/* Parsing.cpp - HTTP request parsing. Copyright (c) 2015 Ivan Grokhotkov. All rights reserved. This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA Modified 8 May 2015 by Hristo Gochkov (proper post and file upload handling) */ #include #include "WiFiServer.h" #include "WiFiClient.h" #include "WebServer.h" #include "detail/mimetable.h" //#define DEBUG_ESP_HTTP_SERVER #ifdef DEBUG_ESP_PORT #define DEBUG_OUTPUT DEBUG_ESP_PORT #else #define DEBUG_OUTPUT Serial #endif #ifndef WEBSERVER_MAX_POST_ARGS #define WEBSERVER_MAX_POST_ARGS 32 #endif static const char Content_Type[] PROGMEM = "Content-Type"; static const char filename[] PROGMEM = "filename"; static char* readBytesWithTimeout(WiFiClient& client, size_t maxLength, size_t& dataLength, int timeout_ms) { char *buf = nullptr; dataLength = 0; while (dataLength < maxLength) { int tries = timeout_ms; size_t newLength; while (!(newLength = client.available()) && tries--) delay(1); if (!newLength) { break; } if (!buf) { buf = (char *) malloc(newLength + 1); if (!buf) { return nullptr; } } else { char* newBuf = (char *) realloc(buf, dataLength + newLength + 1); if (!newBuf) { free(buf); return nullptr; } buf = newBuf; } client.readBytes(buf + dataLength, newLength); dataLength += newLength; buf[dataLength] = '\0'; } return buf; } bool WebServer::_parseRequest(WiFiClient& client) { // Read the first line of HTTP request String req = client.readStringUntil('\r'); client.readStringUntil('\n'); //reset header value for (int i = 0; i < _headerKeysCount; ++i) { _currentHeaders[i].value =String(); } // First line of HTTP request looks like "GET /path HTTP/1.1" // Retrieve the "/path" part by finding the spaces int addr_start = req.indexOf(' '); int addr_end = req.indexOf(' ', addr_start + 1); if (addr_start == -1 || addr_end == -1) { #ifdef DEBUG_ESP_HTTP_SERVER DEBUG_OUTPUT.print("Invalid request: "); DEBUG_OUTPUT.println(req); #endif return false; } String methodStr = req.substring(0, addr_start); String url = req.substring(addr_start + 1, addr_end); String versionEnd = req.substring(addr_end + 8); _currentVersion = atoi(versionEnd.c_str()); String searchStr = ""; int hasSearch = url.indexOf('?'); if (hasSearch != -1){ searchStr = url.substring(hasSearch + 1); url = url.substring(0, hasSearch); } _currentUri = url; _chunked = false; HTTPMethod method = HTTP_GET; if (methodStr == F("POST")) { method = HTTP_POST; } else if (methodStr == F("DELETE")) { method = HTTP_DELETE; } else if (methodStr == F("OPTIONS")) { method = HTTP_OPTIONS; } else if (methodStr == F("PUT")) { method = HTTP_PUT; } else if (methodStr == F("PATCH")) { method = HTTP_PATCH; } _currentMethod = method; #ifdef DEBUG_ESP_HTTP_SERVER DEBUG_OUTPUT.print("method: "); DEBUG_OUTPUT.print(methodStr); DEBUG_OUTPUT.print(" url: "); DEBUG_OUTPUT.print(url); DEBUG_OUTPUT.print(" search: "); DEBUG_OUTPUT.println(searchStr); #endif //attach handler RequestHandler* handler; for (handler = _firstHandler; handler; handler = handler->next()) { if (handler->canHandle(_currentMethod, _currentUri)) break; } _currentHandler = handler; String formData; // below is needed only