chuck todd
Remove confusing Debug output. (#1574)
If Core Debug Level is at DEBUG, a confusing debug message will be emitted if the I2C transaction takes longer complete than the calculated minimum time. This original debug message was just to prove that this new i2c code could correctly handle SCL stretching or interrupt latency issues. This delay is not a problem, or an error. Usually it is caused by a higher priory interrupt starving the i2c ISR. Usually WiFi is the culprit. As long of this delay is within the configured timeout (by default 50ms, or can be set with Wire.setTimeOut(milliseconds);) no problem will occur and the transaction will successfully complete. Chuck.
Arduino core for ESP32 WiFi chip
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- Development Status
- Installation Instructions
- Decoding Exceptions
- Issue/Bug report template
- ESP32Dev Board PINMAP
Development Status
Most of the framework is implemented. Most noticable is the missing analogWrite. While analogWrite is on it's way, there are a few other options that you can use:
- 16 channels LEDC which is PWM
- 8 channels SigmaDelta which uses SigmaDelta modulation
- 2 channels DAC which gives real analog output
Installation Instructions
- Using Arduino IDE
- Using PlatformIO
- Building with make
- Using as ESP-IDF component
Decoding exceptions
You can use EspExceptionDecoder to get meaningful call trace.
Issue/Bug report template
Before reporting an issue, make sure you've searched for similar one that was already created. Also make sure to go through all the issues labelled as for reference.
Finally, if you're sure no one else had the issue, follow the ISSUE_TEMPLATE while reporting any issue.
Sometimes to program ESP32 via serial you must keep GPIO0 LOW during the programming process