 *  Copyright (C) 2014 The Android Open Source Project
 *  Copyright 2002 - 2004 Open Interface North America, Inc. All rights reserved.
 *  Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 *  you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 *  You may obtain a copy of the License at:
 *  http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
 *  Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 *  distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 *  WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
 *  See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 *  limitations under the License.
#ifndef OI_STRING_H
#define OI_STRING_H
 * @file
 * This file contains BM3 supplied portable string.h functions

  $Revision: #1 $

#include "oi_cpu_dep.h"
#include "oi_stddefs.h"

#if defined(USE_NATIVE_MEMCPY) || defined(USE_NATIVE_MALLOC)
#include <string.h>

/** \addtogroup Misc Miscellaneous APIs */

#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {

 * If we are using Native malloc(), we must also use
 * native Ansi string.h functions for memory manipulation.


#define OI_MemCopy(to, from, size)    memcpy((to), (from), (size))
#define OI_MemSet(block, val, size)   memset((block), (val), (size))
#define OI_MemZero(block, size)       memset((block), 0, (size))
#define OI_MemCmp(s1, s2, n)          memcmp((s1), (s2), (n))
#define OI_Strcpy(dest, src)          strcpy((dest),(src))
#define OI_Strcat(dest, src)          strcat((dest),(src))
#define OI_StrLen(str)                strlen((str))
#define OI_Strcmp(s1, s2)             strcmp((s1), (s2))
#define OI_Strncmp(s1, s2, n)         strncmp((s1), (s2), (n))


 * OI_MemCopy
 * Copy an arbitrary number of bytes from one memory address to another.
 * The underlying implementation is the ANSI memmove() or equivalant, so
 * overlapping memory copies will work correctly.
void OI_MemCopy(void *To, void const *From, OI_UINT32 Size);

 * OI_MemSet
 * Sets all bytes in a block of memory to the same value
void OI_MemSet(void *Block, OI_UINT8 Val, OI_UINT32 Size);

 * OI_MemZero
 * Sets all bytes in a block of memory to zero
void OI_MemZero(void *Block, OI_UINT32 Size);

 * OI_MemCmp
 * Compare two blocks of memory
 * Returns:
 *        0, if s1 == s2
 *      < 0, if s1 < s2
 *      > 0, if s2 > s2
OI_INT OI_MemCmp(void const *s1, void const *s2, OI_UINT32 n);

 * OI_Strcpy
 * Copies the Null terminated string from pStr to pDest, and
 * returns pDest.

OI_CHAR *OI_Strcpy(OI_CHAR *pDest,
                   OI_CHAR const *pStr);

 * OI_Strcat
 * Concatonates the pStr string to the end of pDest, and
 * returns pDest.

OI_CHAR *OI_Strcat(OI_CHAR *pDest,
                   OI_CHAR const *pStr) ;

 * OI_StrLen
 * Calculates the number of OI_CHARs in pStr (not including
 * the Null terminator) and returns the value.
OI_UINT OI_StrLen(OI_CHAR const *pStr) ;

 * OI_Strcmp
 * Compares two Null terminated strings
 * Returns:
 *        0, if s1 == s2
 *      < 0, if s1 < s2
 *      > 0, if s2 > s2
OI_INT OI_Strcmp(OI_CHAR const *s1,
                 OI_CHAR const *s2);

 * OI_Strncmp
 * Compares the first "len" OI_CHARs of strings s1 and s2.
 * Returns:
 *        0, if s1 == s2
 *      < 0, if s1 < s2
 *      > 0, if s2 > s2
OI_INT OI_Strncmp(OI_CHAR const *s1,
                  OI_CHAR const *s2,
                  OI_UINT32      len);

#endif /* USE_NATIVE_MEMCPY */

 * OI_StrcmpInsensitive
 * Compares two Null terminated strings, treating
 * the Upper and Lower case of 'A' through 'Z' as
 * equivilent.
 * Returns:
 *        0, if s1 == s2
 *      < 0, if s1 < s2
 *      > 0, if s2 > s2
OI_INT OI_StrcmpInsensitive(OI_CHAR const *s1,
                            OI_CHAR const *s2);

 * OI_StrncmpInsensitive
 * Compares the first "len" OI_CHARs of strings s1 and s2,
 * treating the Upper and Lower case of 'A' through 'Z' as
 * equivilent.
 * Returns:
 *        0, if s1 == s2
 *      < 0, if s1 < s2
 *      > 0, if s2 > s2
OI_INT OI_StrncmpInsensitive(OI_CHAR const *s1,
                             OI_CHAR const *s2,
                             OI_UINT        len);

#ifdef __cplusplus

/** @} */

#endif /* OI_STRING_H */