/* ESP8266WiFiGeneric.h - esp8266 Wifi support. Based on WiFi.h from Ardiono WiFi shield library. Copyright (c) 2011-2014 Arduino. All right reserved. Modified by Ivan Grokhotkov, December 2014 Reworked by Markus Sattler, December 2015 This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA */ #ifndef ESP32WIFIGENERIC_H_ #define ESP32WIFIGENERIC_H_ #include #include #include #include "WiFiType.h" typedef void (*WiFiEventCb)(system_event_id_t event); typedef std::function WiFiEventFuncCb; typedef void (*WiFiEventSysCb)(system_event_t *event); typedef size_t wifi_event_id_t; typedef enum { WIFI_POWER_19_5dBm = 78,// 19.5dBm WIFI_POWER_19dBm = 76,// 19dBm WIFI_POWER_18_5dBm = 74,// 18.5dBm WIFI_POWER_17dBm = 68,// 17dBm WIFI_POWER_15dBm = 60,// 15dBm WIFI_POWER_13dBm = 52,// 13dBm WIFI_POWER_11dBm = 44,// 11dBm WIFI_POWER_8_5dBm = 34,// 8.5dBm WIFI_POWER_7dBm = 28,// 7dBm WIFI_POWER_5dBm = 20,// 5dBm WIFI_POWER_2dBm = 8,// 2dBm WIFI_POWER_MINUS_1dBm = -4// -1dBm } wifi_power_t; static const int AP_STARTED_BIT = BIT0; static const int AP_HAS_IP6_BIT = BIT1; static const int AP_HAS_CLIENT_BIT = BIT2; static const int STA_STARTED_BIT = BIT3; static const int STA_CONNECTED_BIT = BIT4; static const int STA_HAS_IP_BIT = BIT5; static const int STA_HAS_IP6_BIT = BIT6; static const int ETH_STARTED_BIT = BIT7; static const int ETH_CONNECTED_BIT = BIT8; static const int ETH_HAS_IP_BIT = BIT9; static const int ETH_HAS_IP6_BIT = BIT10; static const int WIFI_SCANNING_BIT = BIT11; static const int WIFI_SCAN_DONE_BIT= BIT12; static const int WIFI_DNS_IDLE_BIT = BIT13; static const int WIFI_DNS_DONE_BIT = BIT14; class WiFiGenericClass { public: WiFiGenericClass(); wifi_event_id_t onEvent(WiFiEventCb cbEvent, system_event_id_t event = SYSTEM_EVENT_MAX); wifi_event_id_t onEvent(WiFiEventFuncCb cbEvent, system_event_id_t event = SYSTEM_EVENT_MAX); wifi_event_id_t onEvent(WiFiEventSysCb cbEvent, system_event_id_t event = SYSTEM_EVENT_MAX); void removeEvent(WiFiEventCb cbEvent, system_event_id_t event = SYSTEM_EVENT_MAX); void removeEvent(WiFiEventSysCb cbEvent, system_event_id_t event = SYSTEM_EVENT_MAX); void removeEvent(wifi_event_id_t id); static int getStatusBits(); static int waitStatusBits(int bits, uint32_t timeout_ms); int32_t channel(void); void persistent(bool persistent); static bool mode(wifi_mode_t); static wifi_mode_t getMode(); bool enableSTA(bool enable); bool enableAP(bool enable); bool setSleep(bool enable); bool getSleep(); bool setTxPower(wifi_power_t power); wifi_power_t getTxPower(); static esp_err_t _eventCallback(void *arg, system_event_t *event); protected: static bool _persistent; static wifi_mode_t _forceSleepLastMode; static int setStatusBits(int bits); static int clearStatusBits(int bits); public: static int hostByName(const char *aHostname, IPAddress &aResult); static IPAddress calculateNetworkID(IPAddress ip, IPAddress subnet); static IPAddress calculateBroadcast(IPAddress ip, IPAddress subnet); static uint8_t calculateSubnetCIDR(IPAddress subnetMask); protected: friend class WiFiSTAClass; friend class WiFiScanClass; friend class WiFiAPClass; }; #endif /* ESP32WIFIGENERIC_H_ */