echo "
private function set_paymentid_cookie($size)
if (!isset($_COOKIE['payment_id'])) {
$payment_id = bin2hex(openssl_random_pseudo_bytes($size));
setcookie('payment_id', $payment_id, time() + 2700);
$payment_id = $this->sanatize_id($_COOKIE['payment_id']);
return $payment_id;
public function sanatize_id($payment_id)
// Limit payment id to alphanumeric characters
$sanatized_id = preg_replace("/[^a-zA-Z0-9]+/", "", $payment_id);
return $sanatized_id;
public function changeto($amount, $currency, $payment_id)
global $wpdb;
// This will create a table named whatever the payment id is inside the database "WordPress"
$create_table = "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS $payment_id (
rate INT
$rows_num = $wpdb->get_results("SELECT count(*) as count FROM $payment_id");
if ($rows_num[0]->count > 0) // Checks if the row has already been created or not
$stored_rate = $wpdb->get_results("SELECT rate FROM $payment_id");
$stored_rate_transformed = $stored_rate[0]->rate / 100; //this will turn the stored rate back into a decimaled number
if (isset($this->discount)) {
$sanatized_discount = preg_replace('/[^0-9]/', '', $this->discount);
$discount_decimal = $sanatized_discount / 100;
$new_amount = $amount / $stored_rate_transformed;
$discount = $new_amount * $discount_decimal;
$final_amount = $new_amount - $discount;
$rounded_amount = round($final_amount, 12);
} else {
$new_amount = $amount / $stored_rate_transformed;
$rounded_amount = round($new_amount, 12); //the Monero wallet can't handle decimals smaller than 0.000000000001
} else // If the row has not been created then the live exchange rate will be grabbed and stored
$xmr_live_price = $this->retriveprice($currency);
$live_for_storing = $xmr_live_price * 100; //This will remove the decimal so that it can easily be stored as an integer
$wpdb->query("INSERT INTO $payment_id (rate) VALUES ($live_for_storing)");
$new_amount = $amount / $xmr_live_price;
$discount = $new_amount * $this->discount / 100;
$discounted_price = $new_amount - $discount;
$rounded_amount = round($discounted_price, 12);
$new_amount = $amount / $xmr_live_price;
$rounded_amount = round($new_amount, 12);
return $rounded_amount;
// Check if we are forcing SSL on checkout pages
// Custom function not required by the Gateway
public function retriveprice($currency)
$api_link = 'https://min-api.cryptocompare.com/data/price?fsym=XMR&tsyms=BTC,USD,EUR,CAD,INR,GBP,COP,SGD' . ',' . $currency . '&extraParams=monero_woocommerce';
$xmr_price = file_get_contents($api_link);
$price = json_decode($xmr_price, TRUE);
if (!isset($price)) {
$this->log->add('Monero_Gateway', '[ERROR] Unable to get the price of Monero');
switch ($currency) {
case 'USD':
return $price['USD'];
case 'EUR':
return $price['EUR'];
case 'CAD':
return $price['CAD'];
case 'GBP':
return $price['GBP'];
case 'INR':
return $price['INR'];
case 'COP':
return $price['COP'];
case 'SGD':
return $price['SGD'];
case $currency:
return $price[$currency];
case 'XMR':
$price = '1';
return $price;
private function on_verified($payment_id, $amount_atomic_units, $order_id)
$message = "Payment has been received and confirmed. Thanks!";
$this->log->add('Monero_gateway', '[SUCCESS] Payment has been recorded. Congratulations!');
$this->confirmed = true;
$order = wc_get_order($order_id);
if($this->is_virtual_in_cart($order_id) == true){
$order->update_status('completed', __('Payment has been received.', 'monero_gateway'));
$order->update_status('processing', __('Payment has been received.', 'monero_gateway')); // Show payment id used for order
global $wpdb;
$wpdb->query("DROP TABLE $payment_id"); // Drop the table from database after payment has been confirmed as it is no longer needed
$this->reloadTime = 3000000000000; // Greatly increase the reload time as it is no longer needed
return $message;
public function verify_payment($payment_id, $amount, $order_id)
* function for verifying payments
* Check if a payment has been made with this payment id then notify the merchant
$message = "We are waiting for your payment to be confirmed";
$amount_atomic_units = $amount * 1000000000000;
$get_payments_method = $this->monero_daemon->get_payments($payment_id);
if (isset($get_payments_method["payments"][0]["amount"])) {
if ($get_payments_method["payments"][0]["amount"] >= $amount_atomic_units)
$message = $this->on_verified($payment_id, $amount_atomic_units, $order_id);
if ($get_payments_method["payments"][0]["amount"] < $amount_atomic_units)
$totalPayed = $get_payments_method["payments"][0]["amount"];
$outputs_count = count($get_payments_method["payments"]); // number of outputs recieved with this payment id
$output_counter = 1;
while($output_counter < $outputs_count)
$totalPayed += $get_payments_method["payments"][$output_counter]["amount"];
if($totalPayed >= $amount_atomic_units)
$message = $this->on_verified($payment_id, $amount_atomic_units, $order_id);
return $message;
public function last_block_seen($height) // sometimes 2 blocks are mined within a few seconds of each other. Make sure we don't miss one
if (!isset($_COOKIE['last_seen_block']))
setcookie('last_seen_block', $height, time() + 2700);
return 0;
$cookie_block = $_COOKIE['last_seen_block'];
$difference = $height - $cookie_block;
setcookie('last_seen_block', $height, time() + 2700);
return $difference;
public function verify_non_rpc($payment_id, $amount, $order_id, $accept_zero_conf = false)
$tools = new NodeTools($this->testnet);
$amount_atomic_units = $amount * 1000000000000;
$outputs = $tools->get_outputs($this->address, $this->viewKey, $accept_zero_conf);
$outs_count = count($outputs);
$i = 0;
if($outs_count != 0)
while($i < $outs_count )
if($outputs[$i]['payment_id'] == $payment_id)
if($outputs[$i]['amount'] >= $amount_atomic_units)
$this->on_verified($payment_id, $amount_atomic_units, $order_id);
return true;
return false;
public function do_ssl_check()
if ($this->enabled == "yes" && !$this->get_option('onion_service')) {
if (get_option('woocommerce_force_ssl_checkout') == "no") {
echo "
" . sprintf(__("%s is enabled and WooCommerce is not forcing the SSL certificate on your checkout page. Please ensure that you have a valid SSL certificate and that you are forcing the checkout pages to be secured."), $this->method_title, admin_url('admin.php?page=wc-settings&tab=checkout')) . "
public function connect_daemon()
$host = $this->settings['daemon_host'];
$port = $this->settings['daemon_port'];
$monero_library = new Monero($host, $port);
if ($monero_library->works() == true) {
echo "
Everything works! Congratulations and welcome to Monero.