#pragma once #include typedef float fptp_t; typedef uint8_t uc_t; typedef enum { DL_C_IMPL = 0, DL_XTENSA_IMPL = 1 } dl_conv_mode; typedef enum { INPUT_UINT8 = 0, INPUT_FLOAT = 1, } dl_op_type; typedef enum { PADDING_VALID = 0, PADDING_SAME = 1, } dl_padding_type; /* * Matrix for 3d * @Warning: the sequence of variables is fixed, cannot be modified, otherwise there will be errors in esp_dsp_dot_float */ typedef struct { /******* fix start *******/ int w; // Width int h; // Height int c; // Channel int n; // Number, to record filter's out_channels. input and output must be 1 int stride; fptp_t *item; /******* fix end *******/ } dl_matrix3d_t; typedef struct { int w; // Width int h; // Height int c; // Channel int n; // Number, to record filter's out_channels. input and output must be 1 int stride; uc_t *item; } dl_matrix3du_t; typedef struct { int stride_x; int stride_y; dl_padding_type padding; dl_conv_mode mode; dl_op_type type; } dl_matrix3d_conv_config_t; /* * @brief Allocate a 3D matrix with float items, the access sequence is NHWC * * @param n Number of matrix3d, for filters it is out channels, for others it is 1 * @param w Width of matrix3d * @param h Height of matrix3d * @param c Channel of matrix3d * @return 3d matrix */ dl_matrix3d_t *dl_matrix3d_alloc(int n, int w, int h, int c); /* * @brief Allocate a 3D matrix with 8-bits items, the access sequence is NHWC * * @param n Number of matrix3d, for filters it is out channels, for others it is 1 * @param w Width of matrix3d * @param h Height of matrix3d * @param c Channel of matrix3d * @return 3d matrix */ dl_matrix3du_t *dl_matrix3du_alloc(int n, int w, int h, int c); /* * @brief Free a matrix3d * * @param m matrix3d with float items */ void dl_matrix3d_free(dl_matrix3d_t *m); /* * @brief Free a matrix3d * * @param m matrix3d with 8-bits items */ void dl_matrix3du_free(dl_matrix3du_t *m); /* * @brief Dot product with a vector and matrix * * @param out Space to put the result * @param in input vector * @param f filter matrix */ void dl_matrix3d_dot_product(dl_matrix3d_t *out, dl_matrix3d_t *in, dl_matrix3d_t *f); /** * @brief Do a relu (Rectifier Linear Unit) operation, update the input matrix3d * * @param in Floating point input matrix3d * @param clip If value is higher than this, it will be clipped to this value */ void dl_matrix3d_relu(dl_matrix3d_t *m, fptp_t clip); /** * @brief Do a leaky relu (Rectifier Linear Unit) operation, update the input matrix3d * * @param in Floating point input matrix3d * @param clip If value is higher than this, it will be clipped to this value * @param alpha If value is less than zero, it will be updated by multiplying this factor */ void dl_matrix3d_leaky_relu(dl_matrix3d_t *m, fptp_t clip, fptp_t alpha); /** * @brief Do a softmax operation on a matrix3d * * @param in Input matrix3d */ void dl_matrix3d_softmax(dl_matrix3d_t *m); /** * @brief Do a general fully connected layer pass, dimension is (number, width, height, channel) * * @param in Input matrix3d, size is (1, w, 1, 1) * @param filter Weights of the neurons, size is (1, w, h, 1) * @param bias Bias for the fc layer, size is (1, 1, 1, h) * @return The result of fc layer, size is (1, 1, 1, h) */ dl_matrix3d_t *dl_matrix3d_fc(dl_matrix3d_t *in, dl_matrix3d_t *filter, dl_matrix3d_t *bias); /** * @brief Copy a range of float items from an existing matrix to a preallocated matrix * * @param dst The destination slice matrix * @param src The source matrix to slice * @param x X-offset of the origin of the returned matrix within the sliced matrix * @param y Y-offset of the origin of the