
The `ESP32-DevKitC-1`_ development board is one of Espressif's official boards. This board is based on the `ESP32-WROVER-E`_ module, with the `ESP32`_ as the core.


- Wi-Fi 802.11 b/g/n (802.11n up to 150 Mbps)
- Bluetooth v4.2 BR/EDR and BLE specification
- Built around ESP32 series of SoCs
- Integrated 4 MB SPI flash
- Integrated 8 MB PSRAM
- Peripherals
    - SD card
    - UART
    - SPI
    - SDIO
    - I2C
    - LED PWM
    - Motor PWM
    - I2S
    - IR
    - Pulse Counter
    - GPIO
    - Capacitive Touch Sensor
    - ADC
    - DAC
    - Two-Wire Automotive Interface (TWAI®, compatible with ISO11898-1)
- On­board PCB antenna or external antenna connector

Header Block

.. note::
    Not all of the chip pins are exposed to the pin headers.

===  ====  =====  ===================================
No.  Name  Type   Function
===  ====  =====  ===================================
1    3V3   P      3.3 V power supply
2    EN    I      CHIP_PU, Reset
3    IO36  I      GPIO36, ADC1_CH0, S_VP
4    IO39  I      GPIO39, ADC1_CH3, S_VN
5    IO34  I      GPIO34, ADC1_CH6, VDET_1
6    IO35  I      GPIO35, ADC1_CH7, VDET_2
7    IO32  I/O    GPIO32, ADC1_CH4, TOUCH_CH9, XTAL_32K_P
8    IO33  I/O    GPIO33, ADC1_CH5, TOUCH_CH8, XTAL_32K_N
9    IO25  I/O    GPIO25, ADC1_CH8, DAC_1
10   IO26  I/O    GPIO26, ADC2_CH9, DAC_2
11   IO27  I/O    GPIO27, ADC2_CH7, TOUCH_CH7
12   IO14  I/O    GPIO14, ADC2_CH6, TOUCH_CH6, MTMS
13   IO12  I/O    GPIO12, ADC2_CH5, TOUCH_CH5, MTDI
14   GND   G      Ground
15   IO13  I/O    GPIO13, ADC2_CH4, TOUCH_CH4, MTCK
16   IO9   I/O    GPIO9, D2
17   IO10  I/O    GPIO10, D3
18   IO11  I/O    GPIO11, CMD
19   5V0   P      5 V power supply
===  ====  =====  ===================================

===  ====  =====  ====================================
No.  Name  Type   Function
===  ====  =====  ====================================
1    GND   G      Ground
2    IO23  I/O    GPIO23
3    IO22  I/O    GPIO22
4    IO1   I/O    GPIO1, U0TXD
5    IO3   I/O    GPIO3, U0RXD
6    IO21  I/O    GPIO21
7    GND   G      Ground
8    IO19  I/O    GPIO19
9    IO18  I/O    GPIO18
10   IO5   I/O    GPIO5
11   IO17  I/O    GPIO17
12   IO16  I/O    GPIO16
13   IO4   I/O    GPIO4, ADC2_CH0, TOUCH_CH0
14   IO0   I/O    GPIO0, ADC2_CH1, TOUCH_CH1, Boot
16   IO2   I/O    GPIO2, ADC2_CH2, TOUCH_CH2
17   IO15  I/O    GPIO15, ADC2_CH3, TOUCH_CH3, MTDO
17   IO8   I/O    GPIO8, D1
18   IO7   I/O    GPIO7, D0
19   IO6   I/O    GPIO6, SCK
===  ====  =====  ====================================

    P: Power supply;
    I: Input;
    O: Output;
    T: High impedance.

Pin Layout

.. figure:: ../_static/esp32_devkitC_pinlayout.png
    :align: center
    :width: 600
    :alt: ESP32-DevKitC-1 (click to enlarge)
    :figclass: align-center

Strapping Pins

Some of the GPIO's have important features during the booting process. Here is the list of the strapping pins on the `ESP32`_.

====  =========  =====================================================================  ============  ==============
GPIO   Default    Function                                                               Pull-up       Pull-down
====  =========  =====================================================================  ============  ==============
IO12  Pull-down  Voltage of Internal LDO (VDD_SDIO)                                     1V8           3V3
IO0   Pull-up    Booting Mode                                                           SPI Boot      Download Boot
IO2   Pull-down  Booting Mode                                                           Don't Care    Download Boot
IO15  Pull-up    Enabling/Disabling Log Print During Booting and Timing of SDIO Slave   U0TXD Active  U0TXD Silent
IO5   Pull-up    Timing of SDIO Slave                                                   See `ESP32`_  See `ESP32`_
====  =========  =====================================================================  ============  ==============

Be aware when choosing which pins to use.

Restricted Usage GPIO's

Some of the GPIO's are used for the external flash and PSRAM. These GPIO's cannot be used:

====  ===================
GPIO   Shared Function           
====  ===================
IO6   External SPI Flash 
IO7   External SPI Flash 
IO8   External SPI Flash 
IO9   External SPI Flash 
IO10  External SPI Flash 
IO11  External SPI Flash 
====  ===================

Other GPIO's are `INPUT ONLY` and cannot be used as output pin:

====  =========================
GPIO   Function
====  =========================
IO34  GPIO34, ADC1_CH6, VDET_1
IO35  GPIO35, ADC1_CH7, VDET_2
IO36  GPIO36, ADC1_CH0, S_VP
IO39  GPIO39, ADC1_CH3, S_VN
====  =========================


* `ESP32`_ (Datasheet)
* `ESP32-WROVER-E`_ (Datasheet)
* `ESP32-DevKitC`_ (Schematic)

.. _ESP32: https://www.espressif.com/sites/default/files/documentation/esp32_datasheet_en.pdf
.. _ESP32-WROVER-E: https://www.espressif.com/sites/default/files/documentation/esp32-wrover-e_esp32-wrover-ie_datasheet_en.pdf
.. _ESP32-DevKitC: https://dl.espressif.com/dl/schematics/esp32_devkitc_v4-sch.pdf