690 lines
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690 lines
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WebServer.cpp - Dead simple web-server.
Supports only one simultaneous client, knows how to handle GET and POST.
Copyright (c) 2014 Ivan Grokhotkov. All rights reserved.
This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
Lesser General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
Modified 8 May 2015 by Hristo Gochkov (proper post and file upload handling)
#include <Arduino.h>
#include <esp32-hal-log.h>
#include <libb64/cencode.h>
#include "WiFiServer.h"
#include "WiFiClient.h"
#include "WebServer.h"
#include "FS.h"
#include "detail/RequestHandlersImpl.h"
#include "mbedtls/md5.h"
static const char AUTHORIZATION_HEADER[] = "Authorization";
static const char qop_auth[] = "qop=auth";
static const char WWW_Authenticate[] = "WWW-Authenticate";
static const char Content_Length[] = "Content-Length";
WebServer::WebServer(IPAddress addr, int port)
: _corsEnabled(false)
, _server(addr, port)
, _currentMethod(HTTP_ANY)
, _currentVersion(0)
, _currentStatus(HC_NONE)
, _statusChange(0)
, _currentHandler(nullptr)
, _firstHandler(nullptr)
, _lastHandler(nullptr)
, _currentArgCount(0)
, _currentArgs(nullptr)
, _postArgsLen(0)
, _postArgs(nullptr)
, _headerKeysCount(0)
, _currentHeaders(nullptr)
, _contentLength(0)
, _chunked(false)
WebServer::WebServer(int port)
: _corsEnabled(false)
, _server(port)
, _currentMethod(HTTP_ANY)
, _currentVersion(0)
, _currentStatus(HC_NONE)
, _statusChange(0)
, _currentHandler(nullptr)
, _firstHandler(nullptr)
, _lastHandler(nullptr)
, _currentArgCount(0)
, _currentArgs(nullptr)
, _postArgsLen(0)
, _postArgs(nullptr)
, _headerKeysCount(0)
, _currentHeaders(nullptr)
, _contentLength(0)
, _chunked(false)
WebServer::~WebServer() {
if (_currentHeaders)
RequestHandler* handler = _firstHandler;
while (handler) {
RequestHandler* next = handler->next();
delete handler;
handler = next;
void WebServer::begin() {
void WebServer::begin(uint16_t port) {
String WebServer::_extractParam(String& authReq,const String& param,const char delimit){
int _begin = authReq.indexOf(param);
if (_begin == -1)
return "";
return authReq.substring(_begin+param.length(),authReq.indexOf(delimit,_begin+param.length()));
static String md5str(String &in){
char out[33] = {0};
mbedtls_md5_context _ctx;
uint8_t i;
uint8_t * _buf = (uint8_t*)malloc(16);
if(_buf == NULL)
return String(out);
memset(_buf, 0x00, 16);
mbedtls_md5_update(&_ctx, (const uint8_t *)in.c_str(), in.length());
mbedtls_md5_finish(&_ctx, _buf);
for(i = 0; i < 16; i++) {
sprintf(out + (i * 2), "%02x", _buf[i]);
out[32] = 0;
return String(out);
bool WebServer::authenticate(const char * username, const char * password){
String authReq = header(FPSTR(AUTHORIZATION_HEADER));
authReq = authReq.substring(6);
char toencodeLen = strlen(username)+strlen(password)+1;
char *toencode = new char[toencodeLen + 1];
if(toencode == NULL){
authReq = "";
return false;
char *encoded = new char[base64_encode_expected_len(toencodeLen)+1];
if(encoded == NULL){
authReq = "";
delete[] toencode;
return false;
sprintf(toencode, "%s:%s", username, password);
if(base64_encode_chars(toencode, toencodeLen, encoded) > 0 && authReq.equalsConstantTime(encoded)) {
authReq = "";
delete[] toencode;
delete[] encoded;
return true;
delete[] toencode;
delete[] encoded;
} else if(authReq.startsWith(F("Digest"))) {
authReq = authReq.substring(7);
log_v("%s", authReq.c_str());
String _username = _extractParam(authReq,F("username=\""));
if(!_username.length() || _username != String(username)) {
authReq = "";
return false;
// extracting required parameters for RFC 2069 simpler Digest
String _realm = _extractParam(authReq, F("realm=\""));
String _nonce = _extractParam(authReq, F("nonce=\""));
String _uri = _extractParam(authReq, F("uri=\""));
String _response = _extractParam(authReq, F("response=\""));
String _opaque = _extractParam(authReq, F("opaque=\""));
if((!_realm.length()) || (!_nonce.length()) || (!_uri.length()) || (!_response.length()) || (!_opaque.length())) {
authReq = "";
