// Copyright 2010-2016 Espressif Systems (Shanghai) PTE LTD
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at

//     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.

#ifndef _ROM_GPIO_H_
#define _ROM_GPIO_H_

#include <stdint.h>
#include <stdbool.h>

#include "esp_attr.h"
#include "soc/gpio_reg.h"

#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {

/** \defgroup gpio_apis, uart configuration and communication related apis
  * @brief gpio apis

/** @addtogroup gpio_apis
  * @{

#define GPIO_REG_READ(reg)              READ_PERI_REG(reg)
#define GPIO_REG_WRITE(reg, val)        WRITE_PERI_REG(reg, val)
#define GPIO_PIN_COUNT                  40
#define GPIO_ID_PIN0                    0
#define GPIO_ID_PIN(n)                  (GPIO_ID_PIN0+(n))
#define GPIO_PIN_ADDR(i)                (GPIO_PIN0_REG + i*4)

#define GPIO_ID_IS_PIN_REGISTER(reg_id) \
    ((reg_id >= GPIO_ID_PIN0) && (reg_id <= GPIO_ID_PIN(GPIO_PIN_COUNT-1)))

#define GPIO_REGID_TO_PINIDX(reg_id) ((reg_id) - GPIO_ID_PIN0)

typedef enum {

#define GPIO_OUTPUT_SET(gpio_no, bit_value) \
        ((gpio_no < 32) ? gpio_output_set(bit_value<<gpio_no, (bit_value ? 0 : 1)<<gpio_no, 1<<gpio_no,0) : \
                         gpio_output_set_high(bit_value<<(gpio_no - 32), (bit_value ? 0 : 1)<<(gpio_no - 32), 1<<(gpio_no -32),0))
#define GPIO_DIS_OUTPUT(gpio_no)    ((gpio_no < 32) ? gpio_output_set(0,0,0, 1<<gpio_no) : gpio_output_set_high(0,0,0, 1<<gpio_no))
#define GPIO_INPUT_GET(gpio_no)     ((gpio_no < 32)? ((gpio_input_get()>>gpio_no)&BIT0) : ((gpio_input_get_high()>>(gpio_no - 32))&BIT0))

/* GPIO interrupt handler, registered through gpio_intr_handler_register */
typedef void (* gpio_intr_handler_fn_t)(uint32_t intr_mask, bool high, void *arg);

  * @brief Initialize GPIO. This includes reading the GPIO Configuration DataSet
  *        to initialize "output enables" and pin configurations for each gpio pin.
  *        Please do not call this function in SDK.
  * @param  None
  * @return None
void gpio_init(void);

  * @brief Change GPIO(0-31) pin output by setting, clearing, or disabling pins, GPIO0<->BIT(0).
  *         There is no particular ordering guaranteed; so if the order of writes is significant,
  *         calling code should divide a single call into multiple calls.
  * @param  uint32_t set_mask : the gpios that need high level.
  * @param  uint32_t clear_mask : the gpios that need low level.
  * @param  uint32_t enable_mask : the gpios that need be changed.
  * @param  uint32_t disable_mask : the gpios that need diable output.
  * @return None
void gpio_output_set(uint32_t set_mask, uint32_t clear_mask, uint32_t enable_mask, uint32_t disable_mask);

  * @brief Change GPIO(32-39) pin output by setting, clearing, or disabling pins, GPIO32<->BIT(0).
  *         There is no particular ordering guaranteed; so if the order of writes is significant,
  *         calling code should divide a single call into multiple calls.
  * @param  uint32_t set_mask : the gpios that need high level.
  * @param  uint32_t clear_mask : the gpios that need low level.
  * @param  uint32_t enable_mask : the gpios that need be changed.
  * @param  uint32_t disable_mask : the gpios that need diable output.
  * @return None
void gpio_output_set_high(uint32_t set_mask, uint32_t clear_mask, uint32_t enable_mask, uint32_t disable_mask);

  * @brief Sample the value of GPIO input pins(0-31) and returns a bitmask.
  * @param None
  * @return uint32_t : bitmask for GPIO input pins, BIT(0) for GPIO0.
uint32_t gpio_input_get(void);

  * @brief Sample the value of GPIO input pins(32-39) and returns a bitmask.
  * @param None
  * @return uint32_t : bitmask for GPIO input pins, BIT(0) for GPIO32.
uint32_t gpio_input_get_high(void);

