// Copyright 2015-2016 Espressif Systems (Shanghai) PTE LTD
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at

//     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.

#ifndef __ESP_LOG_H__
#define __ESP_LOG_H__

#include <stdint.h>
#include <stdarg.h>
#include "sdkconfig.h"
#include <rom/ets_sys.h>

#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {

 * @brief Log level
typedef enum {
    ESP_LOG_NONE,       /*!< No log output */
    ESP_LOG_ERROR,      /*!< Critical errors, software module can not recover on its own */
    ESP_LOG_WARN,       /*!< Error conditions from which recovery measures have been taken */
    ESP_LOG_INFO,       /*!< Information messages which describe normal flow of events */
    ESP_LOG_DEBUG,      /*!< Extra information which is not necessary for normal use (values, pointers, sizes, etc). */
    ESP_LOG_VERBOSE     /*!< Bigger chunks of debugging information, or frequent messages which can potentially flood the output. */
} esp_log_level_t;

typedef int (*vprintf_like_t)(const char *, va_list);

 * @brief Set log level for given tag
 * If logging for given component has already been enabled, changes previous setting.
 * @param tag Tag of the log entries to enable. Must be a non-NULL zero terminated string.
 *            Value "*" resets log level for all tags to the given value.
 * @param level  Selects log level to enable. Only logs at this and lower levels will be shown.
void esp_log_level_set(const char* tag, esp_log_level_t level);

 * @brief Set function used to output log entries
 * By default, log output goes to UART0. This function can be used to redirect log
 * output to some other destination, such as file or network.
 * @param func Function used for output. Must have same signature as vprintf.
void esp_log_set_vprintf(vprintf_like_t func);

 * @brief Function which returns timestamp to be used in log output
 * This function is used in expansion of ESP_LOGx macros.
 * In the 2nd stage bootloader, and at early application startup stage
 * this function uses CPU cycle counter as time source. Later when
 * FreeRTOS scheduler start running, it switches to FreeRTOS tick count.
 * For now, we ignore millisecond counter overflow.
 * @return timestamp, in milliseconds
uint32_t esp_log_timestamp(void);

 * @brief Function which returns timestamp to be used in log output
 * This function uses HW cycle counter and does not depend on OS,
 * so it can be safely used after application crash.
 * @return timestamp, in milliseconds
uint32_t esp_log_early_timestamp(void);

 * @brief Write message into the log
 * This function is not intended to be used directly. Instead, use one of
 * This function or these macros should not be used from an interrupt.
void esp_log_write(esp_log_level_t level, const char* tag, const char* format, ...) __attribute__ ((format (printf, 3, 4)));

 * @brief Log a buffer of hex bytes at Info level
 * @param  tag      description tag
 * @param  buffer   Pointer to the buffer array
 * @param  buff_len length of buffer in bytes
void esp_log_buffer_hex(const char *tag, const void *buffer, uint16_t buff_len);

 * @brief Log a buffer of characters at Info level. Buffer should contain only printable characters.
 * @param  tag      description tag
 * @param  buffer   Pointer to the buffer array
 * @param  buff_len length of buffer in bytes
void esp_log_buffer_char(const char *tag, const void *buffer, uint16_t buff_len);

#define LOG_COLOR_BLACK   "30"
#define LOG_COLOR_RED     "31"
#define LOG_COLOR_GREEN   "32"
#define LOG_COLOR_BROWN   "33"
#define LOG_COLOR_BLUE    "34"
#define LOG_COLOR_PURPLE  "35"
#define LOG_COLOR_CYAN    "36"
#define LOG_COLOR(COLOR)  "\033[0;" COLOR "m"
#define LOG_BOLD(COLOR)   "\033[1;" COLOR "m"
#define LOG_RESET_COLOR   "\033[0m"
#define LOG_COLOR_D
#define LOG_COLOR_V
#define LOG_COLOR_E
#define LOG_COLOR_W
#define LOG_COLOR_I
#define LOG_COLOR_D
#define LOG_COLOR_V

