This changes all SPI functions that take data pointers which are not modified so that the declaration is const. This allows them to be used with const data (i.e. held in flash). No functional changes are required. The defnitions of spiWrite() and spiTransferBytes() in esp-hal-spi.h/c have been updated to be consistent. Tests: - Build a simple sketch using SPI.writePattern() and SPI.transferBytes() which uses const data and verify that the attached device functions as expected.
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// Copyright 2015-2016 Espressif Systems (Shanghai) PTE LTD
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
#ifndef MAIN_ESP32_HAL_SPI_H_
#define MAIN_ESP32_HAL_SPI_H_
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
#include <stdint.h>
#include <stdbool.h>
#define FSPI 1 //SPI bus attached to the flash (can use the same data lines but different SS)
#define HSPI 2 //SPI bus normally mapped to pins 12 - 15, but can be matrixed to any pins
#define VSPI 3 //SPI bus normally attached to pins 5, 18, 19 and 23, but can be matrixed to any pins
// This defines are not representing the real Divider of the ESP32
// the Defines match to an AVR Arduino on 16MHz for better compatibility
#define SPI_CLOCK_DIV2 0x00101001 //8 MHz
#define SPI_CLOCK_DIV4 0x00241001 //4 MHz
#define SPI_CLOCK_DIV8 0x004c1001 //2 MHz
#define SPI_CLOCK_DIV16 0x009c1001 //1 MHz
#define SPI_CLOCK_DIV32 0x013c1001 //500 KHz
#define SPI_CLOCK_DIV64 0x027c1001 //250 KHz
#define SPI_CLOCK_DIV128 0x04fc1001 //125 KHz
#define SPI_MODE0 0
#define SPI_MODE1 1
#define SPI_MODE2 2
#define SPI_MODE3 3
#define SPI_CS0 0
#define SPI_CS1 1
#define SPI_CS2 2
#define SPI_CS_MASK_ALL 0x7
#define SPI_LSBFIRST 0
#define SPI_MSBFIRST 1
struct spi_struct_t;
typedef struct spi_struct_t spi_t;
spi_t * spiStartBus(uint8_t spi_num, uint32_t freq, uint8_t dataMode, uint8_t bitOrder);
void spiStopBus(spi_t * spi);
//Attach/Detach Signal Pins
void spiAttachSCK(spi_t * spi, int8_t sck);
void spiAttachMISO(spi_t * spi, int8_t miso);
void spiAttachMOSI(spi_t * spi, int8_t mosi);
void spiDetachSCK(spi_t * spi, int8_t sck);
void spiDetachMISO(spi_t * spi, int8_t miso);
void spiDetachMOSI(spi_t * spi, int8_t mosi);
//Attach/Detach SS pin to SPI_CSx signal
void spiAttachSS(spi_t * spi, uint8_t cs_num, int8_t ss);
void spiDetachSS(spi_t * spi, int8_t ss);
//Enable/Disable SPI_CSx pins
void spiEnableSSPins(spi_t * spi, uint8_t cs_mask);
void spiDisableSSPins(spi_t * spi, uint8_t cs_mask);
//Enable/Disable hardware control of SPI_CSx pins
void spiSSEnable(spi_t * spi);
void spiSSDisable(spi_t * spi);
//Activate enabled SPI_CSx pins
void spiSSSet(spi_t * spi);
//Deactivate enabled SPI_CSx pins
void spiSSClear(spi_t * spi);
void spiWaitReady(spi_t * spi);
uint32_t spiGetClockDiv(spi_t * spi);
uint8_t spiGetDataMode(spi_t * spi);
uint8_t spiGetBitOrder(spi_t * spi);
* Non transaction based lock methods (each locks and unlocks when called)
* */
void spiSetClockDiv(spi_t * spi, uint32_t clockDiv);
void spiSetDataMode(spi_t * spi, uint8_t dataMode);
void spiSetBitOrder(spi_t * spi, uint8_t bitOrder);
void spiWrite(spi_t * spi, const uint32_t *data, uint8_t len);
void spiWriteByte(spi_t * spi, uint8_t data);
void spiWriteWord(spi_t * spi, uint16_t data);
void spiWriteLong(spi_t * spi, uint32_t data);
void spiTransfer(spi_t * spi, uint32_t *out, uint8_t len);
uint8_t spiTransferByte(spi_t * spi, uint8_t data);
uint16_t spiTransferWord(spi_t * spi, uint16_t data);
uint32_t spiTransferLong(spi_t * spi, uint32_t data);
void spiTransferBytes(spi_t * spi, const uint8_t * data, uint8_t * out, uint32_t size);
void spiTransferBits(spi_t * spi, uint32_t data, uint32_t * out, uint8_t bits);
* New (EXPERIMENTAL) Transaction lock based API (lock once until endTransaction)
* */
void spiTransaction(spi_t * spi, uint32_t clockDiv, uint8_t dataMode, uint8_t bitOrder);
void spiSimpleTransaction(spi_t * spi);
void spiEndTransaction(spi_t * spi);
void spiWriteNL(spi_t * spi, const void * data_in, uint32_t len);
void spiWriteByteNL(spi_t * spi, uint8_t data);
void spiWriteShortNL(spi_t * spi, uint16_t data);
void spiWriteLongNL(spi_t * spi, uint32_t data);
void spiWritePixelsNL(spi_t * spi, const void * data_in, uint32_t len);
#define spiTransferNL(spi, data, len) spiTransferBytesNL(spi, data, data, len)
uint8_t spiTransferByteNL(spi_t * spi, uint8_t data);
uint16_t spiTransferShortNL(spi_t * spi, uint16_t data);
uint32_t spiTransferLongNL(spi_t * spi, uint32_t data);
void spiTransferBytesNL(spi_t * spi, const void * data_in, uint8_t * data_out, uint32_t len);
void spiTransferBitsNL(spi_t * spi, uint32_t data_in, uint32_t * data_out, uint8_t bits);
* Helper functions to translate frequency to clock divider and back
* */
uint32_t spiFrequencyToClockDiv(uint32_t freq);
uint32_t spiClockDivToFrequency(uint32_t freq);
#ifdef __cplusplus
#endif /* MAIN_ESP32_HAL_SPI_H_ */