  * @brief Register an application-specific interrupt handler for GPIO pin interrupts.
  *        Once the interrupt handler is called, it will not be called again until after a call to gpio_intr_ack.
  *        Please do not call this function in SDK.
  * @param gpio_intr_handler_fn_t fn : gpio application-specific interrupt handler
  * @param void *arg : gpio application-specific interrupt handler argument.
  * @return None
void gpio_intr_handler_register(gpio_intr_handler_fn_t fn, void *arg);

  * @brief Get gpio interrupts which happens but not processed.
  *        Please do not call this function in SDK.
  * @param None
  * @return uint32_t : bitmask for GPIO pending interrupts, BIT(0) for GPIO0.
uint32_t gpio_intr_pending(void);

  * @brief Get gpio interrupts which happens but not processed.
  *        Please do not call this function in SDK.
  * @param None
  * @return uint32_t : bitmask for GPIO pending interrupts, BIT(0) for GPIO32.
uint32_t gpio_intr_pending_high(void);

  * @brief Ack gpio interrupts to process pending interrupts.
  *        Please do not call this function in SDK.
  * @param uint32_t ack_mask: bitmask for GPIO ack interrupts, BIT(0) for GPIO0.
  * @return None
void gpio_intr_ack(uint32_t ack_mask);

  * @brief Ack gpio interrupts to process pending interrupts.
  *        Please do not call this function in SDK.
  * @param uint32_t ack_mask: bitmask for GPIO ack interrupts, BIT(0) for GPIO32.
  * @return None
void gpio_intr_ack_high(uint32_t ack_mask);

  * @brief Set GPIO to wakeup the ESP32.
  *        Please do not call this function in SDK.
  * @param uint32_t i: gpio number.
  * @param GPIO_INT_TYPE intr_state : only GPIO_PIN_INTR_LOLEVEL\GPIO_PIN_INTR_HILEVEL can be used
  * @return None
void gpio_pin_wakeup_enable(uint32_t i, GPIO_INT_TYPE intr_state);

  * @brief disable GPIOs to wakeup the ESP32.
  *        Please do not call this function in SDK.
  * @param None
  * @return None
void gpio_pin_wakeup_disable(void);

  * @brief set gpio input to a signal, one gpio can input to several signals.
  * @param uint32_t gpio : gpio number, 0~0x27
  *                        gpio == 0x30, input 0 to signal
  *                        gpio == 0x34, ???
  *                        gpio == 0x38, input 1 to signal
  * @param uint32_t signal_idx : signal index.
  * @param bool inv : the signal is inv or not
  * @return None
void gpio_matrix_in(uint32_t gpio, uint32_t signal_idx, bool inv);

  * @brief set signal output to gpio, one signal can output to several gpios.
  * @param uint32_t gpio : gpio number, 0~0x27
  * @param uint32_t signal_idx : signal index.
  *                        signal_idx == 0x100, cancel output put to the gpio
  * @param bool out_inv : the signal output is inv or not
  * @param bool oen_inv : the signal output enable is inv or not
  * @return None
void gpio_matrix_out(uint32_t gpio, uint32_t signal_idx, bool out_inv, bool oen_inv);

  * @brief Select pad as a gpio function from IOMUX.
  * @param uint32_t gpio_num : gpio number, 0~0x27
  * @return None
void gpio_pad_select_gpio(uint8_t gpio_num);

  * @brief Set pad driver capability.
  * @param uint32_t gpio_num : gpio number, 0~0x27
  * @param uint8_t drv : 0-3
  * @return None
void gpio_pad_set_drv(uint8_t gpio_num, uint8_t drv);

  * @brief Pull up the pad from gpio number.
  * @param uint32_t gpio_num : gpio number, 0~0x27
  * @return None
void gpio_pad_pullup(uint8_t gpio_num);

  * @brief Pull down the pad from gpio number.
  * @param uint32_t gpio_num : gpio number, 0~0x27
  * @return None
void gpio_pad_pulldown(uint8_t gpio_num);

  * @brief Unhold the pad from gpio number.
  * @param uint32_t gpio_num : gpio number, 0~0x27
  * @return None
void gpio_pad_unhold(uint8_t gpio_num);

  * @brief Hold the pad from gpio number.
  * @param uint32_t gpio_num : gpio number, 0~0x27
  * @return None
void gpio_pad_hold(uint8_t gpio_num);

  * @}

#ifdef __cplusplus

#endif /* _ROM_GPIO_H_ */