// Copyright 2015-2016 Espressif Systems (Shanghai) PTE LTD
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at

//     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.

 * All the APIs declared here are internal only APIs, it can only be used by 
 * espressif internal modules, such as SSC, LWIP, TCPIP adapter etc, espressif 
 * customers are not recommended to use them.
 * If someone really want to use specified APIs declared in here, please contact
 * espressif AE/developer to make sure you know the limitations or risk of 
 * the API, otherwise you may get unexpected behavior!!!


#include <stdint.h>
#include <stdbool.h>
#include "freertos/FreeRTOS.h"
#include "freertos/queue.h"
#include "rom/queue.h"
#include "esp_err.h"
#include "esp_wifi_types.h"
#include "esp_event.h"
#include "esp_wifi.h"

#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {

typedef struct {
    QueueHandle_t handle; /**< FreeRTOS queue handler */
    void *storage;        /**< storage for FreeRTOS queue */
} wifi_static_queue_t;

  * @brief WiFi log level
typedef enum {
    WIFI_LOG_ERROR = 0,   /*enabled by default*/
    WIFI_LOG_WARNING,     /*enabled by default*/
    WIFI_LOG_INFO,        /*enabled by default*/
    WIFI_LOG_DEBUG,       /*can be set in menuconfig*/
    WIFI_LOG_VERBOSE,     /*can be set in menuconfig*/
} wifi_log_level_t;
  * @brief WiFi log module definition
typedef enum {
    WIFI_LOG_MODULE_ALL  = 0, /*all log modules */
    WIFI_LOG_MODULE_WIFI, /*logs related to WiFi*/
    WIFI_LOG_MODULE_COEX, /*logs related to WiFi and BT(or BLE) coexist*/
    WIFI_LOG_MODULE_MESH, /*logs related to Mesh*/
} wifi_log_module_t;

  * @brief WiFi log submodule definition
#define WIFI_LOG_SUBMODULE_ALL   (0)    /*all log submodules*/
#define WIFI_LOG_SUBMODULE_INIT  (1)    /*logs related to initialization*/
#define WIFI_LOG_SUBMODULE_IOCTL (1<<1) /*logs related to API calling*/
#define WIFI_LOG_SUBMODULE_CONN  (1<<2) /*logs related to connecting*/
#define WIFI_LOG_SUBMODULE_SCAN  (1<<3) /*logs related to scaning*/

 * @brief Initialize Wi-Fi Driver
 *     Alloc resource for WiFi driver, such as WiFi control structure, RX/TX buffer,
 *     WiFi NVS structure among others.
 * For the most part, you need not call this function directly. It gets called
 * from esp_wifi_init().
 * This function may be called, if you only need to initialize the Wi-Fi driver
 * without having to use the network stack on top.
 * @param  config provide WiFi init configuration
 * @return
 *    - ESP_OK: succeed
 *    - ESP_ERR_NO_MEM: out of memory
 *    - others: refer to error code esp_err.h
esp_err_t esp_wifi_init_internal(const wifi_init_config_t *config);

  * @brief  get whether the wifi driver is allowed to transmit data or not
  * @return
  *     - true  : upper layer should stop to transmit data to wifi driver
  *     - false : upper layer can transmit data to wifi driver
bool esp_wifi_internal_tx_is_stop(void);

  * @brief  free the rx buffer which allocated by wifi driver
  * @param  void* buffer: rx buffer pointer
void esp_wifi_internal_free_rx_buffer(void* buffer);

  * @brief  transmit the buffer via wifi driver
  * @param  wifi_interface_t wifi_if : wifi interface id
  * @param  void *buffer : the buffer to be tansmit
  * @param  uint16_t len : the length of buffer
  * @return
  *    - ERR_OK  : Successfully transmit the buffer to wifi driver
  *    - ERR_MEM : Out of memory
  *    - ERR_IF : WiFi driver error
  *    - ERR_ARG : Invalid argument
int esp_wifi_internal_tx(wifi_interface_t wifi_if, void *buffer, uint16_t len);

  * @brief     The WiFi RX callback function
  *            Each time the WiFi need to forward the packets to high layer, the callback function will be called
typedef esp_err_t (*wifi_rxcb_t)(void *buffer, uint16_t len, void *eb);

  * @brief     Set the WiFi RX callback
  * @attention 1. Currently we support only one RX callback for each interface
  * @param     wifi_interface_t ifx : interface
  * @param     wifi_rxcb_t fn : WiFi RX callback
  * @return
  *     - ESP_OK : succeed
  *     - others : fail
esp_err_t esp_wifi_internal_reg_rxcb(wifi_interface_t ifx, wifi_rxcb_t fn);

  * @brief     Notify WIFI driver that the station got ip successfully
  * @return
  *     - ESP_OK : succeed
  *     - others : fail
esp_err_t esp_wifi_internal_set_sta_ip(void);

