* Update Parsing.cpp When uploading TLS cert files the end of file "-----END CERTIFICATE-----" (or any kind of file with the sequence "CRLF--") is taken as posible end boundary. Then it is compared to the start boundary string. As it is expected, comparison turns to be false, and the whole end boundary string is put to _currentUpload->buf through _uploadWriteByte(). Here you have the problem: if you read boundary.length() bytes from HTTP request and you have some of the actual end boundary bytes in it, when you put all those bytes into _currentUpload->buf you are making a mistake. You will miss the actual end boundary string because some of those bytes were put in _currentUpload->buf. * Update Parsing.cpp
582 lines
19 KiB
582 lines
19 KiB
Parsing.cpp - HTTP request parsing.
Copyright (c) 2015 Ivan Grokhotkov. All rights reserved.
This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
Lesser General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
Modified 8 May 2015 by Hristo Gochkov (proper post and file upload handling)
#include <Arduino.h>
#include <esp32-hal-log.h>
#include "WiFiServer.h"
#include "WiFiClient.h"
#include "WebServer.h"
#include "detail/mimetable.h"
static const char Content_Type[] PROGMEM = "Content-Type";
static const char filename[] PROGMEM = "filename";
static char* readBytesWithTimeout(WiFiClient& client, size_t maxLength, size_t& dataLength, int timeout_ms)
char *buf = nullptr;
dataLength = 0;
while (dataLength < maxLength) {
int tries = timeout_ms;
size_t newLength;
while (!(newLength = client.available()) && tries--) delay(1);
if (!newLength) {
if (!buf) {
buf = (char *) malloc(newLength + 1);
if (!buf) {
return nullptr;
else {
char* newBuf = (char *) realloc(buf, dataLength + newLength + 1);
if (!newBuf) {
return nullptr;
buf = newBuf;
client.readBytes(buf + dataLength, newLength);
dataLength += newLength;
buf[dataLength] = '\0';
return buf;
bool WebServer::_parseRequest(WiFiClient& client) {
// Read the first line of HTTP request
String req = client.readStringUntil('\r');
//reset header value
for (int i = 0; i < _headerKeysCount; ++i) {
_currentHeaders[i].value =String();
// First line of HTTP request looks like "GET /path HTTP/1.1"
// Retrieve the "/path" part by finding the spaces
int addr_start = req.indexOf(' ');
int addr_end = req.indexOf(' ', addr_start + 1);
if (addr_start == -1 || addr_end == -1) {
log_e("Invalid request: %s", req.c_str());
return false;
String methodStr = req.substring(0, addr_start);
String url = req.substring(addr_start + 1, addr_end);
String versionEnd = req.substring(addr_end + 8);
_currentVersion = atoi(versionEnd.c_str());
String searchStr = "";
int hasSearch = url.indexOf('?');
if (hasSearch != -1){
searchStr = url.substring(hasSearch + 1);
url = url.substring(0, hasSearch);
_currentUri = url;
_chunked = false;
HTTPMethod method = HTTP_GET;
if (methodStr == F("POST")) {
method = HTTP_POST;
} else if (methodStr == F("DELETE")) {
method = HTTP_DELETE;
} else if (methodStr == F("OPTIONS")) {
method = HTTP_OPTIONS;
} else if (methodStr == F("PUT")) {
method = HTTP_PUT;
} else if (methodStr == F("PATCH")) {
method = HTTP_PATCH;
_currentMethod = method;
log_v("method: %s url: %s search: %s", methodStr.c_str(), url.c_str(), searchStr.c_str());
//attach handler
RequestHandler* handler;
for (handler = _firstHandler; handler; handler = handler->next()) {
if (handler->canHandle(_currentMethod, _currentUri))
_currentHandler = handler;
String formData;
// below is needed only when POST type request