returned matrix within the sliced matrix * @param w Width of the resulting matrix * @param h Height of the resulting matrix */ void dl_matrix3d_slice_copy(dl_matrix3d_t *dst, dl_matrix3d_t *src, int x, int y, int w, int h); /** * @brief Copy a range of 8-bits items from an existing matrix to a preallocated matrix * * @param dst The destination slice matrix * @param src The source matrix to slice * @param x X-offset of the origin of the returned matrix within the sliced matrix * @param y Y-offset of the origin of the returned matrix within the sliced matrix * @param w Width of the resulting matrix * @param h Height of the resulting matrix */ void dl_matrix3du_slice_copy(dl_matrix3du_t *dst, dl_matrix3du_t *src, int x, int y, int w, int h); void dl_matrix3d_conv_1x1 (dl_matrix3d_t *out, dl_matrix3d_t *in, dl_matrix3d_t *f); /** * @brief Do a general CNN layer pass, dimension is (number, width, height, channel) * * @param in Input matrix3d * @param filter Weights of the neurons * @param bias Bias for the CNN layer * @param stride_x The step length of the convolution window in x(width) direction * @param stride_y The step length of the convolution window in y(height) direction * @param padding One of VALID or SAME * @param mode Do convolution using C implement or xtensa implement, 0 or 1, with respect * If ESP_PLATFORM is not defined, this value is not used. Default is 0 * @return The result of CNN layer */ dl_matrix3d_t *dl_matrix3d_conv(dl_matrix3d_t *in, dl_matrix3d_t *filter, dl_matrix3d_t *bias, int stride_x, int stride_y, int padding, int mode); void dl_matrix3d_conv_3x3_normal (dl_matrix3d_t *out, dl_matrix3d_t *in, dl_matrix3d_t *f, int step_x, int step_y); /** * @brief Do a general CNN layer pass, dimension is (number, width, height, channel) * * @param in Input matrix3d * @param filter Weights of the neurons * @param bias Bias for the CNN layer * @param stride_x The step length of the convolution window in x(width) direction * @param stride_y The step length of the convolution window in y(height) direction * @param padding One of VALID or SAME * @param mode Do convolution using C implement or xtensa implement, 0 or 1, with respect * If ESP_PLATFORM is not defined, this value is not used. Default is 0 * @return The result of CNN layer */ dl_matrix3d_t *dl_matrix3du_conv(dl_matrix3du_t *in, dl_matrix3d_t *filter, dl_matrix3d_t *bias, int stride_x, int stride_y, int padding, int mode); /** * @brief Do a depthwise CNN layer pass, dimension is (number, width, height, channel) * * @param in Input matrix3d * @param filter Weights of the neurons * @param stride_x The step length of the convolution window in x(width) direction * @param stride_y The step length of the convolution window in y(height) direction * @param padding One of VALID or SAME * @param mode Do convolution using C implement or xtensa implement, 0 or 1, with respect * If ESP_PLATFORM is not defined, this value is not used. Default is 0 * @return The result of depthwise CNN layer */ dl_matrix3d_t *dl_matrix3d_depthwise_conv(dl_matrix3d_t *in, dl_matrix3d_t *filter, int stride_x, int stride_y, int padding, int mode); void dl_matrix3d_depthwise_conv_3x3_normal(dl_matrix3d_t *out, dl_matrix3d_t *in, dl_matrix3d_t *f, int step_x, int step_y); /** * @brief Do a mobilenet block forward, dimension is (number, width, height, channel) * * @param in Input matrix3d * @param filter Weights of the neurons * @param stride_x The step length of the convolution window in x(width) direction * @param stride_y The step length of the convolution window in y(height) direction * @param