This is very much still work in progress and much more will change before the final 2.0.0 Some APIs have changed. New libraries have been added. LittleFS included. Co-authored-by: Seon Rozenblum <> Co-authored-by: Me No Dev <> Co-authored-by: geeksville <> Co-authored-by: Mike Dunston <> Co-authored-by: Unexpected Maker <> Co-authored-by: Seon Rozenblum <> Co-authored-by: microDev <> Co-authored-by: tobozo <> Co-authored-by: bobobo1618 <> Co-authored-by: lorol <> Co-authored-by: geeksville <> Co-authored-by: Limor "Ladyada" Fried <> Co-authored-by: Sweety <> Co-authored-by: Loick MAHIEUX <> Co-authored-by: Larry Bernstone <> Co-authored-by: Valerii Koval <> Co-authored-by: 快乐的我531 <> Co-authored-by: chegewara <> Co-authored-by: Clemens Kirchgatterer <> Co-authored-by: Aron Rubin <> Co-authored-by: Pete Lewis <>
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505 lines
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// Copyright 2018-2019 Espressif Systems (Shanghai) PTE LTD
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
#ifndef _dspm_mat_h_
#define _dspm_mat_h_
#include <iostream>
* @brief DSP matrix namespace
* DSP library matrix namespace.
namespace dspm {
* @brief Matrix
* The Mat class provides basic matrix operations on single-precision floating point values.
class Mat {
* Constructor allocate internal buffer.
* @param[in] rows: amount of matrix rows
* @param[in] cols: amount of matrix columns
Mat(int rows, int cols);
* Constructor use external buffer.
* @param[in] data: external buffer with row-major matrix data
* @param[in] rows: amount of matrix rows
* @param[in] cols: amount of matrix columns
Mat(float *data, int rows, int cols);
* Allocate matrix with undefined size.
virtual ~Mat();
* Make copy of matrix.
* @param[in] src: source matrix
Mat(const Mat &src);
* Copy operator
* @param[in] src: source matrix
* @return
* - matrix copy
Mat &operator=(const Mat &src);
bool ext_buff; /*!< Flag indicates that matrix use external buffer*/
* Access to the matrix elements.
* @param[in] row: row position
* @param[in] col: column position
* @return
* - element of matrix M[row][col]
inline float &operator()(int row, int col)
return data[row * this->cols + col];
* Access to the matrix elements.
* @param[in] row: row position
* @param[in] col: column position
* @return
* - element of matrix M[row][col]
inline const float &operator()(int row, int col) const
return data[row * this->cols + col];
* += operator
* The operator use DSP optimized implementation of multiplication.
* @param[in] A: source matrix
* @return
* - result matrix: result += A
Mat &operator+=(const Mat &A);
* += operator
* The operator use DSP optimized implementation of multiplication.
* @param[in] C: constant
* @return
* - result matrix: result += C
Mat &operator+=(float C);
* -= operator
* The operator use DSP optimized implementation of multiplication.
* @param[in] A: source matrix
* @return
* - result matrix: result -= A
Mat &operator-=(const Mat &A);
* -= operator
* The operator use DSP optimized implementation of multiplication.
* @param[in] C: constant
* @return
* - result matrix: result -= C
Mat &operator-=(float C);
* *= operator
* The operator use DSP optimized implementation of multiplication.
* @param[in] A: source matrix
* @return
* - result matrix: result -= A
Mat &operator*=(const Mat &A);
* += with constant operator
* The operator use DSP optimized implementation of multiplication.
* @param[in] C: constant value
* @return
* - result matrix: result *= C
Mat &operator*=(float C);
* /= with constant operator
* The operator use DSP optimized implementation of multiplication.
* @param[in] C: constant value
* @return
* - result matrix: result /= C
Mat &operator/=(float C);
* /= operator
* @param[in] B: source matrix
* @return
* - result matrix: result[i,j] = result[i,j]/B[i,j]
Mat &operator/=(const Mat &B);
* ^= xor with constant operator
* The operator use DSP optimized implementation of multiplication.
* @param[in] C: constant value
* @return
* - result matrix: result ^= C
Mat operator^(int C);
* Swap two rows between each other.
* @param[in] row1: position of first row
* @param[in] row2: position of second row
void swapRows(int row1, int row2);
* Matrix transpose.
* Change rows and columns between each other.
* @return
* - transposed matrix
Mat t();
* Create identity matrix.
* Create a square matrix and fill diagonal with 1.
* @param[in] size: matrix size
* @return
* - matrix [N]x[N] with 1 in diagonal
static Mat eye(int size);
* Create matrix with all elements 1.
* Create a square matrix and fill all elements with 1.
* @param[in] size: matrix size
* @return
* - matrix [N]x[N] with 1 in all elements
static Mat ones(int size);
* Return part of matrix from defined position (startRow, startCol) as a matrix[blockRows x blockCols].
* @param[in] startRow: start row position
* @param[in] startCol: start column position
* @param[in] blockRows: amount of rows in result matrix
* @param[in] blockCols: amount of columns in the result matrix
* @return
* - matrix [blockRows]x[blockCols]
Mat block(int startRow, int startCol, int blockRows, int blockCols);
* Normalizes the vector, i.e. divides it by its own norm.
* If it's matrix, calculate matrix norm
void normalize(void);
* Return norm of the vector.
