// Copyright 2015-2016 Espressif Systems (Shanghai) PTE LTD // // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. // You may obtain a copy of the License at // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. #include "esp32-hal.h" #include "freertos/FreeRTOS.h" #include "freertos/task.h" #include "freertos/semphr.h" #include "rom/ets_sys.h" #include "esp32-hal-matrix.h" #include "soc/dport_reg.h" #include "soc/ledc_reg.h" #include "soc/ledc_struct.h" #if CONFIG_DISABLE_HAL_LOCKS #define LEDC_MUTEX_LOCK() #define LEDC_MUTEX_UNLOCK() #else #define LEDC_MUTEX_LOCK() do {} while (xSemaphoreTake(_ledc_sys_lock, portMAX_DELAY) != pdPASS) #define LEDC_MUTEX_UNLOCK() xSemaphoreGive(_ledc_sys_lock) xSemaphoreHandle _ledc_sys_lock = NULL; #endif /* * LEDC Chan to Group/Channel/Timer Mapping ** ledc: 0 => Group: 0, Channel: 0, Timer: 0 ** ledc: 1 => Group: 0, Channel: 1, Timer: 0 ** ledc: 2 => Group: 0, Channel: 2, Timer: 1 ** ledc: 3 => Group: 0, Channel: 3, Timer: 1 ** ledc: 4 => Group: 0, Channel: 4, Timer: 2 ** ledc: 5 => Group: 0, Channel: 5, Timer: 2 ** ledc: 6 => Group: 0, Channel: 6, Timer: 3 ** ledc: 7 => Group: 0, Channel: 7, Timer: 3 ** ledc: 8 => Group: 1, Channel: 0, Timer: 0 ** ledc: 9 => Group: 1, Channel: 1, Timer: 0 ** ledc: 10 => Group: 1, Channel: 2, Timer: 1 ** ledc: 11 => Group: 1, Channel: 3, Timer: 1 ** ledc: 12 => Group: 1, Channel: 4, Timer: 2 ** ledc: 13 => Group: 1, Channel: 5, Timer: 2 ** ledc: 14 => Group: 1, Channel: 6, Timer: 3 ** ledc: 15 => Group: 1, Channel: 7, Timer: 3 */ #define LEDC_CHAN(g,c) LEDC.channel_group[(g)].channel[(c)] #define LEDC_TIMER(g,t) LEDC.timer_group[(g)].timer[(t)] static void _on_apb_change(void * arg, apb_change_ev_t ev_type, uint32_t old_apb, uint32_t new_apb){ if(ev_type == APB_AFTER_CHANGE && old_apb != new_apb){ uint16_t iarg = *(uint16_t*)arg; uint8_t chan = 0; old_apb /= 1000000; new_apb /= 1000000; while(iarg){ // run though all active channels, adjusting timing configurations if(iarg & 1) {// this channel is active uint8_t group=(chan/8), timer=((chan/2)%4); if(LEDC_TIMER(group, timer).conf.tick_sel){ LEDC_MUTEX_LOCK(); uint32_t old_div = LEDC_TIMER(group, timer).conf.clock_divider; uint32_t div_num = (new_apb * old_div) / old_apb; if(div_num > LEDC_DIV_NUM_HSTIMER0_V){ div_num = ((REF_CLK_FREQ /1000000) * old_div) / old_apb; if(div_num > LEDC_DIV_NUM_HSTIMER0_V) { div_num = LEDC_DIV_NUM_HSTIMER0_V;//lowest clock possible } LEDC_TIMER(group, timer).conf.tick_sel = 0; } else if(div_num < 256) { div_num = 256;//highest clock possible } LEDC_TIMER(group, timer).conf.clock_divider = div_num; LEDC_MUTEX_UNLOCK(); } else { log_d("using REF_CLK chan=%d",chan); } } iarg = iarg >> 1; chan++; } } } //uint32_t frequency = (80MHz or 1MHz)/((div_num / 256.0)*(1 << bit_num)); static void _ledcSetupTimer(uint8_t chan, uint32_t div_num, uint8_t bit_num, bool apb_clk) { uint8_t group=(chan/8), timer=((chan/2)%4); static bool tHasStarted = false; static uint16_t _activeChannels = 0; if(!tHasStarted) { tHasStarted = true; DPORT_SET_PERI_REG_MASK(DPORT_PERIP_CLK_EN_REG, DPORT_LEDC_CLK_EN); DPORT_CLEAR_PERI_REG_MASK(DPORT_PERIP_RST_EN_REG, DPORT_LEDC_RST); LEDC.conf.apb_clk_sel = 1;//LS use apb clock addApbChangeCallback((void*)&_activeChannels, _on_apb_change); #if !CONFIG_DISABLE_HAL_LOCKS _ledc_sys_lock = xSemaphoreCreateMutex(); #endif } LEDC_MUTEX_LOCK(); LEDC_TIMER(group, timer).conf.clock_divider = div_num;//18 bit (10.8) This register is used to configure parameter for divider in timer the least significant eight bits represent the decimal part. LEDC_TIMER(group, timer).conf.duty_resolution = bit_num;//5 bit This register controls the range of the counter in timer. the counter range is [0 2**bit_num] the max bit width for counter is 20. LEDC_TIMER(group, timer).conf.tick_sel = apb_clk;//apb clock if(group) { LEDC_TIMER(group, timer).conf.low_speed_update = 1;//This bit is only useful for low speed timer channels, reserved for high speed timers } LEDC_TIMER(group, timer).conf.pause = 0; LEDC_TIMER(group, timer).conf.rst = 1;//This bit is used to reset timer the counter will be 0 after reset. LEDC_TIMER(group, timer).conf.rst = 0; LEDC_MUTEX_UNLOCK(); _activeChannels |= (1 << chan); // mark as active for APB callback } //max div_num 0x3FFFF (262143) //max bit_num 0x1F (31) static double _ledcSetupTimerFreq(uint8_t chan, double freq, uint8_t bit_num) { uint64_t clk_freq = getApbFrequency(); clk_freq <<= 8;//div_num is 8 bit decimal uint32_t div_num = (clk_freq >> bit_num) / freq; bool apb_clk = true; if(div_num > LEDC_DIV_NUM_HSTIMER0_V) { clk_freq /= 80; div_num = (clk_freq >> bit_num) / freq; if(div_num > LEDC_DIV_NUM_HSTIMER0_V) { div_num = LEDC_DIV_NUM_HSTIMER0_V;//lowest clock possible } apb_clk = false; } else if(div_num < 256) { div_num = 256;//highest clock possible } _ledcSetupTimer(chan, div_num, bit_num, apb_clk); //log_i("Fin: %f, Fclk: %uMhz, bits: %u, DIV: %u, Fout: %f", // freq, apb_clk?80:1, bit_num, div_num, (clk_freq >> bit_num) / (double)div_num); return (clk_freq >> bit_num) / (double)div_num; } static double _ledcTimerRead(uint8_t chan) { uint32_t div_num; uint8_t bit_num; bool apb_clk; uint8_t group=(chan/8), timer=((chan/2)%4); LEDC_MUTEX_LOCK(); div_num = LEDC_TIMER(group, timer).conf.clock_divider;//18 bit (10.8) This register is used to configure parameter for divider in timer the least significant eight bits represent the decimal part. bit_num = LEDC_TIMER(group, timer).conf.duty_resolution;//5 bit This register controls the range of the counter in timer. the counter range is [0 2**bit_num] the max bit width for counter is 20. apb_clk = LEDC_TIMER(group, timer).conf.tick_sel;//apb clock LEDC_MUTEX_UNLOCK(); uint64_t clk_freq = 1000000; if(apb_clk) { clk_freq = getApbFrequency(); } clk_freq <<= 8;//div_num is 8 bit decimal return (clk_freq >> bit_num) / (double)div_num; } static void _ledcSetupChannel(uint8_t chan, uint8_t idle_level) { uint8_t group=(chan/8), channel=(chan%8), timer=((chan/2)%4); LEDC_MUTEX_LOCK(); LEDC_CHAN(group, channel).conf0.timer_sel = timer;//2 bit Selects the timer to attach 0-3 LEDC_CHAN(group, channel).conf0.idle_lv = idle_level;//1 bit This bit is used to control the output value when channel is off. LEDC_CHAN(group, channel).hpoint.hpoint = 0;//20 bit The output value changes to high when timer selected by channel has reached hpoint LEDC_CHAN(group, channel).conf1.duty_inc = 1;//1 bit This register is used to increase the duty of output signal or decrease the duty of output signal for high speed channel LEDC_CHAN(group, channel).conf1.duty_num = 1;//10 bit This register is used to control the number of increased or decreased times for channel LEDC_CHAN(group, channel).conf1.duty_cycle = 1;//10 bit This register is used to increase or decrease the duty every duty_cycle cycles for channel LEDC_CHAN(group, channel).conf1.duty_scale = 0;//10 bit This register controls the increase or decrease step scale for channel. LEDC_CHAN(group, channel).duty.duty = 0; LEDC_CHAN(group, channel).conf0.sig_out_en = 0;//This is the output enable control bit for channel LEDC_CHAN(group, channel).conf1.duty_start = 0;//When duty_num duty_cycle and duty_scale has been configured. these register won't take effect until set duty_start. this bit is automatically cleared by hardware. if(group) { LEDC_CHAN(group, channel).conf0.low_speed_update = 1; } else { LEDC_CHAN(group, channel).conf0.clk_en = 0; } LEDC_MUTEX_UNLOCK(); } double ledcSetup(uint8_t chan, double freq, uint8_t bit_num) { if(chan > 15) { return 0; } double res_freq = _ledcSetupTimerFreq(chan, freq, bit_num); _ledcSetupChannel(chan, LOW); return res_freq; } void ledcWrite(uint8_t chan, uint32_t duty) { if(chan > 15) { return; } uint8_t group=(chan/8), channel=(chan%8); LEDC_MUTEX_LOCK(); LEDC_CHAN(group, channel).duty.duty = duty << 4;//25 bit (21.4) if(duty) { LEDC_CHAN(group, channel).conf0.sig_out_en = 1;//This is the output enable control bit for channel LEDC_CHAN(group, channel).conf1.duty_start = 1;//When duty_num duty_cycle and duty_scale has been configured. these register won't take effect until set duty_start. this bit is automatically cleared by hardware. if(group) { LEDC_CHAN(group, channel).conf0.low_speed_update = 1; } else { LEDC_CHAN(group, channel).conf0.clk_en = 1; } } else { LEDC_CHAN(group, channel).conf0.sig_out_en = 0;//This is the output enable control bit for channel LEDC_CHAN(group, channel).conf1.duty_start = 0;//When duty_num duty_cycle and duty_scale has been configured. these register won't take effect until set duty_start. this bit is automatically cleared by hardware. if(group) { LEDC_CHAN(group, channel).conf0.low_speed_update = 1; } else { LEDC_CHAN(group, channel).conf0.clk_en = 0; } } LEDC_MUTEX_UNLOCK(); } uint32_t ledcRead(uint8_t chan) { if(chan > 15) { return 0; } return LEDC.channel_group[chan/8].channel[chan%8].duty.duty >> 4; } double ledcReadFreq(uint8_t chan) { if(!ledcRead(chan)){ return 0; } return _ledcTimerRead(chan); } double ledcWriteTone(uint8_t chan, double freq) { if(chan > 15) { return 0; } if(!freq) { ledcWrite(chan, 0); return 0; } double res_freq = _ledcSetupTimerFreq(chan, freq, 10); ledcWrite(chan, 0x1FF); return res_freq; } double ledcWriteNote(uint8_t chan, note_t note, uint8_t octave){ const uint16_t noteFrequencyBase[12] = { // C C# D Eb E F F# G G# A Bb B 4186, 4435, 4699, 4978, 5274, 5588, 5920, 6272, 6645, 7040, 7459, 7902 }; if(octave > 8 || note >= NOTE_MAX){ return 0; } double noteFreq = (double)noteFrequencyBase[note] / (double)(1 << (8-octave)); return ledcWriteTone(chan, noteFreq); } void ledcAttachPin(uint8_t pin, uint8_t chan) { if(chan > 15) { return; } pinMode(pin, OUTPUT); pinMatrixOutAttach(pin, ((chan/8)?LEDC_LS_SIG_OUT0_IDX:LEDC_HS_SIG_OUT0_IDX) + (chan%8), false, false); } void ledcDetachPin(uint8_t pin) { pinMatrixOutDetach(pin, false, false); }