if (method == HTTP_POST || method == HTTP_PUT || method == HTTP_PATCH || method == HTTP_DELETE){
String boundaryStr;
String headerName;
String headerValue;
bool isForm = false;
bool isEncoded = false;
uint32_t contentLength = 0;
//parse headers
req = client.readStringUntil('\r');
if (req == "") break;//no moar headers
int headerDiv = req.indexOf(':');
if (headerDiv == -1){
headerName = req.substring(0, headerDiv);
headerValue = req.substring(headerDiv + 1);
log_v("headerName: %s", headerName.c_str());
log_v("headerValue: %s", headerValue.c_str());
if (headerName.equalsIgnoreCase(FPSTR(Content_Type))){
using namespace mime;
if (headerValue.startsWith(FPSTR(mimeTable[txt].mimeType))){
isForm = false;
} else if (headerValue.startsWith(F("application/x-www-form-urlencoded"))){
isForm = false;
isEncoded = true;
} else if (headerValue.startsWith(F("multipart/"))){
boundaryStr = headerValue.substring(headerValue.indexOf('=') + 1);
isForm = true;
} else if (headerName.equalsIgnoreCase(F("Content-Length"))){
contentLength = headerValue.toInt();
} else if (headerName.equalsIgnoreCase(F("Host"))){
_hostHeader = headerValue;
if (!isForm){
size_t plainLength;
char* plainBuf = readBytesWithTimeout(client, contentLength, plainLength, HTTP_MAX_POST_WAIT);
if (plainLength < contentLength) {
return false;
if (contentLength > 0) {
//url encoded form
if (searchStr != "") searchStr += '&';
searchStr += plainBuf;
//plain post json or other data
RequestArgument& arg = _currentArgs[_currentArgCount++];
arg.key = F("plain");
arg.value = String(plainBuf);
log_v("Plain: %s", plainBuf);
} else {
// No content - but we can still have arguments in the URL.
if (isForm){
if (!_parseForm(client, boundaryStr, contentLength)) {
return false;
} else {
String headerName;
String headerValue;
//parse headers
req = client.readStringUntil('\r');
if (req == "") break;//no moar headers
int headerDiv = req.indexOf(':');
if (headerDiv == -1){
headerName = req.substring(0, headerDiv);
headerValue = req.substring(headerDiv + 2);
log_v("headerName: %s", headerName.c_str());
log_v("headerValue: %s", headerValue.c_str());
if (headerName.equalsIgnoreCase("Host")){
_hostHeader = headerValue;
log_v("Request: %s", url.c_str());
log_v(" Arguments: %s", searchStr.c_str());
return true;
bool WebServer::_collectHeader(const char* headerName, const char* headerValue) {
for (int i = 0; i < _headerKeysCount; i++) {
if (_currentHeaders[i].key.equalsIgnoreCase(headerName)) {
return true;
return false;
void WebServer::_parseArguments(String data) {
log_v("args: %s", data.c_str());
if (_currentArgs)
delete[] _currentArgs;
_currentArgs = 0;
if (data.length() == 0) {
_currentArgCount = 0;
_currentArgs = new RequestArgument[1];
_currentArgCount = 1;
for (int i = 0; i < (int)data.length(); ) {
i = data.indexOf('&', i);
if (i == -1)
log_v("args count: %d", _currentArgCount);
_currentArgs = new RequestArgument[_currentArgCount+1];
int pos = 0;
int iarg;
for (iarg = 0; iarg < _currentArgCount;) {
int equal_sign_index = data.indexOf('=', pos);
int next_arg_index = data.indexOf('&', pos);
log_v("pos %d =@%d &@%d", pos, equal_sign_index, next_arg_index);
if ((equal_sign_index == -1) || ((equal_sign_index > next_arg_index) && (next_arg_index != -1))) {
log_e("arg missing value: %d", iarg);
if (next_arg_index == -1)
pos = next_arg_index + 1;
RequestArgument& arg = _currentArgs[iarg];
arg.key = urlDecode(data.substring(pos, equal_sign_index));
arg.value = urlDecode(data.substring(equal_sign_index + 1, next_arg_index));
log_v("arg %d key: %s value: %s", iarg, arg.key.c_str(), arg.value.c_str());
if (next_arg_index == -1)
