* TX Flow Control and Code cleanup * Use semaphore instead of delay TX functionality is done. * Use single buffer and empty queue on exit * Fix compile issues because of LwIP code relocation * Add temporary header to fix Azure not compiling * Fix AsyncUDP early init * AsyncUDP Multicast fixes * Add source mac address and rework multicast * Allow redefinition of default pins for Serials 1 and 2 * Update IDF to 3276a13 * Update esptool.py to 2.5.0 * Fix sketches * Fix log level in BluetoothSetial
569 lines
22 KiB
569 lines
22 KiB
// Copyright 2015-2016 Espressif Systems (Shanghai) PTE LTD
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
#include "esp_intr.h"
#include "esp_err.h"
#include "esp_intr_alloc.h"
#include "soc/touch_channel.h"
typedef enum {
TOUCH_PAD_NUM0 = 0, /*!< Touch pad channel 0 is GPIO4 */
TOUCH_PAD_NUM1, /*!< Touch pad channel 1 is GPIO0 */
TOUCH_PAD_NUM2, /*!< Touch pad channel 2 is GPIO2 */
TOUCH_PAD_NUM3, /*!< Touch pad channel 3 is GPIO15*/
TOUCH_PAD_NUM4, /*!< Touch pad channel 4 is GPIO13*/
TOUCH_PAD_NUM5, /*!< Touch pad channel 5 is GPIO12*/
TOUCH_PAD_NUM6, /*!< Touch pad channel 6 is GPIO14*/
TOUCH_PAD_NUM7, /*!< Touch pad channel 7 is GPIO27*/
TOUCH_PAD_NUM8, /*!< Touch pad channel 8 is GPIO33*/
TOUCH_PAD_NUM9, /*!< Touch pad channel 9 is GPIO32*/
} touch_pad_t;
typedef enum {
TOUCH_HVOLT_KEEP = -1, /*!<Touch sensor high reference voltage, no change */
TOUCH_HVOLT_2V4 = 0, /*!<Touch sensor high reference voltage, 2.4V */
TOUCH_HVOLT_2V5, /*!<Touch sensor high reference voltage, 2.5V */
TOUCH_HVOLT_2V6, /*!<Touch sensor high reference voltage, 2.6V */
TOUCH_HVOLT_2V7, /*!<Touch sensor high reference voltage, 2.7V */
} touch_high_volt_t;
typedef enum {
TOUCH_LVOLT_KEEP = -1, /*!<Touch sensor low reference voltage, no change */
TOUCH_LVOLT_0V5 = 0, /*!<Touch sensor low reference voltage, 0.5V */
TOUCH_LVOLT_0V6, /*!<Touch sensor low reference voltage, 0.6V */
TOUCH_LVOLT_0V7, /*!<Touch sensor low reference voltage, 0.7V */
TOUCH_LVOLT_0V8, /*!<Touch sensor low reference voltage, 0.8V */
} touch_low_volt_t;
typedef enum {
TOUCH_HVOLT_ATTEN_KEEP = -1, /*!<Touch sensor high reference voltage attenuation, no change */
TOUCH_HVOLT_ATTEN_1V5 = 0, /*!<Touch sensor high reference voltage attenuation, 1.5V attenuation */
TOUCH_HVOLT_ATTEN_1V, /*!<Touch sensor high reference voltage attenuation, 1.0V attenuation */
TOUCH_HVOLT_ATTEN_0V5, /*!<Touch sensor high reference voltage attenuation, 0.5V attenuation */
TOUCH_HVOLT_ATTEN_0V, /*!<Touch sensor high reference voltage attenuation, 0V attenuation */
} touch_volt_atten_t;
typedef enum {
TOUCH_PAD_SLOPE_0 = 0, /*!<Touch sensor charge / discharge speed, always zero */
TOUCH_PAD_SLOPE_1 = 1, /*!<Touch sensor charge / discharge speed, slowest */
TOUCH_PAD_SLOPE_2 = 2, /*!<Touch sensor charge / discharge speed */
