<?php /** * Monero PHP API * @author SerHack * @version 0.1 * @year 2017 * */ /* WORK IN PROGRESS */ class Monero_Payments{ private $url; private $client; private $ip; private $port; /** * Start the connection with daemon * @param $ip IP of Monero RPC * @param $port Port of Monero RPC */ function __construct ($ip = '', $port, $protocol = 'http'){ $this->ip = $ip; $this->port = $port; // I need to implement a sort of validating http or https $this->url = $protocol.'://'.$ip.':'.$port.'/json_rpc'; $this->client = new jsonRPCClient($this->url); } /* * Run a method or method + parameters * @param $method Name of Method */ private function _run($method,$params = null) { $result = $this->client->_run($method, $params); return $result; } private function _transform($amount){ $new_amount = $amount * 100000000; return $new_amount; } /** * Print json (for api) * @return $json */ public function _print($json){ $json_parsed = json_encode($json, JSON_PRETTY_PRINT | JSON_UNESCAPED_UNICODE | JSON_UNESCAPED_SLASHES); echo $json_parsed; } /** * Print Monero Address as JSON Array */ public function address(){ $address = $this->_run('getaddress'); return $address; } /* * Print Monero Balance as JSON Array */ public function getbalance(){ $balance = $this->_run('getbalance'); return $balance; } /* * Print Monero Height as JSON Array */ public function getheight(){ $height = $this->_run('getheight'); return $height; } /* * Incoming Transfer * $type must be All */ public function incoming_transfer($type){ $incoming_parameters = array('transfer_type' => $type); $incoming_transfers = $this->_run('incoming_transfers', $incoming_parameters); return $incoming_transfers; } public function get_transfers($input_type, $input_value){ $get_parameters = array($input_type => $input_value); $get_transfers = $this->_run('get_transfers', $get_parameters); return $get_transfers; } public function view_key(){ $query_key = array('key_type' => 'view_key'); $query_key_method = $this->_run('query_key', $query_key); return $query_key_method; } /* A payment id can be passed as a string A random payment id will be generatd if one is not given */ public function make_integrated_address($payment_id){ $integrate_address_parameters = array('payment_id' => $payment_id); $integrate_address_method = $this->_run('make_integrated_address', $integrate_address_parameters); return $integrate_address_method; } public function split_integrated_address($integrated_address){ if(!isset($integrated_address)){ echo "Error: Integrated_Address mustn't be null"; } else{ $split_params = array('integrated_address' => $integrated_address); $split_methods = $this->_run('split_integrated_address', $split_params); return $split_methods; } } public function make_uri($address, $amount, $recipient_name = null, $description = null){ // If I pass 1, it will be 1 xmr. Then $new_amount = $amount * 1000000000000; $uri_params = array('address' => $address, 'amount' => $new_amount, 'payment_id' => '', 'recipient_name' => $recipient_name, 'tx_description' => $description); $uri = $this->_run('make_uri', $uri_params); return $uri; } public function parse_uri($uri){ $uri_parameters = array('uri' => $uri); $parsed_uri = $this->_run('parse_uri', $uri_parameters); return $parsed_uri; } public function transfer($amount, $address, $mixin = 4){ $new_amount = $amount * 1000000000000; $destinations = array('amount' => $new_amount, 'address' => $address); $transfer_parameters = array('destinations' => array($destinations), 'mixin' => $mixin, 'get_tx_key' => true, 'unlock_time' => 0, 'payment_id' => ''); $transfer_method = $this->_run('transfer', $transfer_parameters); return $transfer_method; } public function get_payments($payment_id){ $get_payments_parameters = array('payment_id' => $payment_id); $get_payments = $this->_run('get_payments', $get_payments_parameters); return $get_payments; } public function get_bulk_payments($payment_id, $min_block_height){ $get_bulk_payments_parameters = array('payment_id' => $payment_id, 'min_block_height' => $min_block_height); $get_bulk_payments = $this->_run('get_bulk_payments', $get_bulk_payments_parameters); return $get_bulk_payments; } }