when POST type request if (method == HTTP_POST || method == HTTP_PUT || method == HTTP_PATCH || method == HTTP_DELETE){ String boundaryStr; String headerName; String headerValue; bool isForm = false; bool isEncoded = false; uint32_t contentLength = 0; //parse headers while(1){ req = client.readStringUntil('\r'); client.readStringUntil('\n'); if (req == "") break;//no moar headers int headerDiv = req.indexOf(':'); if (headerDiv == -1){ break; } headerName = req.substring(0, headerDiv); headerValue = req.substring(headerDiv + 1); headerValue.trim(); _collectHeader(headerName.c_str(),headerValue.c_str()); #ifdef DEBUG_ESP_HTTP_SERVER DEBUG_OUTPUT.print("headerName: "); DEBUG_OUTPUT.println(headerName); DEBUG_OUTPUT.print("headerValue: "); DEBUG_OUTPUT.println(headerValue); #endif if (headerName.equalsIgnoreCase(FPSTR(Content_Type))){ using namespace mime; if (headerValue.startsWith(FPSTR(mimeTable[txt].mimeType))){ isForm = false; } else if (headerValue.startsWith(F("application/x-www-form-urlencoded"))){ isForm = false; isEncoded = true; } else if (headerValue.startsWith(F("multipart/"))){ boundaryStr = headerValue.substring(headerValue.indexOf('=') + 1); boundaryStr.replace("\"",""); isForm = true; } } else if (headerName.equalsIgnoreCase(F("Content-Length"))){ contentLength = headerValue.toInt(); } else if (headerName.equalsIgnoreCase(F("Host"))){ _hostHeader = headerValue; } } if (!isForm){ size_t plainLength; char* plainBuf = readBytesWithTimeout(client, contentLength, plainLength, HTTP_MAX_POST_WAIT); if (plainLength < contentLength) { free(plainBuf); return false; } if (contentLength > 0) { if(isEncoded){ //url encoded form if (searchStr != "") searchStr += '&'; searchStr += plainBuf; } _parseArguments(searchStr); if(!isEncoded){ //plain post json or other data RequestArgument& arg = _currentArgs[_currentArgCount++]; arg.key = F("plain"); arg.value = String(plainBuf); } #ifdef DEBUG_ESP_HTTP_SERVER DEBUG_OUTPUT.print("Plain: "); DEBUG_OUTPUT.println(plainBuf); #endif free(plainBuf); } else { // No content - but we can still have arguments in the URL. _parseArguments(searchStr); } } if (isForm){ _parseArguments(searchStr); if (!_parseForm(client, boundaryStr, contentLength)) { return false; } } } else { String headerName; String headerValue; //parse headers while(1){ req = client.readStringUntil('\r'); client.readStringUntil('\n'); if (req == "") break;//no moar headers int headerDiv = req.indexOf(':'); if (headerDiv == -1){ break; } headerName = req.substring(0, headerDiv); headerValue = req.substring(headerDiv + 2); _collectHeader(headerName.c_str(),headerValue.c_str()); #ifdef DEBUG_ESP_HTTP_SERVER DEBUG_OUTPUT.print("headerName: "); DEBUG_OUTPUT.println(headerName); DEBUG_OUTPUT.print("headerValue: "); DEBUG_OUTPUT.println(headerValue); #endif if (headerName.equalsIgnoreCase("Host")){ _hostHeader = headerValue; } } _parseArguments(searchStr); } client.flush(); #ifdef DEBUG_ESP_HTTP_SERVER DEBUG_OUTPUT.print("Request: "); DEBUG_OUTPUT.println(url); DEBUG_OUTPUT.print(" Arguments: "); DEBUG_OUTPUT.println(searchStr); #endif return true; } bool WebServer::_collectHeader(const