TOUCH_PAD_SLOPE_3 = 3, /*!<Touch sensor charge / discharge speed */
TOUCH_PAD_SLOPE_4 = 4, /*!<Touch sensor charge / discharge speed */
TOUCH_PAD_SLOPE_5 = 5, /*!<Touch sensor charge / discharge speed */
TOUCH_PAD_SLOPE_6 = 6, /*!<Touch sensor charge / discharge speed */
TOUCH_PAD_SLOPE_7 = 7, /*!<Touch sensor charge / discharge speed, fast */
} touch_cnt_slope_t;
typedef enum {
TOUCH_TRIGGER_BELOW = 0, /*!<Touch interrupt will happen if counter value is less than threshold.*/
TOUCH_TRIGGER_ABOVE = 1, /*!<Touch interrupt will happen if counter value is larger than threshold.*/
} touch_trigger_mode_t;
typedef enum {
TOUCH_TRIGGER_SOURCE_BOTH = 0, /*!< wakeup interrupt is generated if both SET1 and SET2 are "touched"*/
TOUCH_TRIGGER_SOURCE_SET1 = 1, /*!< wakeup interrupt is generated if SET1 is "touched"*/
} touch_trigger_src_t;
typedef enum {
TOUCH_PAD_TIE_OPT_LOW = 0, /*!<Initial level of charging voltage, low level */
TOUCH_PAD_TIE_OPT_HIGH = 1, /*!<Initial level of charging voltage, high level */
} touch_tie_opt_t;
typedef enum {
TOUCH_FSM_MODE_TIMER = 0, /*!<To start touch FSM by timer */
TOUCH_FSM_MODE_SW, /*!<To start touch FSM by software trigger */
} touch_fsm_mode_t;
typedef intr_handle_t touch_isr_handle_t;
#define TOUCH_PAD_SLEEP_CYCLE_DEFAULT (0x1000) /*!<The timer frequency is RTC_SLOW_CLK (can be 150k or 32k depending on the options), max value is 0xffff */
#define TOUCH_PAD_MEASURE_CYCLE_DEFAULT (0x7fff) /*!<The timer frequency is 8Mhz, the max value is 0x7fff */
#define TOUCH_PAD_MEASURE_WAIT_DEFAULT (0xFF) /*!<The timer frequency is 8Mhz, the max value is 0xff */
#define TOUCH_FSM_MODE_DEFAULT (TOUCH_FSM_MODE_SW) /*!<The touch FSM my be started by the software or timer */
#define TOUCH_TRIGGER_MODE_DEFAULT (TOUCH_TRIGGER_BELOW) /*!<Interrupts can be triggered if sensor value gets below or above threshold */
#define TOUCH_TRIGGER_SOURCE_DEFAULT (TOUCH_TRIGGER_SOURCE_SET1) /*!<The wakeup trigger source can be SET1 or both SET1 and SET2 */
#define TOUCH_PAD_BIT_MASK_MAX (0x3ff)
* @brief Initialize touch module.
* @note The default FSM mode is 'TOUCH_FSM_MODE_SW'. If you want to use interrupt trigger mode,
* then set it using function 'touch_pad_set_fsm_mode' to 'TOUCH_FSM_MODE_TIMER' after calling 'touch_pad_init'.
* @return
* - ESP_OK Success
* - ESP_FAIL Touch pad init error
esp_err_t touch_pad_init();
* @brief Un-install touch pad driver.
* @note After this function is called, other touch functions are prohibited from being called.
* @return
* - ESP_OK Success
* - ESP_FAIL Touch pad driver not initialized
esp_err_t touch_pad_deinit();
* @brief Configure touch pad interrupt threshold.
* @note If FSM mode is set to TOUCH_FSM_MODE_TIMER, this function will be blocked for one measurement cycle and wait for data to be valid.