* If it's matrix, calculate matrix norm
* @return
* - matrix norm
float norm(void);
* The method fill 0 to the matrix structure.
void clear(void);
* @brief Solve the matrix
* Solve matrix. Find roots for the matrix A*x = b
* @param[in] A: matrix [N]x[N] with input coefficients
* @param[in] b: vector [N]x[1] with result values
* @return
* - matrix [N]x[1] with roots
static Mat solve(Mat A, Mat b);
* @brief Band solve the matrix
* Solve band matrix. Find roots for the matrix A*x = b with bandwidth k.
* @param[in] A: matrix [N]x[N] with input coefficients
* @param[in] b: vector [N]x[1] with result values
* @param[in] k: upper bandwidth value
* @return
* - matrix [N]x[1] with roots
static Mat bandSolve(Mat A, Mat b, int k);
* @brief Solve the matrix
* Different way to solve the matrix. Find roots for the matrix A*x = y
* @param[in] A: matrix [N]x[N] with input coefficients
* @param[in] y: vector [N]x[1] with result values
* @return
* - matrix [N]x[1] with roots
static Mat roots(Mat A, Mat y);
* @brief Dotproduct of two vectors
* The method returns dotproduct of two vectors
* @param[in] A: Input vector A Nx1
* @param[in] B: Input vector B Nx1
* @return
* - dotproduct value
static float dotProduct(Mat A, Mat B);
* @brief Augmented matrices
* Augmented matrices
* @param[in] A: Input vector A MxN
* @param[in] B: Input vector B MxK
* @return
* - Augmented matrix Mx(N+K)
static Mat augment(Mat A, Mat B);
* @brief Gaussian Elimination
* Gaussian Elimination of matrix
* @return
* - result matrix
Mat gaussianEliminate();
* Row reduction for Gaussian elimination
* @return
* - result matrix
Mat rowReduceFromGaussian();
* Find the inverse matrix
* @return
* - inverse matrix
Mat inverse();
* Find pseudo inverse matrix
* @return
* - inverse matrix
Mat pinv();
int rows; /*!< Amount of rows*/
int cols; /*!< Amount of columns*/
float *data; /*!< Buffer with matrix data*/
int length; /*!< Total amount of data in data array*/
static float abs_tol; /*!< Max acceptable absolute tolerance*/
Mat cofactor(int row, int col, int n);
float det(int n);
Mat adjoint();
void allocate(); // Allocate buffer
Mat expHelper(const Mat &m, int num);
* Print matrix to the standard iostream.
* @param[in] os: output stream
* @param[in] m: matrix to print
* @return
* - output stream
std::ostream &operator<<(std::ostream &os, const Mat &m);
* Fill the matrix from iostream.
* @param[in] is: input stream
* @param[in] m: matrix to fill
* @return
* - input stream
std::istream &operator>>(std::istream &is, Mat &m);
* + operator, sum of two matrices
* The operator use DSP optimized implementation of multiplication.
* @param[in] A: Input matrix A
* @param[in] B: Input matrix B
* @return
* - result matrix A+B
Mat operator+(const Mat &A, const Mat &B);
* + operator, sum of matrix with constant
* The operator use DSP optimized implementation of multiplication.
* @param[in] A: Input matrix A
* @param[in] C: Input constant
* @return
* - result matrix A+C
Mat operator+(const Mat &A, float C);
* - operator, subtraction of two matrices
* The operator use DSP optimized implementation of multiplication.
* @param[in] A: Input matrix A
* @param[in] B: Input matrix B
* @return
* - result matrix A-B
Mat operator-(const Mat &A, const Mat &B);
* - operator, sum of matrix with constant
* The operator use DSP optimized implementation of multiplication.
* @param[in] A: Input matrix A
* @param[in] C: Input constant
* @return
* - result matrix A+C
Mat operator-(const Mat &A, float C);
* * operator, multiplication of two matrices.
* The operator use DSP optimized implementation of multiplication.
* @param[in] A: Input matrix A
* @param[in] B: Input matrix B
* @return
* - result matrix A*B
Mat operator*(const Mat &A, const Mat &B);
* * operator, multiplication of matrix with constant
* The operator use DSP optimized implementation of multiplication.
* @param[in] A: Input matrix A
* @param[in] C: floating point value
* @return
* - result matrix A*B
Mat operator*(const Mat &A, float C);
* * operator, multiplication of matrix with constant
* The operator use DSP optimized implementation of multiplication.
* @param[in] C: floating point value
* @param[in] A: Input matrix A
* @return
* - result matrix A*B
Mat operator*(float C, const Mat &A);
* / operator, divide of matrix by constant
* The operator use DSP optimized implementation of multiplication.
* @param[in] A: Input matrix A
* @param[in] C: floating point value
* @return
* - result matrix A*B
Mat operator/(const Mat &A, float C);
* / operator, divide matrix A by matrix B
* @param[in] A: Input matrix A
* @param[in] B: Input matrix B
* @return
* - result matrix C, where C[i,j] = A[i,j]/B[i,j]
Mat operator/(const Mat &A, const Mat &B);
* == operator, compare two matrices
* @param[in] A: Input matrix A
* @param[in] B: Input matrix B
* @return
* - true if matrices are the same
* - false if matrices are different
bool operator==(const Mat &A, const Mat &B);
#endif //_dspm_mat_h_