/* * BLERemoteCharacteristic.cpp * * Created on: Jul 8, 2017 * Author: kolban */ #include "BLERemoteCharacteristic.h" #include "sdkconfig.h" #if defined(CONFIG_BT_ENABLED) #include #include #include //#include "BLEExceptions.h" #include "BLEUtils.h" #include "GeneralUtils.h" #include "BLERemoteDescriptor.h" #include "esp32-hal-log.h" /** * @brief Constructor. * @param [in] handle The BLE server side handle of this characteristic. * @param [in] uuid The UUID of this characteristic. * @param [in] charProp The properties of this characteristic. * @param [in] pRemoteService A reference to the remote service to which this remote characteristic pertains. */ BLERemoteCharacteristic::BLERemoteCharacteristic( uint16_t handle, BLEUUID uuid, esp_gatt_char_prop_t charProp, BLERemoteService* pRemoteService) { log_v(">> BLERemoteCharacteristic: handle: %d 0x%d, uuid: %s", handle, handle, uuid.toString().c_str()); m_handle = handle; m_uuid = uuid; m_charProp = charProp; m_pRemoteService = pRemoteService; m_notifyCallback = nullptr; m_rawData = nullptr; m_auth = ESP_GATT_AUTH_REQ_NONE; retrieveDescriptors(); // Get the descriptors for this characteristic log_v("<< BLERemoteCharacteristic"); } // BLERemoteCharacteristic /** *@brief Destructor. */ BLERemoteCharacteristic::~BLERemoteCharacteristic() { removeDescriptors(); // Release resources for any descriptor information we may have allocated. } // ~BLERemoteCharacteristic /** * @brief Does the characteristic support broadcasting? * @return True if the characteristic supports broadcasting. */ bool BLERemoteCharacteristic::canBroadcast() { return (m_charProp & ESP_GATT_CHAR_PROP_BIT_BROADCAST) != 0; } // canBroadcast /** * @brief Does the characteristic support indications? * @return True if the characteristic supports indications. */ bool BLERemoteCharacteristic::canIndicate() { return (m_charProp & ESP_GATT_CHAR_PROP_BIT_INDICATE) != 0; } // canIndicate /** * @brief Does the characteristic support notifications? * @return True if the characteristic supports notifications. */ bool BLERemoteCharacteristic::canNotify() { return (m_charProp & ESP_GATT_CHAR_PROP_BIT_NOTIFY) != 0; } // canNotify /** * @brief Does the characteristic support reading? * @return True if the characteristic supports reading. */ bool BLERemoteCharacteristic::canRead() { return (m_charProp & ESP_GATT_CHAR_PROP_BIT_READ) != 0; } // canRead /** * @brief Does the characteristic support writing? * @return True if the characteristic supports writing. */ bool BLERemoteCharacteristic::canWrite() { return (m_charProp & ESP_GATT_CHAR_PROP_BIT_WRITE) != 0; } // canWrite /** * @brief Does the characteristic support writing with no response? * @return True if the characteristic supports writing with no response. */ bool BLERemoteCharacteristic::canWriteNoResponse() { return (m_charProp & ESP_GATT_CHAR_PROP_BIT_WRITE_NR) != 0; } // canWriteNoResponse /* static bool compareSrvcId(esp_gatt_srvc_id_t id1, esp_gatt_srvc_id_t id2) { if (id1.id.inst_id != id2.id.inst_id) { return false; } if (!BLEUUID(id1.id.uuid).equals(BLEUUID(id2.id.uuid))) { return false; } return true; } // compareSrvcId */ /* static bool compareGattId(esp_gatt_id_t id1, esp_gatt_id_t id2) { if (id1.inst_id != id2.inst_id) { return false; } if (!BLEUUID(id1.uuid).equals(BLEUUID(id2.uuid))) { return false; } return true; } // compareCharId */ /** * @brief Handle GATT Client events. * When an event arrives for a GATT client we give this characteristic the opportunity to * take a look at it to see if there is interest in it. * @param [in] event The type of event. * @param [in] gattc_if The interface on which the event was received. * @param [in] evtParam Payload data for the event. * @returns N/A */ void BLERemoteCharacteristic::gattClientEventHandler(esp_gattc_cb_event_t event, esp_gatt_if_t gattc_if, esp_ble_gattc_cb_param_t* evtParam) { switch(event) { // ESP_GATTC_NOTIFY_EVT // // notify // - uint16_t conn_id - The connection identifier of the server. // - esp_bd_addr_t remote_bda - The device address of the BLE server. // - uint16_t handle - The handle of the characteristic for which the event is being received. // - uint16_t value_len - The length of the received data. // - uint8_t* value - The received data. // - bool is_notify - True if this is a notify, false if it is an indicate. // // We have received a notification event which means that the server wishes us to know about a notification // piece of data. What we must now do is find the characteristic