#include "USB.h" #include "USBVendor.h" #if ARDUINO_USB_CDC_ON_BOOT #define HWSerial Serial0 #else #define HWSerial Serial #endif USBVendor Vendor; const int buttonPin = 0; //CDC Control Requests #define REQUEST_SET_LINE_CODING 0x20 #define REQUEST_GET_LINE_CODING 0x21 #define REQUEST_SET_CONTROL_LINE_STATE 0x22 //CDC Line Coding Control Request Structure typedef struct __attribute__ ((packed)) { uint32_t bit_rate; uint8_t stop_bits; //0: 1 stop bit, 1: 1.5 stop bits, 2: 2 stop bits uint8_t parity; //0: None, 1: Odd, 2: Even, 3: Mark, 4: Space uint8_t data_bits; //5, 6, 7, 8 or 16 } request_line_coding_t; static request_line_coding_t vendor_line_coding = {9600, 0, 0, 8}; // Bit 0: DTR (Data Terminal Ready), Bit 1: RTS (Request to Send) static uint8_t vendor_line_state = 0; //USB and Vendor events static void usbEventCallback(void* arg, esp_event_base_t event_base, int32_t event_id, void* event_data) { if (event_base == ARDUINO_USB_EVENTS) { arduino_usb_event_data_t * data = (arduino_usb_event_data_t*)event_data; switch (event_id) { case ARDUINO_USB_STARTED_EVENT: HWSerial.println("USB PLUGGED"); break; case ARDUINO_USB_STOPPED_EVENT: HWSerial.println("USB UNPLUGGED"); break; case ARDUINO_USB_SUSPEND_EVENT: HWSerial.printf("USB SUSPENDED: remote_wakeup_en: %u\n", data->suspend.remote_wakeup_en); break; case ARDUINO_USB_RESUME_EVENT: HWSerial.println("USB RESUMED"); break; default: break; } } else if (event_base == ARDUINO_USB_VENDOR_EVENTS) { arduino_usb_vendor_event_data_t * data = (arduino_usb_vendor_event_data_t*)event_data; switch (event_id) { case ARDUINO_USB_VENDOR_DATA_EVENT: HWSerial.printf("Vendor RX: len:%u\n", data->data.len); for (uint16_t i = 0; i < data->data.len; i++) { HWSerial.write(Vendor.read()); } HWSerial.println(); break; default: break; } } } static const char * strRequestDirections[] = {"OUT", "IN"}; static const char * strRequestTypes[] = {"STANDARD", "CLASS", "VENDOR", "INVALID"}; static const char * strRequestRecipients[] = {"DEVICE", "INTERFACE", "ENDPOINT", "OTHER"}; static const char * strRequestStages[] = {"SETUP", "DATA", "ACK"}; //Handle USB requests to the vendor interface bool vendorRequestCallback(uint8_t rhport, uint8_t requestStage, arduino_usb_control_request_t const * request) { HWSerial.printf("Vendor Request: Stage: %5s, Direction: %3s, Type: %8s, Recipient: %9s, bRequest: 0x%02x, wValue: 0x%04x, wIndex: %u, wLength: %u\n", strRequestStages[requestStage], strRequestDirections[request->bmRequestDirection], strRequestTypes[request->bmRequestType], strRequestRecipients[request->bmRequestRecipient], request->bRequest, request->wValue, request->wIndex, request->wLength); bool result = false; if (request->bmRequestDirection == REQUEST_DIRECTION_OUT && request->bmRequestType == REQUEST_TYPE_STANDARD && request->bmRequestRecipient == REQUEST_RECIPIENT_INTERFACE && request->bRequest == 0x0b ) { if (requestStage == REQUEST_STAGE_SETUP) { // response with status OK result = Vendor.sendResponse(rhport, request); } else { result = true; } } else //Implement CDC Control Requests if (request->bmRequestType == REQUEST_TYPE_CLASS && request->bmRequestRecipient == REQUEST_RECIPIENT_DEVICE) { switch (request->bRequest) { case REQUEST_SET_LINE_CODING: //0x20 // Accept only direction OUT with data size 7 if (request->wLength != sizeof(request_line_coding_t) || request->bmRequestDirection != REQUEST_DIRECTION_OUT) { break; } if (requestStage == REQUEST_STAGE_SETUP) { //Send the response in setup stage (it will write the data to vendor_line_coding in the DATA stage) result = Vendor.sendResponse(rhport, request, (void*) &vendor_line_coding, sizeof(request_line_coding_t)); } else if (requestStage == REQUEST_STAGE_ACK) { //In the ACK stage the response is complete HWSerial.printf("Vendor Line Coding: bit_rate: %u, data_bits: %u, stop_bits: %u, parity: %u\n", vendor_line_coding.bit_rate, vendor_line_coding.data_bits, vendor_line_coding.stop_bits, vendor_line_coding.parity); } result = true; break; case REQUEST_GET_LINE_CODING: //0x21 // Accept only direction IN with data size 7 if (request->wLength != sizeof(request_line_coding_t) || request->bmRequestDirection != REQUEST_DIRECTION_IN) { break; } if (requestStage == REQUEST_STAGE_SETUP) { //Send the response in setup stage (it will write the data to vendor_line_coding in the DATA stage) result = Vendor.sendResponse(rhport, request, (void*) &vendor_line_coding, sizeof(request_line_coding_t)); } result = true; break; case REQUEST_SET_CONTROL_LINE_STATE: //0x22 // Accept only direction OUT with data size 0 if (request->wLength != 0 || request->bmRequestDirection != REQUEST_DIRECTION_OUT) { break; } if (requestStage == REQUEST_STAGE_SETUP) { //Send the response in setup stage vendor_line_state = request->wValue; result = Vendor.sendResponse(rhport, request); } else if (requestStage == REQUEST_STAGE_ACK) { //In the ACK stage the response is complete bool dtr = (vendor_line_state & 1) != 0; bool rts = (vendor_line_state & 2) != 0; HWSerial.printf("Vendor Line State: dtr: %u, rts: %u\n", dtr, rts); } result = true; break; default: // stall unknown request break; } } return result; } void setup() { pinMode(buttonPin, INPUT_PULLUP); HWSerial.begin(115200); HWSerial.setDebugOutput(true); Vendor.onEvent(usbEventCallback); Vendor.onRequest(vendorRequestCallback); Vendor.begin(); USB.onEvent(usbEventCallback); USB.webUSB(true); USB.webUSBURL("http://localhost/webusb"); USB.begin(); } void loop() { static int previousButtonState = HIGH; int buttonState = digitalRead(buttonPin); if (buttonState != previousButtonState) { previousButtonState = buttonState; if (buttonState == LOW) { HWSerial.println("Button Pressed"); Vendor.println("Button Pressed"); } else { Vendor.println("Button Released"); HWSerial.println("Button Released"); } delay(100); } while (HWSerial.available()) { size_t l = HWSerial.available(); uint8_t b[l]; l = HWSerial.read(b, l); Vendor.write(b, l); } }