#ifndef REQUESTHANDLERSIMPL_H #define REQUESTHANDLERSIMPL_H #include "RequestHandler.h" #include "mimetable.h" #include "WString.h" using namespace mime; class FunctionRequestHandler : public RequestHandler { public: FunctionRequestHandler(WebServer::THandlerFunction fn, WebServer::THandlerFunction ufn, const String &uri, HTTPMethod method) : _fn(fn) , _ufn(ufn) , _uri(uri) , _method(method) { int numParams = 0, start = 0; do { start = _uri.indexOf("{}", start); if (start > 0) { numParams++; start += 2; } } while (start > 0); pathArgs.resize(numParams); } bool canHandle(HTTPMethod requestMethod, String requestUri) override { if (_method != HTTP_ANY && _method != requestMethod) return false; if (_uri == requestUri) return true; size_t uriLength = _uri.length(); unsigned int pathArgIndex = 0; unsigned int requestUriIndex = 0; for (unsigned int i = 0; i < uriLength; i++, requestUriIndex++) { char uriChar = _uri[i]; char requestUriChar = requestUri[requestUriIndex]; if (uriChar == requestUriChar) continue; if (uriChar != '{') return false; i += 2; // index of char after '}' if (i >= uriLength) { // there is no char after '}' pathArgs[pathArgIndex] = requestUri.substring(requestUriIndex); return pathArgs[pathArgIndex].indexOf("/") == -1; // path argument may not contain a '/' } else { char charEnd = _uri[i]; int uriIndex = requestUri.indexOf(charEnd, requestUriIndex); if (uriIndex < 0) return false; pathArgs[pathArgIndex] = requestUri.substring(requestUriIndex, uriIndex); requestUriIndex = (unsigned int) uriIndex; } pathArgIndex++; } return requestUriIndex >= requestUri.length(); } bool canUpload(String requestUri) override { if (!_ufn || !canHandle(HTTP_POST, requestUri)) return false; return true; } bool handle(WebServer& server, HTTPMethod requestMethod, String requestUri) override { (void) server; if (!canHandle(requestMethod, requestUri)) return false; _fn(); return true; } void upload(WebServer& server, String requestUri, HTTPUpload& upload) override { (void) server; (void) upload; if (canUpload(requestUri)) _ufn(); } protected: WebServer::THandlerFunction _fn; WebServer::THandlerFunction _ufn; String _uri; HTTPMethod _method; }; class StaticRequestHandler : public RequestHandler { public: StaticRequestHandler(FS& fs, const char* path, const char* uri, const char* cache_header) : _fs(fs) , _uri(uri) , _path(path) , _cache_header(cache_header) { _isFile = fs.exists(path); log_v("StaticRequestHandler: path=%s uri=%s isFile=%d, cache_header=%s\r\n", path, uri, _isFile, cache_header); _baseUriLength = _uri.length(); } bool canHandle(HTTPMethod requestMethod, String requestUri) override { if (requestMethod != HTTP_GET) return false; if ((_isFile && requestUri != _uri) || !requestUri.startsWith(_uri)) return false; return true; } bool handle(WebServer& server, HTTPMethod requestMethod, String requestUri) override { if (!canHandle(requestMethod, requestUri)) return false; log_v("StaticRequestHandler::handle: request=%s _uri=%s\r\n", requestUri.c_str(), _uri.c_str()); String path(_path); if (!_isFile) { // Base URI doesn't point to a file. // If a directory is requested, look for index file. if (requestUri.endsWith("/")) requestUri += "index.htm"; // Append whatever follows this URI in request to get the file path. path += requestUri.substring(_baseUriLength); } log_v("StaticRequestHandler::handle: path=%s, isFile=%d\r\n", path.c_str(), _isFile); String contentType = getContentType(path); // look for gz file, only if the original specified path is not a gz. So part only works to send gzip via content encoding when a non compressed is asked for // if you point the the path to gzip you will serve the gzip as content type "application/x-gzip", not text or javascript etc... if (!path.endsWith(FPSTR(mimeTable[gz].endsWith)) && !_fs.exists(path)) { String pathWithGz = path + FPSTR(mimeTable[gz].endsWith); if(_fs.exists(pathWithGz)) path += FPSTR(mimeTable[gz].endsWith); } File f = _fs.open(path, "r"); if (!f) return false; if (_cache_header.length() != 0) server.sendHeader("Cache-Control", _cache_header); server.streamFile(f, contentType); return true; } static String getContentType(const String& path) { char buff[sizeof(mimeTable[0].mimeType)]; // Check all entries but last one for match, return if found for (size_t i=0; i < sizeof(mimeTable)/sizeof(mimeTable[0])-1; i++) { strcpy_P(buff, mimeTable[i].endsWith); if (path.endsWith(buff)) { strcpy_P(buff, mimeTable[i].mimeType); return String(buff); } } // Fall-through and just return default type strcpy_P(buff, mimeTable[sizeof(mimeTable)/sizeof(mimeTable[0])-1].mimeType); return String(buff); } protected: FS _fs; String _uri; String _path; String _cache_header; bool _isFile; size_t _baseUriLength; }; #endif //REQUESTHANDLERSIMPL_H