with the associated handle and then // invoke its notification callback (if it has one). case ESP_GATTC_NOTIFY_EVT: { if (evtParam->notify.handle != getHandle()) break; if (m_notifyCallback != nullptr) { log_d("Invoking callback for notification on characteristic %s", toString().c_str()); m_notifyCallback(this, evtParam->notify.value, evtParam->notify.value_len, evtParam->notify.is_notify); } // End we have a callback function ... break; } // ESP_GATTC_NOTIFY_EVT // ESP_GATTC_READ_CHAR_EVT // This event indicates that the server has responded to the read request. // // read: // - esp_gatt_status_t status // - uint16_t conn_id // - uint16_t handle // - uint8_t* value // - uint16_t value_len case ESP_GATTC_READ_CHAR_EVT: { // If this event is not for us, then nothing further to do. if (evtParam->read.handle != getHandle()) break; // At this point, we have determined that the event is for us, so now we save the value // and unlock the semaphore to ensure that the requestor of the data can continue. if (evtParam->read.status == ESP_GATT_OK) { m_value = std::string((char*) evtParam->read.value, evtParam->read.value_len); if(m_rawData != nullptr) free(m_rawData); m_rawData = (uint8_t*) calloc(evtParam->read.value_len, sizeof(uint8_t)); memcpy(m_rawData, evtParam->read.value, evtParam->read.value_len); } else { m_value = ""; } m_semaphoreReadCharEvt.give(); break; } // ESP_GATTC_READ_CHAR_EVT // ESP_GATTC_REG_FOR_NOTIFY_EVT // // reg_for_notify: // - esp_gatt_status_t status // - uint16_t handle case ESP_GATTC_REG_FOR_NOTIFY_EVT: { // If the request is not for this BLERemoteCharacteristic then move on to the next. if (evtParam->reg_for_notify.handle != getHandle()) break; // We have processed the notify registration and can unlock the semaphore. m_semaphoreRegForNotifyEvt.give(); break; } // ESP_GATTC_REG_FOR_NOTIFY_EVT // ESP_GATTC_UNREG_FOR_NOTIFY_EVT // // unreg_for_notify: // - esp_gatt_status_t status // - uint16_t handle case ESP_GATTC_UNREG_FOR_NOTIFY_EVT: { if (evtParam->unreg_for_notify.handle != getHandle()) break; // We have processed the notify un-registration and can unlock the semaphore. m_semaphoreRegForNotifyEvt.give(); break; } // ESP_GATTC_UNREG_FOR_NOTIFY_EVT: // ESP_GATTC_WRITE_CHAR_EVT // // write: // - esp_gatt_status_t status // - uint16_t conn_id // - uint16_t handle case ESP_GATTC_WRITE_CHAR_EVT: { // Determine if this event is for us and, if not, pass onwards. if (evtParam->write.handle != getHandle()) break; // There is nothing further we need to do here. This is merely an indication // that the write has completed and we can unlock the caller. m_semaphoreWriteCharEvt.give(); break; } // ESP_GATTC_WRITE_CHAR_EVT case ESP_GATTC_READ_DESCR_EVT: case ESP_GATTC_WRITE_DESCR_EVT: for (auto &myPair : m_descriptorMap) { myPair.second->gattClientEventHandler( event, gattc_if, evtParam); } break; default: break; } // End switch }; // gattClientEventHandler /** * @brief Populate the descriptors (if any) for this characteristic. */ void BLERemoteCharacteristic::retrieveDescriptors() { log_v(">> retrieveDescriptors() for characteristic: %s", getUUID().toString().c_str()); removeDescriptors(); // Remove any existing descriptors. // Loop over each of the descriptors within the service associated with this characteristic. // For each descriptor we find, create a BLERemoteDescriptor instance. uint16_t offset = 0; esp_gattc_descr_elem_t result; while(true) { uint16_t count = 10; esp_gatt_status_t status = ::esp_ble_gattc_get_all_descr( getRemoteService()->getClient()->getGattcIf(), getRemoteService()->getClient()->getConnId(), getHandle(), &result, &count, offset ); if (status == ESP_GATT_INVALID_OFFSET) { // We have reached the end of the entries. break; } if (status != ESP_GATT_OK) { log_e("esp_ble_gattc_get_all_descr: %s", BLEUtils::gattStatusToString(status).c_str()); break; } if (count == 0) break; log_d("Found a descriptor: Handle: %d, UUID: %s", result.handle, BLEUUID(result.uuid).toString().c_str()); // We now have a new characteristic ... let us add that to our set of known characteristics BLERemoteDescriptor* pNewRemoteDescriptor = new BLERemoteDescriptor( result.handle, BLEUUID(result.uuid), this ); m_descriptorMap.insert(std::pair(pNewRemoteDescriptor->getUUID().toString(), pNewRemoteDescriptor)); offset++; } // while true //m_haveCharacteristics = true; // Remember that we have received the characteristics. log_v("<< retrieveDescriptors(): Found %d descriptors.", offset); } // getDescriptors /** * @brief