* @param touch_num touch pad index
* @param threshold interrupt threshold,
* @return
* - ESP_OK Success
* - ESP_ERR_INVALID_ARG if argument wrong
* - ESP_FAIL if touch pad not initialized
esp_err_t touch_pad_config(touch_pad_t touch_num, uint16_t threshold);
* @brief get touch sensor counter value.
* Each touch sensor has a counter to count the number of charge/discharge cycles.
* When the pad is not 'touched', we can get a number of the counter.
* When the pad is 'touched', the value in counter will get smaller because of the larger equivalent capacitance.
* @note This API requests hardware measurement once. If IIR filter mode is enabled,
* please use 'touch_pad_read_raw_data' interface instead.
* @param touch_num touch pad index
* @param touch_value pointer to accept touch sensor value
* @return
* - ESP_OK Success
* - ESP_ERR_INVALID_ARG Touch pad parameter error
* - ESP_ERR_INVALID_STATE This touch pad hardware connection is error, the value of "touch_value" is 0.
* - ESP_FAIL Touch pad not initialized
esp_err_t touch_pad_read(touch_pad_t touch_num, uint16_t * touch_value);
* @brief get filtered touch sensor counter value by IIR filter.
* @note touch_pad_filter_start has to be called before calling touch_pad_read_filtered.
* This function can be called from ISR
* @param touch_num touch pad index
* @param touch_value pointer to accept touch sensor value
* @return
* - ESP_OK Success
* - ESP_ERR_INVALID_ARG Touch pad parameter error
* - ESP_ERR_INVALID_STATE This touch pad hardware connection is error, the value of "touch_value" is 0.
* - ESP_FAIL Touch pad not initialized
esp_err_t touch_pad_read_filtered(touch_pad_t touch_num, uint16_t *touch_value);
* @brief get raw data (touch sensor counter value) from IIR filter process.
* Need not request hardware measurements.
* @note touch_pad_filter_start has to be called before calling touch_pad_read_raw_data.
* This function can be called from ISR
* @param touch_num touch pad index
* @param touch_value pointer to accept touch sensor value
* @return
* - ESP_OK Success
* - ESP_ERR_INVALID_ARG Touch pad parameter error
* - ESP_ERR_INVALID_STATE This touch pad hardware connection is error, the value of "touch_value" is 0.
* - ESP_FAIL Touch pad not initialized
esp_err_t touch_pad_read_raw_data(touch_pad_t touch_num, uint16_t *touch_value);
* @brief Callback function that is called after each IIR filter calculation.
* @note This callback is called in timer task in each filtering cycle.
* @note This callback should not be blocked.
* @param raw_value The latest raw data(touch sensor counter value) that
* points to all channels(raw_value[0..TOUCH_PAD_MAX-1]).
* @param filtered_value The latest IIR filtered data(calculated from raw data) that
* points to all channels(filtered_value[0..TOUCH_PAD_MAX-1]).
typedef void (* filter_cb_t)(uint16_t *raw_value, uint16_t *filtered_value);
* @brief Register the callback function that is called after each IIR filter calculation.
* @note The 'read_cb' callback is called in timer task in each filtering cycle.
* @param read_cb Pointer to filtered callback function.
* If the argument passed in is NULL, the callback will stop.
* @return
* - ESP_OK Success
* - ESP_ERR_INVALID_ARG set error
esp_err_t touch_pad_set_filter_read_cb(filter_cb_t read_cb);
* @brief Register touch-pad ISR,
* @note Deprecated function, users should replace this with touch_pad_isr_register,
* because RTC modules share a same interrupt index.
* @param fn Pointer to ISR handler
* @param arg Parameter for ISR
* @param unused Reserved, not used
* @param handle_unused Reserved, not used
* @return
* - ESP_OK Success ;
* - ESP_ERR_NO_MEM No memory
esp_err_t touch_pad_isr_handler_register(void(*fn)(void *), void *arg, int unused, intr_handle_t *handle_unused) __attribute__ ((deprecated));
* @brief Register touch-pad ISR.
* The handler will be attached to the same CPU core that this function is running on.