char* headerName, const char* headerValue) { for (int i = 0; i < _headerKeysCount; i++) { if (_currentHeaders[i].key.equalsIgnoreCase(headerName)) { _currentHeaders[i].value=headerValue; return true; } } return false; } void WebServer::_parseArguments(String data) { #ifdef DEBUG_ESP_HTTP_SERVER DEBUG_OUTPUT.print("args: "); DEBUG_OUTPUT.println(data); #endif if (_currentArgs) delete[] _currentArgs; _currentArgs = 0; if (data.length() == 0) { _currentArgCount = 0; _currentArgs = new RequestArgument[1]; return; } _currentArgCount = 1; for (int i = 0; i < (int)data.length(); ) { i = data.indexOf('&', i); if (i == -1) break; ++i; ++_currentArgCount; } #ifdef DEBUG_ESP_HTTP_SERVER DEBUG_OUTPUT.print("args count: "); DEBUG_OUTPUT.println(_currentArgCount); #endif _currentArgs = new RequestArgument[_currentArgCount+1]; int pos = 0; int iarg; for (iarg = 0; iarg < _currentArgCount;) { int equal_sign_index = data.indexOf('=', pos); int next_arg_index = data.indexOf('&', pos); #ifdef DEBUG_ESP_HTTP_SERVER DEBUG_OUTPUT.print("pos "); DEBUG_OUTPUT.print(pos); DEBUG_OUTPUT.print("=@ "); DEBUG_OUTPUT.print(equal_sign_index); DEBUG_OUTPUT.print(" &@ "); DEBUG_OUTPUT.println(next_arg_index); #endif if ((equal_sign_index == -1) || ((equal_sign_index > next_arg_index) && (next_arg_index != -1))) { #ifdef DEBUG_ESP_HTTP_SERVER DEBUG_OUTPUT.print("arg missing value: "); DEBUG_OUTPUT.println(iarg); #endif if (next_arg_index == -1) break; pos = next_arg_index + 1; continue; } RequestArgument& arg = _currentArgs[iarg]; arg.key = urlDecode(data.substring(pos, equal_sign_index)); arg.value = urlDecode(data.substring(equal_sign_index + 1, next_arg_index)); #ifdef DEBUG_ESP_HTTP_SERVER DEBUG_OUTPUT.print("arg "); DEBUG_OUTPUT.print(iarg); DEBUG_OUTPUT.print(" key: "); DEBUG_OUTPUT.print(arg.key); DEBUG_OUTPUT.print(" value: "); DEBUG_OUTPUT.println(arg.value); #endif ++iarg; if (next_arg_index == -1) break; pos = next_arg_index + 1; } _currentArgCount = iarg; #ifdef DEBUG_ESP_HTTP_SERVER DEBUG_OUTPUT.print("args count: "); DEBUG_OUTPUT.println(_currentArgCount); #endif } void WebServer::_uploadWriteByte(uint8_t b){ if (_currentUpload->currentSize == HTTP_UPLOAD_BUFLEN){ if(_currentHandler && _currentHandler->canUpload(_currentUri)) _currentHandler->upload(*this, _currentUri, *_currentUpload); _currentUpload->totalSize += _currentUpload->currentSize; _currentUpload->currentSize = 0; } _currentUpload->buf[_currentUpload->currentSize++] = b; } int WebServer::_uploadReadByte(WiFiClient& client){ int res = client.read(); if(res == -1){ while(!client.available() && client.connected()) delay(2); res = client.read(); } return res; } bool WebServer::_parseForm(WiFiClient& client, String boundary, uint32_t len){ (void) len; #ifdef DEBUG_ESP_HTTP_SERVER DEBUG_OUTPUT.print("Parse Form: Boundary: "); DEBUG_OUTPUT.print(boundary); DEBUG_OUTPUT.print(" Length: "); DEBUG_OUTPUT.println(len); #endif String line; int retry = 0; do { line = client.readStringUntil('\r'); ++retry; } while (line.length() == 0 && retry < 3); client.readStringUntil('\n'); //start reading the form if (line == ("--"+boundary)){ if(_postArgs) delete[] _postArgs; _postArgs = new RequestArgument[WEBSERVER_MAX_POST_ARGS]; _postArgsLen = 0; while(1){ String argName; String argValue; String argType; String argFilename; bool argIsFile = false; line = client.readStringUntil('\r'); client.readStringUntil('\n'); if (line.length() > 19 && line.substring(0, 19).equalsIgnoreCase(F("Content-Disposition"))){ int nameStart = line.indexOf('='); if (nameStart != -1){ argName = line.substring(nameStart+2); nameStart = argName.indexOf('='); if (nameStart == -1){ argName = argName.substring(0, argName.length() - 1); } else { argFilename = argName.substring(nameStart+2, argName.length() - 1); argName = argName.substring(0, argName.indexOf('"')); argIsFile = true; #ifdef DEBUG_ESP_HTTP_SERVER DEBUG_OUTPUT.print("PostArg FileName: "); DEBUG_OUTPUT.println(argFilename); #endif //use GET to set the filename if uploading using blob if (argFilename == F("blob") && hasArg(FPSTR(filename))) argFilename = arg(FPSTR(filename)); } #ifdef DEBUG_ESP_HTTP_SERVER DEBUG_OUTPUT.print("PostArg Name: "); DEBUG_OUTPUT.println(argName); #endif using namespace mime; argType = FPSTR(mimeTable[txt].mimeType); line = client.readStringUntil('\r'); client.readStringUntil('\n'); if (line.length() > 12 && line.substring(0, 12).equalsIgnoreCase(FPSTR(Content_Type))){ argType = line.substring(line.indexOf(':')+2); //skip next line client.readStringUntil('\r'); client.readStringUntil('\n'); } #ifdef DEBUG_ESP_HTTP_SERVER DEBUG_OUTPUT.print("PostArg Type: "); DEBUG_OUTPUT.println(argType); #endif if (!argIsFile){ while(1){ line = client.readStringUntil('\r'); client.readStringUntil('\n'); if (line.startsWith("--"+boundary)) break; if (argValue.length() > 0) argValue += "\n"; argValue += line; } #ifdef DEBUG_ESP_HTTP_SERVER DEBUG_OUTPUT.print("PostArg Value: "); DEBUG_OUTPUT.println(argValue); DEBUG_OUTPUT.println(); #endif RequestArgument& arg = _postArgs[_postArgsLen++]; arg.key = argName; arg.value = argValue; if (line == ("--"+boundary+"--")){ #ifdef DEBUG_ESP_HTTP_SERVER DEBUG_OUTPUT.println("Done Parsing POST"); #endif break; } } else { _currentUpload.reset(new HTTPUpload()); _currentUpload->status = UPLOAD_FILE_START; _currentUpload->name = argName; _currentUpload->filename = argFilename; _currentUpload->type = argType; _currentUpload->totalSize = 0; _currentUpload->currentSize = 0; #ifdef DEBUG_ESP_HTTP_SERVER DEBUG_OUTPUT.print("Start File: "); DEBUG_OUTPUT.print(_currentUpload->filename); DEBUG_OUTPUT.print(" Type: "); DEBUG_OUTPUT.println(_currentUpload->type); #endif if(_currentHandler && _currentHandler->canUpload(_currentUri)) _currentHandler->upload(*this, _currentUri, *_currentUpload); _currentUpload->status = UPLOAD_FILE_WRITE; int argByte; readfile: do{ argByte = _uploadReadByte(client); if(argByte < 0) return _parseFormUploadAborted(); _uploadWriteByte(argByte); }while(argByte != 0x0D); argByte = _uploadReadByte(client); if(argByte < 0) return _parseFormUploadAborted(); if (argByte == 0x0A){ argByte = _uploadReadByte(client); if(argByte < 0) return _parseFormUploadAborted(); if ((char)argByte != '-'){ //continue reading the