// Copyright 2018 Evandro Luis Copercini // // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. // You may obtain a copy of the License at // // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. #include "sdkconfig.h" #include #include #include #include #include "freertos/FreeRTOS.h" #include "freertos/task.h" #if defined(CONFIG_BT_ENABLED) && defined(CONFIG_BLUEDROID_ENABLED) #ifdef ARDUINO_ARCH_ESP32 #include "esp32-hal-log.h" #endif #include "BluetoothSerial.h" #include "esp_bt.h" #include "esp_bt_main.h" #include "esp_gap_bt_api.h" #include "esp_bt_device.h" #include "esp_spp_api.h" #include #include "esp32-hal-log.h" const char * _spp_server_name = "ESP32SPP"; #define RX_QUEUE_SIZE 512 #define TX_QUEUE_SIZE 32 static uint32_t _spp_client = 0; static xQueueHandle _spp_rx_queue = NULL; static xQueueHandle _spp_tx_queue = NULL; static SemaphoreHandle_t _spp_tx_done = NULL; static TaskHandle_t _spp_task_handle = NULL; static EventGroupHandle_t _spp_event_group = NULL; static boolean secondConnectionAttempt; static esp_spp_cb_t * custom_spp_callback = NULL; static BluetoothSerialDataCb custom_data_callback = NULL; #define INQ_LEN 0x10 #define INQ_NUM_RSPS 20 #define READY_TIMEOUT (10 * 1000) #define SCAN_TIMEOUT (INQ_LEN * 2 * 1000) static esp_bd_addr_t _peer_bd_addr; static char _remote_name[ESP_BT_GAP_MAX_BDNAME_LEN + 1]; static bool _isRemoteAddressSet; static bool _isMaster; static esp_bt_pin_code_t _pin_code; static int _pin_len; static bool _isPinSet; static bool _enableSSP; #define SPP_RUNNING 0x01 #define SPP_CONNECTED 0x02 #define SPP_CONGESTED 0x04 #define SPP_DISCONNECTED 0x08 typedef struct { size_t len; uint8_t data[]; } spp_packet_t; #if (ARDUHAL_LOG_LEVEL >= ARDUHAL_LOG_LEVEL_INFO) static char *bda2str(esp_bd_addr_t bda, char *str, size_t size) { if (bda == NULL || str == NULL || size < 18) { return NULL; } uint8_t *p = bda; sprintf(str, "%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x", p[0], p[1], p[2], p[3], p[4], p[5]); return str; } #endif static bool get_name_from_eir(uint8_t *eir, char *bdname, uint8_t *bdname_len) { if (!eir || !bdname || !bdname_len) { return false; } uint8_t *rmt_bdname, rmt_bdname_len; *bdname = *bdname_len = rmt_bdname_len = 0; rmt_bdname = esp_bt_gap_resolve_eir_data(eir, ESP_BT_EIR_TYPE_CMPL_LOCAL_NAME, &rmt_bdname_len); if (!rmt_bdname) { rmt_bdname = esp_bt_gap_resolve_eir_data(eir, ESP_BT_EIR_TYPE_SHORT_LOCAL_NAME, &rmt_bdname_len); } if (rmt_bdname) { rmt_bdname_len = rmt_bdname_len > ESP_BT_GAP_MAX_BDNAME_LEN ? ESP_BT_GAP_MAX_BDNAME_LEN : rmt_bdname_len; memcpy(bdname, rmt_bdname, rmt_bdname_len); bdname[rmt_bdname_len] = 0; *bdname_len = rmt_bdname_len; return true; } return false; } static bool btSetPin() { esp_bt_pin_type_t pin_type; if (_isPinSet) { if (_pin_len) { log_i("pin set"); pin_type = ESP_BT_PIN_TYPE_FIXED; } else { _isPinSet = false; log_i("pin reset"); pin_type = ESP_BT_PIN_TYPE_VARIABLE; // pin_code would be ignored (default) } return (esp_bt_gap_set_pin(pin_type, _pin_len, _pin_code) == ESP_OK); } return false; } static esp_err_t _spp_queue_packet(uint8_t *data, size_t len){ if(!data || !len){ log_w("No data provided"); return ESP_OK; } spp_packet_t * packet = (spp_packet_t*)malloc(sizeof(spp_packet_t) + len); if(!packet){ log_e("SPP TX Packet Malloc Failed!"); return ESP_FAIL; } packet->len = len; memcpy(packet->data, data, len); if (xQueueSend(_spp_tx_queue, &packet, portMAX_DELAY) != pdPASS) { log_e("SPP TX Queue Send Failed!"); free(packet); return ESP_FAIL; } return ESP_OK; } const uint16_t SPP_TX_MAX = 330; static uint8_t _spp_tx_buffer[SPP_TX_MAX]; static uint16_t _spp_tx_buffer_len = 0; static bool _spp_send_buffer(){ if((xEventGroupWaitBits(_spp_event_group, SPP_CONGESTED, pdFALSE, pdTRUE, portMAX_DELAY) & SPP_CONGESTED) != 0){ esp_err_t err = esp_spp_write(_spp_client, _spp_tx_buffer_len, _spp_tx_buffer); if(err != ESP_OK){ log_e("SPP Write Failed! [0x%X]", err); return false; } _spp_tx_buffer_len = 0; if(xSemaphoreTake(_spp_tx_done, portMAX_DELAY) != pdTRUE){ log_e("SPP Ack Failed!"); return false; } return true; } return false; } static void _spp_tx_task(void * arg){ spp_packet_t *packet = NULL; size_t len = 0, to_send = 0; uint8_t * data = NULL; for (;;) { if(_spp_tx_queue && xQueueReceive(_spp_tx_queue, &packet, portMAX_DELAY) == pdTRUE && packet){ if(packet->len <= (SPP_TX_MAX - _spp_tx_buffer_len)){ memcpy(_spp_tx_buffer+_spp_tx_buffer_len, packet->data, packet->len); _spp_tx_buffer_len+=packet->len; free(packet); packet = NULL; if(SPP_TX_MAX == _spp_tx_buffer_len || uxQueueMessagesWaiting(_spp_tx_queue) == 0){ _spp_send_buffer(); } } else { len = packet->len; data = packet->data; to_send = SPP_TX_MAX - _spp_tx_buffer_len; memcpy(_spp_tx_buffer+_spp_tx_buffer_len, data, to_send); _spp_tx_buffer_len = SPP_TX_MAX; data += to_send; len -= to_send; _spp_send_buffer(); while(len >= SPP_TX_MAX){ memcpy(_spp_tx_buffer, data, SPP_TX_MAX); _spp_tx_buffer_len = SPP_TX_MAX; data += SPP_TX_MAX; len -= SPP_TX_MAX; _spp_send_buffer(); } if(len){ memcpy(_spp_tx_buffer, data, len); _spp_tx_buffer_len += len; if(uxQueueMessagesWaiting(_spp_tx_queue) == 0){ _spp_send_buffer(); } } free(packet); packet = NULL; } } else { log_e("Something went horribly wrong"); } } vTaskDelete(NULL); _spp_task_handle = NULL; } static void esp_spp_cb(esp_spp_cb_event_t event, esp_spp_cb_param_t *param) { switch (event) { case ESP_SPP_INIT_EVT: log_i("ESP_SPP_INIT_EVT"); esp_bt_gap_set_scan_mode(ESP_BT_SCAN_MODE_CONNECTABLE_DISCOVERABLE); if (!_isMaster) { log_i("ESP_SPP_INIT_EVT: slave: start"); esp_spp_start_srv(ESP_SPP_SEC_NONE, ESP_SPP_ROLE_SLAVE, 0, _spp_server_name); } xEventGroupSetBits(_spp_event_group, SPP_RUNNING); break; case ESP_SPP_SRV_OPEN_EVT://Server connection open log_i("ESP_SPP_SRV_OPEN_EVT"); if (!