/* EEPROM.h -ported by Paolo Becchi to Esp32 from esp8266 EEPROM -Modified by Elochukwu Ifediora -Converted to nvs lbernstone@gmail.com Uses a nvs byte array to emulate EEPROM Copyright (c) 2014 Ivan Grokhotkov. All rights reserved. This file is part of the esp8266 core for Arduino environment. This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA */ #include "EEPROM.h" #include #include #include EEPROMClass::EEPROMClass(void) : _handle(0) , _data(0) , _size(0) , _dirty(false) , _name("eeprom") , _user_defined_size(0) { } EEPROMClass::EEPROMClass(uint32_t sector) // Only for compatiility, no sectors in nvs! : _handle(0) , _data(0) , _size(0) , _dirty(false) , _name("eeprom") , _user_defined_size(0) { } EEPROMClass::EEPROMClass(const char* name, uint32_t user_defined_size) : _handle(0) , _data(0) , _size(0) , _dirty(false) , _name(name) , _user_defined_size(user_defined_size) { } EEPROMClass::~EEPROMClass() { end(); } bool EEPROMClass::begin(size_t size) { if (!size) { return false; } esp_err_t res = nvs_open(_name, NVS_READWRITE, &_handle); if (res != ESP_OK) { log_e("Unable to open NVS namespace: %d", res); return false; } size_t key_size = 0; res = nvs_get_blob(_handle, _name, NULL, &key_size); if(res != ESP_OK && res != ESP_ERR_NVS_NOT_FOUND) { log_e("Unable to read NVS key: %d", res); return false; } if (size < key_size) { // truncate log_w("truncating EEPROM from %d to %d", key_size, size); uint8_t* key_data = (uint8_t*) malloc(key_size); if(!key_data) { log_e("Not enough memory to truncate EEPROM!"); return false; } nvs_get_blob(_handle, _name, key_data, &key_size); nvs_set_blob(_handle, _name, key_data, size); nvs_commit(_handle); free(key_data); } else if (size > key_size) { // expand or new size_t expand_size = size - key_size; uint8_t* expand_key = (uint8_t*) malloc(expand_size); if(!expand_key) { log_e("Not enough memory to expand EEPROM!"); return false; } // check for adequate free space if(nvs_set_blob(_handle, "expand", expand_key, expand_size)) { log_e("Not enough space to expand EEPROM from %d to %d", key_size, size); free(expand_key); return false; } free(expand_key); nvs_erase_key(_handle, "expand"); uint8_t* key_data = (uint8_t*) malloc(size); if(!key_data) { log_e("Not enough memory to expand EEPROM!"); return false; } memset(key_data, 0xFF, size); if(key_size) { log_i("Expanding EEPROM from %d to %d", key_size, size); // hold data while key is deleted nvs_get_blob(_handle, _name, key_data, &key_size); nvs_erase_key(_handle, _name); } else { log_i("New EEPROM of %d bytes", size); } nvs_commit(_handle); nvs_set_blob(_handle, _name, key_data, size); free(key_data); nvs_commit(_handle); } if (_data) { delete[] _data; } _data = (uint8_t*) malloc(size); if(!_data) { log_e("Not enough memory for %d bytes in EEPROM"); return false; } _size = size; nvs_get_blob(_handle, _name, _data, &_size); return true; } void EEPROMClass::end() { if (!_size) { return; } commit(); if (_data) { delete[] _data; } _data = 0; _size = 0; nvs_close(_handle); _handle = 0; } uint8_t EEPROMClass::read(int address) { if (address < 0 || (size_t)address >= _size) { return 0; } if (!_data) { return 0; } return _data[address]; } void EEPROMClass::write(int address, uint8_t value) { if (address < 0 || (size_t)address >= _size) return; if (!_data) return; // Optimise _dirty. Only flagged if data written is different. uint8_t* pData = &_data[address]; if (*pData != value) { *pData = value; _dirty = true; } } bool EEPROMClass::commit() { bool ret = false; if (!_size) { return false; } if (!_data) { return false; } if (!