* fix sdmmc config * Fix warnings in EEPROM from @Curclamas * remove leftover TAG in EEPROM * Initial add of @stickbreaker i2c * Add log_n * fix warnings when log is off * i2c code clean up and reorganization * add flags to interrupt allocator * fix sdmmc config * Fix warnings in EEPROM from @Curclamas * remove leftover TAG in EEPROM * fix errors with latest IDF * fix debug optimization (#1365) incorrect optimization for debugging tick markers. * Fix some missing BT header * Change BTSerial log calls * Update BLE lib * Arduino-ESP32 release management scripted (#1515) * Calculate an absolute path for a custom partitions table (#1452) * * Arduino-ESP32 release management scripted (ready-to-merge) * * secure env for espressif/arduino-esp32 * * build tests enabled * gitter webhook enabled * * gitter room link fixed * better comment * * filepaths fixed * BT Serial adjustments * * don't run sketch builds & tests for tagged builds * Return false from WiFi.hostByName() if hostname is not resolved * Free BT Memory when BT is not used * WIFI_MODE_NULL is not supported anymore * Select some key examples to build with PlatformIO to save some time * Update BLE lib * Fixed BLE lib * Major WiFi overhaul - auto reconnect on connection loss now works - moved to event groups - some code clean up and procedure optimizations - new methods to get a more elaborate system ststus * Add cmake tests to travis * Add initial AsyncUDP * Add NetBIOS lib and fix CMake includes * Add Initial WebServer * Fix WebServer and examples * travis not quiting on build fail * Try different travis build * Update IDF to aaf1239 * Fix WPS Example * fix script permission and add some fail tests to sketch builder * Add missing space in WiFiClient::write(Stream &stream)
Arduino core for ESP32 WiFi chip
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- Development Status
- Installation Instructions
- Decoding Exceptions
- Issue/Bug report template
- ESP32Dev Board PINMAP
Development Status
Most of the framework is implemented. Most noticable is the missing analogWrite. While analogWrite is on it's way, there are a few other options that you can use:
- 16 channels LEDC which is PWM
- 8 channels SigmaDelta which uses SigmaDelta modulation
- 2 channels DAC which gives real analog output
Installation Instructions
- Using Arduino IDE
- Using PlatformIO
- Building with make
- Using as ESP-IDF component
Decoding exceptions
You can use EspExceptionDecoder to get meaningful call trace.
Issue/Bug report template
Before reporting an issue, make sure you've searched for similar one that was already created. Also make sure to go through all the issues labelled as for reference.
Finally, if you're sure no one else had the issue, follow the ISSUE_TEMPLATE while reporting any issue.
Sometimes to program ESP32 via serial you must keep GPIO0 LOW during the programming process