padding One of VALID or SAME * @param mode Do convolution using C implement or xtensa implement, 0 or 1, with respect * If ESP_PLATFORM is not defined, this value is not used. Default is 0 * @return The result of depthwise CNN layer */ dl_matrix3d_t *dl_matrix3d_mobilenet(void *in, dl_matrix3d_t *dilate, dl_matrix3d_t *depthwise, dl_matrix3d_t *compress, dl_matrix3d_t *bias, dl_matrix3d_t *prelu, dl_matrix3d_conv_config_t *config); /** * @brief Do a global average pooling layer pass, dimension is (number, width, height, channel) * * @param in Input matrix3d * * @return The result of global average pooling layer */ dl_matrix3d_t *dl_matrix3d_global_pool(dl_matrix3d_t *in); /** * @brief Do a batch normalization operation, update the input matrix3d: input = input * scale + offset * * @param m Input matrix3d * @param scale scale matrix3d, scale = gamma/((moving_variance+sigma)^(1/2)) * @param Offset Offset matrix3d, offset = beta-(moving_mean*gamma/((moving_variance+sigma)^(1/2))) */ void dl_matrix3d_batch_normalize(dl_matrix3d_t *m, dl_matrix3d_t *scale, dl_matrix3d_t *offset); /** * @brief Add a pair of matrix3d item-by-item: res=in_1+in_2 * * @param in_1 First Floating point input matrix3d * @param in_2 Second Floating point input matrix3d * * @return Added data */ dl_matrix3d_t *dl_matrix3d_add(dl_matrix3d_t *in_1, dl_matrix3d_t *in_2); /** * @brief Do a standard relu operation, update the input matrix3d * * @param m Floating point input matrix3d */ void dl_matrix3d_relu_std(dl_matrix3d_t *m); /** * @brief Concatenate the channels of two matrix3ds into a new matrix3d * * @param in_1 First Floating point input matrix3d * @param in_2 Second Floating point input matrix3d * * @return A newly allocated matrix3d with as avlues in_1|in_2 */ dl_matrix3d_t *dl_matrix3d_concat(dl_matrix3d_t *in_1, dl_matrix3d_t *in_2); /** * @brief Concatenate the channels of four matrix3ds into a new matrix3d * * @param in_1 First Floating point input matrix3d * @param in_2 Second Floating point input matrix3d * @param in_3 Third Floating point input matrix3d * @param in_4 Fourth Floating point input matrix3d * * @return A newly allocated matrix3d with as avlues in_1|in_2|in_3|in_4 */ dl_matrix3d_t *dl_matrix3d_concat_4(dl_matrix3d_t *in_1, dl_matrix3d_t *in_2, dl_matrix3d_t *in_3, dl_matrix3d_t *in_4); /** * @brief Concatenate the channels of eight matrix3ds into a new matrix3d * * @param in_1 First Floating point input matrix3d * @param in_2 Second Floating point input matrix3d * @param in_3 Third Floating point input matrix3d * @param in_4 Fourth Floating point input matrix3d * @param in_5 Fifth Floating point input matrix3d * @param in_6 Sixth Floating point input matrix3d * @param in_7 Seventh Floating point input matrix3d * @param in_8 eighth Floating point input matrix3d * * @return A newly allocated matrix3d with as avlues in_1|in_2|in_3|in_4|in_5|in_6|in_7|in_8 */ dl_matrix3d_t *dl_matrix3d_concat_8(dl_matrix3d_t *in_1, dl_matrix3d_t *in_2, dl_matrix3d_t *in_3, dl_matrix3d_t *in_4, dl_matrix3d_t *in_5, dl_matrix3d_t *in_6, dl_matrix3d_t *in_7, dl_matrix3d_t *in_8); /** * @brief Do a mobilefacenet block forward, dimension is (number, width, height, channel) * * @param in Input matrix3d * @param pw Weights of the pointwise conv layer * @param pw_bn_scale The scale params of the batch_normalize layer after the pointwise conv layer * @param pw_bn_offset The offset params of the batch_normalize layer after the pointwise conv layer * @param dw Weights of the depthwise conv layer * @param dw_bn_scale The scale params of the batch_normalize layer