_spp_client){ _spp_client = param->open.handle; } else { secondConnectionAttempt = true; esp_spp_disconnect(param->open.handle); } xEventGroupClearBits(_spp_event_group, SPP_DISCONNECTED); xEventGroupSetBits(_spp_event_group, SPP_CONNECTED); break; case ESP_SPP_CLOSE_EVT://Client connection closed log_i("ESP_SPP_CLOSE_EVT"); if(secondConnectionAttempt) { secondConnectionAttempt = false; } else { _spp_client = 0; xEventGroupSetBits(_spp_event_group, SPP_DISCONNECTED); } xEventGroupClearBits(_spp_event_group, SPP_CONNECTED); break; case ESP_SPP_CONG_EVT://connection congestion status changed if(param->cong.cong){ xEventGroupClearBits(_spp_event_group, SPP_CONGESTED); } else { xEventGroupSetBits(_spp_event_group, SPP_CONGESTED); } log_v("ESP_SPP_CONG_EVT: %s", param->cong.cong?"CONGESTED":"FREE"); break; case ESP_SPP_WRITE_EVT://write operation completed if(param->write.cong){ xEventGroupClearBits(_spp_event_group, SPP_CONGESTED); } xSemaphoreGive(_spp_tx_done);//we can try to send another packet log_v("ESP_SPP_WRITE_EVT: %u %s", param->write.len, param->write.cong?"CONGESTED":"FREE"); break; case ESP_SPP_DATA_IND_EVT://connection received data log_v("ESP_SPP_DATA_IND_EVT len=%d handle=%d", param->data_ind.len, param->data_ind.handle); //esp_log_buffer_hex("",param->data_ind.data,param->data_ind.len); //for low level debug //ets_printf("r:%u\n", param->data_ind.len); if(custom_data_callback){ custom_data_callback(param->data_ind.data, param->data_ind.len); } else if (_spp_rx_queue != NULL){ for (int i = 0; i < param->data_ind.len; i++){ if(xQueueSend(_spp_rx_queue, param->data_ind.data + i, (TickType_t)0) != pdTRUE){ log_e("RX Full! Discarding %u bytes", param->data_ind.len - i); break; } } } break; case ESP_SPP_DISCOVERY_COMP_EVT://discovery complete log_i("ESP_SPP_DISCOVERY_COMP_EVT"); if (param->disc_comp.status == ESP_SPP_SUCCESS) { log_i("ESP_SPP_DISCOVERY_COMP_EVT: spp connect to remote"); esp_spp_connect(ESP_SPP_SEC_AUTHENTICATE, ESP_SPP_ROLE_MASTER, param->disc_comp.scn[0], _peer_bd_addr); } break; case ESP_SPP_OPEN_EVT://Client connection open log_i("ESP_SPP_OPEN_EVT"); if (!_spp_client){ _spp_client = param->open.handle; } else { secondConnectionAttempt = true; esp_spp_disconnect(param->open.handle); } xEventGroupClearBits(_spp_event_group, SPP_DISCONNECTED); xEventGroupSetBits(_spp_event_group, SPP_CONNECTED); break; case ESP_SPP_START_EVT://server started log_i("ESP_SPP_START_EVT"); break; case ESP_SPP_CL_INIT_EVT://client initiated a connection log_i("ESP_SPP_CL_INIT_EVT"); break; default: break; } if(custom_spp_callback)(*custom_spp_callback)(event, param); } void BluetoothSerial::onData(BluetoothSerialDataCb cb){ custom_data_callback = cb; } static void esp_bt_gap_cb(esp_bt_gap_cb_event_t event, esp_bt_gap_cb_param_t *param) { switch(event){ case ESP_BT_GAP_DISC_RES_EVT: log_i("ESP_BT_GAP_DISC_RES_EVT"); #if (ARDUHAL_LOG_LEVEL >= ARDUHAL_LOG_LEVEL_INFO) char bda_str[18]; log_i("Scanned device: %s", bda2str(param->disc_res.bda, bda_str, 18)); #endif for (int i = 0; i < param->disc_res.num_prop; i++) { uint8_t peer_bdname_len; char peer_bdname[ESP_BT_GAP_MAX_BDNAME_LEN + 1]; switch(param->disc_res.prop[i].type) { case ESP_BT_GAP_DEV_PROP_EIR: if (get_name_from_eir((uint8_t*)param->disc_res.prop[i].val, peer_bdname, &peer_bdname_len)) { log_i("ESP_BT_GAP_DISC_RES_EVT : EIR : %s : %d", peer_bdname, peer_bdname_len); if (strlen(_remote_name) == peer_bdname_len && strncmp(peer_bdname, _remote_name, peer_bdname_len) == 0) { log_v("ESP_BT_GAP_DISC_RES_EVT : SPP_START_DISCOVERY_EIR : %s", peer_bdname, peer_bdname_len); _isRemoteAddressSet = true; memcpy(_peer_bd_addr, param->disc_res.bda, ESP_BD_ADDR_LEN); esp_bt_gap_cancel_discovery(); esp_spp_start_discovery(_peer_bd_addr); } } break; case ESP_BT_GAP_DEV_PROP_BDNAME: peer_bdname_len = param->disc_res.prop[i].len; memcpy(peer_bdname, param->disc_res.prop[i].val, peer_bdname_len); peer_bdname_len--; // len includes 0 terminator log_v("ESP_BT_GAP_DISC_RES_EVT : BDNAME : %s : %d", peer_bdname, peer_bdname_len); if (strlen(_remote_name) == peer_bdname_len && strncmp(peer_bdname, _remote_name, peer_bdname_len) == 0) { log_i("ESP_BT_GAP_DISC_RES_EVT : SPP_START_DISCOVERY_BDNAME : %s", peer_bdname); _isRemoteAddressSet = true; memcpy(_peer_bd_addr, param->disc_res.bda, ESP_BD_ADDR_LEN); esp_bt_gap_cancel_discovery(); esp_spp_start_discovery(_peer_bd_addr); } break; case ESP_BT_GAP_DEV_PROP_COD: log_d("ESP_BT_GAP_DEV_PROP_COD"); break; case ESP_BT_GAP_DEV_PROP_RSSI: log_d("ESP_BT_GAP_DEV_PROP_RSSI"); break; default: break; } if (_isRemoteAddressSet) break; } break; case ESP_BT_GAP_DISC_STATE_CHANGED_EVT: log_i("ESP_BT_GAP_DISC_STATE_CHANGED_EVT"); break; case ESP_BT_GAP_RMT_SRVCS_EVT: log_i( "ESP_BT_GAP_RMT_SRVCS_EVT"); break; case ESP_BT_GAP_RMT_SRVC_REC_EVT: log_i("ESP_BT_GAP_RMT_SRVC_REC_EVT"); break; case ESP_BT_GAP_AUTH_CMPL_EVT: if (param->auth_cmpl.stat == ESP_BT_STATUS_SUCCESS) { log_v("authentication success: %s", param->auth_cmpl.device_name); } else { log_e("authentication failed, status:%d", param->auth_cmpl.stat); } break; case ESP_BT_GAP_PIN_REQ_EVT: // default pairing pins log_i("ESP_BT_GAP_PIN_REQ_EVT min_16_digit:%d", param->pin_req.min_16_digit); if (param->pin_req.min_16_digit) { log_i("Input pin code: 0000 0000 0000 0000"); esp_bt_pin_code_t pin_code; memset(pin_code, '0', ESP_BT_PIN_CODE_LEN); esp_bt_gap_pin_reply(param->pin_req.bda, true, 16, pin_code); } else { log_i("Input pin code: 1234"); esp_bt_pin_code_t pin_code; memcpy(pin_code, "1234", 4); esp_bt_gap_pin_reply(param->pin_req.bda, true, 4, pin_code); } break; case ESP_BT_GAP_CFM_REQ_EVT: log_i("ESP_BT_GAP_CFM_REQ_EVT Please compare the numeric value: %d", param->cfm_req.num_val); esp_bt_gap_ssp_confirm_reply(param->cfm_req.bda, true); break; case ESP_BT_GAP_KEY_NOTIF_EVT: log_i("ESP_BT_GAP_KEY_NOTIF_EVT passkey:%d", param->key_notif.passkey); break; case ESP_BT_GAP_KEY_REQ_EVT: log_i("ESP_BT_GAP_KEY_REQ_EVT Please enter passkey!"); break; default: break; } } static bool _init_bt(const char *deviceName) { if(!