#define LOG_FORMAT(letter, format)  LOG_COLOR_ ## letter #letter " (%d) %s: " format LOG_RESET_COLOR "\n"

#define LOG_LOCAL_LEVEL  ((esp_log_level_t) CONFIG_LOG_DEFAULT_LEVEL)

#define ESP_EARLY_LOGE( tag, format, ... )  if (LOG_LOCAL_LEVEL >= ESP_LOG_ERROR)   { ets_printf(LOG_FORMAT(E, format), esp_log_timestamp(), tag, ##__VA_ARGS__); }
#define ESP_EARLY_LOGW( tag, format, ... )  if (LOG_LOCAL_LEVEL >= ESP_LOG_WARN)    { ets_printf(LOG_FORMAT(W, format), esp_log_timestamp(), tag, ##__VA_ARGS__); }
#define ESP_EARLY_LOGI( tag, format, ... )  if (LOG_LOCAL_LEVEL >= ESP_LOG_INFO)    { ets_printf(LOG_FORMAT(I, format), esp_log_timestamp(), tag, ##__VA_ARGS__); }
#define ESP_EARLY_LOGD( tag, format, ... )  if (LOG_LOCAL_LEVEL >= ESP_LOG_DEBUG)   { ets_printf(LOG_FORMAT(D, format), esp_log_timestamp(), tag, ##__VA_ARGS__); }
#define ESP_EARLY_LOGV( tag, format, ... )  if (LOG_LOCAL_LEVEL >= ESP_LOG_VERBOSE) { ets_printf(LOG_FORMAT(V, format), esp_log_timestamp(), tag, ##__VA_ARGS__); }

#define ESP_LOGE( tag, format, ... )  if (LOG_LOCAL_LEVEL >= ESP_LOG_ERROR)   { esp_log_write(ESP_LOG_ERROR,   tag, LOG_FORMAT(E, format), esp_log_timestamp(), tag, ##__VA_ARGS__); }
#define ESP_LOGW( tag, format, ... )  if (LOG_LOCAL_LEVEL >= ESP_LOG_WARN)    { esp_log_write(ESP_LOG_WARN,    tag, LOG_FORMAT(W, format), esp_log_timestamp(), tag, ##__VA_ARGS__); }
#define ESP_LOGI( tag, format, ... )  if (LOG_LOCAL_LEVEL >= ESP_LOG_INFO)    { esp_log_write(ESP_LOG_INFO,    tag, LOG_FORMAT(I, format), esp_log_timestamp(), tag, ##__VA_ARGS__); }
#define ESP_LOGD( tag, format, ... )  if (LOG_LOCAL_LEVEL >= ESP_LOG_DEBUG)   { esp_log_write(ESP_LOG_DEBUG,   tag, LOG_FORMAT(D, format), esp_log_timestamp(), tag, ##__VA_ARGS__); }
#define ESP_LOGV( tag, format, ... )  if (LOG_LOCAL_LEVEL >= ESP_LOG_VERBOSE) { esp_log_write(ESP_LOG_VERBOSE, tag, LOG_FORMAT(V, format), esp_log_timestamp(), tag, ##__VA_ARGS__); }
#define ESP_LOGE( tag, format, ... )  ESP_EARLY_LOGE(tag, format, ##__VA_ARGS__)
#define ESP_LOGW( tag, format, ... )  ESP_EARLY_LOGW(tag, format, ##__VA_ARGS__)
#define ESP_LOGI( tag, format, ... )  ESP_EARLY_LOGI(tag, format, ##__VA_ARGS__)
#define ESP_LOGD( tag, format, ... )  ESP_EARLY_LOGD(tag, format, ##__VA_ARGS__)
#define ESP_LOGV( tag, format, ... )  ESP_EARLY_LOGV(tag, format, ##__VA_ARGS__)

#ifdef __cplusplus

#endif /* __ESP_LOG_H__ */