pos = next_arg_index + 1;
_currentArgCount = iarg;
log_v("args count: %d", _currentArgCount);
void WebServer::_uploadWriteByte(uint8_t b){
if (_currentUpload->currentSize == HTTP_UPLOAD_BUFLEN){
if(_currentHandler && _currentHandler->canUpload(_currentUri))
_currentHandler->upload(*this, _currentUri, *_currentUpload);
_currentUpload->totalSize += _currentUpload->currentSize;
_currentUpload->currentSize = 0;
_currentUpload->buf[_currentUpload->currentSize++] = b;
int WebServer::_uploadReadByte(WiFiClient& client){
if (!client.connected()) return -1;
int res = client.read();
if(res < 0) {
// keep trying until you either read a valid byte or timeout
unsigned long startMillis = millis();
long timeoutIntervalMillis = client.getTimeout();
boolean timedOut = false;
for(;;) {
// loosely modeled after blinkWithoutDelay pattern
while(!timedOut && !client.available() && client.connected()){
timedOut = millis() - startMillis >= timeoutIntervalMillis;
res = client.read();
if(res >= 0) {
return res; // exit on a valid read
// NOTE: it is possible to get here and have all of the following
// assertions hold true
// -- client.available() > 0
// -- client.connected == true
// -- res == -1
// a simple retry strategy overcomes this which is to say the
// assertion is not permanent, but the reason that this works
// is elusive, and possibly indicative of a more subtle underlying
// issue
timedOut = millis() - startMillis >= timeoutIntervalMillis;
if(timedOut) {
return res; // exit on a timeout
return res;
bool WebServer::_parseForm(WiFiClient& client, String boundary, uint32_t len){
(void) len;
log_v("Parse Form: Boundary: %s Length: %d", boundary.c_str(), len);
String line;
int retry = 0;
do {
line = client.readStringUntil('\r');
} while (line.length() == 0 && retry < 3);
//start reading the form
if (line == ("--"+boundary)){
if(_postArgs) delete[] _postArgs;
_postArgs = new RequestArgument[WEBSERVER_MAX_POST_ARGS];
_postArgsLen = 0;
String argName;
String argValue;
String argType;
String argFilename;
bool argIsFile = false;
line = client.readStringUntil('\r');
if (line.length() > 19 && line.substring(0, 19).equalsIgnoreCase(F("Content-Disposition"))){
int nameStart = line.indexOf('=');
if (nameStart != -1){
argName = line.substring(nameStart+2);
nameStart = argName.indexOf('=');
if (nameStart == -1){
argName = argName.substring(0, argName.length() - 1);
} else {
argFilename = argName.substring(nameStart+2, argName.length() - 1);
argName = argName.substring(0, argName.indexOf('"'));
argIsFile = true;
log_v("PostArg FileName: %s",argFilename.c_str());
//use GET to set the filename if uploading using blob
if (argFilename == F("blob") && hasArg(FPSTR(filename)))
argFilename = arg(FPSTR(filename));
log_v("PostArg Name: %s", argName.c_str());
using namespace mime;
argType = FPSTR(mimeTable[txt].mimeType);
line = client.readStringUntil('\r');
if (line.length() > 12 && line.substring(0, 12).equalsIgnoreCase(FPSTR(Content_Type))){
argType = line.substring(line.indexOf(':')+2);
//skip next line
log_v("PostArg Type: %s", argType.c_str());
if (!argIsFile){
line = client.readStringUntil('\r');
if (line.startsWith("--"+boundary)) break;
if (argValue.length() > 0) argValue += "\n";
argValue += line;
log_v("PostArg Value: %s", argValue.c_str());
RequestArgument& arg = _postArgs[_postArgsLen++];
arg.key = argName;
arg.value = argValue;
if (line == ("--"+boundary+"--")){
log_v("Done Parsing POST");
} else if (_postArgsLen >= WEBSERVER_MAX_POST_ARGS) {
log_e("Too many PostArgs (max: %d) in request.", WEBSERVER_MAX_POST_ARGS);