_spp_event_group){ _spp_event_group = xEventGroupCreate(); if(!_spp_event_group){ log_e("SPP Event Group Create Failed!"); return false; } xEventGroupClearBits(_spp_event_group, 0xFFFFFF); xEventGroupSetBits(_spp_event_group, SPP_CONGESTED); xEventGroupSetBits(_spp_event_group, SPP_DISCONNECTED); } if (_spp_rx_queue == NULL){ _spp_rx_queue = xQueueCreate(RX_QUEUE_SIZE, sizeof(uint8_t)); //initialize the queue if (_spp_rx_queue == NULL){ log_e("RX Queue Create Failed"); return false; } } if (_spp_tx_queue == NULL){ _spp_tx_queue = xQueueCreate(TX_QUEUE_SIZE, sizeof(spp_packet_t*)); //initialize the queue if (_spp_tx_queue == NULL){ log_e("TX Queue Create Failed"); return false; } } if(_spp_tx_done == NULL){ _spp_tx_done = xSemaphoreCreateBinary(); if (_spp_tx_done == NULL){ log_e("TX Semaphore Create Failed"); return false; } xSemaphoreTake(_spp_tx_done, 0); } if(!_spp_task_handle){ xTaskCreatePinnedToCore(_spp_tx_task, "spp_tx", 4096, NULL, 2, &_spp_task_handle, 0); if(!_spp_task_handle){ log_e("Network Event Task Start Failed!"); return false; } } if (!btStarted() && !btStart()){ log_e("initialize controller failed"); return false; } esp_bluedroid_status_t bt_state = esp_bluedroid_get_status(); if (bt_state == ESP_BLUEDROID_STATUS_UNINITIALIZED){ if (esp_bluedroid_init()) { log_e("initialize bluedroid failed"); return false; } } if (bt_state != ESP_BLUEDROID_STATUS_ENABLED){ if (esp_bluedroid_enable()) { log_e("enable bluedroid failed"); return false; } } if (_isMaster && esp_bt_gap_register_callback(esp_bt_gap_cb) != ESP_OK) { log_e("gap register failed"); return false; } if (esp_spp_register_callback(esp_spp_cb) != ESP_OK){ log_e("spp register failed"); return false; } if (esp_spp_init(ESP_SPP_MODE_CB) != ESP_OK){ log_e("spp init failed"); return false; } if (esp_bt_sleep_disable() != ESP_OK){ log_e("esp_bt_sleep_disable failed"); } log_i("device name set"); esp_bt_dev_set_device_name(deviceName); if (_isPinSet) { btSetPin(); } if (_enableSSP) { log_i("Simple Secure Pairing"); esp_bt_sp_param_t param_type = ESP_BT_SP_IOCAP_MODE; esp_bt_io_cap_t iocap = ESP_BT_IO_CAP_IO; esp_bt_gap_set_security_param(param_type, &iocap, sizeof(uint8_t)); } // the default BTA_DM_COD_LOUDSPEAKER does not work with the macOS BT stack esp_bt_cod_t cod; cod.major = 0b00001; cod.minor = 0b000100; cod.service = 0b00000010110; if (esp_bt_gap_set_cod(cod, ESP_BT_INIT_COD) != ESP_OK) { log_e("set cod failed"); return false; } return true; } static bool _stop_bt() { if (btStarted()){ if(_spp_client) esp_spp_disconnect(_spp_client); esp_spp_deinit(); esp_bluedroid_disable(); esp_bluedroid_deinit(); btStop(); } _spp_client = 0; if(_spp_task_handle){ vTaskDelete(_spp_task_handle); _spp_task_handle = NULL; } if(_spp_event_group){ vEventGroupDelete(_spp_event_group); _spp_event_group = NULL; } if(_spp_rx_queue){ vQueueDelete(_spp_rx_queue); //ToDo: clear RX queue when in packet mode _spp_rx_queue = NULL; } if(_spp_tx_queue){ spp_packet_t *packet = NULL; while(xQueueReceive(_spp_tx_queue, &packet, 0) == pdTRUE){ free(packet); } vQueueDelete(_spp_tx_queue); _spp_tx_queue = NULL; } if (_spp_tx_done) { vSemaphoreDelete(_spp_tx_done); _spp_tx_done = NULL; } return true; } static bool waitForConnect(int timeout) { TickType_t xTicksToWait = timeout / portTICK_PERIOD_MS; return (xEventGroupWaitBits(_spp_event_group, SPP_CONNECTED, pdFALSE, pdTRUE, xTicksToWait) & SPP_CONNECTED) != 0; } /* * Serial Bluetooth Arduino * * */ BluetoothSerial::BluetoothSerial() { local_name = "ESP32"; //default bluetooth name } BluetoothSerial::~BluetoothSerial(void) { _stop_bt(); } bool BluetoothSerial::begin(String localName, bool isMaster) { _isMaster = isMaster; if (localName.length()){ local_name = localName; } return _init_bt(local_name.c_str()); } int BluetoothSerial::available(void) { if (_spp_rx_queue == NULL){ return 0; } return uxQueueMessagesWaiting(_spp_rx_queue); } int BluetoothSerial::peek(void) { uint8_t c; if (_spp_rx_queue && xQueuePeek(_spp_rx_queue, &c, 0)){ return c; } return -1; } bool BluetoothSerial::hasClient(void) { return _spp_client > 0; } int BluetoothSerial::read(void) { uint8_t c = 0; if (_spp_rx_queue && xQueueReceive(_spp_rx_queue, &c, 0)){ return c; } return -1; } size_t BluetoothSerial::write(uint8_t c) { return write(&c, 1); } size_t BluetoothSerial::write(const uint8_t *buffer, size_t size) { if (!_spp_client){ return 0; } return (_spp_queue_packet((uint8_t *)buffer, size) == ESP_OK) ? size : 0; } void BluetoothSerial::flush() { if (_spp_tx_queue != NULL){ while(uxQueueMessagesWaiting(_spp_tx_queue) > 0){ delay(5); } } } void BluetoothSerial::end() { _stop_bt(); } esp_err_t BluetoothSerial::register_callback(esp_spp_cb_t * callback) { custom_spp_callback = callback; return ESP_OK; } //Simple Secure Pairing void BluetoothSerial::enableSSP() { _enableSSP = true; } /* * Set default parameters for Legacy Pairing * Use fixed pin code */ bool BluetoothSerial::setPin(const char *pin) { bool isEmpty = !(pin && *pin); if (isEmpty && !