file _uploadWriteByte(0x0D); _uploadWriteByte(0x0A); goto readfile; } else { argByte = _uploadReadByte(client); if(argByte < 0) return _parseFormUploadAborted(); if ((char)argByte != '-'){ //continue reading the file _uploadWriteByte(0x0D); _uploadWriteByte(0x0A); _uploadWriteByte((uint8_t)('-')); goto readfile; } } uint8_t endBuf[boundary.length()]; client.readBytes(endBuf, boundary.length()); if (strstr((const char*)endBuf, boundary.c_str()) != NULL){ if(_currentHandler && _currentHandler->canUpload(_currentUri)) _currentHandler->upload(*this, _currentUri, *_currentUpload); _currentUpload->totalSize += _currentUpload->currentSize; _currentUpload->status = UPLOAD_FILE_END; if(_currentHandler && _currentHandler->canUpload(_currentUri)) _currentHandler->upload(*this, _currentUri, *_currentUpload); #ifdef DEBUG_ESP_HTTP_SERVER DEBUG_OUTPUT.print("End File: "); DEBUG_OUTPUT.print(_currentUpload->filename); DEBUG_OUTPUT.print(" Type: "); DEBUG_OUTPUT.print(_currentUpload->type); DEBUG_OUTPUT.print(" Size: "); DEBUG_OUTPUT.println(_currentUpload->totalSize); #endif line = client.readStringUntil(0x0D); client.readStringUntil(0x0A); if (line == "--"){ #ifdef DEBUG_ESP_HTTP_SERVER DEBUG_OUTPUT.println("Done Parsing POST"); #endif break; } continue; } else { _uploadWriteByte(0x0D); _uploadWriteByte(0x0A); _uploadWriteByte((uint8_t)('-')); _uploadWriteByte((uint8_t)('-')); uint32_t i = 0; while(i < boundary.length()){ _uploadWriteByte(endBuf[i++]); } argByte = _uploadReadByte(client); goto readfile; } } else { _uploadWriteByte(0x0D); goto readfile; } break; } } } } int iarg; int totalArgs = ((WEBSERVER_MAX_POST_ARGS - _postArgsLen) < _currentArgCount)?(WEBSERVER_MAX_POST_ARGS - _postArgsLen):_currentArgCount; for (iarg = 0; iarg < totalArgs; iarg++){ RequestArgument& arg = _postArgs[_postArgsLen++]; arg.key = _currentArgs[iarg].key; arg.value = _currentArgs[iarg].value; } if (_currentArgs) delete[] _currentArgs; _currentArgs = new RequestArgument[_postArgsLen]; for (iarg = 0; iarg < _postArgsLen; iarg++){ RequestArgument& arg = _currentArgs[iarg]; arg.key = _postArgs[iarg].key; arg.value = _postArgs[iarg].value; } _currentArgCount = iarg; if (_postArgs) { delete[] _postArgs; _postArgs=nullptr; _postArgsLen = 0; } return true; } #ifdef DEBUG_ESP_HTTP_SERVER DEBUG_OUTPUT.print("Error: line: "); DEBUG_OUTPUT.println(line); #endif return false; } String WebServer::urlDecode(const String& text) { String decoded = ""; char temp[] = "0x00"; unsigned int len = text.length(); unsigned int i = 0; while (i < len) { char decodedChar; char encodedChar = text.charAt(i++); if ((encodedChar == '%') && (i + 1 < len)) { temp[2] = text.charAt(i++); temp[3] = text.charAt(i++); decodedChar = strtol(temp, NULL, 16); } else { if (encodedChar == '+') { decodedChar = ' '; } else { decodedChar = encodedChar; // normal ascii char } } decoded += decodedChar; } return decoded; } bool WebServer::_parseFormUploadAborted(){ _currentUpload->status = UPLOAD_FILE_ABORTED; if(_currentHandler && _currentHandler->canUpload(_currentUri)) _currentHandler->upload(*this, _currentUri, *_currentUpload); return false; }