after the depthwise conv layer * @param dw_bn_offset The offset params of the batch_normalize layer after the depthwise conv layer * @param pw_linear Weights of the pointwise linear conv layer * @param pw_linear_bn_scale The scale params of the batch_normalize layer after the pointwise linear conv layer * @param pw_linear_bn_offset The offset params of the batch_normalize layer after the pointwise linear conv layer * @param stride_x The step length of the convolution window in x(width) direction * @param stride_y The step length of the convolution window in y(height) direction * @param padding One of VALID or SAME * @param mode Do convolution using C implement or xtensa implement, 0 or 1, with respect * If ESP_PLATFORM is not defined, this value is not used. Default is 0 * @return The result of a mobilefacenet block */ dl_matrix3d_t *dl_matrix3d_mobilefaceblock(void *in, dl_matrix3d_t *pw, dl_matrix3d_t *pw_bn_scale, dl_matrix3d_t *pw_bn_offset, dl_matrix3d_t *dw, dl_matrix3d_t *dw_bn_scale, dl_matrix3d_t *dw_bn_offset, dl_matrix3d_t *pw_linear, dl_matrix3d_t *pw_linear_bn_scale, dl_matrix3d_t *pw_linear_bn_offset, int stride_x, int stride_y, int padding, int mode, int shortcut); /** * @brief Do a mobilefacenet block forward with 1x1 split conv, dimension is (number, width, height, channel) * * @param in Input matrix3d * @param pw_1 Weights of the pointwise conv layer 1 * @param pw_2 Weights of the pointwise conv layer 2 * @param pw_bn_scale The scale params of the batch_normalize layer after the pointwise conv layer * @param pw_bn_offset The offset params of the batch_normalize layer after the pointwise conv layer * @param dw Weights of the depthwise conv layer * @param dw_bn_scale The scale params of the batch_normalize layer after the depthwise conv layer * @param dw_bn_offset The offset params of the batch_normalize layer after the depthwise conv layer * @param pw_linear_1 Weights of the pointwise linear conv layer 1 * @param pw_linear_2 Weights of the pointwise linear conv layer 2 * @param pw_linear_bn_scale The scale params of the batch_normalize layer after the pointwise linear conv layer * @param pw_linear_bn_offset The offset params of the batch_normalize layer after the pointwise linear conv layer * @param stride_x The step length of the convolution window in x(width) direction * @param stride_y The step length of the convolution window in y(height) direction * @param padding One of VALID or SAME * @param mode Do convolution using C implement or xtensa implement, 0 or 1, with respect * If ESP_PLATFORM is not defined, this value is not used. Default is 0 * @return The result of a mobilefacenet block */ dl_matrix3d_t *dl_matrix3d_mobilefaceblock_split(void *in, dl_matrix3d_t *pw_1, dl_matrix3d_t *pw_2, dl_matrix3d_t *pw_bn_scale, dl_matrix3d_t *pw_bn_offset, dl_matrix3d_t *dw, dl_matrix3d_t *dw_bn_scale, dl_matrix3d_t *dw_bn_offset, dl_matrix3d_t *pw_linear_1, dl_matrix3d_t *pw_linear_2, dl_matrix3d_t *pw_linear_bn_scale, dl_matrix3d_t *pw_linear_bn_offset, int stride_x, int stride_y, int padding, int mode, int shortcut); /** * @brief Print the matrix3d items * * @param m dl_matrix3d_t to be printed * @param message name of matrix */ void dl_matrix3d_print(dl_matrix3d_t *m, char *message); /** * @brief Print the matrix3du items * * @param m dl_matrix3du_t to be printed * @param message name of matrix */ void dl_matrix3du_print(dl_matrix3du_t *m, char *message); void dl_matrix3d_init_bias (dl_matrix3d_t *out, dl_matrix3d_t *bias); void dl_matrix3d_multiply(dl_matrix3d_t *out, dl_matrix3d_t *in1, dl_matrix3d_t *in2);