Me No Dev a59eafbc9d
Update IDF to aaf1239 (#1539)
* fix sdmmc config

* Fix warnings in EEPROM

from @Curclamas

* remove leftover TAG in EEPROM

* Initial add of @stickbreaker i2c

* Add log_n

* fix warnings when log is off

* i2c code clean up and reorganization

* add flags to interrupt allocator

* fix sdmmc config

* Fix warnings in EEPROM

from @Curclamas

* remove leftover TAG in EEPROM

* fix errors with latest IDF

* fix debug optimization (#1365)

incorrect optimization for debugging tick markers.

* Fix some missing BT header

* Change BTSerial log calls

* Update BLE lib

* Arduino-ESP32 release management scripted (#1515)

* Calculate an absolute path for a custom partitions table (#1452)

* * Arduino-ESP32 release management scripted

* * secure env for espressif/arduino-esp32

* * build tests enabled
* gitter webhook enabled

* * gitter room link fixed
* better comment

* * filepaths fixed

* BT Serial adjustments

* * don't run sketch builds & tests for tagged builds

* Return false from WiFi.hostByName() if hostname is not resolved

* Free BT Memory when BT is not used

* WIFI_MODE_NULL is not supported anymore

* Select some key examples to build with PlatformIO to save some time

* Update BLE lib

* Fixed BLE lib

* Major WiFi overhaul

- auto reconnect on connection loss now works
- moved to event groups
- some code clean up and procedure optimizations
- new methods to get a more elaborate system ststus

* Add cmake tests to travis

* Add initial AsyncUDP

* Add NetBIOS lib and fix CMake includes

* Add Initial WebServer

* Fix WebServer and examples

* travis not quiting on build fail

* Try different travis build

* Update IDF to aaf1239

* Fix WPS Example

* fix script permission and add some fail tests to sketch builder

* Add missing space in WiFiClient::write(Stream &stream)
2018-06-27 09:01:06 +02:00