return false;
} else {
_currentUpload.reset(new HTTPUpload());
_currentUpload->status = UPLOAD_FILE_START;
_currentUpload->name = argName;
_currentUpload->filename = argFilename;
_currentUpload->type = argType;
_currentUpload->totalSize = 0;
_currentUpload->currentSize = 0;
log_v("Start File: %s Type: %s", _currentUpload->filename.c_str(), _currentUpload->type.c_str());
if(_currentHandler && _currentHandler->canUpload(_currentUri))
_currentHandler->upload(*this, _currentUri, *_currentUpload);
_currentUpload->status = UPLOAD_FILE_WRITE;
int argByte = _uploadReadByte(client);
while(argByte != 0x0D){
if(argByte < 0) return _parseFormUploadAborted();
argByte = _uploadReadByte(client);
argByte = _uploadReadByte(client);
if(argByte < 0) return _parseFormUploadAborted();
if (argByte == 0x0A){
argByte = _uploadReadByte(client);
if(argByte < 0) return _parseFormUploadAborted();
if ((char)argByte != '-'){
//continue reading the file
goto readfile;
} else {
argByte = _uploadReadByte(client);
if(argByte < 0) return _parseFormUploadAborted();
if ((char)argByte != '-'){
//continue reading the file
goto readfile;
uint8_t endBuf[boundary.length()];
uint32_t i = 0;
while(i < boundary.length()){
argByte = _uploadReadByte(client);
if(argByte < 0) return _parseFormUploadAborted();
if ((char)argByte == 0x0D){
uint32_t j = 0;
while(j < i){
goto readfile;
endBuf[i++] = (uint8_t)argByte;
if (strstr((const char*)endBuf, boundary.c_str()) != NULL){
if(_currentHandler && _currentHandler->canUpload(_currentUri))
_currentHandler->upload(*this, _currentUri, *_currentUpload);
_currentUpload->totalSize += _currentUpload->currentSize;
_currentUpload->status = UPLOAD_FILE_END;
if(_currentHandler && _currentHandler->canUpload(_currentUri))
_currentHandler->upload(*this, _currentUri, *_currentUpload);
log_v("End File: %s Type: %s Size: %d", _currentUpload->filename.c_str(), _currentUpload->type.c_str(), _currentUpload->totalSize);
line = client.readStringUntil(0x0D);
if (line == "--"){
log_v("Done Parsing POST");
} else {
uint32_t i = 0;
while(i < boundary.length()){
argByte = _uploadReadByte(client);
goto readfile;
} else {
goto readfile;
int iarg;
int totalArgs = ((WEBSERVER_MAX_POST_ARGS - _postArgsLen) < _currentArgCount)?(WEBSERVER_MAX_POST_ARGS - _postArgsLen):_currentArgCount;
for (iarg = 0; iarg < totalArgs; iarg++){
RequestArgument& arg = _postArgs[_postArgsLen++];
arg.key = _currentArgs[iarg].key;
arg.value = _currentArgs[iarg].value;
if (_currentArgs) delete[] _currentArgs;
_currentArgs = new RequestArgument[_postArgsLen];
for (iarg = 0; iarg < _postArgsLen; iarg++){
RequestArgument& arg = _currentArgs[iarg];
arg.key = _postArgs[iarg].key;
arg.value = _postArgs[iarg].value;
_currentArgCount = iarg;
if (_postArgs) {
delete[] _postArgs;
_postArgsLen = 0;
return true;
log_e("Error: line: %s", line.c_str());
return false;
String WebServer::urlDecode(const String& text)
String decoded = "";
char temp[] = "0x00";
unsigned int len = text.length();
unsigned int i = 0;
while (i < len)
char decodedChar;
char encodedChar = text.charAt(i++);
if ((encodedChar == '%') && (i + 1 < len))
temp[2] = text.charAt(i++);
temp[3] = text.charAt(i++);
decodedChar = strtol(temp, NULL, 16);
else {
if (encodedChar == '+')
decodedChar = ' ';
else {
decodedChar = encodedChar; // normal ascii char
decoded += decodedChar;
return decoded;
bool WebServer::_parseFormUploadAborted(){
_currentUpload->status = UPLOAD_FILE_ABORTED;
if(_currentHandler && _currentHandler->canUpload(_currentUri))
_currentHandler->upload(*this, _currentUri, *_currentUpload);
return false;