return false;
if((_opaque != _sopaque) || (_nonce != _snonce) || (_realm != _srealm)) {
authReq = "";
return false;
// parameters for the RFC 2617 newer Digest
String _nc,_cnonce;
if(authReq.indexOf(FPSTR(qop_auth)) != -1) {
_nc = _extractParam(authReq, F("nc="), ',');
_cnonce = _extractParam(authReq, F("cnonce=\""));
String _H1 = md5str(String(username) + ':' + _realm + ':' + String(password));
log_v("Hash of user:realm:pass=%s", _H1.c_str());
String _H2 = "";
if(_currentMethod == HTTP_GET){
_H2 = md5str(String(F("GET:")) + _uri);
}else if(_currentMethod == HTTP_POST){
_H2 = md5str(String(F("POST:")) + _uri);
}else if(_currentMethod == HTTP_PUT){
_H2 = md5str(String(F("PUT:")) + _uri);
}else if(_currentMethod == HTTP_DELETE){
_H2 = md5str(String(F("DELETE:")) + _uri);
_H2 = md5str(String(F("GET:")) + _uri);
log_v("Hash of GET:uri=%s", _H2.c_str());
String _responsecheck = "";
if(authReq.indexOf(FPSTR(qop_auth)) != -1) {
_responsecheck = md5str(_H1 + ':' + _nonce + ':' + _nc + ':' + _cnonce + F(":auth:") + _H2);
} else {
_responsecheck = md5str(_H1 + ':' + _nonce + ':' + _H2);
log_v("The Proper response=%s", _responsecheck.c_str());
if(_response == _responsecheck){
authReq = "";
return true;
authReq = "";
return false;
String WebServer::_getRandomHexString() {
char buffer[33]; // buffer to hold 32 Hex Digit + /0
int i;
for(i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
sprintf (buffer + (i*8), "%08x", esp_random());
return String(buffer);
void WebServer::requestAuthentication(HTTPAuthMethod mode, const char* realm, const String& authFailMsg) {
if(realm == NULL) {
_srealm = String(F("Login Required"));
} else {
_srealm = String(realm);
if(mode == BASIC_AUTH) {
sendHeader(String(FPSTR(WWW_Authenticate)), String(F("Basic realm=\"")) + _srealm + String(F("\"")));
} else {
sendHeader(String(FPSTR(WWW_Authenticate)), String(F("Digest realm=\"")) +_srealm + String(F("\", qop=\"auth\", nonce=\"")) + _snonce + String(F("\", opaque=\"")) + _sopaque + String(F("\"")));
using namespace mime;
send(401, String(FPSTR(mimeTable[html].mimeType)), authFailMsg);
void WebServer::on(const String &uri, WebServer::THandlerFunction handler) {
on(uri, HTTP_ANY, handler);
void WebServer::on(const String &uri, HTTPMethod method, WebServer::THandlerFunction fn) {
on(uri, method, fn, _fileUploadHandler);
void WebServer::on(const String &uri, HTTPMethod method, WebServer::THandlerFunction fn, WebServer::THandlerFunction ufn) {
_addRequestHandler(new FunctionRequestHandler(fn, ufn, uri, method));
void WebServer::addHandler(RequestHandler* handler) {
void WebServer::_addRequestHandler(RequestHandler* handler) {
if (!_lastHandler) {
_firstHandler = handler;
_lastHandler = handler;
else {
_lastHandler = handler;
void WebServer::serveStatic(const char* uri, FS& fs, const char* path, const char* cache_header) {
_addRequestHandler(new StaticRequestHandler(fs, path, uri, cache_header));
void WebServer::handleClient() {
if (_currentStatus == HC_NONE) {
WiFiClient client = _server.available();
if (!client) {
log_v("New client");
_currentClient = client;
_currentStatus = HC_WAIT_READ;
_statusChange = millis();
bool keepCurrentClient = false;
bool callYield = false;
if (_currentClient.connected()) {
switch (_currentStatus) {
case HC_NONE:
// No-op to avoid C++ compiler warning
// Wait for data from client to become available
if (_currentClient.available()) {
if (_parseRequest(_currentClient)) {
_contentLength = CONTENT_LENGTH_NOT_SET;
if (_currentClient.connected()) {
_currentStatus = HC_WAIT_CLOSE;
_statusChange = millis();
keepCurrentClient = true;
} else { // !_currentClient.available()
if (millis() - _statusChange <= HTTP_MAX_DATA_WAIT) {
keepCurrentClient = true;
callYield = true;
// Wait for client to close the connection
if (millis() - _statusChange <= HTTP_MAX_CLOSE_WAIT) {
keepCurrentClient = true;
callYield = true;
if (!keepCurrentClient) {
_currentClient = WiFiClient();
_currentStatus = HC_NONE;
if (callYield) {
void WebServer::close() {
_currentStatus = HC_NONE;
collectHeaders(0, 0);
void WebServer::stop() {
void WebServer::sendHeader(const String& name, const String& value, bool first) {