_dirty) { return true; } if (ESP_OK != nvs_set_blob(_handle, _name, _data, _size)) { log_e( "error in write"); } else { _dirty = false; ret = true; } return ret; } uint8_t * EEPROMClass::getDataPtr() { _dirty = true; return &_data[0]; } /* Get EEPROM total size in byte defined by the user */ uint16_t EEPROMClass::length () { return _user_defined_size; } /* Convert EEPROM partition into nvs blob Call convert before you call begin */ uint16_t EEPROMClass::convert (bool clear, const char* EEPROMname, const char* nvsname) { uint16_t result = 0; const esp_partition_t* mypart = esp_partition_find_first(ESP_PARTITION_TYPE_DATA, ESP_PARTITION_SUBTYPE_ANY, EEPROMname); if (mypart == NULL) { log_i("EEPROM partition not found for conversion"); return result; } size_t size = mypart->size; uint8_t* data = (uint8_t*) malloc(size); if (!data) { log_e("Not enough memory to convert EEPROM!"); goto exit; } if (esp_partition_read (mypart, 0, (void *) data, size) != ESP_OK) { log_e("Unable to read EEPROM partition"); goto exit; } bool empty; empty = true; for (int x=0; x _size) return 0; uint16_t len; for (len = 0; len <= _size; len++) if (_data[address + len] == 0) break; if (address + len > _size) return 0; if (len > maxLen) return 0; //Maybe return part of the string instead? memcpy((uint8_t*) value, _data + address, len); value[len] = 0; return len; } String EEPROMClass::readString (int address) { if (address < 0 || address > _size) return String(); uint16_t len; for (len = 0; len <= _size; len++) if (_data[address + len] == 0) break; if (address + len > _size) return String(); char value[len+1]; memcpy((uint8_t*) value, _data + address, len); value[len] = 0; return String(value); } size_t EEPROMClass::readBytes (int address, void* value, size_t maxLen) { if (!value || !maxLen) return 0; if (address < 0 || address + maxLen > _size) return 0; memcpy((void*) value, _data + address, maxLen); return maxLen; } template T EEPROMClass::readAll (int address, T &value) { if (address < 0 || address + sizeof(T) > _size) return value; memcpy((uint8_t*) &value, _data + address, sizeof(T)); return value; } /* Write 'value' to 'address' */ size_t EEPROMClass::writeByte (int address, uint8_t value) { return EEPROMClass::writeAll (address, value); } size_t EEPROMClass::writeChar (int address, int8_t value) { return EEPROMClass::writeAll (address, value); } size_t EEPROMClass::writeUChar (int address, uint8_t value) { return EEPROMClass::writeAll (address, value); } size_t EEPROMClass::writeShort (int address, int16_t value) { return EEPROMClass::writeAll (address, value); } size_t EEPROMClass::writeUShort (int address, uint16_t value) { return EEPROMClass::writeAll (address, value); } size_t EEPROMClass::writeInt (int address, int32_t value) { return EEPROMClass::writeAll (address, value); } size_t EEPROMClass::writeUInt (int address, uint32_t value) { return EEPROMClass::writeAll (address, value); } size_t EEPROMClass::writeLong (int address, int32_t value) { return EEPROMClass::writeAll (address, value); } size_t EEPROMClass::writeULong (int address, uint32_t value) { return EEPROMClass::writeAll (address, value); } size_t EEPROMClass::writeLong64 (int address, int64_t value) { return EEPROMClass::writeAll (address, value); } size_t EEPROMClass::writeULong64 (int address, uint64_t value) { return EEPROMClass::writeAll (address, value); } size_t EEPROMClass::writeFloat (int address, float_t value) { return EEPROMClass::writeAll (address, value); } size_t EEPROMClass::writeDouble (int address, double_t value) { return EEPROMClass::writeAll (address, value); } size_t EEPROMClass::writeBool (int address, bool value) { int8_t Bool; value ? Bool = 1 : Bool = 0; return EEPROMClass::writeAll (address, Bool); } size_t EEPROMClass::writeString (int address, const char* value) { if (!value) return 0; if (address < 0 || address > _size) return 0; uint16_t len; for (len = 0; len <= _size; len++) if (value[len] == 0) break; if (address + len > _size) return 0; memcpy(_data + address, (const uint8_t*) value, len + 1); _dirty = true; return strlen(value); } size_t EEPROMClass::writeString (int address, String value) { return EEPROMClass::writeString (address, value.c_str()); } size_t EEPROMClass::writeBytes (int address, const void* value, size_t len) { if (!value || !len) return 0; if (address < 0 || address + len > _size) return 0; memcpy(_data + address, (const void*) value, len); _dirty = true; return len; } template T EEPROMClass::writeAll (int address, const T &value) { if (address < 0 || address + sizeof(T) > _size) return value; memcpy(_data + address, (const uint8_t*) &value, sizeof(T)); _dirty = true; return sizeof (value); } #if !defined(NO_GLOBAL_INSTANCES) && !defined(NO_GLOBAL_EEPROM) EEPROMClass EEPROM; #endif