sudo: false language: python os: - linux git: depth: false before_install: - git submodule update --init --recursive stages: - build - deploy jobs: include: - name: "Build Arduino 0" if: tag IS blank AND (type = pull_request OR (type = push AND branch = master)) stage: build script: $TRAVIS_BUILD_DIR/tools/ci/ 0 4 - name: "Build Arduino 1" if: tag IS blank AND (type = pull_request OR (type = push AND branch = master)) stage: build script: $TRAVIS_BUILD_DIR/tools/ci/ 1 4 - name: "Build Arduino 2" if: tag IS blank AND (type = pull_request OR (type = push AND branch = master)) stage: build script: $TRAVIS_BUILD_DIR/tools/ci/ 2 4 - name: "Build Arduino 3" if: tag IS blank AND (type = pull_request OR (type = push AND branch = master)) stage: build script: $TRAVIS_BUILD_DIR/tools/ci/ 3 4 - name: "Build PlatformIO" if: tag IS blank AND (type = pull_request OR (type = push AND branch = master)) stage: build script: $TRAVIS_BUILD_DIR/tools/ci/ 4 4 - name: "Package & Deploy" if: tag IS present stage: deploy env: - secure: "l/4Dt+KQ/mACtGAHDUsPr66fUte840PZoQ4xpPikqWZI0uARu4l+Ym7+sHinnT6fBqrj8AJeBYGz4nFa8NK4LutZn9mSD40w+sxl0wSV4oHV8rzKe3Cd8+sMG3+o33yWoikMNjSvqa73Q0rm+SgrlInNdZbuAyixL+a2alaWSnGPm4F2xwUGj+S33TOy5P/Xp77CYtCV5S8vzyk/eEdNhoF0GYePJVdfuzCOUjXMyT5OWxORkzzQ7Hnn/Ka/RDfV8Si4HgujLQBrK5q6iPnNBFqBSqilYBepSMn4opnOBpIm0SCgePz7XQEFC83buA7GUcnCnfg38bf+dCwHaODf1d1PmqVRYt2QmfinexXtM4afAtL0iBUDtvrfnXHzwW9w82VeZhpbJSVh9DUQvB0IlsZeCz9J9PUBAi3N+SMX+9l+BomYwRUlPuKY+Ef2JKk9q6mxtUkky5R0daAlVxEhpVdQks1rT+T+NMoDMemxQ3SKEiqAHh6EgHecruszffmZ71uLX9MpERpew0qN+UFiafws+jkTjx+3yF9yut0Hf9sMbeAYzzkGzRqJTUEBJ6B29Cql8M0yRXCNN/8wuuTHhG8esstozga4ZQoIVrq7mEAgup376PTcNfr1+imbbWVQ7lJdYIuDe6OS5V3OX6np11vgK/DbhfyzvQv9Z1zAGnM=" - REMOTE_URL=$TRAVIS_REPO_SLUG/releases/download/$TRAVIS_TAG script: bash $TRAVIS_BUILD_DIR/tools/ci/ -a$ESP32_GITHUB_TOKEN before_deploy: git submodule update --init deploy: - provider: script skip_cleanup: true script: bash $TRAVIS_BUILD_DIR/tools/ci/ -t$TRAVIS_TAG -a$ESP32_GITHUB_TOKEN -s$TRAVIS_REPO_SLUG -drelease on: tags: true notifications: email: on_success: change on_failure: change webhooks: urls: - on_success: change # options: [always|never|change] default: always on_failure: always # options: [always|never|change] default: always on_start: never # options: [always|never|change] default: always