* @param fn Pointer to ISR handler
* @param arg Parameter for ISR
* @return
* - ESP_OK Success ;
* - ESP_ERR_NO_MEM No memory
esp_err_t touch_pad_isr_register(intr_handler_t fn, void* arg);
* @brief Deregister the handler previously registered using touch_pad_isr_handler_register
* @param fn handler function to call (as passed to touch_pad_isr_handler_register)
* @param arg argument of the handler (as passed to touch_pad_isr_handler_register)
* @return
* - ESP_OK on success
* - ESP_ERR_INVALID_STATE if a handler matching both fn and
* arg isn't registered
esp_err_t touch_pad_isr_deregister(void(*fn)(void *), void *arg);
* @brief Set touch sensor measurement and sleep time
* @param sleep_cycle The touch sensor will sleep after each measurement.
* sleep_cycle decide the interval between each measurement.
* t_sleep = sleep_cycle / (RTC_SLOW_CLK frequency).
* The approximate frequency value of RTC_SLOW_CLK can be obtained using rtc_clk_slow_freq_get_hz function.
* @param meas_cycle The duration of the touch sensor measurement.
* t_meas = meas_cycle / 8M, the maximum measure time is 0xffff / 8M = 8.19 ms
* @return
* - ESP_OK on success
esp_err_t touch_pad_set_meas_time(uint16_t sleep_cycle, uint16_t meas_cycle);
* @brief Get touch sensor measurement and sleep time
* @param sleep_cycle Pointer to accept sleep cycle number
* @param meas_cycle Pointer to accept measurement cycle count.
* @return
* - ESP_OK on success
esp_err_t touch_pad_get_meas_time(uint16_t *sleep_cycle, uint16_t *meas_cycle);
* @brief Set touch sensor reference voltage, if the voltage gap between high and low reference voltage get less,
* the charging and discharging time would be faster, accordingly, the counter value would be larger.
* In the case of detecting very slight change of capacitance, we can narrow down the gap so as to increase
* the sensitivity. On the other hand, narrow voltage gap would also introduce more noise, but we can use a
* software filter to pre-process the counter value.
* @param refh the value of DREFH
* @param refl the value of DREFL
* @param atten the attenuation on DREFH
* @return
* - ESP_OK on success
* - ESP_ERR_INVALID_ARG if argument is wrong
esp_err_t touch_pad_set_voltage(touch_high_volt_t refh, touch_low_volt_t refl, touch_volt_atten_t atten);
* @brief Get touch sensor reference voltage,
* @param refh pointer to accept DREFH value
* @param refl pointer to accept DREFL value
* @param atten pointer to accept the attenuation on DREFH
* @return
* - ESP_OK on success
esp_err_t touch_pad_get_voltage(touch_high_volt_t *refh, touch_low_volt_t *refl, touch_volt_atten_t *atten);
* @brief Set touch sensor charge/discharge speed for each pad.
* If the slope is 0, the counter would always be zero.
* If the slope is 1, the charging and discharging would be slow, accordingly, the counter value would be small.
* If the slope is set 7, which is the maximum value, the charging and discharging would be fast, accordingly, the
* counter value would be larger.
* @param touch_num touch pad index
* @param slope touch pad charge/discharge speed
* @param opt the initial voltage
* @return
* - ESP_OK on success
* - ESP_ERR_INVALID_ARG if argument is wrong
esp_err_t touch_pad_set_cnt_mode(touch_pad_t touch_num, touch_cnt_slope_t slope, touch_tie_opt_t opt);
* @brief Get touch sensor charge/discharge speed for each pad
* @param touch_num touch pad index
* @param slope pointer to accept touch pad charge/discharge slope
* @param opt pointer to accept the initial voltage
* @return
* - ESP_OK on success
* - ESP_ERR_INVALID_ARG if argument is wrong
esp_err_t touch_pad_get_cnt_mode(touch_pad_t touch_num, touch_cnt_slope_t *slope, touch_tie_opt_t *opt);
* @brief Initialize touch pad GPIO
* @param touch_num touch pad index
* @return
* - ESP_OK on success
* - ESP_ERR_INVALID_ARG if argument is wrong
esp_err_t touch_pad_io_init(touch_pad_t touch_num);
* @brief Set touch sensor FSM mode, the test action can be triggered by the timer,
* as well as by the software.