String headerLine = name;
headerLine += F(": ");
headerLine += value;
headerLine += "\r\n";
if (first) {
_responseHeaders = headerLine + _responseHeaders;
else {
_responseHeaders += headerLine;
void WebServer::setContentLength(const size_t contentLength) {
_contentLength = contentLength;
void WebServer::enableCORS(boolean value) {
_corsEnabled = value;
void WebServer::enableCrossOrigin(boolean value) {
void WebServer::_prepareHeader(String& response, int code, const char* content_type, size_t contentLength) {
response = String(F("HTTP/1.")) + String(_currentVersion) + ' ';
response += String(code);
response += ' ';
response += _responseCodeToString(code);
response += "\r\n";
using namespace mime;
if (!content_type)
content_type = mimeTable[html].mimeType;
sendHeader(String(F("Content-Type")), String(FPSTR(content_type)), true);
if (_contentLength == CONTENT_LENGTH_NOT_SET) {
sendHeader(String(FPSTR(Content_Length)), String(contentLength));
} else if (_contentLength != CONTENT_LENGTH_UNKNOWN) {
sendHeader(String(FPSTR(Content_Length)), String(_contentLength));
} else if(_contentLength == CONTENT_LENGTH_UNKNOWN && _currentVersion){ //HTTP/1.1 or above client
//let's do chunked
_chunked = true;
if (_corsEnabled) {
sendHeader(String(FPSTR("Access-Control-Allow-Origin")), String("*"));
sendHeader(String(F("Connection")), String(F("close")));
response += _responseHeaders;
response += "\r\n";
_responseHeaders = "";
void WebServer::send(int code, const char* content_type, const String& content) {
String header;
// Can we asume the following?
//if(code == 200 && content.length() == 0 && _contentLength == CONTENT_LENGTH_NOT_SET)
// _contentLength = CONTENT_LENGTH_UNKNOWN;
_prepareHeader(header, code, content_type, content.length());
_currentClientWrite(header.c_str(), header.length());
void WebServer::send_P(int code, PGM_P content_type, PGM_P content) {
size_t contentLength = 0;
if (content != NULL) {
contentLength = strlen_P(content);
String header;
char type[64];
memccpy_P((void*)type, (PGM_VOID_P)content_type, 0, sizeof(type));
_prepareHeader(header, code, (const char* )type, contentLength);
_currentClientWrite(header.c_str(), header.length());
void WebServer::send_P(int code, PGM_P content_type, PGM_P content, size_t contentLength) {
String header;
char type[64];
memccpy_P((void*)type, (PGM_VOID_P)content_type, 0, sizeof(type));
_prepareHeader(header, code, (const char* )type, contentLength);
sendContent_P(content, contentLength);
void WebServer::send(int code, char* content_type, const String& content) {
send(code, (const char*)content_type, content);
void WebServer::send(int code, const String& content_type, const String& content) {
send(code, (const char*)content_type.c_str(), content);
void WebServer::sendContent(const String& content) {
const char * footer = "\r\n";
size_t len = content.length();
if(_chunked) {
char * chunkSize = (char *)malloc(11);
sprintf(chunkSize, "%x%s", len, footer);
_currentClientWrite(chunkSize, strlen(chunkSize));
_currentClientWrite(content.c_str(), len);
_currentClient.write(footer, 2);
if (len == 0) {
_chunked = false;
void WebServer::sendContent_P(PGM_P content) {
sendContent_P(content, strlen_P(content));
void WebServer::sendContent_P(PGM_P content, size_t size) {
const char * footer = "\r\n";
if(_chunked) {
char * chunkSize = (char *)malloc(11);
sprintf(chunkSize, "%x%s", size, footer);
_currentClientWrite(chunkSize, strlen(chunkSize));
_currentClientWrite_P(content, size);
_currentClient.write(footer, 2);
if (size == 0) {
_chunked = false;
void WebServer::_streamFileCore(const size_t fileSize, const String & fileName, const String & contentType)
using namespace mime;
if (fileName.endsWith(String(FPSTR(mimeTable[gz].endsWith))) &&
contentType != String(FPSTR(mimeTable[gz].mimeType)) &&
contentType != String(FPSTR(mimeTable[none].mimeType))) {
sendHeader(F("Content-Encoding"), F("gzip"));
send(200, contentType, "");
String WebServer::pathArg(unsigned int i) {
if (_currentHandler != nullptr)
return _currentHandler->pathArg(i);
return "";
String WebServer::arg(String name) {
