// Copyright 2015-2016 Espressif Systems (Shanghai) PTE LTD
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at

//     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.


#include <stdint.h>
#include <stdbool.h>
#include <stddef.h>
#include "esp_err.h"
#include "sdkconfig.h"

#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {

#define ESP_ERR_FLASH_BASE       0x10010

#define SPI_FLASH_SEC_SIZE  4096    /**< SPI Flash sector size */

#define SPI_FLASH_MMU_PAGE_SIZE 0x10000 /**< Flash cache MMU mapping page size */

 * @brief  Initialize SPI flash access driver
 *  This function must be called exactly once, before any other 
 *  spi_flash_* functions are called.
 *  Currently this function is called from startup code. There is
 *  no need to call it from application code.
void spi_flash_init();

 * @brief  Get flash chip size, as set in binary image header
 * @note This value does not necessarily match real flash size.
 * @return size of flash chip, in bytes
size_t spi_flash_get_chip_size();

 * @brief  Erase the Flash sector.
 * @param  sector  Sector number, the count starts at sector 0, 4KB per sector.
 * @return esp_err_t
esp_err_t spi_flash_erase_sector(size_t sector);

 * @brief  Erase a range of flash sectors
 * @param  start_address  Address where erase operation has to start.
 *                                  Must be 4kB-aligned
 * @param  size  Size of erased range, in bytes. Must be divisible by 4kB.
 * @return esp_err_t
esp_err_t spi_flash_erase_range(size_t start_address, size_t size);

 * @brief  Write data to Flash.
 * @note For fastest write performance, write a 4 byte aligned size at a
 * 4 byte aligned offset in flash from a source buffer in DRAM. Varying any of
 * these parameters will still work, but will be slower due to buffering.
 * @note Writing more than 8KB at a time will be split into multiple
 * write operations to avoid disrupting other tasks in the system.
 * @param  dest_addr Destination address in Flash.
 * @param  src       Pointer to the source buffer.
 * @param  size      Length of data, in bytes.
 * @return esp_err_t
esp_err_t spi_flash_write(size_t dest_addr, const void *src, size_t size);

 * @brief  Write data encrypted to Flash.
 * @note Flash encryption must be enabled for this function to work.
 * @note Flash encryption must be enabled when calling this function.
 * If flash encryption is disabled, the function returns
 * ESP_ERR_INVALID_STATE.  Use esp_flash_encryption_enabled()
 * function to determine if flash encryption is enabled.
 * @note Both dest_addr and size must be multiples of 16 bytes. For
 * absolute best performance, both dest_addr and size arguments should
 * be multiples of 32 bytes.
 * @param  dest_addr Destination address in Flash. Must be a multiple of 16 bytes.
 * @param  src       Pointer to the source buffer.
 * @param  size      Length of data, in bytes. Must be a multiple of 16 bytes.
 * @return esp_err_t
esp_err_t spi_flash_write_encrypted(size_t dest_addr, const void *src, size_t size);

 * @brief  Read data from Flash.
 * @note For fastest read performance, all parameters should be
 * 4 byte aligned. If source address and read size are not 4 byte
 * aligned, read may be split into multiple flash operations. If
 * destination buffer is not 4 byte aligned, a temporary buffer will
 * be allocated on the stack.
 * @note Reading more than 16KB of data at a time will be split
 * into multiple reads to avoid disruption to other tasks in the
 * system. Consider using spi_flash_mmap() to read large amounts
 * of data.
 * @param  src_addr source address of the data in Flash.
 * @param  dest     pointer to the destination buffer
 * @param  size     length of data
 * @return esp_err_t
esp_err_t spi_flash_read(size_t src_addr, void *dest, size_t size);

 * @brief  Read data from Encrypted Flash.
 * If flash encryption is enabled, this function will transparently decrypt data as it is read.
 * If flash encryption is not enabled, this function behaves the same as spi_flash_read().
 * See esp_flash_encryption_enabled() for a function to check if flash encryption is enabled.
 * @param  src   source address of the data in Flash.
 * @param  dest  pointer to the destination buffer
 * @param  size  length of data
 * @return esp_err_t
esp_err_t spi_flash_read_encrypted(size_t src, void *dest, size_t size);

 * @brief Enumeration which specifies memory space requested in an mmap call
typedef enum {
    SPI_FLASH_MMAP_DATA,    /**< map to data memory (Vaddr0), allows byte-aligned access, 4 MB total */
    SPI_FLASH_MMAP_INST,    /**< map to instruction memory (Vaddr1-3), allows only 4-byte-aligned access, 11 MB total */
} spi_flash_mmap_memory_t;

 * @brief Opaque handle for memory region obtained from spi_flash_mmap.
typedef uint32_t spi_flash_mmap_handle_t;

