//This example demonstrates the ESP RainMaker with the custom device and standard Switch device. #include "RMaker.h" #include "WiFi.h" #include "WiFiProv.h" #define DEFAULT_FAN_SPEED 4 #define DEFAULT_POWER_MODE true const char *service_name = "Prov_1234"; const char *pop = "abcd1234"; //GPIO for push button static int gpio_0 = 0; //GPIO for virtual device static int gpio_switch = 16; static int gpio_fan = 17; /* Variable for reading pin status*/ bool switch_state = true; bool fan_state = true; //The framework provides some standard device types like switch, lightbulb, fan, temperaturesensor. static Switch my_switch("Switch", &gpio_switch); //You can also define custom devices using the 'Device' base class object, as shown here static Device my_device("Fan", ESP_RMAKER_DEVICE_FAN, &gpio_fan); void sysProvEvent(arduino_event_t *sys_event) { switch (sys_event->event_id) { case ARDUINO_EVENT_PROV_START: #if CONFIG_IDF_TARGET_ESP32 printQR(service_name, pop, "ble"); #else printQR(service_name, pop, "softap"); #endif break; } } void write_callback(Device *device, Param *param, const param_val_t val, void *priv_data, write_ctx_t *ctx) { const char *device_name = device->getDeviceName(); const char *param_name = param->getParamName(); if(strcmp(param_name, "Power") == 0) { Serial.printf("\nReceived value = %s for %s - %s\n", val.val.b? "true" : "false", device_name, param_name); if(strcmp(device_name, "Switch") == 0) { switch_state = val.val.b; (switch_state == false) ? digitalWrite(gpio_switch, LOW) : digitalWrite(gpio_switch, HIGH); } if(strcmp(device_name, "Fan") == 0) { fan_state = val.val.b; (fan_state == false) ? digitalWrite(gpio_fan, LOW) : digitalWrite(gpio_fan, HIGH); } } else if(strcmp(param_name, "Speed") == 0) { Serial.printf("\nReceived value = %d for %s - %s\n", val.val.i, device_name, param_name); } param->updateAndReport(val); } void setup() { Serial.begin(115200); pinMode(gpio_0, INPUT); pinMode(gpio_switch, OUTPUT); pinMode(gpio_fan, OUTPUT); Node my_node; my_node = RMaker.initNode("ESP RainMaker Node"); //Standard switch device my_switch.addCb(write_callback); //Creating custom fan device my_device.addNameParam(); my_device.addPowerParam(DEFAULT_POWER_MODE); my_device.addSpeedParam(DEFAULT_FAN_SPEED); my_device.assignPrimaryParam(my_device.getParamByName(ESP_RMAKER_DEF_POWER_NAME)); my_device.addCb(write_callback); //Add switch and fan device to the node my_node.addDevice(my_switch); my_node.addDevice(my_device); //This is optional RMaker.enableOTA(OTA_USING_PARAMS); //If you want to enable scheduling, set time zone for your region using setTimeZone(). //The list of available values are provided here https://rainmaker.espressif.com/docs/time-service.html RMaker.setTimeZone("Asia/Shanghai"); RMaker.enableSchedule(); RMaker.start(); WiFi.onEvent(sysProvEvent); #if CONFIG_IDF_TARGET_ESP32 WiFiProv.beginProvision(WIFI_PROV_SCHEME_BLE, WIFI_PROV_SCHEME_HANDLER_FREE_BTDM, WIFI_PROV_SECURITY_1, pop, service_name); #else WiFiProv.beginProvision(WIFI_PROV_SCHEME_SOFTAP, WIFI_PROV_SCHEME_HANDLER_NONE, WIFI_PROV_SECURITY_1, pop, service_name); #endif } void loop() { if(digitalRead(gpio_0) == LOW) { //Push button switch_state = !switch_state; fan_state = !fan_state; my_switch.updateAndReportParam(ESP_RMAKER_DEF_POWER_NAME, switch_state); my_device.updateAndReportParam(ESP_RMAKER_DEF_POWER_NAME, fan_state); (switch_state == false) ? digitalWrite(gpio_switch, LOW) : digitalWrite(gpio_switch, HIGH); (fan_state == false) ? digitalWrite(gpio_fan, LOW) : digitalWrite(gpio_fan, HIGH); } delay(100); }