Laurent Louf 694c3a453f DNS Server : bug fix and prettifying ()
* Retrieve some code from what has been done on the ESP8266. Clarify a bit the signification of several bytes in the response.

* Add the type and class as members of the DNS class for an eventual future use.

* Clarify the sense of a magic number present in DNS server.

* A bit of aesthetics for the DNS server.

* Add a structure for the DNS question, use it DNS server to store the question data and to create the DNS answer from scratch.
2018-03-04 20:17:40 +01:00

200 lines
6.2 KiB

#include "DNSServer.h"
#include <lwip/def.h>
#include <Arduino.h>
_ttl = htonl(DNS_DEFAULT_TTL);
_errorReplyCode = DNSReplyCode::NonExistentDomain;
_dnsHeader = (DNSHeader*) malloc( sizeof(DNSHeader) ) ;
_dnsQuestion = (DNSQuestion*) malloc( sizeof(DNSQuestion) ) ;
_buffer = NULL;
_currentPacketSize = 0;
_port = 0;
bool DNSServer::start(const uint16_t &port, const String &domainName,
const IPAddress &resolvedIP)
_port = port;
_buffer = NULL;
_domainName = domainName;
_resolvedIP[0] = resolvedIP[0];
_resolvedIP[1] = resolvedIP[1];
_resolvedIP[2] = resolvedIP[2];
_resolvedIP[3] = resolvedIP[3];
return _udp.begin(_port) == 1;
void DNSServer::setErrorReplyCode(const DNSReplyCode &replyCode)
_errorReplyCode = replyCode;
void DNSServer::setTTL(const uint32_t &ttl)
_ttl = htonl(ttl);
void DNSServer::stop()
_buffer = NULL;
void DNSServer::downcaseAndRemoveWwwPrefix(String &domainName)
domainName.replace("www.", "");
void DNSServer::processNextRequest()
_currentPacketSize = _udp.parsePacket();
if (_currentPacketSize)
// Allocate buffer for the DNS query
if (_buffer != NULL)
_buffer = (unsigned char*)malloc(_currentPacketSize * sizeof(char));
if (_buffer == NULL)
// Put the packet received in the buffer and get DNS header (beginning of message)
// and the question, _currentPacketSize);
memcpy( _dnsHeader, _buffer, DNS_HEADER_SIZE ) ;
if ( requestIncludesOnlyOneQuestion() )
// The QName has a variable length, maximum 255 bytes and is comprised of multiple labels.
// Each label contains a byte to describe its length and the label itself. The list of
// labels terminates with a zero-valued byte. In "", we have two labels "github" & "com"
// Iterate through the labels and copy them as they come into a single buffer (for simplicity's sake)
_dnsQuestion->QNameLength = 0 ;
while ( _buffer[ DNS_HEADER_SIZE + _dnsQuestion->QNameLength ] != 0 )
memcpy( (void*) &_dnsQuestion->QName[_dnsQuestion->QNameLength], (void*) &_buffer[DNS_HEADER_SIZE + _dnsQuestion->QNameLength], _buffer[DNS_HEADER_SIZE + _dnsQuestion->QNameLength] + 1 ) ;
_dnsQuestion->QNameLength += _buffer[DNS_HEADER_SIZE + _dnsQuestion->QNameLength] + 1 ;
_dnsQuestion->QName[_dnsQuestion->QNameLength] = 0 ;
_dnsQuestion->QNameLength++ ;
// Copy the QType and QClass
memcpy( &_dnsQuestion->QType, (void*) &_buffer[DNS_HEADER_SIZE + _dnsQuestion->QNameLength], sizeof(_dnsQuestion->QType) ) ;
memcpy( &_dnsQuestion->QClass, (void*) &_buffer[DNS_HEADER_SIZE + _dnsQuestion->QNameLength + sizeof(_dnsQuestion->QType)], sizeof(_dnsQuestion->QClass) ) ;
if (_dnsHeader->QR == DNS_QR_QUERY &&
_dnsHeader->OPCode == DNS_OPCODE_QUERY &&
requestIncludesOnlyOneQuestion() &&
(_domainName == "*" || getDomainNameWithoutWwwPrefix() == _domainName)
else if (_dnsHeader->QR == DNS_QR_QUERY)
_buffer = NULL;
bool DNSServer::requestIncludesOnlyOneQuestion()
return ntohs(_dnsHeader->QDCount) == 1 &&
_dnsHeader->ANCount == 0 &&
_dnsHeader->NSCount == 0 &&
_dnsHeader->ARCount == 0;
String DNSServer::getDomainNameWithoutWwwPrefix()
// Error checking : if the buffer containing the DNS request is a null pointer, return an empty domain
String parsedDomainName = "";
if (_buffer == NULL)
return parsedDomainName;
// Set the start of the domain just after the header (12 bytes). If equal to null character, return an empty domain
unsigned char *start = _buffer + DNS_OFFSET_DOMAIN_NAME;
if (*start == 0)
return parsedDomainName;
int pos = 0;
unsigned char labelLength = *(start + pos);
for(int i = 0; i < labelLength; i++)
parsedDomainName += (char)*(start + pos);
if (*(start + pos) == 0)
return parsedDomainName;
parsedDomainName += ".";
void DNSServer::replyWithIP()
if (_buffer == NULL) return;
_udp.beginPacket(_udp.remoteIP(), _udp.remotePort());
// Change the type of message to a response and set the number of answers equal to
// the number of questions in the header
_dnsHeader->QR = DNS_QR_RESPONSE;
_dnsHeader->ANCount = _dnsHeader->QDCount;
_udp.write( (unsigned char*) _dnsHeader, DNS_HEADER_SIZE ) ;
// Write the question
_udp.write(_dnsQuestion->QName, _dnsQuestion->QNameLength) ;
_udp.write( (unsigned char*) &_dnsQuestion->QType, 2 ) ;
_udp.write( (unsigned char*) &_dnsQuestion->QClass, 2 ) ;
// Write the answer
// Use DNS name compression : instead of repeating the name in this RNAME occurence,
// set the two MSB of the byte corresponding normally to the length to 1. The following
// 14 bits must be used to specify the offset of the domain name in the message
// (<255 here so the first byte has the 6 LSB at 0)
_udp.write((uint8_t) 0xC0);
_udp.write((uint8_t) DNS_OFFSET_DOMAIN_NAME);
// DNS type A : host address, DNS class IN for INternet, returning an IPv4 address
uint16_t answerType = htons(DNS_TYPE_A), answerClass = htons(DNS_CLASS_IN), answerIPv4 = htons(DNS_RDLENGTH_IPV4) ;
_udp.write((unsigned char*) &answerType, 2 );
_udp.write((unsigned char*) &answerClass, 2 );
_udp.write((unsigned char*) &_ttl, 4); // DNS Time To Live
_udp.write((unsigned char*) &answerIPv4, 2 );
_udp.write(_resolvedIP, sizeof(_resolvedIP)); // The IP address to return
void DNSServer::replyWithCustomCode()
if (_buffer == NULL) return;
_dnsHeader->QR = DNS_QR_RESPONSE;
_dnsHeader->RCode = (unsigned char)_errorReplyCode;
_dnsHeader->QDCount = 0;
_udp.beginPacket(_udp.remoteIP(), _udp.remotePort());
_udp.write(_buffer, sizeof(DNSHeader));