_isPinSet) { return true; // nothing to do } else if (!isEmpty){ _pin_len = strlen(pin); memcpy(_pin_code, pin, _pin_len); } else { _pin_len = 0; // resetting pin to none (default) } _pin_code[_pin_len] = 0; _isPinSet = true; if (isReady(false, READY_TIMEOUT)) { btSetPin(); } return true; } bool BluetoothSerial::connect(String remoteName) { if (!isReady(true, READY_TIMEOUT)) return false; if (remoteName && remoteName.length() < 1) { log_e("No remote name is provided"); return false; } disconnect(); _isRemoteAddressSet = false; strncpy(_remote_name, remoteName.c_str(), ESP_BT_GAP_MAX_BDNAME_LEN); _remote_name[ESP_BT_GAP_MAX_BDNAME_LEN] = 0; log_i("master : remoteName"); // will first resolve name to address esp_bt_gap_set_scan_mode(ESP_BT_SCAN_MODE_CONNECTABLE_DISCOVERABLE); if (esp_bt_gap_start_discovery(ESP_BT_INQ_MODE_GENERAL_INQUIRY, INQ_LEN, INQ_NUM_RSPS) == ESP_OK) { return waitForConnect(SCAN_TIMEOUT); } return false; } bool BluetoothSerial::connect(uint8_t remoteAddress[]) { if (!isReady(true, READY_TIMEOUT)) return false; if (!remoteAddress) { log_e("No remote address is provided"); return false; } disconnect(); _remote_name[0] = 0; _isRemoteAddressSet = true; memcpy(_peer_bd_addr, remoteAddress, ESP_BD_ADDR_LEN); log_i("master : remoteAddress"); if (esp_spp_start_discovery(_peer_bd_addr) == ESP_OK) { return waitForConnect(READY_TIMEOUT); } return false; } bool BluetoothSerial::connect() { if (!isReady(true, READY_TIMEOUT)) return false; if (_isRemoteAddressSet){ disconnect(); // use resolved or set address first log_i("master : remoteAddress"); if (esp_spp_start_discovery(_peer_bd_addr) == ESP_OK) { return waitForConnect(READY_TIMEOUT); } return false; } else if (_remote_name[0]) { disconnect(); log_i("master : remoteName"); // will resolve name to address first - it may take a while esp_bt_gap_set_scan_mode(ESP_BT_SCAN_MODE_CONNECTABLE_DISCOVERABLE); if (esp_bt_gap_start_discovery(ESP_BT_INQ_MODE_GENERAL_INQUIRY, INQ_LEN, INQ_NUM_RSPS) == ESP_OK) { return waitForConnect(SCAN_TIMEOUT); } return false; } log_e("Neither Remote name nor address was provided"); return false; } bool BluetoothSerial::disconnect() { if (_spp_client) { flush(); log_i("disconnecting"); if (esp_spp_disconnect(_spp_client) == ESP_OK) { TickType_t xTicksToWait = READY_TIMEOUT / portTICK_PERIOD_MS; return (xEventGroupWaitBits(_spp_event_group, SPP_DISCONNECTED, pdFALSE, pdTRUE, xTicksToWait) & SPP_DISCONNECTED) != 0; } } return false; } bool BluetoothSerial::unpairDevice(uint8_t remoteAddress[]) { if (isReady(false, READY_TIMEOUT)) { log_i("removing bonded device"); return (esp_bt_gap_remove_bond_device(remoteAddress) == ESP_OK); } return false; } bool BluetoothSerial::connected(int timeout) { return waitForConnect(timeout); } bool BluetoothSerial::isReady(bool checkMaster, int timeout) { if (checkMaster && !_isMaster) { log_e("Master mode is not active. Call begin(localName, true) to enable Master mode"); return false; } if (!btStarted()) { log_e("BT is not initialized. Call begin() first"); return false; } TickType_t xTicksToWait = timeout / portTICK_PERIOD_MS; return (xEventGroupWaitBits(_spp_event_group, SPP_RUNNING, pdFALSE, pdTRUE, xTicksToWait) & SPP_RUNNING) != 0; } #endif