for (int j = 0; j < _postArgsLen; ++j) {
if ( _postArgs[j].key == name )
return _postArgs[j].value;
for (int i = 0; i < _currentArgCount; ++i) {
if ( _currentArgs[i].key == name )
return _currentArgs[i].value;
return "";
String WebServer::arg(int i) {
if (i < _currentArgCount)
return _currentArgs[i].value;
return "";
String WebServer::argName(int i) {
if (i < _currentArgCount)
return _currentArgs[i].key;
return "";
int WebServer::args() {
return _currentArgCount;
bool WebServer::hasArg(String name) {
for (int j = 0; j < _postArgsLen; ++j) {
if (_postArgs[j].key == name)
return true;
for (int i = 0; i < _currentArgCount; ++i) {
if (_currentArgs[i].key == name)
return true;
return false;
String WebServer::header(String name) {
for (int i = 0; i < _headerKeysCount; ++i) {
if (_currentHeaders[i].key.equalsIgnoreCase(name))
return _currentHeaders[i].value;
return "";
void WebServer::collectHeaders(const char* headerKeys[], const size_t headerKeysCount) {
_headerKeysCount = headerKeysCount + 1;
if (_currentHeaders)
_currentHeaders = new RequestArgument[_headerKeysCount];
_currentHeaders[0].key = FPSTR(AUTHORIZATION_HEADER);
for (int i = 1; i < _headerKeysCount; i++){
_currentHeaders[i].key = headerKeys[i-1];
String WebServer::header(int i) {
if (i < _headerKeysCount)
return _currentHeaders[i].value;
return "";
String WebServer::headerName(int i) {
if (i < _headerKeysCount)
return _currentHeaders[i].key;
return "";
int WebServer::headers() {
return _headerKeysCount;
bool WebServer::hasHeader(String name) {
for (int i = 0; i < _headerKeysCount; ++i) {
if ((_currentHeaders[i].key.equalsIgnoreCase(name)) && (_currentHeaders[i].value.length() > 0))
return true;
return false;
String WebServer::hostHeader() {
return _hostHeader;
void WebServer::onFileUpload(THandlerFunction fn) {
_fileUploadHandler = fn;
void WebServer::onNotFound(THandlerFunction fn) {
_notFoundHandler = fn;
void WebServer::_handleRequest() {
bool handled = false;
if (!_currentHandler){
log_e("request handler not found");
else {
handled = _currentHandler->handle(*this, _currentMethod, _currentUri);
if (!handled) {
log_e("request handler failed to handle request");
if (!handled && _notFoundHandler) {
handled = true;
if (!handled) {
using namespace mime;
send(404, String(FPSTR(mimeTable[html].mimeType)), String(F("Not found: ")) + _currentUri);
handled = true;
if (handled) {
_currentUri = "";
void WebServer::_finalizeResponse() {
if (_chunked) {
String WebServer::_responseCodeToString(int code) {
switch (code) {
case 100: return F("Continue");
case 101: return F("Switching Protocols");
case 200: return F("OK");
case 201: return F("Created");
case 202: return F("Accepted");
case 203: return F("Non-Authoritative Information");
case 204: return F("No Content");
case 205: return F("Reset Content");
case 206: return F("Partial Content");
case 300: return F("Multiple Choices");
case 301: return F("Moved Permanently");
case 302: return F("Found");
case 303: return F("See Other");
case 304: return F("Not Modified");
case 305: return F("Use Proxy");
case 307: return F("Temporary Redirect");
case 400: return F("Bad Request");
case 401: return F("Unauthorized");
case 402: return F("Payment Required");
case 403: return F("Forbidden");
case 404: return F("Not Found");
case 405: return F("Method Not Allowed");
case 406: return F("Not Acceptable");
case 407: return F("Proxy Authentication Required");
case 408: return F("Request Time-out");
case 409: return F("Conflict");
case 410: return F("Gone");
case 411: return F("Length Required");
case 412: return F("Precondition Failed");
case 413: return F("Request Entity Too Large");
case 414: return F("Request-URI Too Large");
case 415: return F("Unsupported Media Type");
case 416: return F("Requested range not satisfiable");
case 417: return F("Expectation Failed");
case 500: return F("Internal Server Error");
case 501: return F("Not Implemented");
case 502: return F("Bad Gateway");
case 503: return F("Service Unavailable");
case 504: return F("Gateway Time-out");
case 505: return F("HTTP Version not supported");
default: return F("");