Retrieve the map of descriptors keyed by UUID. */ std::map* BLERemoteCharacteristic::getDescriptors() { return &m_descriptorMap; } // getDescriptors /** * @brief Get the handle for this characteristic. * @return The handle for this characteristic. */ uint16_t BLERemoteCharacteristic::getHandle() { //log_v(">> getHandle: Characteristic: %s", getUUID().toString().c_str()); //log_v("<< getHandle: %d 0x%.2x", m_handle, m_handle); return m_handle; } // getHandle /** * @brief Get the descriptor instance with the given UUID that belongs to this characteristic. * @param [in] uuid The UUID of the descriptor to find. * @return The Remote descriptor (if present) or null if not present. */ BLERemoteDescriptor* BLERemoteCharacteristic::getDescriptor(BLEUUID uuid) { log_v(">> getDescriptor: uuid: %s", uuid.toString().c_str()); std::string v = uuid.toString(); for (auto &myPair : m_descriptorMap) { if (myPair.first == v) { log_v("<< getDescriptor: found"); return myPair.second; } } log_v("<< getDescriptor: Not found"); return nullptr; } // getDescriptor /** * @brief Get the remote service associated with this characteristic. * @return The remote service associated with this characteristic. */ BLERemoteService* BLERemoteCharacteristic::getRemoteService() { return m_pRemoteService; } // getRemoteService /** * @brief Get the UUID for this characteristic. * @return The UUID for this characteristic. */ BLEUUID BLERemoteCharacteristic::getUUID() { return m_uuid; } // getUUID /** * @brief Read an unsigned 16 bit value * @return The unsigned 16 bit value. */ uint16_t BLERemoteCharacteristic::readUInt16() { std::string value = readValue(); if (value.length() >= 2) { return *(uint16_t*)(value.data()); } return 0; } // readUInt16 /** * @brief Read an unsigned 32 bit value. * @return the unsigned 32 bit value. */ uint32_t BLERemoteCharacteristic::readUInt32() { std::string value = readValue(); if (value.length() >= 4) { return *(uint32_t*)(value.data()); } return 0; } // readUInt32 /** * @brief Read a byte value * @return The value as a byte */ uint8_t BLERemoteCharacteristic::readUInt8() { std::string value = readValue(); if (value.length() >= 1) { return (uint8_t)value[0]; } return 0; } // readUInt8 /** * @brief Read a float value. * @return the float value. */ float BLERemoteCharacteristic::readFloat() { std::string value = readValue(); if (value.length() >= 4) { return *(float*)(value.data()); } return 0.0; } // readFloat /** * @brief Read the value of the remote characteristic. * @return The value of the remote characteristic. */ std::string BLERemoteCharacteristic::readValue() { log_v(">> readValue(): uuid: %s, handle: %d 0x%.2x", getUUID().toString().c_str(), getHandle(), getHandle()); // Check to see that we are connected. if (!getRemoteService()->getClient()->isConnected()) { log_e("Disconnected"); return std::string(); } m_semaphoreReadCharEvt.take("readValue"); // Ask the BLE subsystem to retrieve the value for the remote hosted characteristic. // This is an asynchronous request which means that we must block waiting for the response // to become available. esp_err_t errRc = ::esp_ble_gattc_read_char( m_pRemoteService->getClient()->getGattcIf(), m_pRemoteService->getClient()->getConnId(), // The connection ID to the BLE server getHandle(), // The handle of this characteristic m_auth); // Security if (errRc != ESP_OK) { log_e("esp_ble_gattc_read_char: rc=%d %s", errRc, GeneralUtils::errorToString(errRc)); return ""; } // Block waiting for the event that indicates that the read has completed. When it has, the std::string found // in m_value will contain our data. m_semaphoreReadCharEvt.wait("readValue"); log_v("<< readValue(): length: %d", m_value.length()); return m_value; } // readValue /** * @brief Register for notifications. * @param [in] notifyCallback A callback to be invoked for a notification. If NULL is provided then we are * unregistering a notification. * @return N/A. */ void BLERemoteCharacteristic::registerForNotify(notify_callback notifyCallback, bool notifications, bool descriptorRequiresRegistration) { log_v(">> registerForNotify(): %s", toString().c_str()); m_notifyCallback = notifyCallback; // Save the notification callback. m_semaphoreRegForNotifyEvt.take("registerForNotify"); if (notifyCallback != nullptr) { // If we have a callback function, then this is a registration. esp_err_t errRc = ::esp_ble_gattc_register_for_notify( m_pRemoteService->getClient()->getGattcIf(), *m_pRemoteService->getClient()->getPeerAddress().getNative(), getHandle() ); if (errRc != ESP_OK) { log_e("esp_ble_gattc_register_for_notify: rc=%d %s", errRc, GeneralUtils::errorToString(errRc)); } uint8_t val[] = {0x01, 0x00}; if(!notifications) val[0] = 0x02; BLERemoteDescriptor* desc = getDescriptor(BLEUUID((uint16_t)0x2902)); if (desc != nullptr && descriptorRequiresRegistration) desc->writeValue(val, 2, true); } // End Register else { // If we weren't passed a callback function, then this is an unregistration. esp_err_t errRc = ::esp_ble_gattc_unregister_for_notify( m_pRemoteService->getClient()->getGattcIf(), *m_pRemoteService->getClient()->getPeerAddress().getNative(), getHandle() ); if (errRc != ESP_OK) { log_e("esp_ble_gattc_unregister_for_notify: rc=%d %s", errRc, GeneralUtils::errorToString(errRc)); } uint8_t val[] = {0x00, 0x00}; BLERemoteDescriptor* desc = getDescriptor((uint16_t)0x2902); if (desc != nullptr && descriptorRequiresRegistration) desc->writeValue(val, 2, true); } // End Unregister m_semaphoreRegForNotifyEvt.wait("registerForNotify"); log_v("<< registerForNotify()"); } // registerForNotify /** * @brief Delete the descriptors in the descriptor map. * We maintain a map called m_descriptorMap that contains pointers to BLERemoteDescriptors * object references. Since we allocated these in this class, we are also responsible for deleteing * them. This method does just that. * @return N/A. */ void BLERemoteCharacteristic::removeDescriptors() { // Iterate through all the descriptors releasing their storage and erasing them from the map. for (auto &myPair : m_descriptorMap) { m_descriptorMap.erase(myPair.first); delete myPair.second; } m_descriptorMap.clear(); // Technically not neeeded, but just to be sure. } // removeCharacteristics /** * @brief Convert a BLERemoteCharacteristic to a string representation; * @return a String representation. */ std::string BLERemoteCharacteristic::toString() { std::string res = "Characteristic: uuid: " + m_uuid.toString(); char val[6]; res += ", handle: "; snprintf(val, sizeof(val), "%d", getHandle()); res += val; res += " 0x"; snprintf(val, sizeof(val), "%04x", getHandle()); res += val; res += ", props: " + BLEUtils::characteristicPropertiesToString(m_charProp); return res; } // toString /** * @brief Write the new value for the characteristic. * @param [in] newValue The new value to write. * @param [in] response Do we expect a response? * @return N/A. */ void BLERemoteCharacteristic::writeValue(std::string newValue, bool response) { writeValue((uint8_t*)newValue.data(), newValue.length(), response); } // writeValue /** * @brief Write the new value for the characteristic. * * This is a convenience function. Many BLE characteristics are a single byte of data. * @param [in] newValue The new byte value to write. * @param [in] response Whether we require a response from the write. * @return N/A. */ void BLERemoteCharacteristic::writeValue(uint8_t newValue, bool response) { writeValue(&newValue, 1, response); } // writeValue /** * @brief Write the new value for the characteristic from a data buffer. * @param [in] data A pointer to a data buffer. * @param [in] length The length of the data in the data buffer. * @param [in] response Whether we require a response from the write. */ void BLERemoteCharacteristic::writeValue(uint8_t* data, size_t length, bool response) { // writeValue(std::string((char*)data, length), response); log_v(">> writeValue(), length: %d", length); // Check to see that we are connected. if (!getRemoteService()->getClient()->isConnected()) { log_e("Disconnected"); return; } m_semaphoreWriteCharEvt.take("writeValue"); // Invoke the ESP-IDF API to perform the write. esp_err_t errRc = ::esp_ble_gattc_write_char( m_pRemoteService->getClient()->getGattcIf(), m_pRemoteService->getClient()->getConnId(), getHandle(), length, data, response?ESP_GATT_WRITE_TYPE_RSP:ESP_GATT_WRITE_TYPE_NO_RSP, m_auth ); if (errRc != ESP_OK) { log_e("esp_ble_gattc_write_char: rc=%d %s", errRc, GeneralUtils::errorToString(errRc)); return; } m_semaphoreWriteCharEvt.wait("writeValue"); log_v("<< writeValue"); } // writeValue /** * @brief Read raw data from remote characteristic as hex bytes * @return return pointer data read */ uint8_t* BLERemoteCharacteristic::readRawData() { return m_rawData; } /** * @brief Set authentication request type for characteristic * @param [in] auth Authentication request type. */ void BLERemoteCharacteristic::setAuth(esp_gatt_auth_req_t auth) { m_auth = auth; } #endif /* CONFIG_BT_ENABLED */