847 lines
20 KiB

#include "Arduino.h"
#include "AsyncUDP.h"
extern "C" {
#include "lwip/opt.h"
#include "lwip/inet.h"
#include "lwip/udp.h"
#include "lwip/igmp.h"
#include "lwip/ip_addr.h"
#include "lwip/mld6.h"
#include <esp_err.h>
#include <esp_wifi.h>
#include "lwip/priv/tcpip_priv.h"
typedef struct {
struct tcpip_api_call call;
udp_pcb * pcb;
const ip_addr_t *addr;
uint16_t port;
struct pbuf *pb;
struct netif *netif;
err_t err;
} udp_api_call_t;
static err_t _udp_connect_api(struct tcpip_api_call *api_call_msg){
udp_api_call_t * msg = (udp_api_call_t *)api_call_msg;
msg->err = udp_connect(msg->pcb, msg->addr, msg->port);
return msg->err;
static err_t _udp_connect(struct udp_pcb *pcb, const ip_addr_t *addr, u16_t port){
udp_api_call_t msg;
msg.pcb = pcb;
msg.addr = addr;
msg.port = port;
tcpip_api_call(_udp_connect_api, (struct tcpip_api_call*)&msg);
return msg.err;
static err_t _udp_disconnect_api(struct tcpip_api_call *api_call_msg){
udp_api_call_t * msg = (udp_api_call_t *)api_call_msg;
msg->err = 0;
return msg->err;
static void _udp_disconnect(struct udp_pcb *pcb){
udp_api_call_t msg;
msg.pcb = pcb;
tcpip_api_call(_udp_disconnect_api, (struct tcpip_api_call*)&msg);
static err_t _udp_remove_api(struct tcpip_api_call *api_call_msg){
udp_api_call_t * msg = (udp_api_call_t *)api_call_msg;
msg->err = 0;
return msg->err;
static void _udp_remove(struct udp_pcb *pcb){
udp_api_call_t msg;
msg.pcb = pcb;
tcpip_api_call(_udp_remove_api, (struct tcpip_api_call*)&msg);
static err_t _udp_bind_api(struct tcpip_api_call *api_call_msg){
udp_api_call_t * msg = (udp_api_call_t *)api_call_msg;
msg->err = udp_bind(msg->pcb, msg->addr, msg->port);
return msg->err;
static err_t _udp_bind(struct udp_pcb *pcb, const ip_addr_t *addr, u16_t port){
udp_api_call_t msg;
msg.pcb = pcb;
msg.addr = addr;
msg.port = port;
tcpip_api_call(_udp_bind_api, (struct tcpip_api_call*)&msg);
return msg.err;
static err_t _udp_sendto_api(struct tcpip_api_call *api_call_msg){
udp_api_call_t * msg = (udp_api_call_t *)api_call_msg;
msg->err = udp_sendto(msg->pcb, msg->pb, msg->addr, msg->port);
return msg->err;
static err_t _udp_sendto(struct udp_pcb *pcb, struct pbuf *pb, const ip_addr_t *addr, u16_t port){
udp_api_call_t msg;
msg.pcb = pcb;
msg.addr = addr;
msg.port = port;
msg.pb = pb;
tcpip_api_call(_udp_sendto_api, (struct tcpip_api_call*)&msg);
return msg.err;
static err_t _udp_sendto_if_api(struct tcpip_api_call *api_call_msg){
udp_api_call_t * msg = (udp_api_call_t *)api_call_msg;
msg->err = udp_sendto_if(msg->pcb, msg->pb, msg->addr, msg->port, msg->netif);
return msg->err;
static err_t _udp_sendto_if(struct udp_pcb *pcb, struct pbuf *pb, const ip_addr_t *addr, u16_t port, struct netif *netif){
udp_api_call_t msg;
msg.pcb = pcb;
msg.addr = addr;
msg.port = port;
msg.pb = pb;
msg.netif = netif;
tcpip_api_call(_udp_sendto_if_api, (struct tcpip_api_call*)&msg);
return msg.err;
typedef struct {
void *arg;
udp_pcb *pcb;
pbuf *pb;
const ip_addr_t *addr;
uint16_t port;
struct netif * netif;
} lwip_event_packet_t;
static xQueueHandle _udp_queue;
static volatile TaskHandle_t _udp_task_handle = NULL;
static void _udp_task(void *pvParameters){
lwip_event_packet_t * e = NULL;
for (;;) {
