The i2c peripheral will hang if a READ request is issued with a zero data length. The peripheral
drops into a continuous timeout interrupt response. The STOP command can not be set out to the I2C
bus. The SLAVE device correctly ACK'd the address byte, with READ bit set, it has control of the SDA
pin. The ESP32 send out the next SCL HIGH pulse but, since the SLAVE is in READ Mode, and the First
bit it is sending happened to be a ZERO, the ESP32 cannot send the STOP. When it releases SDA during
the SCL HIGH, the pin does not change state. The pin stays low because the SLAVE is outputing a LOW!
The ESP32 drops into a perminent WAIT state waiting for SDA to go HIGH (the STOP).
* add databuff length checks to `i2cRead()` and `i2cWrite()`