Me No Dev 96822d783f
Update IDF to 3.2-3276a13 and to 2.5.0 ()
* TX Flow Control and Code cleanup

* Use semaphore instead of delay

TX functionality is done.

* Use single buffer and empty queue on exit

* Fix compile issues because of LwIP code relocation

* Add temporary header to fix Azure not compiling

* Fix AsyncUDP early init

* AsyncUDP Multicast fixes

* Add source mac address and rework multicast

* Allow redefinition of default pins for Serials 1 and 2

* Update IDF to 3276a13

* Update to 2.5.0

* Fix sketches

* Fix log level in BluetoothSetial
2018-09-21 08:39:36 +02:00

62 lines
1.3 KiB

#include "freertos/FreeRTOS.h"
#include "freertos/task.h"
#include "freertos/event_groups.h"
#include "Arduino.h"
#include "esp32-hal.h"
rmt_data_t my_data[256];
rmt_data_t data[256];
rmt_obj_t* rmt_send = NULL;
rmt_obj_t* rmt_recv = NULL;
static EventGroupHandle_t events;
void setup()
if ((rmt_send = rmtInit(18, true, RMT_MEM_64)) == NULL)
Serial.println("init sender failed\n");
if ((rmt_recv = rmtInit(21, false, RMT_MEM_192)) == NULL)
Serial.println("init receiver failed\n");
float realTick = rmtSetTick(rmt_send, 100);
printf("real tick set to: %fns\n", realTick);
void loop()
// Init data
int i;
for (i=0; i<255; i++) {
data[i].val = 0x80010001 + ((i%13)<<16) + 13-(i%13);
data[255].val = 0;
// Start receiving
rmtReadAsync(rmt_recv, my_data, 100, events, false, 0);
// Send in continous mode
rmtWrite(rmt_send, data, 100);
// Wait for data
xEventGroupWaitBits(events, RMT_FLAG_RX_DONE, 1, 1, portMAX_DELAY);
// Printout the received data plus the original values
for (i=0; i<60; i++)
Serial.printf("%08x=%08x ", my_data[i], data[i] );
if (!((i+1)%4)) Serial.println("\n");