 * @brief Map region of flash memory into data or instruction address space
 * This function allocates sufficient number of 64kB MMU pages and configures
 * them to map the requested region of flash memory into the address space.
 * It may reuse MMU pages which already provide the required mapping.
 * As with any allocator, if mmap/munmap are heavily used then the address space
 * may become fragmented. To troubleshoot issues with page allocation, use
 * spi_flash_mmap_dump() function.
 * @param src_addr  Physical address in flash where requested region starts.
 *                  This address *must* be aligned to 64kB boundary
 *                  (SPI_FLASH_MMU_PAGE_SIZE)
 * @param size  Size of region to be mapped. This size will be rounded
 *              up to a 64kB boundary
 * @param memory  Address space where the region should be mapped (data or instruction)
 * @param[out] out_ptr  Output, pointer to the mapped memory region
 * @param[out] out_handle  Output, handle which should be used for spi_flash_munmap call
 * @return  ESP_OK on success, ESP_ERR_NO_MEM if pages can not be allocated
esp_err_t spi_flash_mmap(size_t src_addr, size_t size, spi_flash_mmap_memory_t memory,
                         const void** out_ptr, spi_flash_mmap_handle_t* out_handle);

 * @brief Map sequences of pages of flash memory into data or instruction address space
 * This function allocates sufficient number of 64kB MMU pages and configures
 * them to map the indicated pages of flash memory contiguously into address space.
 * In this respect, it works in a similar way as spi_flash_mmap() but it allows mapping
 * a (maybe non-contiguous) set of pages into a contiguous region of memory.
 * @param pages An array of numbers indicating the 64kB pages in flash to be mapped
 *              contiguously into memory. These indicate the indexes of the 64kB pages,
 *              not the byte-size addresses as used in other functions.
 *              Array must be located in internal memory.
 * @param page_count  Number of entries in the pages array
 * @param memory  Address space where the region should be mapped (instruction or data)
 * @param[out] out_ptr  Output, pointer to the mapped memory region
 * @param[out] out_handle  Output, handle which should be used for spi_flash_munmap call
 * @return
 *      - ESP_OK on success
 *      - ESP_ERR_NO_MEM if pages can not be allocated
 *      - ESP_ERR_INVALID_ARG if pagecount is zero or pages array is not in
 *        internal memory
esp_err_t spi_flash_mmap_pages(const int *pages, size_t page_count, spi_flash_mmap_memory_t memory,
                         const void** out_ptr, spi_flash_mmap_handle_t* out_handle);

 * @brief Release region previously obtained using spi_flash_mmap
 * @note Calling this function will not necessarily unmap memory region.
 *       Region will only be unmapped when there are no other handles which
 *       reference this region. In case of partially overlapping regions
 *       it is possible that memory will be unmapped partially.
 * @param handle  Handle obtained from spi_flash_mmap
void spi_flash_munmap(spi_flash_mmap_handle_t handle);

 * @brief Display information about mapped regions
 * This function lists handles obtained using spi_flash_mmap, along with range
 * of pages allocated to each handle. It also lists all non-zero entries of
 * MMU table and corresponding reference counts.
void spi_flash_mmap_dump();

 * @brief get free pages number which can be mmap
 * This function will return number of free pages available in mmu table. This could be useful
 * before calling actual spi_flash_mmap (maps flash range to DCache or ICache memory) to check
 * if there is sufficient space available for mapping.
 * @param memory memory type of MMU table free page
 * @return number of free pages which can be mmaped
uint32_t spi_flash_mmap_get_free_pages(spi_flash_mmap_memory_t memory);

#define SPI_FLASH_CACHE2PHYS_FAIL UINT32_MAX /*<! Result from spi_flash_cache2phys() if flash cache address is invalid */

 * @brief Given a memory address where flash is mapped, return the corresponding physical flash offset.
 * Cache address does not have have been assigned via spi_flash_mmap(), any address in memory mapped flash space can be looked up.
 * @param cached Pointer to flashed cached memory.
 * @return
 * - SPI_FLASH_CACHE2PHYS_FAIL If cache address is outside flash cache region, or the address is not mapped.
 * - Otherwise, returns physical offset in flash
size_t spi_flash_cache2phys(const void *cached);

/** @brief Given a physical offset in flash, return the address where it is mapped in the memory space.
 * Physical address does not have to have been assigned via spi_flash_mmap(), any address in flash can be looked up.
 * @note Only the first matching cache address is returned. If MMU flash cache table is configured so multiple entries
 * point to the same physical address, there may be more than one cache address corresponding to that physical
 * address. It is also possible for a single physical address to be mapped to both the IROM and DROM regions.
 * @note This function doesn't impose any alignment constraints, but if memory argument is SPI_FLASH_MMAP_INST and
 * phys_offs is not 4-byte aligned, then reading from the returned pointer will result in a crash.
 * @param phys_offs Physical offset in flash memory to look up.
 * @param memory Address space type to look up a flash cache address mapping for (instruction or data)
 * @return
 * - NULL if the physical address is invalid or not mapped to flash cache of the specified memory type.
 * - Cached memory address (in IROM or DROM space) corresponding to phys_offs.
const void *spi_flash_phys2cache(size_t phys_offs, spi_flash_mmap_memory_t memory);

