/* * This file is subject to the terms and conditions defined in * file 'LICENSE', which is part of this source code package. * Tuan PM <tuanpm at live dot com> */ #ifndef _MQTT_CLIENT_H_ #define _MQTT_CLIENT_H_ #include <stdint.h> #include <stdbool.h> #include <string.h> #include "esp_err.h" #include "mqtt_config.h" #ifdef __cplusplus extern "C" { #endif typedef struct esp_mqtt_client* esp_mqtt_client_handle_t; typedef enum { MQTT_EVENT_ERROR = 0, MQTT_EVENT_CONNECTED, MQTT_EVENT_DISCONNECTED, MQTT_EVENT_SUBSCRIBED, MQTT_EVENT_UNSUBSCRIBED, MQTT_EVENT_PUBLISHED, MQTT_EVENT_DATA, } esp_mqtt_event_id_t; typedef enum { MQTT_TRANSPORT_UNKNOWN = 0x0, MQTT_TRANSPORT_OVER_TCP, /*!< MQTT over TCP, using scheme: ``mqtt`` */ MQTT_TRANSPORT_OVER_SSL, /*!< MQTT over SSL, using scheme: ``mqtts`` */ MQTT_TRANSPORT_OVER_WS, /*!< MQTT over Websocket, using scheme:: ``ws`` */ MQTT_TRANSPORT_OVER_WSS /*!< MQTT over Websocket Secure, using scheme: ``wss`` */ } esp_mqtt_transport_t; /** * MQTT event configuration structure */ typedef struct { esp_mqtt_event_id_t event_id; /*!< MQTT event type */ esp_mqtt_client_handle_t client; /*!< MQTT client handle for this event */ void *user_context; /*!< User context passed from MQTT client config */ char *data; /*!< Data asociated with this event */ int data_len; /*!< Lenght of the data for this event */ int total_data_len; /*!< Total length of the data (longer data are supplied with multiple events) */ int current_data_offset; /*!< Actual offset for the data asociated with this event */ char *topic; /*!< Topic asociated with this event */ int topic_len; /*!< Length of the topic for this event asociated with this event */ int msg_id; /*!< MQTT messaged id of message */ } esp_mqtt_event_t; typedef esp_mqtt_event_t* esp_mqtt_event_handle_t; typedef esp_err_t (* mqtt_event_callback_t)(esp_mqtt_event_handle_t event); /** * MQTT client configuration structure */ typedef struct { mqtt_event_callback_t event_handle; /*!< handle for MQTT events */ const char *host; /*!< MQTT server domain (ipv4 as string) */ const char *uri; /*!< Complete MQTT broker URI */ uint32_t port; /*!< MQTT server port */ const char *client_id; /*!< default client id is ``ESP32_%CHIPID%`` where %CHIPID% are last 3 bytes of MAC address in hex format */ const char *username; /*!< MQTT username */ const char *password; /*!< MQTT password */ const char *lwt_topic; /*!< LWT (Last Will and Testament) message topic (NULL by default) */ const char *lwt_msg; /*!< LWT message (NULL by default) */ int lwt_qos; /*!< LWT message qos */ int lwt_retain; /*!< LWT retained message flag */ int lwt_msg_len; /*!< LWT message length */ int disable_clean_session; /*!< mqtt clean session, default clean_session is true */ int keepalive; /*!< mqtt keepalive, default is 120 seconds */ bool disable_auto_reconnect; /*!< this mqtt client will reconnect to server (when errors/disconnect). Set disable_auto_reconnect=true to disable */ void *user_context; /*!< pass user context to this option, then can receive that context in ``event->user_context`` */ int task_prio; /*!< MQTT task priority, default is 5, can be changed in ``make menuconfig`` */ int task_stack; /*!< MQTT task stack size, default is 6144 bytes, can be changed in ``make menuconfig`` */ int buffer_size; /*!< size of MQTT send/receive buffer, default is 1024 */ const char *cert_pem; /*!< pointer to CERT file for server verify (with SSL), default is NULL, not required to verify the server */ esp_mqtt_transport_t transport; /*!< overrides URI transport */ } esp_mqtt_client_config_t; esp_mqtt_client_handle_t esp_mqtt_client_init(const esp_mqtt_client_config_t *config); esp_err_t esp_mqtt_client_set_uri(esp_mqtt_client_handle_t client, const char *uri); esp_err_t esp_mqtt_client_start(esp_mqtt_client_handle_t client); esp_err_t esp_mqtt_client_stop(esp_mqtt_client_handle_t client); esp_err_t esp_mqtt_client_subscribe(esp_mqtt_client_handle_t client, const char *topic, int qos); esp_err_t esp_mqtt_client_unsubscribe(esp_mqtt_client_handle_t client, const char *topic); int esp_mqtt_client_publish(esp_mqtt_client_handle_t client, const char *topic, const char *data, int len, int qos, int retain); esp_err_t esp_mqtt_client_destroy(esp_mqtt_client_handle_t client); #ifdef __cplusplus } #endif //__cplusplus #endif