 *  Copyright (C) 1999-2013 Broadcom Corporation
 *  Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 *  you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 *  You may obtain a copy of the License at:
 *  http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
 *  Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 *  distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 *  WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
 *  See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 *  limitations under the License.

#ifndef SRVC_DIS_API_H
#define SRVC_DIS_API_H

#include "common/bt_target.h"
#include "stack/gatt_api.h"
#include "stack/gattdefs.h"

#define DIS_SUCCESS             GATT_SUCCESS
typedef UINT8 tDIS_STATUS;

**  Data structure for DIS

#define DIS_ATTR_SYS_ID_BIT         0x0001
#define DIS_ATTR_MODEL_NUM_BIT      0x0002
#define DIS_ATTR_SERIAL_NUM_BIT     0x0004
#define DIS_ATTR_FW_NUM_BIT         0x0008
#define DIS_ATTR_HW_NUM_BIT         0x0010
#define DIS_ATTR_SW_NUM_BIT         0x0020
#define DIS_ATTR_MANU_NAME_BIT      0x0040
#define DIS_ATTR_IEEE_DATA_BIT      0x0080
#define DIS_ATTR_PNP_ID_BIT         0x0100
typedef UINT16  tDIS_ATTR_MASK;

#define DIS_ATTR_ALL_MASK           0xffff


typedef struct {
    UINT16      len;
    UINT8       *p_data;

typedef struct {
    UINT16       vendor_id;
    UINT16       product_id;
    UINT16       product_version;
    UINT8        vendor_id_src;


typedef union {
    UINT64              system_id;
    tDIS_PNP_ID         pnp_id;
    tDIS_STRING         data_str;

#define DIS_MAX_STRING_DATA     7

typedef struct {
    UINT16                  attr_mask;
    UINT64                  system_id;
    tDIS_PNP_ID             pnp_id;
    UINT8                   *data_string[DIS_MAX_STRING_DATA];

typedef void (tDIS_READ_CBACK)(BD_ADDR addr, tDIS_VALUE *p_dis_value);

**  Data structure used by Battery Service
typedef struct {
    BD_ADDR remote_bda;
    BOOLEAN need_rsp;
    UINT16  clt_cfg;

#define BA_READ_CLT_CFG_REQ     1
#define BA_READ_PRE_FMT_REQ     2
#define BA_READ_RPT_REF_REQ     3
#define BA_READ_LEVEL_REQ       4
#define BA_WRITE_CLT_CFG_REQ    5

typedef void (tBA_CBACK)(UINT8 app_id, UINT8 event, tBA_WRITE_DATA *p_data);

#define BA_LEVEL_NOTIFY         0x01
#define BA_LEVEL_PRE_FMT        0x02
#define BA_LEVEL_RPT_REF        0x04
typedef UINT8   tBA_LEVEL_DESCR;

typedef struct {
    BOOLEAN         is_pri;
    tBA_LEVEL_DESCR     ba_level_descr;
    tGATT_TRANSPORT transport;
    tBA_CBACK       *p_cback;


typedef union {
    UINT8       ba_level;
    UINT16      clt_cfg;
    tGATT_CHAR_RPT_REF  rpt_ref;
    tGATT_CHAR_PRES     pres_fmt;

**  External Function Declarations
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C"
**  Service Engine API
** Function         srvc_eng_init
** Description      Initializa the GATT Service engine, register a GATT application
**                  as for a central service management.
extern tGATT_STATUS srvc_eng_init (void);

**  DIS Server Function

** Function         DIS_SrInit
** Description      Initializa the Device Information Service Server.
extern tDIS_STATUS DIS_SrInit (tDIS_ATTR_MASK dis_attr_mask);
** Function         DIS_SrUpdate
** Description      Update the DIS server attribute values
extern tDIS_STATUS DIS_SrUpdate(tDIS_ATTR_BIT dis_attr_bit, tDIS_ATTR *p_info);
**  DIS Client Function
** Function         DIS_ReadDISInfo
** Description      Read remote device DIS information.
** Returns          void
extern BOOLEAN DIS_ReadDISInfo(BD_ADDR peer_bda, tDIS_READ_CBACK *p_cback,
                               tDIS_ATTR_MASK mask);

** Function         Battery_Instantiate
** Description      Instantiate a Battery service
extern UINT16 Battery_Instantiate (UINT8 app_id, tBA_REG_INFO *p_reg_info);

** Function         Battery_Rsp
** Description      Respond to a battery service request
extern void Battery_Rsp (UINT8 app_id, tGATT_STATUS st, UINT8 event, tBA_RSP_DATA *p_rsp);
** Function         Battery_Notify
** Description      Send battery level notification
extern void Battery_Notify (UINT8 app_id, BD_ADDR remote_bda, UINT8 battery_level);

#ifdef __cplusplus