  * @brief  enable or disable transmitting WiFi MAC frame with fixed rate
  * @attention 1. If fixed rate is enabled, both management and data frame are transmitted with fixed rate
  * @attention 2. Make sure that the receiver is able to receive the frame with the fixed rate if you want the frame to be received
  * @param  ifx : wifi interface
  * @param  en : false - disable, true - enable
  * @param  rate : PHY rate
  * @return
  *    - ERR_OK  : succeed
  *    - ESP_ERR_WIFI_NOT_INIT: WiFi is not initialized by esp_wifi_init
  *    - ESP_ERR_WIFI_NOT_STARTED: WiFi was not started by esp_wifi_start
  *    - ESP_ERR_WIFI_IF : invalid WiFi interface
  *    - ESP_ERR_INVALID_ARG : invalid rate
  *    - ESP_ERR_NOT_SUPPORTED : do not support to set fixed rate if TX AMPDU is enabled
esp_err_t esp_wifi_internal_set_fix_rate(wifi_interface_t ifx, bool en, wifi_phy_rate_t rate);

  * @brief     Check the MD5 values of the OS adapter header files in IDF and WiFi library
  * @attention 1. It is used for internal CI version check
  * @return
  *     - ESP_OK : succeed
  *     - ESP_WIFI_INVALID_ARG : MD5 check fail
esp_err_t esp_wifi_internal_osi_funcs_md5_check(const char *md5);

  * @brief     Check the MD5 values of the crypto types header files in IDF and WiFi library
  * @attention 1. It is used for internal CI version check
  * @return
  *     - ESP_OK : succeed
  *     - ESP_WIFI_INVALID_ARG : MD5 check fail
esp_err_t esp_wifi_internal_crypto_funcs_md5_check(const char *md5);

  * @brief     Check the MD5 values of the esp_wifi_types.h in IDF and WiFi library
  * @attention 1. It is used for internal CI version check
  * @return
  *     - ESP_OK : succeed
  *     - ESP_WIFI_INVALID_ARG : MD5 check fail
esp_err_t esp_wifi_internal_wifi_type_md5_check(const char *md5);

  * @brief     Check the MD5 values of the esp_wifi.h in IDF and WiFi library
  * @attention 1. It is used for internal CI version check
  * @return
  *     - ESP_OK : succeed
  *     - ESP_WIFI_INVALID_ARG : MD5 check fail
esp_err_t esp_wifi_internal_esp_wifi_md5_check(const char *md5);

  * @brief     Allocate a chunk of memory for WiFi driver
  * @attention This API is not used for DMA memory allocation.
  * @param     size_t size : Size, in bytes, of the amount of memory to allocate
  * @return    A pointer to the memory allocated on success, NULL on failure
void *wifi_malloc( size_t size );

  * @brief     Reallocate a chunk of memory for WiFi driver
  * @attention This API is not used for DMA memory allocation.
  * @param     void * ptr  : Pointer to previously allocated memory, or NULL for a new allocation.
  * @param     size_t size : Size, in bytes, of the amount of memory to allocate
  * @return    A pointer to the memory allocated on success, NULL on failure
void *wifi_realloc( void *ptr, size_t size );

  * @brief     Callocate memory for WiFi driver
  * @attention This API is not used for DMA memory allocation.
  * @param     size_t n    : Number of continuing chunks of memory to allocate
  * @param     size_t size : Size, in bytes, of the amount of memory to allocate
  * @return    A pointer to the memory allocated on success, NULL on failure
void *wifi_calloc( size_t n, size_t size );

  * @brief     Update WiFi MAC time
  * @param     uint32_t time_delta : time duration since the WiFi/BT common clock is disabled
  * @return    Always returns ESP_OK
typedef esp_err_t (* wifi_mac_time_update_cb_t)( uint32_t time_delta );

  * @brief     Update WiFi MAC time
  * @param     uint32_t time_delta : time duration since the WiFi/BT common clock is disabled
  * @return    Always returns ESP_OK
esp_err_t esp_wifi_internal_update_mac_time( uint32_t time_delta );

  * @brief     Set current WiFi log level     
  * @param     level   Log level.
  * @return
  *    - ESP_OK: succeed
  *    - ESP_FAIL: level is invalid
esp_err_t esp_wifi_internal_set_log_level(wifi_log_level_t level);

  * @brief     Set current log module and submodule
  * @param     module      Log module
  * @param     submodule   Log submodule
  * @param     enable      enable or disable
  *            If module == 0 && enable == 0, all log modules are disabled.
  *            If module == 0 && enable == 1, all log modules are enabled.
  *            If submodule == 0 && enable == 0, all log submodules are disabled.
  *            If submodule == 0 && enable == 1, all log submodules are enabled.
  * @return
  *    - ESP_OK: succeed
  *    - ESP_ERR_WIFI_NOT_INIT: WiFi is not initialized by esp_wifi_init
  *    - ESP_ERR_WIFI_ARG: invalid argument
esp_err_t esp_wifi_internal_set_log_mod(wifi_log_module_t module, uint32_t submodule, bool enable);

  * @brief     Get current WiFi log info     
  * @param     log_level  the return log level.
  * @param     log_mod    the return log module and submodule
  * @return
  *    - ESP_OK: succeed
esp_err_t esp_wifi_internal_get_log(wifi_log_level_t *log_level, uint32_t *log_mod);

#ifdef __cplusplus

#endif /* __ESP_WIFI_H__ */