// Copyright 2015-2020 Espressif Systems (Shanghai) PTE LTD // // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. // You may obtain a copy of the License at // // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. #include "esp32-hal.h" #include "esp32-hal-tinyusb.h" #include "USB.h" #if CONFIG_TINYUSB_ENABLED #ifndef USB_VID #define USB_VID USB_ESPRESSIF_VID #endif #ifndef USB_PID #define USB_PID 0x0002 #endif #ifndef USB_MANUFACTURER #define USB_MANUFACTURER "Espressif Systems" #endif #ifndef USB_PRODUCT #define USB_PRODUCT ARDUINO_BOARD #endif #ifndef USB_SERIAL #define USB_SERIAL "0" #endif #ifndef USB_WEBUSB_ENABLED #define USB_WEBUSB_ENABLED false #endif #ifndef USB_WEBUSB_URL #define USB_WEBUSB_URL "https://espressif.github.io/arduino-esp32/webusb.html" #endif #if CFG_TUD_DFU_RUNTIME static uint16_t load_dfu_descriptor(uint8_t * dst, uint8_t * itf) { #define DFU_ATTRS (DFU_ATTR_CAN_DOWNLOAD | DFU_ATTR_CAN_UPLOAD | DFU_ATTR_MANIFESTATION_TOLERANT) uint8_t str_index = tinyusb_add_string_descriptor("TinyUSB DFU_RT"); uint8_t descriptor[TUD_DFU_RT_DESC_LEN] = { // Interface number, string index, attributes, detach timeout, transfer size */ TUD_DFU_RT_DESCRIPTOR(*itf, str_index, DFU_ATTRS, 700, 64) }; *itf+=1; memcpy(dst, descriptor, TUD_DFU_RT_DESC_LEN); return TUD_DFU_RT_DESC_LEN; } // Invoked on DFU_DETACH request to reboot to the bootloader void tud_dfu_runtime_reboot_to_dfu_cb(void) { usb_persist_restart(RESTART_BOOTLOADER_DFU); } #endif /* CFG_TUD_DFU_RUNTIME */ ESP_EVENT_DEFINE_BASE(ARDUINO_USB_EVENTS); static esp_event_loop_handle_t arduino_usb_event_loop_handle = NULL; esp_err_t arduino_usb_event_post(esp_event_base_t event_base, int32_t event_id, void *event_data, size_t event_data_size, TickType_t ticks_to_wait){ if(arduino_usb_event_loop_handle == NULL){ return ESP_FAIL; } return esp_event_post_to(arduino_usb_event_loop_handle, event_base, event_id, event_data, event_data_size, ticks_to_wait); } esp_err_t arduino_usb_event_handler_register_with(esp_event_base_t event_base, int32_t event_id, esp_event_handler_t event_handler, void *event_handler_arg){ if(arduino_usb_event_loop_handle == NULL){ return ESP_FAIL; } return esp_event_handler_register_with(arduino_usb_event_loop_handle, event_base, event_id, event_handler, event_handler_arg); } static bool tinyusb_device_mounted = false; static bool tinyusb_device_suspended = false; // Invoked when device is mounted (configured) void tud_mount_cb(void){ tinyusb_device_mounted = true; arduino_usb_event_data_t p = {0}; arduino_usb_event_post(ARDUINO_USB_EVENTS, ARDUINO_USB_STARTED_EVENT, &p, sizeof(arduino_usb_event_data_t), portMAX_DELAY); } // Invoked when device is unmounted void tud_umount_cb(void){ tinyusb_device_mounted = false; arduino_usb_event_data_t p = {0}; arduino_usb_event_post(ARDUINO_USB_EVENTS, ARDUINO_USB_STOPPED_EVENT, &p, sizeof(arduino_usb_event_data_t), portMAX_DELAY); } // Invoked when usb bus is suspended // Within 7ms, device must draw an average of current less than 2.5 mA from bus void tud_suspend_cb(bool remote_wakeup_en){ tinyusb_device_suspended = true; arduino_usb_event_data_t p = {0}; p.suspend.remote_wakeup_en = remote_wakeup_en; arduino_usb_event_post(ARDUINO_USB_EVENTS, ARDUINO_USB_SUSPEND_EVENT, &p, sizeof(arduino_usb_event_data_t), portMAX_DELAY); } // Invoked when usb bus is resumed void tud_resume_cb(void){ tinyusb_device_suspended = false; arduino_usb_event_data_t p = {0}; arduino_usb_event_post(ARDUINO_USB_EVENTS, ARDUINO_USB_RESUME_EVENT, &p, sizeof(arduino_usb_event_data_t), portMAX_DELAY); } ESPUSB::ESPUSB(size_t task_stack_size, uint8_t event_task_priority) :vid(USB_VID) ,pid(USB_PID) ,product_name(USB_PRODUCT) ,manufacturer_name(USB_MANUFACTURER) ,serial_number(USB_SERIAL) ,fw_version(0x0100) ,usb_version(0x0200)// at least 2.1 or 3.x for BOS & webUSB ,usb_class(TUSB_CLASS_MISC) ,usb_subclass(MISC_SUBCLASS_COMMON) ,usb_protocol(MISC_PROTOCOL_IAD) ,usb_attributes(TUSB_DESC_CONFIG_ATT_SELF_POWERED) ,usb_power_ma(500) ,webusb_enabled(USB_WEBUSB_ENABLED) ,webusb_url(USB_WEBUSB_URL) ,_started(false) ,_task_stack_size(task_stack_size) ,_event_task_priority(event_task_priority) { if (!arduino_usb_event_loop_handle) { esp_event_loop_args_t event_task_args = { .queue_size = 5, .task_name = "arduino_usb_events", .task_priority = _event_task_priority, .task_stack_size = _task_stack_size, .task_core_id = tskNO_AFFINITY }; if (esp_event_loop_create(&event_task_args, &arduino_usb_event_loop_handle) != ESP_OK) { log_e("esp_event_loop_create failed"); } } } ESPUSB::~ESPUSB(){ if (arduino_usb_event_loop_handle) { esp_event_loop_delete(arduino_usb_event_loop_handle); arduino_usb_event_loop_handle = NULL; } } bool ESPUSB::begin(){ if(!_started){ tinyusb_device_config_t tinyusb_device_config = { .vid = vid, .pid = pid, .product_name = product_name.c_str(), .manufacturer_name = manufacturer_name.c_str(), .serial_number = serial_number.c_str(), .fw_version = fw_version, .usb_version = usb_version, .usb_class = usb_class, .usb_subclass = usb_subclass, .usb_protocol = usb_protocol, .usb_attributes = usb_attributes, .usb_power_ma = usb_power_ma, .webusb_enabled = webusb_enabled, .webusb_url = webusb_url.c_str() }; _started = tinyusb_init(&tinyusb_device_config) == ESP_OK; } return _started; } void ESPUSB::onEvent(esp_event_handler_t callback){ onEvent(ARDUINO_USB_ANY_EVENT, callback); } void ESPUSB::onEvent(arduino_usb_event_t event, esp_event_handler_t callback){ arduino_usb_event_handler_register_with(ARDUINO_USB_EVENTS, event, callback, this); } ESPUSB::operator bool() const { return _started && tinyusb_device_mounted; } bool ESPUSB::enableDFU(){ #if CFG_TUD_DFU_RUNTIME return tinyusb_enable_interface(USB_INTERFACE_DFU, TUD_DFU_RT_DESC_LEN, load_dfu_descriptor) == ESP_OK; #endif /* CFG_TUD_DFU_RUNTIME */ return false; } bool ESPUSB::VID(uint16_t v){ if(!_started){ vid = v; } return !_started; } uint16_t ESPUSB::VID(void){ return vid; } bool ESPUSB::PID(uint16_t p){ if(!_started){ pid = p; } return !_started; } uint16_t ESPUSB::PID(void){ return pid; } bool ESPUSB::firmwareVersion(uint16_t version){ if(!_started){ fw_version = version; } return !_started; } uint16_t ESPUSB::firmwareVersion(void){ return fw_version; } bool ESPUSB::usbVersion(uint16_t version){ if(!_started){ usb_version = version; } return !_started; } uint16_t ESPUSB::usbVersion(void){ return usb_version; } bool ESPUSB::usbPower(uint16_t mA){ if(!_started){ usb_power_ma = mA; } return !_started; } uint16_t ESPUSB::usbPower(void){ return usb_power_ma; } bool ESPUSB::usbClass(uint8_t _class){ if(!_started){ usb_class = _class; } return !_started; } uint8_t ESPUSB::usbClass(void){ return usb_class; } bool ESPUSB::usbSubClass(uint8_t subClass){ if(!_started){ usb_subclass = subClass; } return !_started; } uint8_t ESPUSB::usbSubClass(void){ return usb_subclass; } bool ESPUSB::usbProtocol(uint8_t protocol){ if(!_started){ usb_protocol = protocol; } return !_started; } uint8_t ESPUSB::usbProtocol(void){ return usb_protocol; } bool ESPUSB::usbAttributes(uint8_t attr){ if(!_started){ usb_attributes = attr; } return !_started; } uint8_t ESPUSB::usbAttributes(void){ return usb_attributes; } bool ESPUSB::webUSB(bool enabled){ if(!_started){ webusb_enabled = enabled; if(enabled && usb_version < 0x0210){ usb_version = 0x0210; } } return !_started; } bool ESPUSB::webUSB(void){ return webusb_enabled; } bool ESPUSB::productName(const char * name){ if(!_started){ product_name = name; } return !_started; } const char * ESPUSB::productName(void){ return product_name.c_str(); } bool ESPUSB::manufacturerName(const char * name){ if(!_started){ manufacturer_name = name; } return !_started; } const char * ESPUSB::manufacturerName(void){ return manufacturer_name.c_str(); } bool ESPUSB::serialNumber(const char * name){ if(!_started){ serial_number = name; } return !_started; } const char * ESPUSB::serialNumber(void){ return serial_number.c_str(); } bool ESPUSB::webUSBURL(const char * name){ if(!_started){ webusb_url = name; } return !_started; } const char * ESPUSB::webUSBURL(void){ return webusb_url.c_str(); } ESPUSB USB; #endif /* CONFIG_TINYUSB_ENABLED */