELAY); } arduino_usb_cdc_event_data_t l = {0}; l.line_state.dtr = dtr; l.line_state.rts = rts; arduino_usb_event_post(ARDUINO_USB_CDC_EVENTS, ARDUINO_USB_CDC_LINE_STATE_EVENT, &l, sizeof(arduino_usb_cdc_event_data_t), portMAX_DELAY); } } void USBCDC::_onLineCoding(uint32_t _bit_rate, uint8_t _stop_bits, uint8_t _parity, uint8_t _data_bits){ if(bit_rate != _bit_rate || data_bits != _data_bits || stop_bits != _stop_bits || parity != _parity){ // ArduinoIDE sends LineCoding with 1200bps baud to reset the device if(reboot_enable && _bit_rate == 1200){ usb_persist_restart(RESTART_BOOTLOADER); } else { bit_rate = _bit_rate; data_bits = _data_bits; stop_bits = _stop_bits; parity = _parity; arduino_usb_cdc_event_data_t p = {0}; p.line_coding.bit_rate = bit_rate; p.line_coding.data_bits = data_bits; p.line_coding.stop_bits = stop_bits; p.line_coding.parity = parity; arduino_usb_event_post(ARDUINO_USB_CDC_EVENTS, ARDUINO_USB_CDC_LINE_CODING_EVENT, &p, sizeof(arduino_usb_cdc_event_data_t), portMAX_DELAY); } } } void USBCDC::_onRX(){ uint8_t buf[CONFIG_TINYUSB_CDC_RX_BUFSIZE+1]; uint32_t count = tud_cdc_n_read(itf, buf, CONFIG_TINYUSB_CDC_RX_BUFSIZE); for(uint32_t i=0; i= MAX_USB_CDC_DEVICES || rx_queue == NULL){ return -1; } return uxQueueMessagesWaiting(rx_queue); } int USBCDC::peek(void) { if(itf >= MAX_USB_CDC_DEVICES || rx_queue == NULL){ return -1; } uint8_t c; if(xQueuePeek(rx_queue, &c, 0)) { return c; } return -1; } int USBCDC::read(void) { if(itf >= MAX_USB_CDC_DEVICES || rx_queue == NULL){ return -1; } uint8_t c = 0; if(xQueueReceive(rx_queue, &c, 0)) { return c; } return -1; } size_t USBCDC::read(uint8_t *buffer, size_t size) { if(itf >= MAX_USB_CDC_DEVICES || rx_queue == NULL){ return -1; } uint8_t c = 0; size_t count = 0; while(count < size && xQueueReceive(rx_queue, &c, 0)){ buffer[count++] = c; } return count; } void USBCDC::flush(void) { if(itf >= MAX_USB_CDC_DEVICES || tx_sem == NULL){ return; } tud_cdc_n_write_flush(itf); } int USBCDC::availableForWrite(void) { if(itf >= MAX_USB_CDC_DEVICES || tx_sem == NULL){ return -1; } return tud_cdc_n_write_available(itf); } size_t USBCDC::write(const uint8_t *buffer, size_t size) { return tinyusb_cdc_write(itf, buffer, size); } size_t USBCDC::write(uint8_t c) { return write(&c, 1); } uint32_t USBCDC::baudRate() { return bit_rate; } void USBCDC::setDebugOutput(bool en) { if(en) { uartSetDebug(NULL); ets_install_putc1((void (*)(char)) &cdc0_write_char); } else { ets_install_putc1(NULL); } } USBCDC::operator bool() const { if(itf >= MAX_USB_CDC_DEVICES){ return false; } return connected; } #if ARDUINO_USB_CDC_ON_BOOT //Serial used for USB CDC USBCDC Serial(0); #endif #endif /* CONFIG_TINYUSB_CDC_ENABLED */