* @param mode FSM mode
* @return
* - ESP_OK on success
* - ESP_ERR_INVALID_ARG if argument is wrong
esp_err_t touch_pad_set_fsm_mode(touch_fsm_mode_t mode);
* @brief Get touch sensor FSM mode
* @param mode pointer to accept FSM mode
* @return
* - ESP_OK on success
esp_err_t touch_pad_get_fsm_mode(touch_fsm_mode_t *mode);
* @brief Trigger a touch sensor measurement, only support in SW mode of FSM
* @return
* - ESP_OK on success
esp_err_t touch_pad_sw_start();
* @brief Set touch sensor interrupt threshold
* @param touch_num touch pad index
* @param threshold threshold of touchpad count, refer to touch_pad_set_trigger_mode to see how to set trigger mode.
* @return
* - ESP_OK on success
* - ESP_ERR_INVALID_ARG if argument is wrong
esp_err_t touch_pad_set_thresh(touch_pad_t touch_num, uint16_t threshold);
* @brief Get touch sensor interrupt threshold
* @param touch_num touch pad index
* @param threshold pointer to accept threshold
* @return
* - ESP_OK on success
* - ESP_ERR_INVALID_ARG if argument is wrong
esp_err_t touch_pad_get_thresh(touch_pad_t touch_num, uint16_t *threshold);
* @brief Set touch sensor interrupt trigger mode.
* Interrupt can be triggered either when counter result is less than
* threshold or when counter result is more than threshold.
* @param mode touch sensor interrupt trigger mode
* @return
* - ESP_OK on success
* - ESP_ERR_INVALID_ARG if argument is wrong
esp_err_t touch_pad_set_trigger_mode(touch_trigger_mode_t mode);
* @brief Get touch sensor interrupt trigger mode
* @param mode pointer to accept touch sensor interrupt trigger mode
* @return
* - ESP_OK on success
esp_err_t touch_pad_get_trigger_mode(touch_trigger_mode_t *mode);
* @brief Set touch sensor interrupt trigger source. There are two sets of touch signals.
* Set1 and set2 can be mapped to several touch signals. Either set will be triggered
* if at least one of its touch signal is 'touched'. The interrupt can be configured to be generated
* if set1 is triggered, or only if both sets are triggered.
* @param src touch sensor interrupt trigger source
* @return
* - ESP_OK on success
* - ESP_ERR_INVALID_ARG if argument is wrong
esp_err_t touch_pad_set_trigger_source(touch_trigger_src_t src);
* @brief Get touch sensor interrupt trigger source
* @param src pointer to accept touch sensor interrupt trigger source
* @return
* - ESP_OK on success
esp_err_t touch_pad_get_trigger_source(touch_trigger_src_t *src);
* @brief Set touch sensor group mask.
* Touch pad module has two sets of signals, 'Touched' signal is triggered only if
* at least one of touch pad in this group is "touched".
* This function will set the register bits according to the given bitmask.
* @param set1_mask bitmask of touch sensor signal group1, it's a 10-bit value
* @param set2_mask bitmask of touch sensor signal group2, it's a 10-bit value
* @param en_mask bitmask of touch sensor work enable, it's a 10-bit value
* @return
* - ESP_OK on success
* - ESP_ERR_INVALID_ARG if argument is wrong
esp_err_t touch_pad_set_group_mask(uint16_t set1_mask, uint16_t set2_mask, uint16_t en_mask);
* @brief Get touch sensor group mask.