if(xQueueReceive(_udp_queue, &e, portMAX_DELAY) == pdTRUE){
AsyncUDP::_s_recv(e->arg, e->pcb, e->pb, e->addr, e->port, e->netif);
_udp_task_handle = NULL;
static bool _udp_task_start(){
_udp_queue = xQueueCreate(32, sizeof(lwip_event_packet_t *));
return false;
xTaskCreate(_udp_task, "async_udp", 4096, NULL, 3, (TaskHandle_t*)&_udp_task_handle);
return false;
return true;
static bool _udp_task_post(void *arg, udp_pcb *pcb, pbuf *pb, const ip_addr_t *addr, uint16_t port, struct netif *netif)
if(!_udp_task_handle || !_udp_queue){
return false;
lwip_event_packet_t * e = (lwip_event_packet_t *)malloc(sizeof(lwip_event_packet_t));
return false;
e->arg = arg;
e->pcb = pcb;
e->pb = pb;
e->addr = addr;
e->port = port;
e->netif = netif;
if (xQueueSend(_udp_queue, &e, portMAX_DELAY) != pdPASS) {
return false;
return true;
static void _udp_recv(void *arg, udp_pcb *pcb, pbuf *pb, const ip_addr_t *addr, uint16_t port)
while(pb != NULL) {
pbuf * this_pb = pb;
pb = pb->next;
this_pb->next = NULL;
if(!_udp_task_post(arg, pcb, this_pb, addr, port, ip_current_input_netif())){
static bool _udp_task_stop(){
if(!_udp_task_post(NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL)){
return false;
lwip_event_packet_t * e;
while (xQueueReceive(_udp_queue, &e, 0) == pdTRUE) {
_udp_queue = NULL;
#define UDP_MUTEX_LOCK() //xSemaphoreTake(_lock, portMAX_DELAY)
#define UDP_MUTEX_UNLOCK() //xSemaphoreGive(_lock)
AsyncUDPMessage::AsyncUDPMessage(size_t size)
_index = 0;
if(size > CONFIG_TCP_MSS) {
_size = size;
_buffer = (uint8_t *)malloc(size);
if(_buffer) {
size_t AsyncUDPMessage::write(const uint8_t *data, size_t len)
if(_buffer == NULL) {
return 0;
size_t s = space();
if(len > s) {
len = s;
memcpy(_buffer + _index, data, len);
_index += len;
return len;
size_t AsyncUDPMessage::write(uint8_t data)
return write(&data, 1);
size_t AsyncUDPMessage::space()
if(_buffer == NULL) {
return 0;
return _size - _index;
uint8_t * AsyncUDPMessage::data()
return _buffer;
size_t AsyncUDPMessage::length()
return _index;
void AsyncUDPMessage::flush()
_index = 0;
AsyncUDPPacket::AsyncUDPPacket(AsyncUDP *udp, pbuf *pb, const ip_addr_t *raddr, uint16_t rport, struct netif * ntif)
_udp = udp;
_pb = pb;
_data = (uint8_t*)(pb->payload);
_len = pb->len;
_index = 0;
//memcpy(&_remoteIp, raddr, sizeof(ip_addr_t));
_remoteIp.type = raddr->type;
_localIp.type = _remoteIp.type;
udp_hdr* udphdr = reinterpret_cast<udp_hdr*>(_data - UDP_HLEN);
_localPort = ntohs(udphdr->dest);
_remotePort = ntohs(udphdr->src);
if (_remoteIp.type == IPADDR_TYPE_V4) {
struct ip_hdr * iphdr = (struct ip_hdr *)(((uint8_t *)(pb->payload)) - UDP_HLEN - IP_HLEN);
_localIp.u_addr.ip4.addr = iphdr->dest.addr;
_remoteIp.u_addr.ip4.addr = iphdr->src.addr;
} else {
struct ip6_hdr * ip6hdr = (struct ip6_hdr *)(((uint8_t *)(pb->payload)) - UDP_HLEN - IP6_HLEN);
memcpy(&_localIp.u_addr.ip6.addr, (uint8_t *)ip6hdr->dest.addr, 16);
memcpy(&_remoteIp.u_addr.ip6.addr, (uint8_t *)ip6hdr->src.addr, 16);
struct netif * netif = NULL;
void * nif = NULL;
int i;
for (i=0; i<TCPIP_ADAPTER_IF_MAX; i++) {
tcpip_adapter_get_netif ((tcpip_adapter_if_t)i, &nif);
netif = (struct netif *)nif;
if (netif && netif == ntif) {
_if = (tcpip_adapter_if_t)i;
uint8_t * AsyncUDPPacket::data()
