Deep Sleep with Touch Wake Up
This code displays how to use deep sleep with
a touch as a wake up source and how to store data in
RTC memory to use it over reboots

This code is under Public Domain License.

Pranav Cherukupalli <cherukupallip@gmail.com>

#define Threshold 40 /* Greater the value, more the sensitivity */

RTC_DATA_ATTR int bootCount = 0;
touch_pad_t touchPin;
Method to print the reason by which ESP32
has been awaken from sleep
void print_wakeup_reason(){
  esp_sleep_wakeup_cause_t wakeup_reason;

  wakeup_reason = esp_sleep_get_wakeup_cause();

    case ESP_SLEEP_WAKEUP_EXT0 : Serial.println("Wakeup caused by external signal using RTC_IO"); break;
    case ESP_SLEEP_WAKEUP_EXT1 : Serial.println("Wakeup caused by external signal using RTC_CNTL"); break;
    case ESP_SLEEP_WAKEUP_TIMER : Serial.println("Wakeup caused by timer"); break;
    case ESP_SLEEP_WAKEUP_TOUCHPAD : Serial.println("Wakeup caused by touchpad"); break;
    case ESP_SLEEP_WAKEUP_ULP : Serial.println("Wakeup caused by ULP program"); break;
    default : Serial.printf("Wakeup was not caused by deep sleep: %d\n",wakeup_reason); break;

Method to print the touchpad by which ESP32
has been awaken from sleep
void print_wakeup_touchpad(){
  touchPin = esp_sleep_get_touchpad_wakeup_status();

    case 0  : Serial.println("Touch detected on GPIO 4"); break;
    case 1  : Serial.println("Touch detected on GPIO 0"); break;
    case 2  : Serial.println("Touch detected on GPIO 2"); break;
    case 3  : Serial.println("Touch detected on GPIO 15"); break;
    case 4  : Serial.println("Touch detected on GPIO 13"); break;
    case 5  : Serial.println("Touch detected on GPIO 12"); break;
    case 6  : Serial.println("Touch detected on GPIO 14"); break;
    case 7  : Serial.println("Touch detected on GPIO 27"); break;
    case 8  : Serial.println("Touch detected on GPIO 33"); break;
    case 9  : Serial.println("Touch detected on GPIO 32"); break;
    default : Serial.println("Wakeup not by touchpad"); break;

void callback(){
  //placeholder callback function

void setup(){
  delay(1000); //Take some time to open up the Serial Monitor

  //Increment boot number and print it every reboot
  Serial.println("Boot number: " + String(bootCount));

  //Print the wakeup reason for ESP32 and touchpad too

  //Setup interrupt on Touch Pad 3 (GPIO15)
  touchAttachInterrupt(T3, callback, Threshold);

  //Configure Touchpad as wakeup source

  //Go to sleep now
  Serial.println("Going to sleep now");
  Serial.println("This will never be printed");

void loop(){
  //This will never be reached