* @param set1_mask pointer to accept bitmask of touch sensor signal group1, it's a 10-bit value
* @param set2_mask pointer to accept bitmask of touch sensor signal group2, it's a 10-bit value
* @param en_mask pointer to accept bitmask of touch sensor work enable, it's a 10-bit value
* @return
* - ESP_OK on success
esp_err_t touch_pad_get_group_mask(uint16_t *set1_mask, uint16_t *set2_mask, uint16_t *en_mask);
* @brief Clear touch sensor group mask.
* Touch pad module has two sets of signals, Interrupt is triggered only if
* at least one of touch pad in this group is "touched".
* This function will clear the register bits according to the given bitmask.
* @param set1_mask bitmask touch sensor signal group1, it's a 10-bit value
* @param set2_mask bitmask touch sensor signal group2, it's a 10-bit value
* @param en_mask bitmask of touch sensor work enable, it's a 10-bit value
* @return
* - ESP_OK on success
* - ESP_ERR_INVALID_ARG if argument is wrong
esp_err_t touch_pad_clear_group_mask(uint16_t set1_mask, uint16_t set2_mask, uint16_t en_mask);
* @brief To clear the touch status register, usually use this function in touch ISR to clear status.
* @return
* - ESP_OK on success
esp_err_t touch_pad_clear_status();
* @brief Get the touch sensor status, usually used in ISR to decide which pads are 'touched'.
* @return
* - touch status
uint32_t touch_pad_get_status();
* @brief To enable touch pad interrupt
* @return
* - ESP_OK on success
esp_err_t touch_pad_intr_enable();
* @brief To disable touch pad interrupt
* @return
* - ESP_OK on success
esp_err_t touch_pad_intr_disable();
* @brief set touch pad filter calibration period, in ms.
* Need to call touch_pad_filter_start before all touch filter APIs
* @param new_period_ms filter period, in ms
* @return
* - ESP_OK Success
* - ESP_ERR_INVALID_STATE driver state error
* - ESP_ERR_INVALID_ARG parameter error
esp_err_t touch_pad_set_filter_period(uint32_t new_period_ms);
* @brief get touch pad filter calibration period, in ms
* Need to call touch_pad_filter_start before all touch filter APIs
* @param p_period_ms pointer to accept period
* @return
* - ESP_OK Success
* - ESP_ERR_INVALID_STATE driver state error
* - ESP_ERR_INVALID_ARG parameter error
esp_err_t touch_pad_get_filter_period(uint32_t* p_period_ms);
* @brief start touch pad filter function
* This API will start a filter to process the noise in order to prevent false triggering
* when detecting slight change of capacitance.
* Need to call touch_pad_filter_start before all touch filter APIs
* @note This filter uses FreeRTOS timer, which is dispatched from a task with
* priority 1 by default on CPU 0. So if some application task with higher priority
* takes a lot of CPU0 time, then the quality of data obtained from this filter will be affected.
* You can adjust FreeRTOS timer task priority in menuconfig.
* @param filter_period_ms filter calibration period, in ms
* @return
* - ESP_OK Success
* - ESP_ERR_INVALID_ARG parameter error
* - ESP_ERR_NO_MEM No memory for driver
* - ESP_ERR_INVALID_STATE driver state error
esp_err_t touch_pad_filter_start(uint32_t filter_period_ms);
* @brief stop touch pad filter function
* Need to call touch_pad_filter_start before all touch filter APIs
* @return
* - ESP_OK Success
* - ESP_ERR_INVALID_STATE driver state error
esp_err_t touch_pad_filter_stop();
* @brief delete touch pad filter driver and release the memory
* Need to call touch_pad_filter_start before all touch filter APIs
* @return
* - ESP_OK Success
* - ESP_ERR_INVALID_STATE driver state error
esp_err_t touch_pad_filter_delete();
* @brief Get the touch pad which caused wakeup from sleep
* @param pad_num pointer to touch pad which caused wakeup
* @return
* - ESP_OK Success
* - ESP_FAIL get status err
esp_err_t touch_pad_get_wakeup_status(touch_pad_t *pad_num);
#ifdef __cplusplus