return _data;
size_t AsyncUDPPacket::length()
return _len;
int AsyncUDPPacket::available(){
return _len - _index;
size_t AsyncUDPPacket::read(uint8_t *data, size_t len){
size_t i;
size_t a = _len - _index;
if(len > a){
len = a;
data[i] = read();
return len;
int AsyncUDPPacket::read(){
if(_index < _len){
return _data[_index++];
return -1;
int AsyncUDPPacket::peek(){
if(_index < _len){
return _data[_index];
return -1;
void AsyncUDPPacket::flush(){
_index = _len;
tcpip_adapter_if_t AsyncUDPPacket::interface()
return _if;
IPAddress AsyncUDPPacket::localIP()
if(_localIp.type != IPADDR_TYPE_V4){
return IPAddress();
return IPAddress(_localIp.u_addr.ip4.addr);
IPv6Address AsyncUDPPacket::localIPv6()
if(_localIp.type != IPADDR_TYPE_V6){
return IPv6Address();
return IPv6Address(_localIp.u_addr.ip6.addr);
uint16_t AsyncUDPPacket::localPort()
return _localPort;
IPAddress AsyncUDPPacket::remoteIP()
if(_remoteIp.type != IPADDR_TYPE_V4){
return IPAddress();
return IPAddress(_remoteIp.u_addr.ip4.addr);
IPv6Address AsyncUDPPacket::remoteIPv6()
if(_remoteIp.type != IPADDR_TYPE_V6){
return IPv6Address();
return IPv6Address(_remoteIp.u_addr.ip6.addr);
uint16_t AsyncUDPPacket::remotePort()
return _remotePort;
bool AsyncUDPPacket::isIPv6()
return _localIp.type == IPADDR_TYPE_V6;
bool AsyncUDPPacket::isBroadcast()
if(_localIp.type == IPADDR_TYPE_V6){
return false;
uint32_t ip = _localIp.u_addr.ip4.addr;
return ip == 0xFFFFFFFF || ip == 0 || (ip & 0xFF000000) == 0xFF000000;
bool AsyncUDPPacket::isMulticast()
return ip_addr_ismulticast(&(_localIp));
size_t AsyncUDPPacket::write(const uint8_t *data, size_t len)
return 0;
return _udp->writeTo(data, len, &_remoteIp, _remotePort, _if);
size_t AsyncUDPPacket::write(uint8_t data)
return write(&data, 1);
size_t AsyncUDPPacket::send(AsyncUDPMessage &message)
return write(, message.length());
_pcb = udp_new();
_connected = false;
_handler = NULL;
//_lock = xSemaphoreCreateMutex();
udp_recv(_pcb, &_udp_recv, (void *) this);
udp_recv(_pcb, NULL, NULL);
_pcb = NULL;
void AsyncUDP::close()
if(_pcb != NULL) {
if(_connected) {
_connected = false;
_pcb->multicast_ip.type = IPADDR_TYPE_V4;
_pcb->multicast_ip.u_addr.ip4.addr = 0;
bool AsyncUDP::connect(const ip_addr_t *addr, uint16_t port)
log_e("failed to start task");
return false;
if(_pcb == NULL) {
return false;
err_t err = _udp_connect(_pcb, addr, port);
if(err != ERR_OK) {
return false;
_connected = true;
return true;
bool AsyncUDP::listen(const ip_addr_t *addr, uint16_t port)
log_e("failed to start task");
return false;
if(_pcb == NULL) {
return false;
IP_SET_TYPE_VAL(_pcb->local_ip, addr->type);
IP_SET_TYPE_VAL(_pcb->remote_ip, addr->type);
if(_udp_bind(_pcb, addr, port) != ERR_OK) {
return false;
_connected = true;
return true;
bool AsyncUDP::listenMulticast(const ip_addr_t *addr, uint16_t port, uint8_t ttl, tcpip_adapter_if_t tcpip_if)
if(!ip_addr_ismulticast(addr)) {
return false;
ip_addr_t multicast_if_addr;
uint8_t mode;
if(addr->type == IPADDR_TYPE_V6){
multicast_if_addr.type = IPADDR_TYPE_V6;
if((tcpip_if == TCPIP_ADAPTER_IF_STA && (mode & WIFI_MODE_STA))
|| (tcpip_if == TCPIP_ADAPTER_IF_AP && (mode & WIFI_MODE_AP))
|| (tcpip_if == TCPIP_ADAPTER_IF_ETH)) {