/** @brief Check at runtime if flash cache is enabled on both CPUs
 * @return true if both CPUs have flash cache enabled, false otherwise.
bool spi_flash_cache_enabled();

 * @brief SPI flash critical section enter function.
typedef void (*spi_flash_guard_start_func_t)(void);
 * @brief SPI flash critical section exit function.
typedef void (*spi_flash_guard_end_func_t)(void);
 * @brief SPI flash operation lock function.
typedef void (*spi_flash_op_lock_func_t)(void);
 * @brief SPI flash operation unlock function.
typedef void (*spi_flash_op_unlock_func_t)(void);
 * @brief Function to protect SPI flash critical regions corruption.
typedef bool (*spi_flash_is_safe_write_address_t)(size_t addr, size_t size);

 * Structure holding SPI flash access critical sections management functions.
 * Flash API uses two types of flash access management functions:
 * 1) Functions which prepare/restore flash cache and interrupts before calling
 *    appropriate ROM functions (SPIWrite, SPIRead and SPIEraseBlock):
 *   - 'start' function should disables flash cache and non-IRAM interrupts and
 *      is invoked before the call to one of ROM function above.
 *   - 'end' function should restore state of flash cache and non-IRAM interrupts and
 *      is invoked after the call to one of ROM function above.
 *    These two functions are not recursive.
 * 2) Functions which synchronizes access to internal data used by flash API.
 *    This functions are mostly intended to synchronize access to flash API internal data
 *    in multithreaded environment and use OS primitives:
 *   - 'op_lock' locks access to flash API internal data.
 *   - 'op_unlock' unlocks access to flash API internal data.
 *   These two functions are recursive and can be used around the outside of multiple calls to
 *   'start' & 'end', in order to create atomic multi-part flash operations.
 * 3) When CONFIG_SPI_FLASH_WRITING_DANGEROUS_REGIONS_ALLOWED is disabled, flash writing/erasing
 *    API checks for addresses provided by user to avoid corruption of critical flash regions
 *    (bootloader, partition table, running application etc.).
 * Different versions of the guarding functions should be used depending on the context of
 * execution (with or without functional OS). In normal conditions when flash API is called
 * from task the functions use OS primitives. When there is no OS at all or when
 * it is not guaranteed that OS is functional (accessing flash from exception handler) these
 * functions cannot use OS primitives or even does not need them (multithreaded access is not possible).
 * @note Structure and corresponding guard functions should not reside in flash.
 *       For example structure can be placed in DRAM and functions in IRAM sections.
typedef struct {
    spi_flash_guard_start_func_t        start;      /**< critical section start function. */
    spi_flash_guard_end_func_t          end;        /**< critical section end function. */
    spi_flash_op_lock_func_t            op_lock;    /**< flash access API lock function.*/
    spi_flash_op_unlock_func_t          op_unlock;  /**< flash access API unlock function.*/
    spi_flash_is_safe_write_address_t   is_safe_write_address; /**< checks flash write addresses.*/
} spi_flash_guard_funcs_t;

 * @brief  Sets guard functions to access flash.
 * @note Pointed structure and corresponding guard functions should not reside in flash.
 *       For example structure can be placed in DRAM and functions in IRAM sections.
 * @param funcs pointer to structure holding flash access guard functions.
void spi_flash_guard_set(const spi_flash_guard_funcs_t* funcs);

 * @brief Get the guard functions used for flash access
 * @return The guard functions that were set via spi_flash_guard_set(). These functions
 * can be called if implementing custom low-level SPI flash operations.
const spi_flash_guard_funcs_t *spi_flash_guard_get();

 * @brief Default OS-aware flash access guard functions
extern const spi_flash_guard_funcs_t g_flash_guard_default_ops;

 * @brief Non-OS flash access guard functions
 * @note This version of flash guard functions is to be used when no OS is present or from panic handler.
 *       It does not use any OS primitives and IPC and implies that only calling CPU is active.
extern const spi_flash_guard_funcs_t g_flash_guard_no_os_ops;


 * Structure holding statistics for one type of operation
typedef struct {
    uint32_t count;     // number of times operation was executed
    uint32_t time;      // total time taken, in microseconds
    uint32_t bytes;     // total number of bytes
} spi_flash_counter_t;

typedef struct {
    spi_flash_counter_t read;
    spi_flash_counter_t write;
    spi_flash_counter_t erase;
} spi_flash_counters_t;

 * @brief  Reset SPI flash operation counters
void spi_flash_reset_counters();

 * @brief  Print SPI flash operation counters
void spi_flash_dump_counters();

 * @brief  Return current SPI flash operation counters
 * @return  pointer to the spi_flash_counters_t structure holding values
 *          of the operation counters
const spi_flash_counters_t* spi_flash_get_counters();


#ifdef __cplusplus

#endif /* ESP_SPI_FLASH_H */