if(tcpip_adapter_get_ip6_linklocal(tcpip_if, &multicast_if_addr.u_addr.ip6)){
return false;
} else {
return false;
if (mld6_joingroup(&(multicast_if_addr.u_addr.ip6), &(addr->u_addr.ip6))) {
return false;
} else if(addr->type == IPADDR_TYPE_V4){
tcpip_adapter_ip_info_t ifIpInfo;
if((tcpip_if == TCPIP_ADAPTER_IF_STA && (mode & WIFI_MODE_STA))
|| (tcpip_if == TCPIP_ADAPTER_IF_AP && (mode & WIFI_MODE_AP))
|| (tcpip_if == TCPIP_ADAPTER_IF_ETH)) {
if(tcpip_adapter_get_ip_info(tcpip_if, &ifIpInfo)){
return false;
} else {
return false;
multicast_if_addr.type = IPADDR_TYPE_V4;
multicast_if_addr.u_addr.ip4.addr = ifIpInfo.ip.addr;
if (igmp_joingroup((const ip4_addr *)&multicast_if_addr.u_addr.ip4, (const ip4_addr *)&addr->u_addr.ip4)!= ERR_OK) {
return false;
} else {
return false;
if(!listen(&multicast_if_addr, port)) {
return false;
_pcb->mcast_ttl = ttl;
_pcb->remote_port = port;
ip_addr_copy(_pcb->remote_ip, *addr);
if(addr->type == IPADDR_TYPE_V4){
ip_addr_copy(_pcb->multicast_ip, multicast_if_addr);
return true;
size_t AsyncUDP::writeTo(const uint8_t * data, size_t len, const ip_addr_t * addr, uint16_t port, tcpip_adapter_if_t tcpip_if)
if(!_pcb) {
_pcb = udp_new_ip_type(addr->type);
if(_pcb == NULL) {
return 0;
if(len > CONFIG_TCP_MSS) {
err_t err = ERR_OK;
pbuf* pbt = pbuf_alloc(PBUF_TRANSPORT, len, PBUF_RAM);
if(pbt != NULL) {
uint8_t* dst = reinterpret_cast<uint8_t*>(pbt->payload);
memcpy(dst, data, len);
if(tcpip_if != TCPIP_ADAPTER_IF_MAX){
void * nif = NULL;
tcpip_adapter_get_netif((tcpip_adapter_if_t)tcpip_if, &nif);
err = _udp_sendto(_pcb, pbt, addr, port);
} else {
err = _udp_sendto_if(_pcb, pbt, addr, port, (struct netif *)nif);
} else {
err = _udp_sendto(_pcb, pbt, addr, port);
if(err < ERR_OK) {
return 0;
return len;
return 0;
void AsyncUDP::_recv(udp_pcb *upcb, pbuf *pb, const ip_addr_t *addr, uint16_t port, struct netif * netif)
while(pb != NULL) {
pbuf * this_pb = pb;
pb = pb->next;
this_pb->next = NULL;
if(_handler) {
AsyncUDPPacket packet(this, this_pb, addr, port, netif);
} else {
void AsyncUDP::_s_recv(void *arg, udp_pcb *upcb, pbuf *p, const ip_addr_t *addr, uint16_t port, struct netif * netif)
reinterpret_cast<AsyncUDP*>(arg)->_recv(upcb, p, addr, port, netif);
bool AsyncUDP::listen(uint16_t port)
return listen(IP_ANY_TYPE, port);
bool AsyncUDP::listen(const IPAddress addr, uint16_t port)
ip_addr_t laddr;
laddr.type = IPADDR_TYPE_V4;
laddr.u_addr.ip4.addr = addr;
return listen(&laddr, port);
bool AsyncUDP::listenMulticast(const IPAddress addr, uint16_t port, uint8_t ttl, tcpip_adapter_if_t tcpip_if)
ip_addr_t laddr;
laddr.type = IPADDR_TYPE_V4;
laddr.u_addr.ip4.addr = addr;
return listenMulticast(&laddr, port, ttl, tcpip_if);
bool AsyncUDP::connect(const IPAddress addr, uint16_t port)
ip_addr_t daddr;
daddr.type = IPADDR_TYPE_V4;
daddr.u_addr.ip4.addr = addr;
return connect(&daddr, port);
size_t AsyncUDP::writeTo(const uint8_t *data, size_t len, const IPAddress addr, uint16_t port, tcpip_adapter_if_t tcpip_if)
ip_addr_t daddr;
daddr.type = IPADDR_TYPE_V4;
daddr.u_addr.ip4.addr = addr;
return writeTo(data, len, &daddr, port, tcpip_if);
IPAddress AsyncUDP::listenIP()
if(!_pcb || _pcb->remote_ip.type != IPADDR_TYPE_V4){
return IPAddress();
return IPAddress(_pcb->remote_ip.u_addr.ip4.addr);
bool AsyncUDP::listen(const IPv6Address addr, uint16_t port)
ip_addr_t laddr;
laddr.type = IPADDR_TYPE_V6;
memcpy((uint8_t*)(laddr.u_addr.ip6.addr), (const uint8_t*)addr, 16);
return listen(&laddr, port);
bool AsyncUDP::listenMulticast(const IPv6Address addr, uint16_t port, uint8_t ttl, tcpip_adapter_if_t tcpip_if)
ip_addr_t laddr;
laddr.type = IPADDR_TYPE_V6;
memcpy((uint8_t*)(laddr.u_addr.ip6.addr), (const uint8_t*)addr, 16);
return listenMulticast(&laddr, port, ttl, tcpip_if);
bool AsyncUDP::connect(const IPv6Address addr, uint16_t port)
ip_addr_t daddr;
daddr.type = IPADDR_TYPE_V6;
memcpy((uint8_t*)(daddr.u_addr.ip6.addr), (const uint8_t*)addr, 16);
return connect(&daddr, port);
size_t AsyncUDP::writeTo(const uint8_t *data, size_t len, const IPv6Address addr, uint16_t port, tcpip_adapter_if_t tcpip_if)
ip_addr_t daddr;
daddr.type = IPADDR_TYPE_V6;
memcpy((uint8_t*)(daddr.u_addr.ip6.addr), (const uint8_t*)addr, 16);
return writeTo(data, len, &daddr, port, tcpip_if);
IPv6Address AsyncUDP::listenIPv6()
if(!_pcb || _pcb->remote_ip.type != IPADDR_TYPE_V6){
return IPv6Address();
return IPv6Address(_pcb->remote_ip.u_addr.ip6.addr);
size_t AsyncUDP::write(const uint8_t *data, size_t len)
return writeTo(data, len, &(_pcb->remote_ip), _pcb->remote_port);
size_t AsyncUDP::write(uint8_t data)
return write(&data, 1);
size_t AsyncUDP::broadcastTo(uint8_t *data, size_t len, uint16_t port, tcpip_adapter_if_t tcpip_if)
return writeTo(data, len, IP_ADDR_BROADCAST, port, tcpip_if);
size_t AsyncUDP::broadcastTo(const char * data, uint16_t port, tcpip_adapter_if_t tcpip_if)
return broadcastTo((uint8_t *)data, strlen(data), port, tcpip_if);
size_t AsyncUDP::broadcast(uint8_t *data, size_t len)
if(_pcb->local_port != 0) {
return broadcastTo(data, len, _pcb->local_port);
return 0;
size_t AsyncUDP::broadcast(const char * data)
return broadcast((uint8_t *)data, strlen(data));
size_t AsyncUDP::sendTo(AsyncUDPMessage &message, const ip_addr_t *addr, uint16_t port, tcpip_adapter_if_t tcpip_if)
if(!message) {
return 0;
return writeTo(, message.length(), addr, port, tcpip_if);
size_t AsyncUDP::sendTo(AsyncUDPMessage &message, const IPAddress addr, uint16_t port, tcpip_adapter_if_t tcpip_if)
if(!message) {
return 0;
return writeTo(, message.length(), addr, port, tcpip_if);
size_t AsyncUDP::sendTo(AsyncUDPMessage &message, const IPv6Address addr, uint16_t port, tcpip_adapter_if_t tcpip_if)
if(!message) {
return 0;
return writeTo(, message.length(), addr, port, tcpip_if);
size_t AsyncUDP::send(AsyncUDPMessage &message)
if(!message) {
return 0;
return writeTo(, message.length(), &(_pcb->remote_ip), _pcb->remote_port);
size_t AsyncUDP::broadcastTo(AsyncUDPMessage &message, uint16_t port, tcpip_adapter_if_t tcpip_if)
if(!message) {
return 0;
return broadcastTo(, message.length(), port, tcpip_if);
size_t AsyncUDP::broadcast(AsyncUDPMessage &message)
if(!message) {
return 0;
return broadcast(, message.length());
AsyncUDP::operator bool()
return _connected;
bool AsyncUDP::connected()
return _connected;
void AsyncUDP::onPacket(AuPacketHandlerFunctionWithArg cb, void * arg)
onPacket(std::bind(cb, arg, std::placeholders::_1));
void AsyncUDP::onPacket(AuPacketHandlerFunction cb)
_handler = cb;